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Retirement Visa Extension Today Saun Phlu

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Today i extended my retirement visa for the 4th year at Saun Phlu As my circumstances are slightly different from some previous posts maybe this can be of help to some people i use the 800000k method This money is permanently in a thai bank savings account [earning very little interest but thats another story] The money just sits there so it is exactly the same money that i have used every year for my retirement visa Previous to this year all they have required is the letter from the bank plus bank book etc However even though it is the exact same money that has satisfied them every other year TODAY they wanted to see the source of this money Luckily thanks to other postings over the past 6 weeks i had taken along the original wire transfer of this money The money was originally transferred in 6 years ago and although there was no way of connecting this wire tranfer with the current money in my bank book as i,ve changed banks bought and sold a house etc she took a quick look at the wire tranfer and accepted it [had to photocopy it] within 10 minutes i had my yearly extension The only other difference i was asked to fill out a form that seemed to be about accepting responsability for dependants [not entirely sure] i said it seemed to have no relevance to me she said fill out your name skip the bit in the middle sign it i,m sure i,ve not filled out this form before Anyhow i entered Saun Phlue at 8.30 and i was outside also with my multi entry visa by 9.25 Hope this is of help to somebody

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The only other difference i was asked to fill out a form that seemed to be about accepting responsability for dependants


Actually, it was a form accepting financial responsibility for the immigration officer's dependants! :o

... sorry, couldn't resist!


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The form is in Thai and seems to have several possible functions. My take on it was that I was bearing witness to my submitted documents. She X'ed out most of it, filled in the rest, I signed it.

So funny that she made you photocopy your wire transfer info. My officer last month complained because the original that I gave her looked like a copy!

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Today i extended my retirement visa for the 4th year at Saun Phlu As my circumstances are slightly different from some previous posts maybe this can be of help to some people i use the 800000k method This money is permanently in a thai bank savings account [earning very little interest but thats another story] The money just sits there so it is exactly the same money that i have used every year for my retirement visa Previous to this year all they have required is the letter from the bank plus bank book etc However even though it is the exact same money that has satisfied them every other year TODAY they wanted to see the source of this money Luckily thanks to other postings over the past 6 weeks i had taken along the original wire transfer of this money The money was originally transferred in 6 years ago and although there was no way of connecting this wire tranfer with the current money in my bank book as i,ve changed banks bought and sold a house etc she took a quick look at the wire tranfer and accepted it [had to photocopy it] within 10 minutes i had my yearly extension The only other difference i was asked to fill out a form that seemed to be about accepting responsability for dependants [not entirely sure] i said it seemed to have no relevance to me she said fill out your name skip the bit in the middle sign it i,m sure i,ve not filled out this form before Anyhow i entered Saun Phlue at 8.30 and i was outside also with my multi entry visa by 9.25 Hope this is of help to somebody

Here's another report, this from yesterday, 11 Sept.


Well folks,

Yesterday we were successful in getting our annual "Retirement Visas" renewed and during the "dog and pony show"

some observations were made that may or may not affect others to whom I am sending this e-mail.

We arrived "late" at 8:55AM due to Lat insisting I have a full breakfast B4 we went there because one never knows

how long one will have to wait just to complete the process. (they open at 8:30AM and I like to get there about 8AM

so we can be first or at least in the first group to be called) We ended up having ticket 931 which means we were

#31 applying for year visas other than business visas)(Business # start with 8 i.e. 831).

While awaiting our turn, we saw a friend, who was REJECTED for a year's renewal and given only a 30 day visa and

he spoke with us, stating no reason was given for the rejection, however he was sure it was because of his low

bank balance in his Thailand bank account (under 100,000 baht). He was told to get an automatic wire transfer

from his bank in the U.S. to his Thailand bank covering the minimum monthly amount to qualify and I assume that

would be one twelth of the yearly 800,000 baht required by the visa law, but don't quote me on any of this. I am

just an observer. IF you do want to be sure to be approved and don't have the 800,000 baht in a Thai bank, this

might work for y'all. btw, he is, as far as I know, also a retired military man so has an income that should have

qualified for the visa by that fact alone in the past.

Also, another couple were denied because they did not bring their marriage certificate, so I had Lat take a cab

the few blocks back to our apartment to get ours (in Thai) so we wouldn't have the same problem once called.

Once we WERE called, we asked about this and were told that it was a requirement for the wife's visa, not the

husband. We did bring with us the statement of my retired income from the Army and Social Security showing

ample $$$ to qualify for the visa, a signed bank statement showing the balance at our Bangkok bank account,

a copy of the stateside bank account activity showing we averaged ATM withdrawals of over 700,000/mo over

the last four months, (which they looked at and handed back to Lat), and they also looked closely at our slips

showing our last arrival by air into Thailand and to see that our last 90 day was current.

Also, they turned away a Frenchman, who had shown up with his "Thai Boyfriend" but have no idea why as

all we could hear was his speaking in French and stomping out without ANY visa stamp.

Now all of this could mean nothing to your involvement but just wanted to explain OUR experience.

It seems to me that all 5 of the officers/officials involved with the Non-O and other visas all intrepr

all the current laws as they individually see fit. And one thing for sure, there is little one can do if

rejected except accept the results (JMHO).

In any case, we are "legal" for another year.

btw, we asked our Immigration officer about the possibility of Lat using her American passport to

leave the country and then using her Thai passport to re-enter in order to avoid the 1,900 Baht

annual charge for her Retirement Visa and her requirement for doing 90 day reports, and the officer

said that would result in an overstay charge eventually. ??????

Lat also had to fill out a special form to legalize her doing her 90 day reports and annual Retirement

Visa in Bangkok, as her legal address on her "tambon" family papers shows her legal address as

Chiayaphum. The officer said that the papers she was asked to sign will just assure that she won't

get into trouble for not getting her 90 day reports/visas in Korat or in Luie (sp) as residents of Chiayaphum

are supposed to do.

Keep in mind that I am no expert on Thai Immigration Law (or anything else) but I'm just reporting on

our experiences yesterday.


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Thanks for a detailed post Ken. Could you clarify a couple of things?

I presume you are on a retirement visa? Correct?

I presume your wife is Thai , but travels on a USA passport, hence she needs a visa? Correct?

If so does she have a dependant Visa?

If so any problems with new regulation?

Edited by CRUNCHER
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If dual passport holder arrives in Thailand and uses a Thai passport to enter there will be no question of overstay or visa extensions being required. The officer must have missed the point that she would leave Thailand on her US passport never to use again for travel into/out of Thailand.

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