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Same Sex Marriages?

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I know this topic isnt specific to thailand but I'm interested to know what you people think about the recent move in the US towards same sex marriages.

To me the issue is a no-brainer and seems to be driven strictly by political motives.

Should same sex marriages be allowed or not? and Why?

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I know this topic isnt specific to thailand but I'm interested to know what you people think about the recent move in the US towards same sex marriages.

To me the issue is a no-brainer and seems to be driven strictly by political motives.

Should same sex marriages be allowed or not? and Why?

Not a form of legal marriage IMHO.

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Daft is quite a light hearted word, but if there was a really dark, sinister version of 'daft' then that is how I would describe it.

It isn't technically marraige, same same a lawnmower isn't technically a boat.

As sick as it is it has become legal in some states in the us.

You say it isn't technically a marriage?

It sure is. They get tax benefits, can change their names, can adopt children, divorce, alimimony--the whole 9 yards.

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I think the whole institution of ‘marriage’ is an outdated and ridiculous concept anyway. What does paper prove that people love each other – not really.

In today’s society it only exists for practical reasons of mutual benefit to both parties concerned.

As for same sex marriage the thought has never occurred to me so I couldn’t care less.

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I think the whole institution of ‘marriage’ is an outdated and ridiculous concept anyway. What does paper prove that people love each other – not really.

In today’s society it only exists for practical reasons of mutual benefit to both parties concerned.

As for same sex marriage the thought has never occurred to me so I couldn’t care less.

But it certainly has been around for a long, long time. It served my parents well. Were your parents all messed up in marriage ?

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Daft is quite a light hearted word, but if there was a really dark, sinister version of 'daft' then that is how I would describe it.

It isn't technically marraige, same same a lawnmower isn't technically a boat.

As sick as it is it has become legal in some states in the us.

You say it isn't technically a marriage?

It sure is. They get tax benefits, can change their names, can adopt children, divorce, alimimony--the whole 9 yards.

Don't you worry. We have a lot of good people in my beloved US getting ready to pass a constitutional amendment BANNING gay marriage so that all those freaky judges who passed it in those few states will be overridden. You need not worry cause 88% of Americans are against it. Even France dealt a major blow to gay marriage just today. You're climbing Mount Everest in a wheel chair. Gay marriage talk in the US will soon be history.

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Maybe the most irritating issue for most people (including myself) is that it is called marriage.

If today's times require this type of modern liberation, well, so let it be but it might be more appropriate referring to it as a "legalized same gender relationship" and just keep the expression marriage reserved for the traditional old fashioned partnership in which just daddy features a knob.

Just my 2 Baht.

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Marriage for me is for children.

It helps them.

I gives them stability and recognition.


And help them grow up into " balanced" adults.

Same sex marriage does not achieve that.

At least, I do not think so.

But OK, I'm probably biased on the question,...

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Isn't it legal in LOS? I remeber reading something in BKK Post a few years back about two English guys coming to the kingdom, both having THE change and then marrying. I remeber distinctly because I didn't understand why they both wanted to gender change to Female and then marry each other.

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Marriage in the pure biblical sense is for one purpose only- procreation. Last time I checked this is physically impossible for a same sex couple to do this.

I think anyone here would agree that a civil union is possible, but marriage no.

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Isn't it legal in LOS? I remeber reading something in BKK Post a few years back about two English guys coming to the kingdom, both having THE change and then marrying. I remeber distinctly because I didn't understand why they both wanted to gender change to Female and then marry each other.

Even a de facto relationship between opposite sexes is not possible in Thailand.

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Isn't it legal in LOS? I remeber reading something in BKK Post a few years back about two English guys coming to the kingdom, both having THE change and then marrying. I remeber distinctly because I didn't understand why they both wanted to gender change to Female and then marry each other.

Even a de facto relationship between opposite sexes is not possible in Thailand.

You mean not recognised, legally speaking? :o

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Marriage in the pure biblical sense is for one purpose only- procreation. Last time I checked this is physically impossible for a same sex couple to do this.

I think anyone here would agree that a civil union is possible, but marriage no.

So, my husband and I don't have kids because we don't choose to, does this mean we aren't married? Ridiculous! If you oppose the term "marriage" then perhaps "legal relationship" is better.

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I know this topic isnt specific to thailand but I'm interested to know what you people think about the recent move in the US towards same sex marriages.

To me the issue is a no-brainer and seems to be driven strictly by political motives.

Should same sex marriages be allowed or not?  and Why?

Not a form of legal marriage IMHO.

Nor in mine either (MHO)

I think it is sick, but that is my opinion.

You're not alone with your opinion Tornado.

The facts are that for mankind to perpetuate itself you need two persons "one with an appendage and one with an orifice"

Fortunately however Tornado there are people like you and the doc (and myself) who will be available to carry out our social responsibilities. :o

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Same sex marriage is a simple matter of civil rights. It took the U.S. Supreme Court 17 years to make marriage outside of ones race a consitutional right throughout the U.S. after the California Supreme Court made it legal in California.. At that time, over 80% of all Americans were opposed to inter-racial marriage. Of course the religious right and the churches were outraged, as they are now about same-sex marriage. Now interracial marriageit is a no brainer, especially in Thailand.

Less than 60% of people in the U.S. are opposed to same-sex marriage. That number is decreasing, much to the credit of the American people, despite their presedent's unsuccessful attempt to get a constitutional ammendment to ban it before the courts rule on the unconsitutionality of this discrimination against a distinct class of citizens.

I was deep into my emotional prejudice against interracial marriage at the time it was illegal in almost every state in the Union and I often remarked how Sammy Davis's children, issuing from his marriage to Brit Eklund, would probably come out pokka-dot. I am deeply ashamed about how wrong I was at the time.

I wonder how those in this forum, who are married to Thai ladies now, would have felt had they lived in the U.S. at the time such a union was illlegal and condemed by more than 80% of their fellow citizens. If they are too young to have lived when their current marriage was condemed, perhaps they could emphathize a little with the gay citizens of the world who are discriminated against by the denial of a basic civil right, as they would have likewise been condemed, ostrasized and treated as a criminal in most States as they would have been had they been in their current marriage only 40 years ago in the U. S.

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I don't see what all the fuss is about. Who cares if two people want to be legally united. I think to each their own, it does not affect me so why should I object. I don't want to be in such a marriage, but that's my choice. Is it my/our right to make the same choice for others? Personally I think there are far worse things out there to label as "sick" than two people who love each other wanting to commit their lives together. I thought the US was being remarkably forward in this thinking, and I think it is a shame that the bible brigade has seen fit to attack this issue - especially when the Rifle Association is a much riper target - not such a vote winner though, eh?

IMHO a non issue.

I do think that adoption with two same sex parents needs to be carefully looked at - my current belief is that it should not happen.

However, some adoption agencies will allow adioption of children to couples (same sex or otherwise) if they have been cohabitating a long time but not married

(I have not been country specific here).

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Oi BodyPaul, don't you go and ruin the word 'Faggot'. It is the name of a British food dish (sort of like meatballs). How dare you use words in such a negative way as to remove their original meaning! :o:D:D

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Seriously though, those that are 'dead against it' or call it 'sick', what is it that causes the problem for you?

Take out the raising of children bit for now, as that is still posible with out marriage. (divorced couples - as in Friends, couple adoption etc).

What is it specifically that is so abhorent to you all?

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Well said, Wolf!

I was going to say something but you have said it all.

It seems even in farangland, there are quite a lot of narrow-minded people!

Who gives the right for some these people to take away other people's right?

You should not marry a man/woman that is 20 yrs older than you!

you should not marry an Asian girl/man!

you should not marry this man/woman because he/she is poor!

you should not marry her because she is taller than you!

Are you one of these? :o

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I actually find the gay forum offensive and I personally do not care what these people get up to in there own homes, but do we have to belittle a great forum for the sake of a few non religious people? If you say anything even in gest you get labelled homophobic, which I aint as I am not scared of them, I just think it is a sickness that is becoming mainstream because of a few minoritys with power in government.

Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, sorry but it is against everything that is moral. We are on this earth to breed naturally and what do these types of people do to make that happen - nothing!

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Hey Wolf ...... I love faggots, peas, mash and gravy!! BUT Faggots were given the name Faggots 'cause it has a nasty ring to it! (excuse the pun!)

Gay was a lovely happy word ..... Offensive section edited out by Moderator.


Edited by ChrisP
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