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How Much Import Duty Am I Likely To Pay On New Laptop?


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r u for real...really that dumb to order such a computer online w/o knowing about the usury rates of Thai exise/VAT duties? or r u a troll. Of course, what any ole Thai expat hand does in such a situation is pays for his $100 return trip to sing...buys what he needs there, throws out the packaging boxes...and waltzes back throu the green line in Bangkok :o

if timed appropirately, the trip can also double as a visa run :D

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so many "you can buy a more powerful machine locally" but no references. i looked at all online retailers i could find in thailand, and in pantip the fastest laptops were a joke, but they have lots of nice desktop parts/cooling.

i ordered a ps2 and some games from HK and they will be here tomorrow, i got a call saying i will have to pay about 4k baht on receipt which is less than 33% of the invoice cost, so if the laptop is also less than 33% i will be happy.

will post here with the results to help anyone else interested in buying technology goods from overseas while in thailand

as for the "why buy first, ask how much later?" i have been looking for a new laptop for a long time and impulse got the better of me when I found the fastest money could buy :o and upgradeable too :D

Official duty rate is 3 or 5% - have a look here http://www.apectariff.org/tdb.cgi/ff3235/a...ind.cgi?TH+8471 (Note - in these terms a computer is an automatic data processing machine).

Add in VAT/GST or whatever it is called in Thailand (I believe 7%).

Formula is:

(Value + insurance and freight ) x duty rate (say3%).

x VAT rate

= total import tax.

This is the official position. YMMV on the actual position on the ground. However, if you confront Customs with the correct tariff number 8471.xx (maybe a printout of the page I have linked), they may think that you know what you are talking about, and your tax will be only 7.21% (assuming the duty rate is 3%).

Good luck.

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As others have already said, buy it yourself, throw away the box and remove the stickers, and bring it in as personal baggage. Many travellers carry one notebook with them and it is not a big deal.

The very first time I came here with a computer I was a bit naive and went through the red channel and showed them the laptop, but they just smiled and waved me through.

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isn't it 3% or 7% on computers?
That belongs in the joke section ! :o

I've personally had computer items shipped to me, the duty was 3% - I wasn't sure if it had gone up or not.

Really, id be interested to know who was the carrier, and the value, as that is unheard of,.be intersting to hear the outcome of the po s dilema,.they have always charged me stupid money even on low cost items,
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About 5 yrs ago I had my laptop from the US sent over to me and naively valued it at 2000 USD when dhl asked(thinking thats the amount I would need if it was lost or damaged in transit). When dhl showed up with it at my apartment the tax I was required to pay was 15,000 baht. Of course I was shocked and then asked them if I could have it sent back to the US. They told me I couldn't and it would just sit in storage until I paid up all the while adding up storage fees on top of the custom duties. either pay up or lose the computer. I learned the hard way as it appears the OP is about to do also.

Now I try to never have anything sent to me unless there is absolutely no other way. I would never have an expensive item like that shipped in again. Much better to wait and carry it in for free when going for a visa run. I hate to think what they are gonna rob u for on that $4000 machine.

Best of luck to the OP

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good news guys :o i contacted customs and the girl happily told me that my computer would be tax exempt under new laws just brought in. im due to pay 7% tax but that can be refunded if i leave the country anytime soon.

so seems there wont be any fees - hooray :D

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good news guys :o i contacted customs and the girl happily told me that my computer would be tax exempt under new laws just brought in. im due to pay 7% tax but that can be refunded if i leave the country anytime soon.

so seems there wont be any fees - hooray :D

Good for you.

But.... watch out, never, never underestimate the very high level of creativity of Thai Customs, probably one of the most rotten administration in the country...

Basically : they can be a real nightmare.

So please, update us when you will see the bill. For real. Just for curiosity.


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good news guys :o i contacted customs and the girl happily told me that my computer would be tax exempt under new laws just brought in. im due to pay 7% tax but that can be refunded if i leave the country anytime soon.

so seems there wont be any fees - hooray :D

I sincerly hope you dont pay any, please let us doubting thomas s know,.
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