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Being A Good Buddhist


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I'm unable to find the meaning of the following terms......as I understand them, they're sort of like the Thai version of the 10 Commandments. It's possible I have the spelling incorrect:



The others (along with my crude translations) are ตักบาตร - offer alms; ไหว้พระ - worship Buddha; ให้ทาน - to donate; and ฟังธรรม - listen to sermons

Any help with translating the two above would be appreciated.

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Be mindful that this forum is about Thai language, not Buddhism which is the subject of another forum in ThaiVisa. With that considered, let's offer a list of the five basic Buddhist Precepts with an emphasis on the language items:

ถือศีล (from Lexitron) [V] observe religious precepts/rite; observe the commandments

ศีล [sĕen hâa] 5 มีความหมายคือ "The five basic precepts are:"

๑. เว้นจากทำลายชีวิต "Refrain from doing harm to life"

๒. เว้นจากถือเอาของที่เขามิได้ให้ "Refrain from taking something which is not given [to you]"

๓. เว้นจากประพฤติผิดในกาม "Refrain from sexual misbehavior"

๔. เว้นจากพูดเท็จ "Refrain from speaking non-truths"

๕. เว้นจากของเมา คือ สุราเมรัยอันเป็นที่ตั้งแห่งความประมาท "Say away from intoxicating substances, that is, liquor which is source of negligence [or becoming negligent]."

A more artful rendition may be found at: http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Buddhism_Five_Precepts/id/52571

1. The precept to refrain from harming living creatures (killing).

2. The precept to refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).

3. The precept to refrain from sexual misconduct.

4. The precept to refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).

5. The precept to refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.

Please ask if there are any questions regarding specific Thai vocabulary or if I have translated any of the first set incorrectly.

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Thanks, David. Couldn't find a few of the words in my dictionary (New Age Thai-English Dictionary). You've answered my question.

Be mindful that this forum is about Thai language, not Buddhism which is the subject of another forum in ThaiVisa. With that considered, let's offer a list of the five basic Buddhist Precepts with an emphasis on the language items:

ถือศีล (from Lexitron) [V] observe religious precepts/rite; observe the commandments

ศีล [sĕen hâa] 5 มีความหมายคือ "The five basic precepts are:"

๑. เว้นจากทำลายชีวิต "Refrain from doing harm to life"

๒. เว้นจากถือเอาของที่เขามิได้ให้ "Refrain from taking something which is not given [to you]"

๓. เว้นจากประพฤติผิดในกาม "Refrain from sexual misbehavior"

๔. เว้นจากพูดเท็จ "Refrain from speaking non-truths"

๕. เว้นจากของเมา คือ สุราเมรัยอันเป็นที่ตั้งแห่งความประมาท "Say away from intoxicating substances, that is, liquor which is source of negligence [or becoming negligent]."

A more artful rendition may be found at: http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Buddhism_Five_Precepts/id/52571

1. The precept to refrain from harming living creatures (killing).

2. The precept to refrain from taking that which is not freely given (stealing).

3. The precept to refrain from sexual misconduct.

4. The precept to refrain from incorrect speech (lying, harsh language, slander, idle chit-chat).

5. The precept to refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness.

Please ask if there are any questions regarding specific Thai vocabulary or if I have translated any of the first set incorrectly.

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The Phuket Vegetarian Festival is coming up soon; it begins on October 11th and runs for 10 days. The disciplines and precepts expected for participants are not dissimilar to some of the Buddhist precepts. This is not a Chamber of Commerce posting but an exercise in language. Kokesaat asked about the Buddhist ศีล (precepts); here are the ten for the Chinese-sourced vegetarian festival, a decidedly non-Buddhist occasion:


ข้อควรปฏิบัติ 10 ประการ สำหรับผู้ถือศีลกินผัก

Ten Practice Rules for Persons Who are Following the Precepts of Vegetarianism

  • ชำระร่างกายให้สะอาดตลอดช่วงเทศกาล
    Keep your body clean for the duration of the festival
  • ทำความสะอาดเครื่องครัวและแยกใช้คนละส่วนกับผู้ที่ไม่ได้ถือศีลกินผัก
    Keep your kitchen utensils clean and separate them separate from those used by persons who are not following vegetarianism
  • ควรสวมชุดขาวตลอดช่วงเทศกาลกินผัก
    You should wear only white clothes for the duration of the vegetarian festival
  • ประพฤติตนดีทั้งกายและใจ
    Conduct your self [in a] good [manner] both physically and mentally
  • ห้ามบริโภคเนื้อสัตว์
    Do not partake of any animal meat [meat-like products make from soybeans, for example, are common, however.]
  • ห้ามมีเพศสัมพันธ์ในช่วงเทศกาล
    Do not engage in sexual relations during the duration of the festival.
  • ห้ามดื่มสุราและของมึนเมา
    Do not consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances
  • ผู้ที่อยู่ระหว่างไว้ทุกข์ไม่ควรร่วมเทศกาลกินผัก
    Persons who are in mourning should not join in the vegetarian festival
  • หญิงมีครรภ์ไม่ควรดูพิธีกรรมใดๆ ในช่วงเทศกาล
    Pregnant women should not watch any of the rituals for the duration of the festival. [some of the rituals can get very gory.]
  • หญิงมีประจำเดือนไม่ควรร่วมพิธีกรรมใดๆ ในช่วงเทศกาล
    Menstruating women should not participate in any of the rituals during the festival.


If you have any vocabulary questions about these items, please post. Thanks.

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The Phuket Vegetarian Festival is coming up soon; it begins on October 11th and runs for 10 days. The disciplines and precepts expected for participants are not dissimilar to some of the Buddhist precepts. This is not a Chamber of Commerce posting but an exercise in language. Kokesaat asked about the Buddhist ศีล (precepts); here are the ten for the Chinese-sourced vegetarian festival, a decidedly non-Buddhist occasion:


ข้อควรปฏิบัติ 10 ประการ สำหรับผู้ถือศีลกินผัก <---- Isn't ถือศีลกินเจ? Or ถือศีลกินผัก is formal?

Ten Practice Rules for Persons Who are Following the Precepts of Vegetarianism

  • ชำระร่างกายให้สะอาดตลอดช่วงเทศกาล
    Keep your body clean for the duration of the festival
  • ทำความสะอาดเครื่องครัวและแยกใช้คนละส่วนกับผู้ที่ไม่ได้ถือศีลกินผัก
    Keep your kitchen utensils clean and separate them separate from those used by persons who are not following vegetarianism
  • ควรสวมชุดขาวตลอดช่วงเทศกาลกินผัก
    You should wear only white clothes for the duration of the vegetarian festival
  • ประพฤติตนดีทั้งกายและใจ
    Conduct your self [in a] good [manner] both physically and mentally
  • ห้ามบริโภคเนื้อสัตว์
    Do not partake of any animal meat [meat-like products make from soybeans, for example, are common, however.]
  • ห้ามมีเพศสัมพันธ์ในช่วงเทศกาล
    Do not engage in sexual relations during the duration of the festival.
  • ห้ามดื่มสุราและของมึนเมา
    Do not consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances
  • ผู้ที่อยู่ระหว่างไว้ทุกข์ไม่ควรร่วมเทศกาลกินผัก
    Persons who are in mourning should not join in the vegetarian festival
  • หญิงมีครรภ์ไม่ควรดูพิธีกรรมใดๆ ในช่วงเทศกาล
    Pregnant women should not watch any of the rituals for the duration of the festival. [some of the rituals can get very gory.]
  • หญิงมีประจำเดือนไม่ควรร่วมพิธีกรรมใดๆ ในช่วงเทศกาล
    Menstruating women should not participate in any of the rituals during the festival.


If you have any vocabulary questions about these items, please post. Thanks.

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Thanks, LookSaMoon, for your comment.

สำหรับผู้ถือศีลกินผัก <---- Isn't ถือศีลกินเจ? Or ถือศีลกินผัก is formal?

We in the South are very informal about our langauge. As far as I know there are three Thai expressions: 1. "มังสวิรัติ [( มัง-สะ-หวิ-รัต- ) mang-sà-wì-rát] [N] vegetarian"; 2. "กินเจ [gin jày] [V] practice vegetarianism; eat vegetarian food; abstain from eating meat or fish" and 3. กินผัก [gin pàk], the simpliest, "eating vegetables." [Definitions 1 and 2 from Lexitron.]

In Phuket Thai, we just say, กินผัก [gin pàk]; we are just "ตาสีตาสา". Any thoughts on the differences between the three phrases?

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Thanks, LookSaMoon, for your comment.

สำหรับผู้ถือศีลกินผัก <---- Isn't ถือศีลกินเจ? Or ถือศีลกินผัก is formal?

We in the South are very informal about our langauge. As far as I know there are three Thai expressions: 1. "มังสวิรัติ [( มัง-สะ-หวิ-รัต- ) mang-sà-wì-rát] [N] vegetarian"; 2. "กินเจ [gin jày] [V] practice vegetarianism; eat vegetarian food; abstain from eating meat or fish" and 3. กินผัก [gin pàk], the simpliest, "eating vegetables." [Definitions 1 and 2 from Lexitron.]

In Phuket Thai, we just say, กินผัก [gin pàk]; we are just "ตาสีตาสา". Any thoughts on the differences between the three phrases?

I know only for 1. and 2. never heard 3.

For มังสวิรัติ you can eat dairy products and eggs which you cannot for กินเจ and there are 5 smelly vegetables

that are prohibited for กินเจ such as garlic and onions.

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Thanks, LookSaMoon, for your comment.

สำหรับผู้ถือศีลกินผัก <---- Isn't ถือศีลกินเจ? Or ถือศีลกินผัก is formal?

We in the South are very informal about our langauge. As far as I know there are three Thai expressions: 1. "มังสวิรัติ [( มัง-สะ-หวิ-รัต- ) mang-sà-wì-rát] [N] vegetarian"; 2. "กินเจ [gin jày] [V] practice vegetarianism; eat vegetarian food; abstain from eating meat or fish" and 3. กินผัก [gin pàk], the simpliest, "eating vegetables." [Definitions 1 and 2 from Lexitron.]

In Phuket Thai, we just say, กินผัก [gin pàk]; we are just "ตาสีตาสา". Any thoughts on the differences between the three phrases?

Im vego, I usually say :




seems to have more or less the same effect.

Edited by Grover
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