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Goat Milk

El Taco Loco

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After going to 4 doctors within a week, there is a possibility (btw, 4 doctors, 4 different f$""/·ing opinions :o ) that son may be allergic to cow milk. Some have suggested goat milk. Nom Pé.

Anyone have ideas if this could work? He was breast feed for 17 months straight and then stopped. Now he has bumps on occasion and scratches alot.


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be very careful, has be been to see a paediatrician or just a doctor??

My son (5 months) was diagnosed as being allergic to cows milk product & has been put on a special non dairy, non soya formula (tastes & smells like crap but he still drinks it!) & we were advised that he can be switched to soya milk after a year old. But he was referred to a specialist before any descision was made as GP's do not have the required up to date knowledge on babies.

He also sees a dietician to discuss what solid foods he has to avoid as he is in the first stages of weaning & we have to use Soya yogurt, non dairy butter & as lot of baby food contain cows milk in the ingredients I was todl what look for (not everything bad for him is labelled as milk) so you & your wife should be explained what to avoid. (I have an NHS produced list of suitable foods & an explaination of a dairy free diet if you want me to email it to you)

If you haven't seen a paediatrician then see one before doing anything as he needs specific dietary requirements that milk provides, so make sure he is getting the right one but we were told that Soya is better than Goat if cow milk cannot be used.

Can I ask what symptoms your son was displaying?

Mine had very bad wind from birth which caused him to scream when he farted, constant stomach griping, when he drank his milk he would cry excessivly & try to spit out his bottle, severe colic & when his milk was changed after an accident on the plane over to Thailand, he exploded in a pussy rash. :o

A very good Soya formula brand is Isomil, we used this for several weeks when we were in Thailand holidaying & my sons condition improved in 3 days. He became like a different baby, no more stomach ache, no more rash & no more screaming, he took back his bottle & was really happy.

We only changed him to the non dairy, non soya formula as he is too young & may become allergic to soya if he uses it this young, which I obviously didn't want but I will most certainly change him back to Isomil when he is a year old as he liked it so much.

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Hi. Actually, we read about Isomil and am looking for it.

The symptons are just rashes, hard bumps. They come and go as they please. He was breast fed until 2 weeks ago, when he developed hand, foot and mouth disease. He had some bad bumps and blisters inside his mouth and parts of his feet and hands. After about 5 days, he got better and just simply plays with the breast.

We started weaning him about 6 months ago. He ate solid foods before the disease and ate it during, albeit liquids and icecream.

Now, after recovering, he has some red rashes behind the elbows (inside the arm) and behind his knees. We use menthol lotion and physioderm cream. It helped somewhat a few months ago; now not so much.

I just finally told the wife to stop listening to 4 <deleted> doctors and just go with one and try it out. 3 out of the 4 were pediatricians and the last one mentioned the posibility of cow milk allergies. In about 2 weeks we will take him to BKK for an allergy test and get a final answer.

In the meantime, as he refuses bottles (never did like them) but loves betagen and other yohgurt style drinks, we are giving him less of it, as he needs the calcium. He is a fussy milk drinker so we have to do the lesser of all evils. We have not stopped the cow milk completely as we are worried about his dairy needs. He does not like soy based drinks, but I think Isomil will have to be it for him if the cow allergy is confirmed.

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My Daughter never liked cow's milk

Didn't care for it and didn't want to drink it.

the few times that she did she threw up, so we figured why push it?

she's been on goat milk since about 10Mo old (she's 2yrs now) and never had a problem with it.

She can do the UTH stuff no problem but she (and I) prefer the fresh refrigerated stuff.

It's sold in little plastic bottles at Lotus and Tops and has got a picture of green grass, a goat, and blue skys on it.

good luck with your nhom-paa

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I'd be really careful. so many allergies are diagnosed now with nothing to back up the hypothesis. I saw that you are going to see about having some tests done. Our youngest daughter had giardia which resulted in lactose intolerance, she had to have pre digested milk. It smelt like vomit obviously but it didn't bother her, she drank it with no problems.

Good luck

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My son drank goats milk for a year. I thought it smelled like pee but it didn't seem to bother him. If he had any dairy products, including ice cream, butter, cheese etc, he started a bad cough. After a year on the goats milk he was able to take dairy again. Now 15 years old and no problems.

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Mine had very bad wind from birth which caused him to scream when he farted, constant stomach griping, when he drank his milk he would cry excessivly & try to spit out his bottle, severe colic & when his milk was changed after an accident on the plane over to Thailand, he exploded in a pussy rash. :o

Ditto when on cow-milk based formula, except without the exploding pussy rash. We switched to soy-milk at the same time as reintroducing breastmilk after a forced absence due to my wide being ill and the symptoms stopped within 2 days. But then we got onto breastfeeding exclusively and have had no problems since.

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u have to differentiate between milk intolerance and milk allergy; and to whose milk: some children cannot have goats milk either; the difference between goat and cow milk is the way the lactose is broken down and used, but there are other materials in the milks that can cause reactions...

also, what the animals eat can affect the milk etc...

as for allergies like the excema behind the knees and elbows: allergic children will stay alllergic, just the allergies change... and testing at one year old doesnt mean the same for the next year...

and the hand foot and mouth disease, while very contagious, presents itself more in children with immune systems that are weaker, which of course can happen when a child is allergic, or the opposite, the child has allergies because because his immune system is not working properly.

i hate to say this but i did find that homeopathic treatments helped my youngest (the most allergic of my three), as long as we stuck to the treatments...


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  • 3 months later...

i dont know, but i know that goat milk has this smaller protein for better digestion and a lot of people who needs minerals but cant take cow milk have converted into goat milk and they are feeling a lot better. Rim ping store have both milk and other milk, u can try.

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