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Hello All

I have searched and done a lot of research into this matter before anyone says use the search function.

I met a really nice girl (yes a bar girl) in Thailand/Phuket this year in June 07, I have kept in contact with her and she sends me SMS messages fairly often. I plan to go back in Feb or March 08 and see her again, im taking it slow as obviously I want to know if she really loves me.

Yes I have read all about bargirls but at the end of the day they can't all be bad and they are human. My main problems with her are that she can't speak English too well so I have agreed for her to take some lessons, (I have not sent her any money previous to this). My question is about getting her a VISA to the UK looking around the best option would be to get her a 6 months VISA and I sponsor her.

Obviously I want to get it right the first time and im prepared to wait to get it right. Looking at a previous post on here they main thing is proving that you are in a relationship with her I have been phoning her alot but we don't have itamised billing on are land line and now when I phone her I used VOIP so I can phone her for free! Do they look that you have been in a relationship for at least 6 months?

Has anyone does this before and got some advice? great.gif

My Sources:

UK Visa


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand : : Passport Offices and Addresses

Thailand-UK Website

VoipDiscount | Free Calls and SMS

Home - Thaivisa.com


Hi there,

First of all ive been with an ex bargirl for over a year, due to marry soon, and they are not all the same.

Me, same as you, wanted to get her a tourist visa straight away after we met, but we realised it was too soon.

You say you met her in june this year? well im not an expert, but trying for a visa now i think would be too soon.

After reading on this site i understand a tourist visa is one, if not the most difficult to be granted.

I meen you say she is or was a bargirl yes? well i suspect she has nothing to return back to Thailand for, and thats what the visa people will think too.

She has to give a reasonable answer to why she will return back to Thailand if the visit visa is granted.

Does she have land? a home? kids? if not, then with you only meeting her a few months ago, your going to find it very hard.

But like i say, im no expert.

Not worry too much about voip discount, i use that too sometimes when im at home.

You can simply print an itemised bill off, which clearly shows your calls and txts.

Good luck matey..


Start thinking about the question you and she are going to be asked then make a paper trail to cover them and provide a reason for her to go back.

Has she kids ?

Does she have an education ?

What is she doing for cash right now ?

Has she gone home ?

Just a final point but you know you may find out that hse is still on the game when you return and you really don't know this girl at all, apart from being her customer. If you are stupidly sending her money, then she will pretend to be everything you want until you stop.

I live in Pattaya and see this hundreds of times each year. Go back and see her but if you think a working girl you met in June 2007 is going to be faithful to you until March 2008 (9 months !!!!) then you are the one who needs counselling.

I wish you the best but don't get your hopes up or send cash. By the way, if you are not sending cash, what do you think she is doing for money ?


Agree with torrenova. You know this girl a few months, probably went with here during the course of your holiday, which might have been 4 weeks or so. And now you are considering a visa. I don't think you will stand a chance at the embassy.

If you are serious about this girl, then it surely takes more time to know here well, several visits. But let's be completely honest, you met a bargirl, I'm not stating that they are all bad, but what did she do when you left, find another job, or is she still on the game. I think the latter is much more likely.


I don't feel for us much as did when I first came back from LOS the first week I came back I was almost traumatized you know from feeling like a king to go back to working night shifts was bad!

I don't fully understand it my self but I just like the fact I can phone her daily and she makes me happy. I don't kid my self thinking she is off the game in fact I know shes not but I know if I sent her money to stop she would keep on doing it (I don't think any of them stop if you sponser them) so I don't send her money.

I never really paied much to her when I was out there only release her a couple of times and she let me spend alot of time just being with her. She bought me lunch once and paied for tuk tuks for me and her sometimes.

Before i went to Thailand I was like how can these guys fall for these girls! but I don't think they are all bad.

Ok I agree getting her a VISA this soon is un realistic. The only thing I am offering to pay to her is for some english lessons she says she will stop working in the bar when i go back in Feb/March. (god knows what this means proably for my holiday)

I'd like to know what "scotty123456789" girl does now for a living? I feel there is something special about the girl I met and I guess nothing ventured nothing gained and ive always been tight with my money and nothing will change that!



I think you will find that most members who have ex-bargirls as partners are living with them and not sending them money from afar. I also live in Pattaya, and see it on a daily basis, this is the only way for this to work.

I lived with a Thai girl in the Uk before, and she very soon gets homesick, she misses the family,the food, the company,the weather, (belive me they look much sexier with the minimum amount of clothing)and they even miss the tv!

Also they complain alot about the weather,and before you know it they are feeling ill, catching colds for the first time in their lives.

Also if she is drop dead gorgeous, she is bound to have a full clientel, and if she does go to the UK then your mates won't be able to stop flirting with her, and visa versa, because to be blunt that is her job, not to serve you cold beer, but to get punters.

Good luck but if you want to be sure and save your money up and come back on a surprise visit unannounced and see if she is being faithful.


First of all i was wary at first with her being what she was, but i took a risk.

Over a year we have been together, due to marry in a couple of months, then hopefully a granted settlement visa.

If your to persue a relationship with this girl then you sat at home with her in phuket is not gona work.

Come on man, do you expect her to wait for you until feb/march? i meen your not supporting her.

Of course she will go with other guys and give you the, i not work bar, i stay with friend, i wait you.

You need to get over there, with her, get her away from the bar, and make sure she stays away.

But even then it will be hard my friend.

I have been to see my girl 4 times in the last 11 months, each time at her mam and paps.

Forget trying for a visa now mate, but like i said before im no expert.

I suspect this was your first time in los, we have all been there, fallen for the same old bull, but you must listen to other peoples thoughts.

I didnt listen, i took a risk and it has paid off, we are so so happy.

There is know greater feeling than being in a serious relationship with a thai women, ex bargirl or not.

Good luck mate, but i would take it steady and listen to others.



Slinky I dont think its too soon to get a visa, I know a thai girl (not a bar girl) who met a lad in april and was in the UK for August, it is possible but I'm guessing difficult. She'd been to Aus a couple of times and returned when she promised, so maybe this worked in her favour? no kids and no home to return for so the visa people must of seen something good in her application.

Slightly off track, what others have said should be thought about and considered though. The thai girl I know used to phone me every other day from australia (on her sponsors phone!) to moan about the weather, the food, the miserable people, no fun, too expensive, no one smiling blah blah... everything. And this is Australia where a lot of Brits wish to live. For that reason I refused to bring her to the UK, because im guessing she'd have even more to moan about.

Was it your first time in Thailand when you met your girl this year? My first trip last June I met a bargirl on the 1st night, she stopped working for the 3 1/2 weeks I was there, never asked for money, I offered but she refused but I did pay for food, drinks, movies etc and we were inseperable for the whole 24 days. Tears were shed when we said goodbye from both of us the lot. I've been out 4 times since in the last year or so, still see her, she has 2 sponsors now sending her money and we talk openly about it. She's still in Pattaya, doesnt need to work as she has close on £800 sterling coming in each month so she just parties most nights.. I wont go into details but im pretty sure she isnt faithful to her sponsors....

I fall in love at the drop of a hat and openly admit it, but take a step back and weigh everything up please. Not all bargirls are the same, I know some cracking ones and they've hearts of gold but a lot of the time what they do is a way of life to them.

I've decided to make my millions (or enoguh to live off), move to thailand then find myself a gorgeous brown lady to settle down with, it is hard saying goodbye every time but its easier to try and forget things when your back home than worry 24/7 til your next holiday 9 or 10 months away. It'll drive you nuts

Please dont think I'm poo-pooing your idea or your girl in any way,far from it, i'm just offering what advice I can to a fellow Brit. Hope that made some sense as im typing it from work on a night shift at 3.30am

I live in Pattaya and see this hundreds of times each year. Go back and see her but if you think a working girl you met in June 2007 is going to be faithful to you until March 2008 (9 months !!!!) then you are the one who needs counselling.

Well. They are not all bad. I have seen some ex-BG that got out of it and stay clean. Might be what, 10% out of 100!!!! Totally agree with torrenova and others who have been there done that. You should listen to others and TAKE YOUR TIME! They once said 'you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl'.

All the info they said in the visa website when it comes to reality esp. with Thai single women, it ain't what it is they have said. Hard to get visa approved. They tend to keep BG away fron their countries which is understandable cuz bad reputation and all. Wish you luck and pls. be patience. Ain't love at first sight in 10 seconds gaze in the bar.


Maybe some of these people have had bad experiences with bargirls, and see them for the bad only.

Like i said poster, they are not all the same, but you must, and i meen must, het over to see her, waiting until next year, and thinking she is gona wait for you until then, then think again.

Aint this a forum regarding visas? maybe he should log on to stickman.

Anyway, i wish him luck, my girls an ex bargirl and where in the 10% possitive slot.

As for the visa, no chance.

My guess is he has been los one time, fallen in love, well, rests speeks for its self.

Tell you what ah kid, ask for her email password, see what she says. :o

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