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School Holidays ?


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just a short thing .. is there any information out there about hos holidays in govt scools and Universitys are handled ??

some say there are no regulations... but is there may some ?list" or suggestions from the goverment about school-holidays ?

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Individual schools/univ. seem to have a few days of latitude, but in general:

Schools - Annnual break: all of April Midterm Break: last 2 weeks of October

Univ's: - Annual Break: late March - end of May Midterm break: last 3 weeks of October

International Schools: follow the schedule of whatever country they are affiliated to.

Obviously, these are very general guidlines. For Thai schools, the govt. requirements are expressed in terms of instructional hours per term or per year, not in terms of vacation entitlements. And of course, in all cases, teachers normally have to work a few days at the beginning or end of the term,while the students are on vacation.

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Good question.

I have found it incredible how most parents have no idea exactly when the school holidays will start (or finish) until a day or two before hand when the school tells the students, or a letter is issued just before the end of term - usually giving the deadlines for school fees to be paid etc.

When you suggest that they contact the school for a list of holidays - they look at you as though you just flew in from the moon!

I wish to take my wife and step son abroad during the main summer holiday next year - but do you think I can find out exactly when the term ends? It's like extracting blood from a stone.

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School calendars are a day-to-day affair. Some schools will dare to make a calendar at the beginning of each term; it's largely a work of fiction. The calendar functions at the pleasure of the school director, who may make changes as he sees fit any time. There is no official start or end to school holidays in any central way.

"But, how can parents, students, and teachers make any plans, either for school or outside it?" I hear you ask.

You're beginning to catch on.

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Most schools in Thailand usually give out the term duration (beginning & end date) and holidays schedule at the beginning of each term to their students. Or you can just ask for it, either at the time when you’re paying for the school fee, or buying those textbooks package.

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