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Recurring Yeast Infection


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i have an, er, friend who has twice this year gotten a yeast infection that won't go away! doesn't help that it is 100 degrees outside. tried diflucan, ketaconazole, honey, yogurt, garlic, not eating yeasty foods or drinking beer, drinking lots of water, wearing cotton underwear (or no underwear at home), stopped using soap down there. also took metronizadole in case it was something else. nothing works. so freaking irritating (for my friend :o)...

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The yeast infection could be a symptom of something else, such as HIV or even parasites. The former is easier to rule out than the latter. I also thought doctors prescribed Flagyl for yeast infections, as well parasites.

If you've done that already, then I would say introduce more cranberry juice into your diet. Although for urinary tract, it can also help with recurrent and unexplained yeasties if all else is equal.

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just to dispel any speculation, it is definitely not HIV (had a recent test)

That's good - I did too, upon my return home. Turns out, the yeast was related to a parasite infection, which I am still struggling to terminate entirely. Western doctors have no clue, and I have now turned fully to solving this with herbs and naturopathic (sp) remedies.

Edited by kat
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just to dispel any speculation, it is definitely not HIV (had a recent test)

That's good - I did too, upon my return home. Turns out, the yeast was related to a parasite infection, which I am still struggling to terminate entirely. Western doctors have no clue, and I have now turned fully to solving this with herbs and naturopathic (sp) remedies.

Or failing that open a bakery and put it to good use :o

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My wife often had this problem when we lived in bahrain, she used Canesten, it is either a cream or a tablet that is inserted using a long "thingy"! If you can get that in thailand it may work, i think i saw it advertised a few years ago in some thai magazines. (the box is red and white if that helps)

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just to dispel any speculation, it is definitely not HIV (had a recent test)

That's good - I did too, upon my return home. Turns out, the yeast was related to a parasite infection, which I am still struggling to terminate entirely. Western doctors have no clue, and I have now turned fully to solving this with herbs and naturopathic (sp) remedies.

Or failing that open a bakery and put it to good use :o

I don't have a yeast infection, I have a chronic parasitical gut thing that keeps going away and reoccurring. Your snide comment was untoward.

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First of all, is she sure it is yeast as opposed to some other form of vaginitis? Has she seen a Gynie? It's fine to self-treat simple vaginitis but if it doesn't respond to self-medication a doctor visit is advisable.

You say the medication didn't work but also say she has had it twice which implies that it did go away and then returned...can you clarify? And also specify the symptoms (I'm wondering if it is really yeast)

Has she been taking antibiotics during any of this? Antibiotics will often cause yeast infections.

Canestan does work well for yeast but it will not help vaginitis from other causes, for this reason I recommend that women who are self-treating use Gynecon suppositories instead, available at all the pharmacies, 1 vaginal suppository a night for 7 nights. treats yeast, bacterial vaginitis and trichimona.

However, if she has trichimona and has a regular sexual partner, partner will have to be treated as well or else he will re-infect her (even though he himself will be asymptomatic). Trichimonas is the one that you take flagyl for. A doctor can readily differentiate trich from yeast but women themselves may not be able to.

Be sure to wear cotton undies, skirts better than pants.

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went to the doctor today to test and it is yeast for sure, also a little bit of bacteria but not too much. doctor just prescribed another round of ketaconazole and clotrimazole suppositories. that doesn't seem to work. the only symptom is horrific itchiness, but it won't go away. tried: 1 diflucan, 1 round of metronizadole, 1 round of ketaconazole and clotrimazole cream (already), just prescribed another round of the same but skeptical it won't work either. couldn't seem to get any sort of helpful response from the doctor as usual in thailand...

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Guess what - that's not only in Thailand anymore. I have HMO insurance coverage which has been almost useless. I diagnosed my own milk allergy which the doctor then confirmed with a blood test, he didn't fully test me for a reoccurring parasite infection, and he didn't know what to make of the slight positive that was showing up for yeast, but I did.

I think Sheryl gives good advice on what to do. Try her approach and a combination of natural, common sense approaches and see if it goes away. If not, you will have to go in again.

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Canestan is definitely the best to clear the yeast infection. You have to keep using the cream for a couple of days after symptoms disappear though to make sure it's really gone. I feel your (friend's!) pain..I had similar for 6 months and just would not go away...was put on all the same meds you mention but nothing worked. Would clear up for 2 weeks or so then symptoms would return. In the end I really can't name what cleared it up, it just seemed to get better after a month off all the pills! If you're sexually active right now def. use condoms, get him treated or stay clear!

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get him treated... (your partner i.e.); stay away from intercourse for a few months (other stuff but no oral game playing either)..

try using polidine soap (or liquid or bar) three times a week as a starter;

i have a friend who suffered for years (!); in the end, she feels that STRESS was the instigator, so she is working on strengthening her immune system and dealing with stress (she divorced her husband for one :o) ) , slowed down her lifestyle, stopped eating sweet stuff, etc... and was given a blood test for yeast (candida) but cant remember the rest of the story (she's my down stairs neighbor)

bina (been there done that whole nasty flora and fauna 'down there' thing... btw, also have genital herpes which instigates other nasties with yeast being a favored visitor so definately found that stress causes problems (the herpes wakes up for one so they are my indicator for OVERSTRESSED)

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how did you figure out it was a parasite infection? what were the symptoms?

I got infected and diagnosed in Thailand, and then attempted to treat it twice with albenizole (sp). I came back to the US, didn't have health care right away, still had symptoms, and so went to a clinic where they gave me a double course of flagyl, that was applicable for both parasites and another affliction. Well, after all of this, the parasite symptoms STILL reoccur, so I went on a website called CureZone and read up on parasitical infections. About this time the HMO doctor was also trying to tell me that I had irritable bowel syndrome, and that my mile allergy was lactose intolerance. When he tested me for the milk allergy, candida also came back slightly positive, which I had found out from parasite forums is a symptom of parasites because healthy flora and fauna are thrown out of balance.

There are all kinds of parasites, and you get them from consuming dirty food or water, among other things, depending on the parasite. Mostly you have gut trouble, bloating and all of the typical GI things, but chronic and acute conditions can develop respiratory problems, Candida, headaches, exacerbated allergies, pain in the middle of your stomache, sluggisheness, etc.

Go on to CureZone and read about the many, many parasites that could infect us through food or water.

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OK now we are sure it is yeast.

Unless there is some clear reason for re-infection (like antibiotic use) then it may be that the candida (actual name of the "yeast") is resistant to clotrimazole. Suggest trying mycostatin suppositories either instead or in addition for a full 10 days, available over the counter in pharmacies. You may also be able to find mycostatin (nystatin) powder which can be applied on the outer area and will help the itching a great deal.

Unlike trichamonas, yeast is not usually caused by transfer back and forth with a sexual partner -- men's parts aren't so conducive to harboring yeast, and yeast per se lives normally in the vagina anyhow, it becomes a problem only when the normal balance between it and various bacteria is disturbed. Nonetheless, probably a good idea to abstain until it's gone plus I don't imagine with all that discomfort that the idea of sex is very appealing. If there is a regular partner and especially if he is uncircumcised, have him apply mycostatin cream or powder for about a week during the hiatus.

It may help to add vinegar douches daily (dilute the vinegar in water about 5:1), be sure not to do within 12 hours of applying the mycostatin or it will wash the medication away.

Again, be sure not to take any sort of antibiotic during this time, and avoid anything but cotton undies, wear skirts rather than pants. Add shave or wax the hair. yeast grows in dampness, so need to keep the area as dry as possible.

If this fails -- or if the itching is bad enough that it's worth the mess -- gentian violet (the purple stuff, widely available in pharmacies and cheap) kills yeast quite effectively. Paint it on the outer area (shave or wax if necessary first), sit facing a fan until it dries. It will stain undies and bedsheets, alas, but less so if thoroughly dried on first. Can also do gentian violet as a douche but that is getting seriously messy purple so a last resort.

If you live near someplace that has real natural, unsweetened yogurt, eating it is also helpful.

Good luck!

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Oops, forgot 2 other important things:

1) Diabetes needs to be excluded (fasting blood glucose). Aside from HIV, diabetes is the other condition commonly associated with stubborn yeast infections.

2) If on birth control pills, they could be the culprit. Some women have to stoop using them altogether to get yeast under control. Try everything else first but if still suffering, consider a change of birth control methods.

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Gotta ditto the advice to shave or wax the affected area. I got ONE yeast infection while I lived in the Philippines, where I had to wear a uniform which included polyester trousers. I began shaving my pubic area immediately thereafter, based on my personal theories about moisture retention and the yeast-bacteria harboring ability of the hairs. I've not had a yeast infection in the 20 years since, and I am diabetic so high-risk.

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Men get Candida also. I'm a guy and had it in my early twenties. Indeed, most people have at least traces of it, but it's held in check for many - for various reasons.

I doubt it's ever vanquished entirely, especially if it finds a home in a person's lymph system. Washing often helps, as well as maintaining a diet that's probably cleaner than you're accostumed to. Since Candida is a yeast, and yeasts repel other yeasts, it's good to avoid yeast-related foods such as breads and beer. Yeast also loves dough and sugars. So, avoid pastries and sugary foods.

Cranberry and pomegrante juices are good - though you won't find unadulterated natural versions of either of those in Thailand.

good luck, and bow bow (go easy) with your sexual partner.

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i have an, er, friend who has twice this year gotten a yeast infection that won't go away! doesn't help that it is 100 degrees outside. tried diflucan, ketaconazole, honey, yogurt, garlic, not eating yeasty foods or drinking beer, drinking lots of water, wearing cotton underwear (or no underwear at home), stopped using soap down there. also took metronizadole in case it was something else. nothing works. so freaking irritating (for my friend :o )...

Hi, you might want to try Grapefruit seed extract...it has a wealth of uses..particularly good for parasitic infections of all kinds...brilliant against candida and yeast infections...along with everything else of a parasitic infectious nature....look it up on the net..there's a wealth of information about it.

I buy the liquid extract 'Citricidal'..I find this better than tablets as I can then apply topically as well...liquid extracts are more effective than tablets anyway.

Hope this helps!

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i have an, er, friend who has twice this year gotten a yeast infection that won't go away! doesn't help that it is 100 degrees outside. tried diflucan, ketaconazole, honey, yogurt, garlic, not eating yeasty foods or drinking beer, drinking lots of water, wearing cotton underwear (or no underwear at home), stopped using soap down there. also took metronizadole in case it was something else. nothing works. so freaking irritating (for my friend :o )...

Hi, you might want to try Grapefruit seed extract...it has a wealth of uses..particularly good for parasitic infections of all kinds...brilliant against candida and yeast infections...along with everything else of a parasitic infectious nature....look it up on the net..there's a wealth of information about it.

I buy the liquid extract 'Citricidal'..I find this better than tablets as I can then apply topically as well...liquid extracts are more effective than tablets anyway.

Hope this helps!

Do you know where one could buy this in bKK ?

Cheers BB

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AAAAARRRRGH that last round of ketoconazole and clotrimazole worked and the infection went away... but it returned today (one day after meds finished)! really don't know what to do now.

p.s. did have sex with the boyfriend last night as appeared to be better. could he be passing it back again? how to treat a male who may have a yeast infection but no symptoms?

Edited by girlx
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u have to wait a while for the ph balance etc to get back to normal before doing 'the deed'... also, have u considered that u are maybe allergic to : his sperm? (i kid u not) or to condoms, or if u are using 'the pill' then that also affects vaginal problems, ... also, dry blow drying yourself after showers; wash imediately after sex and dry off well, use lubricant if needed since chafing can cause irritation and irritated skin is more prone to candida....

dont use soap or shower gels, only water, or polydine soap infrequently,

some homeopathic stuff actually works but u have to stop with the other meds...

and, get a blood titre test for genital herpes which is very often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all (from my own painful experience)... one type of infection/irrigation instigates others until u have a small salad going on.

try not to ride on motor bikes, bycicles, horses etc as that also instigates irritations.... due to sweating and chafing

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My girlfriend believes she cured a long-running bout of candida by eating four tbsp of fresh, natural coconut extract daily as well as applying a few tbsp topically. She bought the extract in local Thai markets. After years of trying this antibiotic and that, only the coconut extract seemed to work. Once the symptoms disappeared she dropped to one tbsp a day or at least one dish with containing coconut extract, and so far it hasn't come back.

Google 'candida' and 'coconut' for more info.

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