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Food Allergies


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Shrimp? other shellfish too?

I sometimes feel like my inner lips gets a bit swollen and itchy if pricked by shell but I still love shellshish.

"If I am allergic to shrimp, am I likely to be allergic to other seafood?

Yes. There are some seafood allergies that tend to run together(7). People allergic to shrimp may also be allergic to crab, lobster, clams and oysters. Salmon, trout and mackerel allergy may frequently occur together just as does cod and tuna, and octopus and squid.

The most accurate way to find out what one is allergic to is through skin testing by an allergist. If someone seems to have multiple seafood allergies, however, the true test is to be given the actual food in a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge, administered under the care of an allergist or other physician (8). Blood tests for food antibody specific IgE are not quite as accurate as skin tests or food challenges, however you do not have to be exposed to the allergen (and its probably allergic response) in order to be diagnosed.

Why can I sometimes eat shellfish and other times I get quite sick?

Not all reactions to seafood are allergies to the seafood protein itself. In fact a parasite called anisakiasis which frequently contaminates seafood is a major cause of gastrointestinal upset that many people interpret as a food allergy. This parasite is killed by deep freezing the shellfish so if you find you can tolerate shrimp that has been frozen but sometimes get sick eating fresh shrimp, it may be the parasite contamination rather than a seafood allergy (9, 10).

Also, you may just be having a show of food intolerance and not an allergic response. Food intolerance and food allergies are NOT the same. A food allergy that stimulates the immune system to cause a serious reaction such as:

* hives, itching or skin eczema

* swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, or other parts of the body

* wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing

* dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

is much more serious than a food that your body may be sensitive to resulting in nausea, vomiting, cramping and diarrhea but not a true allergic response. "

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