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We also have a Golden Retriever named Cookie. Cookie didn't like Scoobie. My wife says one big dog is enough or I would have kept him. When Scoobie knocked the wife's motorbike over while chasing her turkeys he was in deep trouble.

All mine are pedigree TRD and are the ones no one wanted..from several litters over 4 years ... so I am stuck feeding all. I have lots of great TRD I need to give away and I am willing to give away free to the right falongs or Thais who can prove they are worthy of a good TRD. Contact me after reading my website www.ThaiDog.com

a few questions come up reading this...

why do you breed more if you cannot sell the pups you got already? why can't you sell them, i thought they are all good quality? are you making effort to rehome the 'left overs'? i know it is very, very hard to find good homes for adult dogs... at least in thailand.

if you breed 4 colours, that should not make much more than 10 - 15 breeding dogs? but you got more than 50, that means the rest is all what you could not sell, right?

i wonder how the dogs are kept, as they aren't neutered they cannot all run together, to give them their necessary daily seperate running and playing hours it is almost not feasable timewise for yourself, unless you got lots of staff. or you got very spacious kennels for each of them?

just curious, being a dog lover and -rescuer :o

Here's Scooby;


Last week I gave the guys neighbor lady a couple hundred baht to feed the dog. He's still pretty skinny. I'm NOT giving the dog back.

i dont blame you it is a good looking dog, and from the pic i suspect that if you turn on the tv you will find you now have 22 new sattelite channels


Well done old chap. A heart warming story.

Just one thing to add. You paint a picture of Thais not really caring about dogs: "Unfortunately it was a Thai who wanted him". But I have to say my Thai GF absolutely lives for her dogs. A few months ago she lost her Shi-Zhu and she spent two weeks working tirelessly, flooding the area with posters until she finally got her back.

I would hope your drunk, ex-Thai friend is not representative of all Thai dog owners.

Well done old chap. A heart warming story.

Just one thing to add. You paint a picture of Thais not really caring about dogs: "Unfortunately it was a Thai who wanted him". But I have to say my Thai GF absolutely lives for her dogs. A few months ago she lost her Shi-Zhu and she spent two weeks working tirelessly, flooding the area with posters until she finally got her back.

I would hope your drunk, ex-Thai friend is not representative of all Thai dog owners.

I worded that poorly when I said unfortunately it was a Thai who wanted him. What I was trying to say was that I would have liked it much better if it had been someone I knew who lived near enough that I could have kind of kept tabs on the dog. The poor dog suffered enough and I have no idea how he is being cared for.

  • 1 month later...

Well done Gary, if we ever meet, the food and drinks are on me.

In December 2003 my daughter brought home 2 Thai Basenjis who were given to her by a school friend. They are brother and sister from a litter of 10. We live in Chiang Mai.

The dog is great, he has almost human characteristics and is extremely funny, a real clown sometimes. We named him Whisky.

The bitch is a difference kettle of fish, she is quite nervy and also very attention seeking. She will growl and snarl at strangers outside our front gate, but if anyone actually comes into the house, she will run and hide. We named her Pudding. Sometimes she will growl at my family and me but we know her moods well. To love Pudding requires lots of understanding and tolerance.

In January 2005 Pudding suddenly began to attack Whisky. We tried so hard later on to keep them together, but the fights were becoming bloody and serious.

The only option at the time was to literally turn the dog out into the streets that would mean certain doom for the animal.

Luckily I have a large house, plenty of land space with two & a half metre brick walls surrounding the grounds. My family and I decided to go to the extremes and had a wooden partician built inside my house separating the 2 dogs. Many of my friends thought I was crazy, I don't care, these dogs are firmly part of our family and spoilt something rotten.



. If I would have had a gun, I would have shot that poor dog.

Funny how here it is ok to have this thoughts but in another thread all my posts deleted about the same or simalar subject.

I would have done the same and it is my point exactley that many people do not care for there dogs and they end up like this or worse in the streets making menase of themselfs.

. If I would have had a gun, I would have shot that poor dog.

Funny how here it is ok to have this thoughts but in another thread all my posts deleted about the same or simalar subject.

I would have done the same and it is my point exactley that many people do not care for there dogs and they end up like this or worse in the streets making menase of themselfs.

I'll think you'll find that the OP meant it rhetorically. In any case, I'm sure he's glad he didn't have a gun with him as subsequent events proved. The difference between him and you is that he would have shot the poor animal out of pity, compassion for its suffering. You, on the other hand, would have shot it for fun. Or perhaps thrown a few grenades at it like the unfortunate cow that crossed your path.


Well done garry.Nice end to a very sad story.Why oh why do many thais have dogs and dont look after them.I am looking after 4 soi cats,which gives us great pleasure.i am a dog lover realy and never had cats until a couple of years ago,but these are incredibly clever and very clean too.just hope a thai doesnt nick any of them as all the people living around us want to pick the cats up and stroke them,and say how beautiful they are now,free from disease and putting on weight.cost me a few thousand baht to give them good health but worth it.

. If I would have had a gun, I would have shot that poor dog.

Funny how here it is ok to have this thoughts but in another thread all my posts deleted about the same or simalar subject.

I would have done the same and it is my point exactley that many people do not care for there dogs and they end up like this or worse in the streets making menase of themselfs.

I'll think you'll find that the OP meant it rhetorically. In any case, I'm sure he's glad he didn't have a gun with him as subsequent events proved. The difference between him and you is that he would have shot the poor animal out of pity, compassion for its suffering. You, on the other hand, would have shot it for fun. Or perhaps thrown a few grenades at it like the unfortunate cow that crossed your path.

A bis repetita :o ? And I am with you on that !!!!

Some have honorable motives....some not !!

Anyway, Gary A, glad you gave this Scooby a new chance when you stole it !

. If I would have had a gun, I would have shot that poor dog.

Funny how here it is ok to have this thoughts but in another thread all my posts deleted about the same or simalar subject.

I would have done the same and it is my point exactley that many people do not care for there dogs and they end up like this or worse in the streets making menase of themselfs.

I'll think you'll find that the OP meant it rhetorically. In any case, I'm sure he's glad he didn't have a gun with him as subsequent events proved. The difference between him and you is that he would have shot the poor animal out of pity, compassion for its suffering. You, on the other hand, would have shot it for fun. Or perhaps thrown a few grenades at it like the unfortunate cow that crossed your path.

It did not cross my path, you make it sound like I was walking in the farm land and just threw it willy nilly at any old cow that came along.

It was sold to me because it was deformed and had a leg missing and I did it a favor by putting it down.

I dont shoot dogs for fun, only newsance ones and causeing a menis.

As I have said before before mis truths and inyouendos start to be gossiped about, I like dogs and have a very well behaved one.

It is good to see that someone has the kind heartedness to take on something that in first instanse would look easier to put down.

. If I would have had a gun, I would have shot that poor dog.

Funny how here it is ok to have this thoughts but in another thread all my posts deleted about the same or simalar subject.

I would have done the same and it is my point exactley that many people do not care for there dogs and they end up like this or worse in the streets making menase of themselfs.

I'll think you'll find that the OP meant it rhetorically. In any case, I'm sure he's glad he didn't have a gun with him as subsequent events proved. The difference between him and you is that he would have shot the poor animal out of pity, compassion for its suffering. You, on the other hand, would have shot it for fun. Or perhaps thrown a few grenades at it like the unfortunate cow that crossed your path.

It did not cross my path, you make it sound like I was walking in the farm land and just threw it willy nilly at any old cow that came along.

It was sold to me because it was deformed and had a leg missing and I did it a favor by putting it down.

I dont shoot dogs for fun, only newsance ones and causeing a menis.

As I have said before before mis truths and inyouendos start to be gossiped about, I like dogs and have a very well behaved one.

It is good to see that someone has the kind heartedness to take on something that in first instanse would look easier to put down.

When a person decides to put an animal out of its misery, the usual motivation is the wish to put an end to its suffering, not add to it. Perhaps you'd care to read your original words on the subject:

"I brought a cow once and threw hand grenades at it and then finished it off with a Browning M2 50 cilber machine gun"

By your own admission, you "also like knives and playing with dead things".

I really feel that you're on the wrong forum.

  • 2 weeks later...
I do not feel that way, I come here to gatha informatun and look for friends.

Not much differant to others so why is it wrong.

To look for friends? Well, try putting the gun down, for a start.

Then try changing your signature to something a little more, how shall I put this, uplifting.

Next, how about applying a little wit, a modicum of joie-de-vivre, the merest sprinkling of levity to brighten-up your posts.

Just follow these few simple steps and soon you'll be fighting off the friends with the soggy end of a cow's leg.

Sometimes everything goes wrong and you just can't win. Today I got a tweezers and held the dog. My wife was going to pull out the gauze. She got the gauze out of one wound, jumped up got sick and threw up in the yard. She refused to help me again so that meant another 30 kilometer trip to the vet. Off I went. I got there and the dog jumped over the tailgate. The shop house next to the vet had an old glass case on wheels sitting on a fairly steep slope. The old man at that shop house has a small dog. Scooby went over to have a look and the small dog ran into the little glass case. Naturally it rolled down the slope and fell over. Glass all over the place. I didn't see anything in the case but the old man said there was a special Buddha inside. Anyways the vet goes and talks to the old man. The vet told me he would calm the old man down and then call my wife. Scooby is now scared and doesn't want to go in the vet's office. We had to carry him in. The vet went about business cleaning the wounds again. It was naturally hurting the dog and the dog kicked a bowl of some kind of brown medicine over. It splashed all over the doctor's shirt. I then got the dog back in the truck and came home. The vet called my wife and the old man wants 4,500 baht damages for his old case. That old case wasn't worth 500 baht. My wife talked to the old man and he told her 2,500 for the glass and 2,000 for the broken Buddha. She asked him why the glass was so expensive and he told her that the last time his dog knocked it over it cost him 2,500 to get it fixed. I told her to ask him why he hadn't learned not to park it on a slope. I know she didn't ask him because she was quite polite. She told him we would get the glass repaired and he told her we could not because a leg was broken too. I didn't see and Buddha so I can't comment on that. He saw the farang and no doubt sees an easy way to get some money. A$$hole!

Three little words for the Thai guy with the broken Glass. "Mai Pen Rai" God I would love to do it for you. The ammount of times that I have been Mai pen Raied when a Thai has caused me grief .

What can he do really? He will learn to not put the case there again.

You have done a good thing with the Dog my friend. Not to sound cruel, but maybe you want to get the chop and snip for Scooby to save anymore unwanted dogs .

Good luck and good health to you.

  • 2 weeks later...
. If I would have had a gun, I would have shot that poor dog.

Funny how here it is ok to have this thoughts but in another thread all my posts deleted about the same or simalar subject.

I would have done the same and it is my point exactley that many people do not care for there dogs and they end up like this or worse in the streets making menase of themselfs.

I'll think you'll find that the OP meant it rhetorically. In any case, I'm sure he's glad he didn't have a gun with him as subsequent events proved. The difference between him and you is that he would have shot the poor animal out of pity, compassion for its suffering. You, on the other hand, would have shot it for fun. Or perhaps thrown a few grenades at it like the unfortunate cow that crossed your path.

It did not cross my path, you make it sound like I was walking in the farm land and just threw it willy nilly at any old cow that came along.

It was sold to me because it was deformed and had a leg missing and I did it a favor by putting it down.

I dont shoot dogs for fun, only newsance ones and causeing a menis.

As I have said before before mis truths and inyouendos start to be gossiped about, I like dogs and have a very well behaved one.

It is good to see that someone has the kind heartedness to take on something that in first instanse would look easier to put down.

When a person decides to put an animal out of its misery, the usual motivation is the wish to put an end to its suffering, not add to it. Perhaps you'd care to read your original words on the subject:

"I brought a cow once and threw hand grenades at it and then finished it off with a Browning M2 50 cilber machine gun"

By your own admission, you "also like knives and playing with dead things".

I really feel that you're on the wrong forum.

Just take a look at this guy's other posts on this forum. It will soon be clear that this chap is like an evil Mr Bean in Thailand. An embarrassment.

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