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Sexy Naughty Bitchy Tata Young Makes Soundtrack


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Sexy Naughty Bitchy Tata Young Sings Movie Soundtrack (with video)


BANGKOK: -- Thailand's hottest teenage star Tata Young is making a Bollywood movie soundtrack for an Indian film company.

Tata has been chosen to record the soundtrack for the movie Dhoom, by Indian director Sanjay Gadhvi and his company Yash Raj films.

The Thai superstar has sold more than 12 million albums in Asia and released her first English language album in February.

"It's a real honour for me to be with Columbia Records" she says at her website. "Being a labelmate to so many artists I admire like Beyonce and Celine Dion is a dream come true. The reason I named the album I Believe is probably because I have come such a long way to do this album. You need to have a lot of faith in yourself. Even if other people believe in you, you still have to believe in yourself."

Tata is best known for her song 'Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy'.

Watch the AP Tata Young news video

--Undercover.com.au 2004-08-01

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*Vacant girly voice*

"Oh, well let's see... I named the album 'I believe' because I believe that if you have faith in yourself, you can achieve anything - do you think it's an original name?".

No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

Celine Dion has a face like an ironing board and is married to Father Christmas and Beyonce has an IQ in minus figures and is good for nothing except for horny teenage boys to have a tug over; and, she's about about as interesting as an ironing board - but not quite the same - you can close the legs on an ironing board.

What role models you have chosen Tata, well done.

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*Vacant girly voice*

"Oh, well let's see... I named the album 'I believe' because I believe that if you have faith in yourself, you can achieve anything - do you think it's an original name?".

No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

Celine Dion has a face like an ironing board and is married to Father Christmas and Beyonce has an IQ in minus figures and is good for nothing except for horny teenage boys to have a tug over and she's about about as interesting as an ironing board - but not quite the same - you can close the legs on an ironing board.

What role models you have chosen Tata, well done.

Unfortunetely that is what people want-and pay for.

Ill bet tata hasn't made a decision in her life.

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Unfortunetely that is what people want-and pay for.

Ill bet tata hasn't made a decision in her life.

It is what kids nowadays want and pay for, and yes, you're probably right - I bet she's a puppet.

Give her a year or two and she'll soon discover the true meaning of her name.

Ta ta!*

* That's mild traditional English slang for 'Goodbye' for those of you who may not know.

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No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

Hear, effin' hear...

I can't bear to turn Thai radio on any more. When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

It's written to be sold to simple people. Well, you're all proving yourselves there...

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No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

Hear, effin' hear...

I can't bear to turn Thai radio on any more. When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

It's written to be sold to simple people. Well, you're all proving yourselves there...

Same thing parents were saying about Elvis Presley back in the '50s. I'm not saying that Tata's music is any good (I personally think it's <deleted>), but older generations have been disapproving of the music of "kids these days" since before we were all born. And none of it has ever done anyone any harm.

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When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

Not anytime soon... They don't have the cultural reference. Of course, Tata get rediculed in Thailand, too (she even has Thai anti-Tata groups trying to ban her) and there are plenty of people back the the West that rush out and Buiy Britney Spears' newest album.

I have some musical elitism in my personality. I have come to realize, though, that the different styles- even the ones I don't really like that much- *enrich* culture and society and the state of music. There is plenty of great music being made these days, in every style. The Top-40 Janet Jackson imitators don't do anything to quell that.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone understood that Mozart was the best songwriter ever and listened to him all the time? It just ain't gonna happen like that, though.

Just a somewhat related aside... There is a long tradition of boy bands, though- going back at least to the Beatles (almost certainly long before them, but I haven't done the research) Good looking singers have been a a premium since singing was invented. There will always be people listening to singers because of what they look like. There always was, its just the ones without any actual talent have been forgotten, just like the New Kids on the Block are largely fergotten 15 years later.

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Speaking of, I just was flipping through the channels, and Disney has coopted some of Tata Young's songs, it seems. One of them ... the "I'd rather rescue myself" one is now being sung for some soundtrack by a girl group I've never heard of from the states. I guess you can take that to mean that American execs have decided that Tata just isn't Western enough...

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When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

Not anytime soon... They don't have the cultural reference. Of course, Tata get rediculed in Thailand, too (she even has Thai anti-Tata groups trying to ban her) and there are plenty of people back the the West that rush out and Buiy Britney Spears' newest album.

I have some musical elitism in my personality. I have come to realize, though, that the different styles- even the ones I don't really like that much- *enrich* culture and society and the state of music. There is plenty of great music being made these days, in every style. The Top-40 Janet Jackson imitators don't do anything to quell that.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone understood that Mozart was the best songwriter ever and listened to him all the time? It just ain't gonna happen like that, though.

Just a somewhat related aside... There is a long tradition of boy bands, though- going back at least to the Beatles (almost certainly long before them, but I haven't done the research) Good looking singers have been a a premium since singing was invented. There will always be people listening to singers because of what they look like. There always was, its just the ones without any actual talent have been forgotten, just like the New Kids on the Block are largely fergotten 15 years later.

Sorry to be picky, I hear what you're sayin' bro, but wasn't Mozart a composer?

Never wrote any lyrics as far as I know. :o:D

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Sorry to be picky, I hear what you're sayin' bro, but wasn't Mozart a composer?

Never wrote any lyrics as far as I know. 

What?! Are you kidding????? The dude wrote the most famous lyric in history:

"Twinkle twinkle little star..." :o


[n.b. that happens to be true. He was 4 at the time] :D

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When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

It's written to be sold to simple people. Well, you're all proving yourselves there...

The Beatles where a boy Band.

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When will Thai people understand that singers/boy bands/girl bands/any form of manufactured music of any kind is the subject of ridicule back in the Western world?

It's written to be sold to simple people. Well, you're all proving yourselves there...

The Beatles where a boy Band.

... that wrote their own music...

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Unfortunetely that is what people want-and pay for.

Ill bet tata hasn't made a decision in her life.

It is what kids nowadays want and pay for, and yes, you're probably right - I bet she's a puppet.

Give her a year or two and she'll soon discover the true meaning of her name.

Ta ta!*

* That's mild traditional English slang for 'Goodbye' for those of you who may not know.


When you are saying 'Ta Ta' to Tata I will be saying hellooooooo.

OK she may have the IQ of a rhododendron but she could park her microphone at my place any day of the week :o

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I like her, mainly because I saw her get torn to shreds on a talk show one night about a year ago. I couldn't quite catch all that was said but there were many callers ringing up and commenting on how they disliked her.

I do not know how she kept her composure so well, although she was in tears several times.

I say you have to hand it to her, good luck Tata.

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I like her, mainly because I saw her get torn to shreds on a talk show one night about a year ago. I couldn't quite catch all that was said but there were many callers ringing up and commenting on how they disliked her.

I do not know how she kept her composure so well, although she was in tears several times.

I say you have to hand it to her, good luck Tata.

I didn't see that...

I have to admit I probably would have sympathised with her also. :o

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She's Britney Spears without the sexuality, Jessica Simpson without the talent.

In brief, less than nothing. 15 minutes goes by SO fast, doesn't it?

I'd say 12 Million albums sold over the last 9 years is a little more than 15 minutes of fame.

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Britmaveric and Khonangrit.

Nice to hard to read two pages of jealouse criticism before reaching a couple of correct posts!

No I don't Tata and neither do I think that songs such as 'Sexy, naughty, bitchy me' are doing any good to Thai culture - it's more western pollution teaching kids that it's cool to be a bitch and be nasty and screw around being unladylike.

Celine Dion has a face like an ironing board and is married to Father Christmas and Beyonce has an IQ in minus figures and is good for nothing except for horny teenage boys to have a tug over; and, she's about about as interesting as an ironing board - but not quite the same - you can close the legs on an ironing board.

What role models you have chosen Tata, well done.

Who cares what you like. That is up to you.

From some of the comments by others about you, you may appreciate about 1% of the income Tata is making.

Not everyone likes the same thing, happily. If she can make money where does Thai Culture figure in the equation?

She has chosen her path in life and good luck to her.

It is quite normal for Thai population to forget Stars very fast so by going outside of Thailand at least she can fill the bank account a bit.

By the side Mr Scamp who are your role models if you think Celine Dion is such a mess? :o

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Who cares what you like. That is up to you.

From some of the comments by others about you, you may appreciate about 1% of the income Tata is making.

Not everyone likes the same thing, happily. If she can make money where does Thai Culture figure in the equation?

She has chosen her path in life and good luck to her.

It is quite normal for Thai population to forget Stars very fast so by going outside of Thailand at least she can fill the bank account a bit.

Cutethaigirl, I am all for Thai's becoming sucessful, I totally support that but you're not quite seeing my point; which is understandable as I haven't made it very well.

I'm a little sensitive when it comes to junk music because I was strung along for months by Food (Blur's record company) who showed continued interest in my material but wanted me to find a band and it never hapenned so I was never able to capitalise on my telents.

Had I done so, I never would have released a song boasting that I was a 'Horny, disorderly bastard' and I think it's very sad that western culture has got to a stage where 'bad' really is good etc...

In real life I'm sure Tata is a nice girl who wants to fulfil her dreams, and make her family and country proud but I don't think this is a great way of doing it.

I doubt she wrote the song and composed the music and she was probably told that that was what she had to sing, and yes I do sympathise with her if she was in tears on TV because many Thai people had the same opinion I have on this subject.

Why would they share my opinion? ...Because decent people who are not ruled by fasion culture and know about life and how difficult life can be do not like to hear people proclaiming how sexy, naughty and bitchy they are - it just isn't nice, and CTG, I don't like to see the worst aspects of my culture spoiling your culture.

When the west (my culture) get's bored of Tata, who will be there for her to give her a cuddle and a job presenting a TV show? Thailand of course, and I'm with Thailand, I'm on your side okay?

There's better ways for Thai's to make money than musical prostitution.

Pop songs in Thailand are about love and heartbreak and pop songs in the west are about sex, violence and being a general badass.

...That says a lot don't you think?

As for Celine Dion - she's just not my style and I was just having a silly dig, nothing serious - Britney, she's another musical prostitute that turned to being a dirty, naughty, whore when proclaiming to be a virgin wasn't making enough money for the record company.

Finally, who cares what I like? ...What I like isn't a subject I have started but what I don't like is anything that I see to be a slur on your wonderful country.

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Scampy- She is making money and successful. The music industry is all about marketing and lets be honest having good looking people touting sexiness sells. The prime culprit probably goes back to Madonna- she started this trend and until it doesn't sell any more you'll have heaps more like it. :o

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I think it's very sad that western culture has got to a stage where 'bad' really is good etc...


There's better ways for Thai's to make money than musical prostitution.

Pop songs in Thailand are about love and heartbreak and pop songs in the west are about sex, violence and being a general badass.

Ever read the Caterbury Tales? Some rather off color stuff in there. IMHO, the part about our culture going to ###### in a handbasket is just as much a constant as people singing about sex and violence. They've both always been there are always will be.

Personally, I agree with you to a large extent. Quite a lot of the pop songs about <deleted> and being a baddass really aren't my style. I strongly dislike much of the ethos much of it stands for. More of it than not, though, is about love and heartbreak. Even most of Tata's stuff.

About musical prostitution... I play gigs for money- does that make me a sell out? I don't write much of the music I play- I usually play my parts as the boss wants me to play them, not how I would like top play them. Does that make me a whore for playing it? Would the musicians in your band have been whores, too? I am going a little outside the subject here, but this is because I am asking "Where do you draw the line?" At what point does playing music that you write translate into artistry, while covering songs equate selling out?

(Incidentally, NSYNC wrote some of their own stuff, too, as does Christina Aguilera. Miles Davis barely wrote anything he ever did. Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and Dolly Parton all had some of their biggest hits from songs other people wrote for them to play.

IMHO, what you are left with is to say "Well, I don't think (so and so) is very good/talented." This is inherently subjective (Is Ingwe Malmstien a better guitarist than Jeff Beck, for example) Some people are just gonna like outside jazz and some are gonna hate it. People from all walks of life just like bubblegum pop. Granted, many like it only because they hear it, but that is an entirely different matter than the one at hand.

I am in full support of your musical tastes and your values. They are yours to have freely. The world is a more interesting place because you are in it. I'm just pointing out that there are other, perfectly valid ways of interpreting the same thing.

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