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sbk - i feel i must apologise on behalf of the male population of the world for the ordeals you have encountered in the past. And whilst i can see how it would influence _your_ reaction to a "friendly" male trying to say hello and strike up a conversation, i dont beleive your situation is typical of the majority of farang females in the world.

Your excused for brushing off blokes in a dismissive manner, but what about the rest of the western women?

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I don't mind if you are a 'black sheep' and you can come piss in my bath anytime you're free.

I would like though that you wait until I get out (of the bath) first.

Don't be a wimp ... go for the Golden Shower! :o

sbk - i feel i must apologise on behalf of the male population of the world for the ordeals you have encountered in the past. And whilst i can see how it would influence _your_ reaction to a "friendly" male trying to say hello and strike up a conversation, i dont beleive your situation is typical of the majority of farang females in the world.

Your excused for brushing off blokes in a dismissive manner, but what about the rest of the western women?

I would suspect my "ordeals" have occurred to quite a few western women. I have always wondered if there were any statistics on this kind of thing.

As a teenager I always wondered "why me?" and thought there must have been something wrong with me to attract these weirdos. It was only as I grew to an adult that I realized it was not me that had the problem but these men who got off on scaring a young teenage girl. I am not unfriendly to men I don't know but I certainly don't go out of my way to be friendly to some guy who tries to strike up a conversation out of the blue (especially one walking down the street! :o )


SBK: it does and has happened to many girls i know , including to myself.

In england i will go to a club and men will be plain rude, try to stick there tongue down my throat, dribble on my shoulder that they wanna marry me and when i say politly i have a boyfriend(i lie) they tell me i'm an ugly bitch and to f off!

Nice attitude hmmm?

Ive also been flashed, grabbed, in malta a guy tried forcing me into his car and i've been followed..

Now i'm sorry guys but a large amount of farang men are idiots who make us woman a little wary with certain things so i suppose woman have done exactly what your doing on this site, squeezing all farang men into the same hole, stereotyping.

i think if thai woman had "typical" english men being like this to them they to would also be wary the next time one smiled at them.. :o

Also to add again:

There is a large amount of thai men who wont date thai woman and will only date farangs, so i dont doubt on some message board somewhere in the world theres a load of thai guys sitting there slagging off thai woman...

oh saying that thai woman are all fat :D


It is very gutting to hear about these experiences, but there really are nice guys out there!

SBK, you mentioned nothing like this has ever happened to you in Thailand. Makes me wonder if it's the level of prostution out here and the - "accepted" is the wrong word - but the fact Thai girls know their male counterparts may go off for a shag every now and again that contributes to this factor...


I'm always polite to men who speake to me, or show an interest, even if I am not interested romantically or sexually. I think sometimes some men get offended as if just being polite or friendly is leading them on, and assume a hostile attitude once they realize you are not interested. Not always, but has been known to happen. Maybe this is why some women are more cautious with friendly vibes. Still, it never hurts to smile and acknowledge when passing in the street, and I always do when I am acknowledged.

Unfortunately, abuse and sexually predatory behavior happens everywhere, and especially to young adolescent girls. I think girls everywhere could tell you these stories. I have a bunch similar to SBK's, all between the ages of 13-19. Actually, even when I was about 4 years old, I remember men in a car stopping to ask me directions, twice! Can you imagine two grown men asking a 4-year old child directions? Luckily, I had a very alert, aware mom that would pop up at the window just in the nick of time to shout my name out before I walked over to the car. So yes, gentlemen, if you have girl children, this is something you must be aware of at all times, sadly. And lately, boy children are not exempt.

I think young girls and youth are more susceptible, because they haven't fully formed boundaries and confidence levels that can effectively deflect abusive or inapproriate behavior.

However, SBK, do not be fooled, this happens a great, great deal in Thailand. We may not see it, but it is here. Abuse is less prone to be by strangers here and more prone to being "situational" abuse by familiars. Situational abuse simply means that rather than a compulsive pedophile or anonymous predator, it can be almost anyone if the opportunity arises. As a woman here, I have had at least one sticky situation, and a couple of near misses. I was simply out late or around the wrong people, and in this situation, I became vulnerable. But it is much worse for Asian women.

I'm also sorry to tell you, that I have confirmed a previous suspicion with at least one very good statistic. On an earlier thread, some of us were discussing the potential prevelance of child sexual abuse in Thailand. I have been looking into this along with other research that I am doing.

I found out that a previous study was done by ESCAP UN (Economic and Social Cooperation of Asia Pacific) where they interviewed over 10,000 children in Thailand, Viet Nam, Cambodia, and Laos. They found a rate of 30-50% of these children were sexually abused by families or familiars. This is considered under-reported, because sex crimes are widely known to be under-reported in Asia because of the shame and family duty that is especially placed on a female. In general, there is only a 1 in 36 average of rapes reported in the region. I don't have my notes with me at the moment, but this study was done recently, approximately 2000/2001. Just for contrast, high statistics in the west are considered to be 12-20%, and these are going down (because of education, awareness, and reporting). In Asia, the statistics are going up.

By all means, you can go to the Unicef site and look up things there for yourself. I think the name of this particular study was called "Conspiracy of Silence" chapter 4. Anyway, I can post more of the references on this if anyone is interested.

It is very gutting to hear about these experiences, but there really are nice guys out there!

SBK, you mentioned nothing like this has ever happened to you in Thailand. Makes me wonder if it's the level of prostution out here and the - "accepted" is the wrong word - but the fact Thai girls know their male counterparts may go off for a shag every now and again that contributes to this factor...

Good point Insight.


I have just looked at the Linekers site. What was it supposed to prove? If thats all we are missing, then we have nothing to worry about. Not the most stunning collection of girls I've ever seen, even with there war paint on.

I have just looked at the Linekers site. What was it supposed to prove? If thats all we are missing, then we have nothing to worry about. Not the most stunning collection of girls I've ever seen, even with there war paint on.

i have to agree, i've seen prettier farang girls.

was that a joke using that site? :o:D

Kat's last post has just made me feel as miserable as your average farang bird :o

Sorry Insight, but you said "..... makes me wonder ...."

Kat's last post has just made me feel as miserable as your average farang bird  :o

Sorry Insight, but you said "..... makes me wonder ...."

Touche :D

BTW sbk, is that your pic in your avatar? If so, you've completely destroyed my "fat and ugly" argument! Thankyouvery-bloody-much!


I would hazard a guess that the type of guy who is not a predator, is also the type of guy who does not usually go to clubs or troll the streets looking for young girls to flash to. The larger average of guys is a little less adventurous than one might think, to the point of finding it hard to approach women, hard to mingle with strangers in clubs, pubs, discos etc. (we are talking about the west here).

Its this common problem which makes it hard for girls to meet a decent guy, and vice versa, alot of these guys will appear a little dorkish, quiet, timid, or just plain toungue tied, you have to give them a chance and not jump down their throats at every little indiscretion.

Men are great at screwing up in conversations, women need to step back and try not to react to slips of the toungue or a little obsession with certain male topics, give the guy a chance to settle down and realise he can relax in your company, and you will find you meet the real genuine worthwhile blokes moreso than the hero, only want a root, sleazebag types..

Just my humble view on things..

Kitty- you are shy? Definitely don't come off that way- kind of picture you as outgoing!  :o

I'm shy and not particluary confident. If a gorgeous man looked at me and smiled i'd bury my head and go bright red(thinking he's picking out my flaws while staring at me and will lose interest) or think he's not looking at me ,thus ignoring the guy.

I do however think personality wise ive nothing to be ashamed of, i'm nice,polite, will give anyone a chance, wont hold grudges and will give alot of love....

meaning most times my hearts stamped on by men who cheat on me and use me.....Thus.....I was single for two happy years and have decided im happier then ever that way, Amen. :D

p.s i also like a good debate and to have my own views.. :D

Kitty - good philosophy! :D Better to be happy, single and alone than be with the wrong person.

I think i must be going wrong somewhere though :D

seems im "better to be single but when the wrong man comes along grab him" :o and grab him i do <kitty shakes her head in shame>

I would hazard a guess that the type of guy who is not a predator, is also the type of guy who does not usually go to clubs or troll the streets looking for young girls to flash to. The larger average of guys is a little less adventurous than one might think, to the point of finding it hard to approach women, hard to mingle with strangers in clubs, pubs, discos etc. (we are talking about the west here).

Its this common problem which makes it hard for girls to meet a decent guy, and vice versa, alot of these guys will appear a little dorkish, quiet, timid, or just plain toungue tied, you have to give them a chance and not jump down their throats at every little indiscretion.

Men are great at screwing up in conversations, women need to step back and try not to react to slips of the toungue or a little obsession with certain male topics, give the guy a chance to settle down and realise he can relax in your company, and you will find you meet the real genuine worthwhile blokes moreso than the hero, only want a root, sleazebag types..

Just my humble view on things..

So, true, but I have a special appreciation for the quiet man. Still waters run deep. Until he has something he wants to tell me.


Didn't realise this thread would open up such a can of worms. Well 200 posts, and nearly 3000 views. Reading through all the posts, there still seems to be alot of slagging of farang girls. Well at least my question has been answered. As for using the linekers link, well I thought it was more than adequate. Yes its not a site full of stunning farang model's, but kitty I'm surprised by your reply, because if that really is your pic in your avatar, then Im amazed you have the gaul to post what you said, considering your not exactly an 'oil painting' yourself.

Anyway people tone down the slagging of farang women, because at the end of the day your mum's and sisters are farang women too!!!


farang girls unfortunately have too big vaginas from being overused at a young age .

thai girls have titer vaginas ,need we say more ?

farang girls unfortunately have too big vaginas from being overused at a young age .

thai girls have titer vaginas ,need we say more ?

Great spelling and imagery from Dr Who's nemesis...... :o


Walking through MBK yesterday, and like a herd of cattle, a group of 4 or 5 farang girls came marching down the mall......and sure enough they went to McDonalds and continued to feed their fat arse's.....i was soooo glad to be sitting with my 43 kg Thai g/f, moments like that really make me like Thai girls even more......and Im sure many more fellow male Thailand travellers know what i mean..... :o

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