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Uk Debt In Thailand


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May I join Taxexile in adding a slight note of disapproval ? My investment-portfolio includes UK-banks and financial-services companies, so I heartily dislike people who run up a debt, and then do a runner ! The same ought to apply to anyone else who has investments or a pension-fund. It is our money which has gone-missing, we need it to maintain our own lifestyles, and the fact that bankers are fat-cats who lend like drunken sailors on pay-day is beside the point.

I would advise the OP to be very wary of repeating his actions here. Thais are less forgiving than UK-banks, things can get very heavy, and life is cheap.

On the other hand, regarding his old UK debts, I can offer the personal experience of a family-member, who ran up debts on credit-cards while in the UK before returning to Thailand, where she continued to draw upon the cards for a while. She subsequently received a visit from the Thai police. On my advice, she posted her cut-up cards back to the bank in the UK, without explanation, and the 'heat' went away. They had been mainly concerned that no further debts were going to be run-up.

ThaI police visit over a non fraud credit card debt ? bullshit,.

Nevertheless it happened. TiT.

Had I been making the story up, why would I have mentioned it at all, since it gives comfort to the OP, who I basically disapprove of, for the reason given in the first para ? With respect, surely I would have simply not made up the story, if it were fiction ?

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May I join Taxexile in adding a slight note of disapproval ? My investment-portfolio includes UK-banks and financial-services companies, so I heartily dislike people who run up a debt, and then do a runner ! The same ought to apply to anyone else who has investments or a pension-fund. It is our money which has gone-missing, we need it to maintain our own lifestyles, and the fact that bankers are fat-cats who lend like drunken sailors on pay-day is beside the point.

I would advise the OP to be very wary of repeating his actions here. Thais are less forgiving than UK-banks, things can get very heavy, and life is cheap.

On the other hand, regarding his old UK debts, I can offer the personal experience of a family-member, who ran up debts on credit-cards while in the UK before returning to Thailand, where she continued to draw upon the cards for a while. She subsequently received a visit from the Thai police. On my advice, she posted her cut-up cards back to the bank in the UK, without explanation, and the 'heat' went away. They had been mainly concerned that no further debts were going to be run-up.

You cannot run up cards that turned off and if you use where the vendor is responsible to insure the card is still valid.

In this case a foreigner stealing by using a credit card would receive what they deserve jail time.

Stealing is stealing and low lifes such as many that end up in Thailand, hope they get their just dues.

Would be nice to have court orders require no government support of passport. This would teach em very well.

Civil may be hard times on a credit card, using several that gets maxed out should point out the person is nothing but an irresponsible thief and without a valid passport would not be able to run away from justice.

This is the type of deadbeats people are trying to get away from back home, Thailand seems to be a haven for them though.

ur high horse is dead, i suggest you stop beating it. :o

if you think a private company can tell the uk govt. who it can or cannot issue a passport to u dont have a clue what ur talking about. are you seriously saying anyone with a ccj against them will not or even should not a passport? no-one was forcing the company to lend him the money; its their risk.

maybe its different in the usa, but it would mean that ur govt is in the pocket of private companies, if thats the case then you should be more worried about that really.

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Troll here,

Anyway. I am involved in private loan business and anyone who ever tries to skip town has always been found to repay their debts. It may take longer to receive the amount owed than anticipated but the genuine effort to repay is always considered the right thing to do. This is what is wrong with the world we live today. People & organizations borrow money with little to no intentions of repaying the debt and then when things get tough and they can no longer pay the minimum payments they split town or declare bk. I personally don't care if you declare BK I will get my money eventually. Been doing this a long time and have had all loans repayed.

If I were you I would call my creditors and negotiate down. If your creditors are like me than I don't care and won't take less than what is owed including interest. So I feel no sympathy for you but all I can say is pick up eventually and work it out with your creditors.


earning ur crust one kneee cap a time. nice. :D

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to the op, among the <deleted> there is some evry good advice on this thread. i hope u do ur research and follow it through. sort it out and then you will have peace of mind, obviously its bothering u or u would not have made ur post.

ur not the first person to find urself in this position nor the last. good luck.

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May I join Taxexile in adding a slight note of disapproval ? My investment-portfolio includes UK-banks and financial-services companies, so I heartily dislike people who run up a debt, and then do a runner ! The same ought to apply to anyone else who has investments or a pension-fund. It is our money which has gone-missing, we need it to maintain our own lifestyles, and the fact that bankers are fat-cats who lend like drunken sailors on pay-day is beside the point.

I would advise the OP to be very wary of repeating his actions here. Thais are less forgiving than UK-banks, things can get very heavy, and life is cheap.

On the other hand, regarding his old UK debts, I can offer the personal experience of a family-member, who ran up debts on credit-cards while in the UK before returning to Thailand, where she continued to draw upon the cards for a while. She subsequently received a visit from the Thai police. On my advice, she posted her cut-up cards back to the bank in the UK, without explanation, and the 'heat' went away. They had been mainly concerned that no further debts were going to be run-up.

You cannot run up cards that turned off and if you use where the vendor is responsible to insure the card is still valid.

In this case a foreigner stealing by using a credit card would receive what they deserve jail time.

Stealing is stealing and low lifes such as many that end up in Thailand, hope they get their just dues.

Would be nice to have court orders require no government support of passport. This would teach em very well.

Civil may be hard times on a credit card, using several that gets maxed out should point out the person is nothing but an irresponsible thief and without a valid passport would not be able to run away from justice.

This is the type of deadbeats people are trying to get away from back home, Thailand seems to be a haven for them though.

ur high horse is dead, i suggest you stop beating it. :o

if you think a private company can tell the uk govt. who it can or cannot issue a passport to u dont have a clue what ur talking about. are you seriously saying anyone with a ccj against them will not or even should not a passport? no-one was forcing the company to lend him the money; its their risk.

maybe its different in the usa, but it would mean that ur govt is in the pocket of private companies, if thats the case then you should be more worried about that really.

Exactly - it is not possible in all cases in the USA either for the govt not to issue passports - maybe in the case of Child support but i have pointed out OJ who owes a lot of money and still had a passport till yesterday.

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So a court order can remove the passport issued by a government for crime then (.

Running up debt on a credit card to it's max, fine, doing it with several and living abroad may be seen by the bankruptcy court as intentional theft and passport be turned in like OJ. same as oweing back taxes and child support.

Community folk lose their savings and their children will not have the savings to live on in the future and will be supported by the government. Yes banks will just print more money and charge more taxes and cause inflation,

vendors will have to charge when they receipt are not paid. If uttering is protected by law, should not all theft

be the same.

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I would advise the OP to be very wary of repeating his actions here. Thais are less forgiving than UK-banks, things can get very heavy, and life is cheap.

If you order a service or purchase goods paying by cheque in Thailand, if the cheque doesn't pass you will be taken to court & it is within the court's power to jaol you if you cannot provide funds to cover the cheque, including interest usually calculated at 18% PA for the period of time outstanding.....

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So a court order can remove the passport issued by a government for crime then (.

Running up debt on a credit card to it's max, fine, doing it with several and living abroad may be seen by the bankruptcy court as intentional theft and passport be turned in like OJ. same as oweing back taxes and child support.

Community folk lose their savings and their children will not have the savings to live on in the future and will be supported by the government. Yes banks will just print more money and charge more taxes and cause inflation,

vendors will have to charge when they receipt are not paid. If uttering is protected by law, should not all theft

be the same.

You really are waffling on now!!!

Whatever you or anyone else may think morally about the OP's position the fact is under UK law it is a civil case and not a criminal one.

You wafled on about refusal of passports and access to systems by govt's but showed a woeful ignorance of the UK jurisdiction where this case is and what the UK govt will or can do.

You tried to get all high and mighty about how everybody would follow the US example but again woeful ignorance as shown on your part about what they withhold passports for.

OJ is a case in pont here - a court has held that he owes significant sums to the family of Goldman who they said he killed under a burden pf proof lower than all reasonable doubt ie a civil case.

The US govt still issued him with a passport and did not stop him travelling - he only had to give it to his lawyer yesterday due to the new charges.

You really should save your rants and bile for something that really matters in this world - never mind the OP and his paltry 80K GBP from UK institutions - what about debt in the developing world and who lent them that and their bad debts.

This will all fall on deaf ears as your worldview is so narrow plus nuance and sublety are wasted on those that waffle on about things they know nothing of as you have demonstrated multiple times in this thread!

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My mate got a letter recently about his student loan debt, which he has no intention of repaying. For political reasons, I agree with him.

The debt was sold to an American debt collector who couldn't find him. They then sold it to some collecting agency in Hong Kong.

What a terrible job to have.

To the OP - don't wory about it, the chances are they'll forget about it.

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If I am made bankrupt, will I still have to repay my student loan?

Answer: Yes. Since 1 September 2004 all outstanding student loans cannot be claimed in bankruptcy. They remain the responsibility of the (former) student to repay within the terms of the loan arrangement.

If you were made bankrupt before 1 September 2004 you may still have to repay your student loan. Clarification should be requested from the Official Receiver who is dealing with your affairs.

Question: Can I make myself bankrupt in England if I live abroad?

Answer: Yes. If you are living in an EU member state, except Denmark, you must show to the Court that your centre of main interest is in the UK. If you live in another part of the World you can present a bankruptcy petition in England if:

(a) you are personally present in England and Wales on the day you present your petition for bankruptcy to the Court, or

(:o if you have lived or carried on business in England and Wales in the previous three years.

The country in which you live may not recognise the bankruptcy proceedings and creditors may still be able to take action against you in the country you live in.

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If I am made bankrupt, will I still have to repay my student loan?

Answer: Yes. Since 1 September 2004 all outstanding student loans cannot be claimed in bankruptcy. They remain the responsibility of the (former) student to repay within the terms of the loan arrangement.

If you were made bankrupt before 1 September 2004 you may still have to repay your student loan. Clarification should be requested from the Official Receiver who is dealing with your affairs.

Question: Can I make myself bankrupt in England if I live abroad?

Answer: Yes. If you are living in an EU member state, except Denmark, you must show to the Court that your centre of main interest is in the UK. If you live in another part of the World you can present a bankruptcy petition in England if:

(a) you are personally present in England and Wales on the day you present your petition for bankruptcy to the Court, or

( :D if you have lived or carried on business in England and Wales in the previous three years.

The country in which you live may not recognise the bankruptcy proceedings and creditors may still be able to take action against you in the country you live in.

What is your problem ? you seem to be waffling on and doing research into things that are totally irrelavent to this post, have a look around and see if anyone needs gardening advice, jeez,. :o


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wot horseshit.

oj had to give up passport not becoz he owe munney.............. some of you are utterly ridiculious .

something about felony charges may have something to do with it.

Exactly - tell your compatriot that - he seems to be a little lost in this thread but still waffles on.

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The following may help regarding un-secured loans in the UK:

If after 6 years there has been no contact or repayments on the loan(s) and no CCJ(s) have been taken out there is nothing they can do to get the money back. They may write to you and threaten all sorts but unless you admit to the debt or start making payments then there is nothing that they can legally do. You can write to the registrar's office and find out if any CCJs have been taken out, if there has then these never go away and can be followed up at any time. Try to keep off databases in the UK where ever possible. The DVLC seems to share its info with anyone who wants it (for a small subscription I would imagine).

I find it very difficult to think that any one would chase you to Thailand to try to recover the money.

The main problem is that because of your condition, you will continue to be anxious and worried until something is resolved and every letter received back home makes you worse.

You need to listen to your conscience.

I would think that your best bet would be to listen to previous advice and declare bankruptcy, although I do not know all the facts about bankruptcy law in the UK.

Stop worrying, you're making yourself sick, lighten up its only money and there is always a solution. :o

Great advice, they will write /or appear at the last known address, when they see proof that you are out of the country it goes in a folder marked gone way, it will however raise a flag if you appear back in the uk within 6 years,.and here is a challenge ,ill wager no one has had a summons sent to thailand to appear in a uk court for civil debt, .relax, unless you consider going back you will have no contact here, my friend gave his thai number to a collection agency that was chasing him , they rang him asked if he intended to return to the uk, to which he replied ,no, they said ok goodbye, he has heard nothing and nor have the people that live at his last uk address, .
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My mate got a letter recently about his student loan debt, which he has no intention of repaying

this is what it comes down to , people who borrow money and then get into genuine difficulties with repayments , for these people there should be procedures to re negotiate the loan.

...... and then there are the thieves like the example above , where there is no intent to repay.

Q. why did he borrow if he had no intent to repay?

A. because he is a grubby little thief with no moral values.

...... people like that should be jailed until they repay their debts .

i wont even bother to ask neeranam about justifying his political reasons for supporting the taking a state subsidised loan , agreeing to repay , and then reneging on the agreement.

morals seem to have been forgotten on this thread.

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What are the restrictions of bankruptcy?

A: There are certain restrictions once a person becomes a bankrupt these include not being allowed to be a company director, licensee, member of parliament, or charity trustee. You will also not be allowed to enter the Royal Enclosure at Ascot but these restrictions will not affect most people. (back to top)

Will I have to appear in court?

A: No, your paperwork will be filed into your local court and it is this that appears before the judge for his signature. You will then be issued with a bankruptcy order and an official receiver will be appointed to administer your case. Often you will not even have to attend an interview in person with the Official Receiver but a 10 minute telephone call is all that is required to finalise the bankruptcy. (back to top)

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What are the restrictions of bankruptcy?

A: There are certain restrictions once a person becomes a bankrupt these include not being allowed to be a company director, licensee, member of parliament, or charity trustee. You will also not be allowed to enter the Royal Enclosure at Ascot but these restrictions will not affect most people. (back to top)

Will I have to appear in court?

A: No, your paperwork will be filed into your local court and it is this that appears before the judge for his signature. You will then be issued with a bankruptcy order and an official receiver will be appointed to administer your case. Often you will not even have to attend an interview in person with the Official Receiver but a 10 minute telephone call is all that is required to finalise the bankruptcy. (back to top)

You certainly DO have to appear in person at your local County Court when you file for bankruptcy, and must also have proof of your identity along with the 500 quid (almost). You will personally appear before a Judge or Registrar who will normally only ask if you have sought professional advice. From the moment he or she signs the order then your debts disappear.

Your case is then administered by the Official Receiver. For the 10 minutes quoted above read at least an hour, but as long as you've done nothing illegal or are not trying to conceal anything then that's it. Normally they like to see people in person but a telephone call is not uncommon.

Interestingly Thai law says you cannot be a company director here if you have been declared bankrupt. It's not any more specific than that - so I wonder what would happen if you became a director here having been declared bankrupt in another part of the world?

Edited by andy1308
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And they wonder why Thailand get's such a bad rap.

With people like this here who are so easily let into the country it certainly makes it bad for the rest of us.

People just don't think how it affects others.

Do the crime, do the time! Sorry no advice just but go home!

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Look at the post with a couple drunks set fire to a poster, then this guy steals more money than that business will

make in several years most likely. Putting fire to a sign is worth than stealing peoples savings that may of taken

many years to earn. What fakes/flakes some of these posters are. It is ok to con others out of 250K but low and behold a prank is criminal.

The guy living off others taxes in Thailand and then swipes another 80K quid to lavish in while on vacation in Thailand, is a practice praised on the other hand.


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Find Member's Posts 2007-09-18 03:07:28 Post #38


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So they will still not give a name?

Just ask the police to forget about them in the cell for a few days till they remember - I doubt its very nice in there.

I once saw the cells in Lumpini when they had put a guy who grabbed the ex by the breast and neck - he looked realy sorry for himself in there and it was going to cost him

Edited by Khun ?
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wont even bother to ask neeranam about justifying his political reasons for supporting the taking a state subsidised

Go on, I'd love to tell you.

I could call Margaret Thatcher, and even you(as you no doubt voted for her), a grubby little thief.

Edited by Neeranam
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Look at the post with a couple drunks set fire to a poster, then this guy steals more money than that business will

make in several years most likely. Putting fire to a sign is worth than stealing peoples savings that may of taken

many years to earn. What fakes/flakes some of these posters are. It is ok to con others out of 250K but low and behold a prank is criminal.

The guy living off others taxes in Thailand and then swipes another 80K quid to lavish in while on vacation in Thailand, is a practice praised on the other hand.


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Find Member's Posts 2007-09-18 03:07:28 Post #38


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So they will still not give a name?

Just ask the police to forget about them in the cell for a few days till they remember - I doubt its very nice in there.

I once saw the cells in Lumpini when they had put a guy who grabbed the ex by the breast and neck - he looked realy sorry for himself in there and it was going to cost him

What are you on about now - you really make no sense

As TAWP Says are you accusing me of a crime or being a criminal - which one?

Oh- read the post and comprehend if you are able but i will explain in words a senile of geezer or 5 year old can understand.

I saw the cells in Lumpini as some guy had grabbed my girlfriend by the neck and breast and we had him arrested. We then had to go to Lumpini to point out the guy and help police with their compensation - the ex wanted nothing as she was afraid what her Dad might do to the guy

Thai police ask you if you want to see the accused in the cell - common practice i am told

I will not report it to mods as its a bit of a girlie thing to do and I know your thinking is all over the place but I would like an explaination of your drivel and an apoogy if you are man enough

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Look at the post with a couple drunks set fire to a poster, then this guy steals more money than that business will

make in several years most likely. Putting fire to a sign is worth than stealing peoples savings that may of taken

many years to earn. What fakes/flakes some of these posters are. It is ok to con others out of 250K but low and behold a prank is criminal.

The guy living off others taxes in Thailand and then swipes another 80K quid to lavish in while on vacation in Thailand, is a practice praised on the other hand.


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Find Member's Posts 2007-09-18 03:07:28 Post #38


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So they will still not give a name?

Just ask the police to forget about them in the cell for a few days till they remember - I doubt its very nice in there.

I once saw the cells in Lumpini when they had put a guy who grabbed the ex by the breast and neck - he looked realy sorry for himself in there and it was going to cost him

What are you on about now - you really make no sense

As TAWP Says are you accusing me of a crime or being a criminal - which one?

Oh- read the post and comprehend if you are able but i will explain in words a senile of geezer or 5 year old can understand.

I saw the cells in Lumpini as some guy had grabbed my girlfriend by the neck and breast and we had him arrested. We then had to go to Lumpini to point out the guy and help police with their compensation - the ex wanted nothing as she was afraid what her Dad might do to the guy

Thai police ask you if you want to see the accused in the cell - common practice i am told

I will not report it to mods as its a bit of a girlie thing to do and I know your thinking is all over the place but I would like an explaination of your drivel and an apoogy if you are man enough

Your just some naive idot and I don't think I am an old geezer, yet anyways. Apoligize to someone of your morals, not likely, sure lock the pranksters up for setting fire to a poster, then you try to justify someone stealing others savings is no problem and do it as many times as they like and can get away with, it is only civil recourse.

At what point will the bankruptcy court decide the guy is doing it out of convience and the fact the guy has the legal right because it is only bankruptcy he faces and nothing no one can do about it. I would say there is more to the bankruptcy

laws than what some are trying to portray, even though in most cases it is a simple matter. That being said glad to see some more tax payer money being cyphoned off

by a lowlife that the government has been paying/supporting his wife and 4 children plus his stressful self to reside well in another country of choice.

I know you all would not feel it right that someone on government subsidies be held responsible for intentional misconduct.

Your taxes I guess, right.

Maybe better said was your morals are fit for a pompous fool, tell that to the MODS

Edited by Khun ?
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Look at the post with a couple drunks set fire to a poster, then this guy steals more money than that business will

make in several years most likely. Putting fire to a sign is worth than stealing peoples savings that may of taken

many years to earn. What fakes/flakes some of these posters are. It is ok to con others out of 250K but low and behold a prank is criminal.

The guy living off others taxes in Thailand and then swipes another 80K quid to lavish in while on vacation in Thailand, is a practice praised on the other hand.


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Find Member's Posts 2007-09-18 03:07:28 Post #38


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So they will still not give a name?

Just ask the police to forget about them in the cell for a few days till they remember - I doubt its very nice in there.

I once saw the cells in Lumpini when they had put a guy who grabbed the ex by the breast and neck - he looked realy sorry for himself in there and it was going to cost him

What are you on about now - you really make no sense

As TAWP Says are you accusing me of a crime or being a criminal - which one?

Oh- read the post and comprehend if you are able but i will explain in words a senile of geezer or 5 year old can understand.

I saw the cells in Lumpini as some guy had grabbed my girlfriend by the neck and breast and we had him arrested. We then had to go to Lumpini to point out the guy and help police with their compensation - the ex wanted nothing as she was afraid what her Dad might do to the guy

Thai police ask you if you want to see the accused in the cell - common practice i am told

I will not report it to mods as its a bit of a girlie thing to do and I know your thinking is all over the place but I would like an explaination of your drivel and an apoogy if you are man enough

Your just some naive idot and I don't think I am an old geezer, yet anyways. Apoligize to someone of your morals, not likely, sure lock the pranksters up for setting fire to a poster, then you try to justify someone stealing others savings is no problem and do it as many times as they like and can get away with, it is only civil recourse.

At what point will the bankruptcy court decide the guy is doing it out of convience and the fact the guy has the legal right because it is only bankruptcy he faces and nothing no one can do about it. I would say there is more to the bankruptcy

laws than what some are trying to portray, even though in most cases it is a simple matter. That being said glad to see some more tax payer money being cyphoned off

by a lowlife that the government has been paying/supporting his wife and 4 children plus his stressful self to reside well in another country of choice.

I know you all would not feel it right that someone on government subsidies be held responsible for intentional misconduct.

Your taxes I guess, right.

Maybe better said was your morals are fit for a pompous fool, tell that to the MODS

Your lack of ability to read and comprehend English amazes me. Have you been drinking as its usually posting under the influence rsults in posts like your's?

Calm down though old chap - we do not want you having a coronary!

Taxpayer money????

You are not even on the same chapter never mind page as anyone else but you are funny :o

My grandad was a bit like you in his sunset years - ah fond memories!

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just passing time at work, making the board a bit more interesting.

That beeing said I have handed out to the needy more than these thiefs have heisted from others and some to nothing more than lazy thiefs.

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just passing time at work, making the board a bit more interesting.

And I am sitting at home trying to do my last 3 months expenses and make sure I claim everything as biz trips always end up costing me!

Company card then personal CC's from 3 country's need sorting - my credit record if just dandy currently!!!

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