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Sheryl And Pattayatony Appreciation Thread.

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What can I say about Sheryl and Pattayatony that most do not already know? These 2 great people saved my life and their selfless, unwavering kindness and generousity continues to this day.

I know I am not the only one who has been effected by their powerful aura of goodness and hope anybody else who appreciates their help will post in thanks also.


i read that thread , and am happy that stevenjm is back on track now after a very difficult period in his life.

i dont know how i would have coped with a situation like that , we all like to think we are strong enough to deal with the things that life throws at us , but often we cant.

(my wifes serious illness a few years ago nearly sent me over the edge , but help from unexpected sources helped me through it , and my wife is fine now.)

so i am full of admiration for sheryl and pattaya tony and anyone else who were there for stevenjm when he most needed it.


good thing there is a thread like this. Sheryl has been a great help to the family of my friend Jojie who was hospitalized in Chulalongkorn last June . She was comatozed for 2 months and is now in the Philippines recovering. If not for Sheryl, the family would not have any idea on how to start bringing her back home. Sheryl has talked to the family as I post Jojie's condition on one of the forum.She contacted me and offered to help. The family didn't know what to do that time and Sheryl gave a perfect suggestion as to how to start bringing her back.She woke up after 2 months in the hospital.

Thanks Sheryl, for the goodness you shared to the family.



Count me in as well. Sheryl came in at the right moment when I really needed medical information to support my closed one. Her example has caused me to be active in this forum whenver my information could be useful to others.


This thread, as well as the two subject members get a 5 star rating from me.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

This thread, as well as the two subject members get a 5 star rating from me.


never heard of these people before ,but anyone who get posts of thanks like this get my admiration ,hope i never need them ,but it is nice to know that there are people out there that really care ,keep up the good work ......



You may recall that I made a similar post on your original thread.

They are indeed two very special people, and I feel privileged to know them.


In this thread she seemed to correctly diagnose a punctured lung, while the doctor who inadvertently caused it dismissed it.

Maximum respec' lol :o


I haven't followed the travails here, but I've gotten to know Tony fairly well over the past year or so, and am a better person for this new friendship. My thanks go to Tony absolutely.

(sheryl, I don't know you at all, but I'll say thanks anyway! :o )


I'd give a big thumbs up to Sheryl, too, for long-term, well-informed and concerned advice here in the Health section (and elsewhere). Don't know PTony as well, but what he did for OP was aces; big kudos to both.


Who was the mongrel that voted to drop the star rating of this thread? :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Yes, big appreciation and big hugs, to big, kind souls: Sheryl and Tony.

Sheryl is awesome, and Tony must be a force himself to do what he did and write the letter that he did.


I would just like to add my thanks. Sheryl gave me sound advice (as she does to everyone) on a problem I had.

The world is a better place with these two kind people in it.




Agreed and I said as much to Sheryl in a PM about a week ago. Although I am not a frequent visitor, her advice is notable for being well-informed and most of all, practical.


I cannot say thanks enough for the support and wealth of information Sheryl has provided me in dealing with my wife's current medical problems.

The world is a much better place because of her and people like her.


Sheryl helped me through my high blood pressure, my stroke, maybe even the dog bite or falling off the bike, and the infected shoulder. As Felix says in "Amahl and the Night Visitors," I say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

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