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Tv Darwin Awards...


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(Apologies in advance... This thread benefits no one with anything other and subtle entertainment and perhaps persuades a little second thought before some people post !)

I’ve been Reading a lot of posts this morning, by a lot of different people and I’ve been thoroughly entertained, frustrated, momentarily shocked, slapped with disbelief…

It occurred to me today that amongst a lot of criticism of Thailand, are the people who self incriminate their own intellect and common sense and tar themselves with the same idiotic brush as those they are trying to criticize.

We have the Darwin awards for those stupid enough to remove themselves from the gene pool with idiotic acts..

Should we have a TV Darwin awards, for those who completely misinterpret the level of their own common sense and void the point of a post by being stupid enough to get themselves in that situation in the first place ??

Favorites are:

> Driving drunk and criticizing the following fines.

> Meeting the girl of your dreams, half your age, on the internet or within a few months of meeting her.

> What to do, Visa over stayers.

Add more……. (Mods: can we name guilty posters ?)

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(Apologies in advance... This thread benefits no one with anything other and subtle entertainment and perhaps persuades a little second thought before some people post !)

I’ve been Reading a lot of posts this morning, by a lot of different people and I’ve been thoroughly entertained, frustrated, momentarily shocked, slapped with disbelief…

It occurred to me today that amongst a lot of criticism of Thailand, are the people who self incriminate their own intellect and common sense and tar themselves with the same idiotic brush as those they are trying to criticize….

We have the Darwin awards for those stupid enough to remove themselves from the gene pool with idiotic acts..

Should we have a TV Darwin awards, for those who completely misinterpret the level of their own common sense and void the point of a post by being stupid enough to get themselves in that situation in the first place ??

Favorites are:

> Driving drunk and criticizing the following fines.

> Meeting the girl of your dreams, half your age, on the internet or within a few months of meeting her.

> What to do, Visa over stayers.

Add more……. (Mods: can we name guilty posters ?)

And tonights first award goes to..............................


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