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Thai/farang Young/old Relationships


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Fantastic gentleman. Once again much appreciated viewpoints. Several thoughts/ comments... of course I love her, my mistake for the omission but I did say i posted "during" the deposition ok!! Do I think she loves me? Yes I do..after 2 years I can honestly say yes. I know money probably has some influence..when doesn't it? Does she screw around..no I don't think she does and I have never had any suspicion that she has....now is that a big assumption? No kiks? Yes I suppose it is given what and where we are discussing right? Can I be wrong, sure , again I'm lawyer..my livelihood is based on things happing that are not supposed to happen .!!! And you're right ...lawyers are a dime a dozen here..not sure what that means but yes my $300,000 AI does not go as far these days..hel_l I can't even afford the house I grew up in ...what difference does that make? When I meet her she didn't even know what a lawyer was , I'm still not so sure she does!! I can say that I can only afford to retire outside the USA and I'll just have to hope that my 10% return will be enough to live on. .It certainly aint enough here!!! .. Do I trust her of course or I would not be thinking of marrying her. Do I need a PI? I don't know, maybe a thought for another thread. Anyway, to close the evening here on the left coast I appreciate the varying viewpoints and opinions raised and isn't that what this forum is for? Thank you much gentleman.

Good luck! You obviously love her and who am I to judge you in regards to the age differences. Not much risk except a broken heart. I've had mine broken and recovered. You are both adults/semi adults. Actually, my heart was only broken once and she was about the same age as your GF and I was 23. Young people go through many changes at that stage of life and the chances of a happy ending is probably not too good. It is love though and rationality goes out the window. Many good things come to an end, so have a good time while it lasts.

I hope the post isn't condescending - I assume you already know the things I typed.

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I've witnessed on many occasions Farangs utterly disrespect Thai women for the simple fact that they won't <deleted> them for ???? baht.

LoL, I've seen the same thing many times.

Why are there no sex tourists in Japan ?

It's all available,Asian women, P4P, what stops the sex tourists from coming? Any guesses ?

Cos they can't take advantage of poor people, that's what!

And forget about it with the Hoardes of European, US, Canadian, Aus, NZ women who also work here in Tokyo Hostess Clubs, there's thousands of them.

Then these very guys go online to rant about how Thai women want their money...........lol.

Just as its all available here in Singapore - at a price :o

Asian of most countries inc Japan and Korea. Most numerous is the western paces is probably Thai and viet with Chinese and Filipino coming up behind

Places like the Hyatt I have seen black and white in the bar/disco and there are Indians too i am told in other places.

No sex tourist's though or not here for that primary reason

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I love it! Just mention old/young or farang/Thai relationships on this forum and watch the fun begin. A few things you can count on: a few j..koffs dissing all Thai women, Maigo defending all things Thai, a decent amount of pretty funny quips, and somewhere (maybe) a little bit of good advice to the original poster. Oh yeah, and at least one member with their head in their azz! :o

Agreed, tad more interesting than the debate you and I had about the condition of the US middle class. By the way, I was right in that debate:)

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Fantastic gentleman. Once again much appreciated viewpoints. Several thoughts/ comments... of course I love her, my mistake for the omission but I did say i posted "during" the deposition ok!! Do I think she loves me? Yes I do..after 2 years I can honestly say yes. I know money probably has some influence..when doesn't it? Does she screw around..no I don't think she does and I have never had any suspicion that she has....now is that a big assumption? No kiks? Yes I suppose it is given what and where we are discussing right? Can I be wrong, sure , again I'm lawyer..my livelihood is based on things happing that are not supposed to happen .!!! And you're right ...lawyers are a dime a dozen here..not sure what that means but yes my $300,000 AI does not go as far these days..hel_l I can't even afford the house I grew up in ...what difference does that make? When I meet her she didn't even know what a lawyer was , I'm still not so sure she does!! I can say that I can only afford to retire outside the USA and I'll just have to hope that my 10% return will be enough to live on. .It certainly aint enough here!!! .. Do I trust her of course or I would not be thinking of marrying her. Do I need a PI? I don't know, maybe a thought for another thread. Anyway, to close the evening here on the left coast I appreciate the varying viewpoints and opinions raised and isn't that what this forum is for? Thank you much gentleman.

Speaking as a gentlewoman :-)

I'd say take it slow and don't rush into things -- people usually reveal their true natures over time. Long distance relationships can be difficult even when they don't involve differences in culture and age.

I would avoid PIs, spying on her and all that crap suggested by some bitter members. If you have to resort to all that, it's over already. There's no trust there -- and that's no way to start a life together. I'd dump someone who did that to me -- wouldn't you?

Similarly with lying and telling her you lost all your money to see if she sticks with you. If you were dating someone with money, and they suddenly lost all of it with no explanation -- their income, their savings, all their assets -- I might still want to share my life with a poor husband, but I do object to a stupid one. I'd wonder if they had a serious crack habit or were going to trade in the family farm for magic beans next. :D

Many TV members report bad experiences with Thai women, which according to them justifies all these dishonest measures --- but when you see the crap personalities some of them display, you have to wonder why their relationships fail. :o

Edited by canadiangirl
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Why are there no sex tourists in Japan ?

Coz it costs more presumably. Saw a tv show about the red-light districts in Japan... BJ bars where it's 3000B a go... why pay that when you can get the same service here for as little as 200 or 300B off a street chick if that's your thing.

Basic economics innit.

I think I would go for the 3000THb jobbie - if that WAS my thing of course :D

Same reason I wear a Rolex daily and a Patek Philippe for dress :o

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I love it! Just mention old/young or farang/Thai relationships on this forum and watch the fun begin. A few things you can count on: a few j..koffs dissing all Thai women, Maigo defending all things Thai, a decent amount of pretty funny quips, and somewhere (maybe) a little bit of good advice to the original poster. Oh yeah, and at least one member with their head in their azz! :D

Agreed, tad more interesting than the debate you and I had about the condition of the US middle class. By the way, I was right in that debate:)

Come on now SA, don't try to bring that dead horse back to life. :D I thought we both let that issue die because while we agreed on certain aspects, the ones we didn't were about issues that were too subjective to prove or disprove.

Blizzard- Maigo may be one-sided but he wasn't the one I was refering to when I mentioned the location of certain parts of the human anatomy. :o

Edited by BADBRAD
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I love it! Just mention old/young or farang/Thai relationships on this forum and watch the fun begin. A few things you can count on: a few j..koffs dissing all Thai women, Maigo defending all things Thai, a decent amount of pretty funny quips, and somewhere (maybe) a little bit of good advice to the original poster. Oh yeah, and at least one member with their head in their azz! :D

Agreed, tad more interesting than the debate you and I had about the condition of the US middle class. By the way, I was right in that debate:)

Come on now SA, don't try to bring that dead horse back to life. :D I thought we both let that issue die because while we agreed on certain aspects, the ones we didn't were about issues that were too subjective to prove or disprove.

Blizzard- Maigo may be one-sided but he wasn't the one I was refering to when I mentioned the location of certain parts of the human anatomy. :o

I assume you know I was kidding. The debate was futile. Not trying to bring it back to life by any means.

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Many TV members report bad experiences with Thai women, which according to them justifies all these dishonest measures --- but when you see the crap personalities some of them display, you have to wonder why their relationships fail. :D

Exactly, and nobody is going to admit it. :o

Good post



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I think I would go for the 3000THb jobbie - if that WAS my thing of course

Same reason I wear a Rolex daily and a Patek Philippe for dress

They make you blow your load???

How much is sex therapy in japan?

I would avoid PIs, spying on her and all that crap suggested by some bitter members

Many TV members report bad experiences with Thai women, which according to them justifies all these dishonest measures --- but when you see the crap personalities some of them display, you have to wonder why their relationships fail.

Hey, I suggested that, and ummm sorry, but I ain't bitter and never had a relationship I really wanted to keep fail. But Have seen many a bloke put himself into situations where they can lose it all due to naivity, being love/lust struck and putting themselves into easily avoidable situations.

When I'm at a stage in my life when I'm ready to start a life with someone it's not gonna be some I'm sending money to for doing nothing.

Edited by thomo
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I think I would go for the 3000THb jobbie - if that WAS my thing of course

Same reason I wear a Rolex daily and a Patek Philippe for dress

They make you blow your load???

How much is sex therapy in japan?

I would avoid PIs, spying on her and all that crap suggested by some bitter members

Many TV members report bad experiences with Thai women, which according to them justifies all these dishonest measures --- but when you see the crap personalities some of them display, you have to wonder why their relationships fail.

Hey, I suggested that, and ummm sorry, but I ain't bitter and never had a relationship I really wanted to keep fail. But Have seen many a bloke put himself into situations where they can lose it all due to naivity, being love/lust struck and putting themselves into easily avoidable situations.

I have never been to Japan actually - missed a great chance when my pal was a Diplomat there - should have gone then!

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Hey, I suggested that, and ummm sorry, but I ain't bitter and never had a relationship I really wanted to keep fail. But Have seen many a bloke put himself into situations where they can lose it all due to naivity, being love/lust struck and putting themselves into easily avoidable situations.

Fair enough.

I still wouldn't hire a PI, although everyone is free to see this differently -- it's controlling, disrespectful, and if I felt so little trust about someone that I felt the need to spy on them -- I shouldn't be marrying them. As I mentioned before, I'd dump someone in a second if they did that to me, as I suspect most posters here would.

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have you evre seen thai girls operate miss canadiangirl?

they can work guys, and not just one at a time like you couldnt imagine.

im not bitter im just amused at these guys and their lubs. same same, nothing new. hel_l thai men sponsor cows too!

i too belive hiring pi is distasteful but do you believe this girl is in lun with said lawyer. cum on now she is just out of diapers, so to speak.

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Seems to be another thread that is degenerating into yet another ' Thai women are no good ' thread.

Makes me wonder why Farangs seem so obsessed with Asian women when the general concensus online appears to be that they are all bad.

I would invite all Farangs who think that they are so great and find Asian women to be so attractive to come to Tokyo, see how far your beer gut and t-shirt get you.

Will you wonder why 18 Year old Japanese girls are not falling over you?

No ?

So you go to poorer South East Asian Countries to take advantage of the power your monetary position gives you, then you complain that these very people you go to exploit are after your money!!!!!!

It's f*****g unbelievable!!!


Thanks for turning us onto trailer Park Boys. It was a blast watching it.

Back to the Op. Just as in Trailer Park boys, there are many f*****d up people in thailand both falang and thai. There are just as many that aren't. My observations are that the majority of the falang men are f*****g around on their thai wives. More so than the thai wives are f*****g on their falang husbands but i do see my fair share on that side of the fence also. Where most of the falangs are getting f*****d is not in the bedroom though. It is in their wallet. Is it their own fault? Of course! Is it right? Of course not.

As far as those of you that say don't worry about it some people do not want to start out a relationship with someone that is passing the goods around because that will probably come soon enough as it is. A private investigator might be money well spent if he has the money to spend and he cares to find out if he is the only one in her life. Also a prenup to protect the wallet would be advisable.

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are you kidding me, you try to balance things out.... laughing my big fat azz of while rolling on the floor

Blizzard, laughing you big fat azz off may give you a clue as to why you have no relationships with and a total disregard for any women.

Women are human beings, no matter where they come from, they deserve a modicom of respect, yes, even on online forums.

It's very easy to come to a Thai Based forum and put down Thai people from the safety of your anonymous internet connection, yet you have never demonstrated one example of experience, just negativity at all times, always against Thai people.

You're a strange guy......................... I honestly cannot believe you've ever been to Thailand.

Hey to be fair blizzard is negative to every one, not just thai people. Every post of his that i have ever read has been negative until i used the block messages function on him.

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Also a prenup to protect the wallet would be advisable.

More so.

People here really only get FK'ed over by the amount that they let themselves get FK'ed over by.

Naivity, rushing into things through being love struck, stupidity, being too trusting with a new found love are just some of the reasons why IMHO.

The deep meaning of 'Love' in western society isn't so deep and meaningful in Thai society. When a Thai says 'I love you' and 'miss you', it doesn't mean the same as it does in the west. For people who don't understand that it's easy to get hurt.

'Miss you' is probably the most common way of a (youngish) Thai signing off a letter/e-mail/SMS to everybody they know. In western society saying I miss you to someone actually means something. Newbies (not that the OP is newbie per say) really have the chips stacked against them emotionally and other wise, especially if they've got $ to go round.

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Good luck! You obviously love her and who am I to judge you in regards to the age differences. Not much risk except a broken heart. I've had mine broken and recovered. You are both adults/semi adults. Actually, my heart was only broken once and she was about the same age as your GF and I was 23. Young people go through many changes at that stage of life and the chances of a happy ending is probably not too good. It is love though and rationality goes out the window. Many good things come to an end, so have a good time while it lasts.

And don't forget your garth brooks cd with the Dance on it. I could have missed the pain but then i would have had to miss the dance.

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Hey, I suggested that, and ummm sorry, but I ain't bitter and never had a relationship I really wanted to keep fail. But Have seen many a bloke put himself into situations where they can lose it all due to naivity, being love/lust struck and putting themselves into easily avoidable situations.

Fair enough.

I still wouldn't hire a PI, although everyone is free to see this differently -- it's controlling, disrespectful, and if I felt so little trust about someone that I felt the need to spy on them -- I shouldn't be marrying them. As I mentioned before, I'd dump someone in a second if they did that to me, as I suspect most posters here would.

The problem is love is blind. There may be waring signs all over the place that shows a person has a reason to mistrust but the person does not see it. I would not get mad if a person that i was involved with hired a PI to check me out since i tell the truth and have nothing to hide. My wife goes through my cell phone, my emails, my skype, my wallet and i don't care because i have nothing to hide.

We all know that MOST people do not act 100% themselves when they are courting. Most people try not to show that person their bad habits during the courting. Do you ever really know the person until you are married for a while? I know so many people that say he/she was not like that when we were dating.

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Many TV members report bad experiences with Thai women, which according to them justifies all these dishonest measures --- but when you see the crap personalities some of them display, you have to wonder why their relationships fail. :o

CanadianGirl is on the Ball.......the way most TV members talk about women, is it any wonder they cheat on you, I would!

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Thanks for turning us onto trailer Park Boys. It was a blast watching it.

Pleasures alll mine WolfmanJack, if you search through the torrents you will find the Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special, it predates the series by a year or so, it's when Randy is working as a male prostitute and Jim Lahey is still with his wife....................then Randy becomes assistant Trailer Park Supervisor to Mr Lahey, it's a scream. :o

I truely think it's all over now though, series 7 was the last one, great show.

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a guy gets insulted and he say thank you sir. god i lub this place.

wolfie, you sure picked a winner, does she have a sister?

this i dont understand, no offense to anyone. why would you post something about your spose that makes them seem cuckoo?

Edited by blizzard
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Thanks for turning us onto trailer Park Boys. It was a blast watching it.

Pleasures alll mine WolfmanJack, if you search through the torrents you will find the Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special, it predates the series by a year or so, it's when Randy is working as a male prostitute and Jim Lahey is still with his wife....................then Randy becomes assistant Trailer Park Supervisor to Mr Lahey, it's a scream. :o

I truely think it's all over now though, series 7 was the last one, great show.

i watched the premiere and the xmas special already. The xmas special was funny but the premiere wasn't. Almost every episode all the way through season 7 was a riot though. Again thanks for sharing with us.

I apologize to the rest of you for the off topic posts.

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girls in hotel management meet a lot of foreign men, but since you look 10 years younger than 50 I am sure you have nothing to worry about. from what youve told us, it sounds like true love.

Brad Pitt is over 40 so is Tom Cruise, would a Thai girl of 21 be kidding herself if she thought people could possibly believe she could fall in love with an older man?

Let's face it, they are attractive, rich, and probably really interesting worldly wise guys, or do you think she should fall in love with a spotty teenager with the same capacity for conversation and insight as Blizzard? :D

Sorry Blizzard, but you just come across as a type of guy I can catagorise, label, departmentalise, and diss. :o

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