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Chang Beer In America


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The wife and I are back for a visit in Los Angeles and to my suprise walking in the market is Chang Beer. Never thought I would see that here as I was told it couldn't be sold for some reason or another in the states.

How much for a bottle?

It was around $2 for a large bottle.

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Beer Chang is not a deal, even if given for free. What an awful cow piss it is.

Thais love it's high alcohol content, with a 3 baht 2kg of ice, they can have a ball on the cheap.

There were 3 Thai drinks that got me into hangovers and headaches worse than in my University days:

Beer Chang, Mekong and Lao Khao. No mixing, consumed separately.

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As I missed out on the thread eulogising Scouse a week or so ago, this is perhaps a suitable juncture to mention that 660cl bottles of Stella Artois, his favourite tipple, are currently on sale in Lidl for £1.29. A little symbol on the lable indicates that the contents constitute 3.4 units of alcohol, no doubt intended as a warning, but which I take as reassurance of great quality.

Afraid Chang gives me a dreadful headache - Singha or Leo much preferred.

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