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Getting Rid Of Ants?

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I have those fast black little ants in my house (kitchen mainly). In America we call them sugar ants. How the heck do I get rid of them? I don't want to spray my house with a spray (especially the kitchen) as this seems it will only kill the current ones in the house and do nothing for where they nest, wherever that is.

Anyway, how do all you old timers of Samui handle it?

Thanks in advance.


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quote name='PaulAllen' date='2007-09-20 14:28:49' post='1547111']

I have those fast black little ants in my house (kitchen mainly). In America we call them sugar ants. How the heck do I get rid of them? I don't want to spray my house with a spray (especially the kitchen) as this seems it will only kill the current ones in the house and do nothing for where they nest, wherever that is.

Anyway, how do all you old timers of Samui handle it?

Thanks in advance.


Well Paul, I'm not from Samui, but my friend from Chiang Rai sent me this .jpg and I've been using it for a few years now in Pattaya and it works great. Just put a little bit along where they are marching and after they march through it, the next day gone! Mot Lao! Hope I can figure out how to put this .jpg on here?


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I hope you do not mind this slightly tongue in cheek answer but -

find the nest and tell your Thai wife or girl friend where it is and watch her climb the tree and shake all the ants eggs out and proceed to eat them!

Not the perfect solution that you are looking for I know, but the number of times I have seen my wife do just that............ :o

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I hope you do not mind this slightly tongue in cheek answer but -

find the nest and tell your Thai wife or girl friend where it is and watch her climb the tree and shake all the ants eggs out and proceed to eat them!

Not the perfect solution that you are looking for I know, but the number of times I have seen my wife do just that............ :o

hi there,

i,m not from samui either, but we had them in our house in udon we bought the white chalk from hardwhere shop 10bt for 3 sticks just go aroung all the edges in kitchin ( not where you put your food ) we,ve never had ants since ....

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Hi there paul

Had exactly the same problem before. After trying many things I found pellets to be the best solution. You basically leave the pellets lying around for the ants and they proceed to either eat the there and then and die on the spot, or take them back to the nest effectively killing the rest of the population. A bit cruel i know, but its survival of the fittest on samui, and i sure don’t want to share my sumtam-boo-balla with anyone, especially 100 ants!!!

You can get the ant pellets in Tesco Lotus in Chaweng. If you walk down the center isle, about 2 isles on the right after the toiletries section where all the mosquito spays etc are you should see them at the closest end of the isle to you. There's a picture on the packet demonstrating the process of ant dying (nice), shouldn't be too hard to spot!

Best of luck

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Well Paul, I'm not from Samui, but my friend from Chiang Rai sent me this .jpg and I've been using it for a few years now in Pattaya and it works great. Just put a little bit along where they are marching and after they march through it, the next day gone! Mot Lao! Hope I can figure out how to put this .jpg on here?

Recommended too.

My house have no more ant since I used this product.

It's poison food for ant. They will carry this food to their nest and all ant die.

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I have those fast black little ants in my house (kitchen mainly). In America we call them sugar ants. How the heck do I get rid of them? I don't want to spray my house with a spray (especially the kitchen) as this seems it will only kill the current ones in the house and do nothing for where they nest, wherever that is.

Anyway, how do all you old timers of Samui handle it?

Thanks in advance.


i use something called coronum ,come in a tin green colour ,mix it with water and spray it round the edges of your kitchen once a month ,you wont see them again ,smells a bit ,so do if=t on your way out ,come back a couple of hours later and the smell will have gone ,comes in 2 and 5 litres ,can get in tesco and any builders merchants ,cost around 250 a litre .used to have the guys from advance come in once a month for 8000b a year till one day saw him using this stuff ,bought a 5 litre can 4 years ago and still using it ,the sprayer cost 30 -40 baht small 1 litre like the hairdressers use ,again in tesco's ,i have dogs and it does'nt bother them .......

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Is there a natural way of getting ride of them? or at least a way of stopping them eating my plants

Burning your house down to the ground is usually the best remedy. After the place is razed, mix oil and gasoline into the soil before rebuilding.

If this is not completely successful, you may have to rebuild and burn down the building again. Stubborn infestations might require a third conflagration.

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The ant bait in the photo is excellent , though it is in granules that are sometimes too big for the smallest ants.

Try Equal, you know the stuff you put in your coffee.


Equal kills ants? Or mix it with the poison to bait the ants?

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The ant bait in the photo is excellent , though it is in granules that are sometimes too big for the smallest ants.

Try Equal, you know the stuff you put in your coffee.


with ants no matter what system/poison you use the trick is to never leave them alone , keep harassing them, they are very smart , if the trouble of obtaining food does not equal lost ants and inconvenience they can work out it is not worth it to them and they will move on elsewhare , just never leave them alone keep bothering them and they will move out

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Is there a natural way of getting ride of them? or at least a way of stopping them eating my plants

Burning your house down to the ground is usually the best remedy. After the place is razed, mix oil and gasoline into the soil before rebuilding.

If this is not completely successful, you may have to rebuild and burn down the building again. Stubborn infestations might require a third conflagration.

Hahaha. Or take a nice looking woman with you, and go to europe. Then blow up asia completely with a nuclear bomb. Come back with the woman and start repopulating and build new houses. If this dont work you might have to wait for the big meteor that might be total armageddon for the earth, off course this metod is not recommended because it probably is after your lifetime. But then again, hope is what we need. :o

Seriously, surprised nobody mensioned the good old fasion "keep clean" method. Ants dont like a clean kitchen. Took me a wile to get the thai-wife to understand not to leave food out. Everything in the fridge. Everything on the outside in boxes or plasticbags. Clean up after you eat. Clean the floor on regular basis. When i find ants in my kitchen i usaly find the reason aswell, some foodrests or similar. Not always the solution, i know, but in many cases it is this simple. :D

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Keeping the kitchen clean is not a problem but I do a lot of cooking and it is impossible to get every little crumb out of every little corner and to the ants that's a buffet. I'm sure keeping it clean helps to some extent but I don't think it would eradicate them.

Yesterday I stumbled upon a termite mound that they were building around some bricks. I grabbed a can of bug spray and had a blast! They had a very bad day.

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Keeping the kitchen clean is not a problem but I do a lot of cooking and it is impossible to get every little crumb out of every little corner and to the ants that's a buffet. I'm sure keeping it clean helps to some extent but I don't think it would eradicate them.

Yes, it's almost impossible to stop the 'searcher' ants who are out looking for food. But by cleaning up after cooking you'll stop them finding anything, and therefore will stop all their mates coming out after the 'searcher' ant goes back to the nest. :o

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