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Sleeping On The Floor.


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Moved into a new house recently & haven't got the kids bedroom fitted out yet. They have commandered my bed & sleep with their mother. So....

I have taken to sleeping on one of those thin mats on the floor.

After two nights of excruciating pain I have gotten used to it, however, I wake up stiff & it takes ages for the bones to get re-aligned.

Does anybody on this forum sleep on the floor regularly & have you noticed any long term posture problems?



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Moved into a new house recently & haven't got the kids bedroom fitted out yet. They have commandered my bed & sleep with their mother. So....

I have taken to sleeping on one of those thin mats on the floor.

After two nights of excruciating pain I have gotten used to it, however, I wake up stiff & it takes ages for the bones to get re-aligned.

Does anybody on this forum sleep on the floor regularly & have you noticed any long term posture problems?



Toss down a reasonable mattres & you should be OK - unless you have prior back injuries.

On the bright side - not so far to the floor when one's had a few too many.

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Moved into a new house recently & haven't got the kids bedroom fitted out yet. They have commandered my bed & sleep with their mother. So....

I have taken to sleeping on one of those thin mats on the floor.

After two nights of excruciating pain I have gotten used to it, however, I wake up stiff & it takes ages for the bones to get re-aligned.

Does anybody on this forum sleep on the floor regularly & have you noticed any long term posture problems?



Toss down a reasonable mattres & you should be OK - unless you have prior back injuries.

On the bright side - not so far to the floor when one's had a few too many.

buy a garden camp bed in tesco;s for 500 b when you sort your self out you can use it to get some sun in the garden

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Throughout my travels I have had many opportunities to sleep on the floor, when we are in Nepal we even skip the floor and sleep on hard dirt. If you think of it as camping, it gets a little easier. The worst I had it was after the tsunami I had to sleep on linoleum with only a towel. I could use the towel for a pillow or a blanket but not both. The pillow won out (actually the mosquitoes won).

Anyhow, after a week you won't even think about it, you will have gained a new ability, sleeping without a mattress. Comes in very handy when you least expect it.

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It's actually not good for you. You need a bed that conformes to the body shape. Ideally you want a mattress that provides correct alignment of the back as well as mininmising pressure points on areas like your shoulders & hips.

We spend 1/3 of our life in bed, it's worth having something deacent.

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It's actually not good for you. You need a bed that conformes to the body shape. Ideally you want a mattress that provides correct alignment of the back as well as mininmising pressure points on areas like your shoulders & hips.

We spend 1/3 of our life in bed, it's worth having something deacent.

Not that I am feeling that sore or stiff this week - but hence my question....


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I slept on the floor every night for more than a year, when I lived in the West, and many more times in the developing world. Much of the world sleeps on hard surfaces.

If you have problems with back or your skeleton, rearrange the family sleeping situation. Or buy a huge family bed and join them.

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It's actually not good for you. You need a bed that conformes to the body shape. Ideally you want a mattress that provides correct alignment of the back as well as mininmising pressure points on areas like your shoulders & hips.

We spend 1/3 of our life in bed, it's worth having something deacent.

I disagree. Had a tatami bed for years in the states that was not quite as hard as a floor and it was wonderful for my back.

Now I had a Thai Sala type bed custom made and use a very thin mattress on top of it and it is excellent for your back and spine.

A mushy bed only adds to back problems.

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It's actually not good for you. You need a bed that conformes to the body shape. Ideally you want a mattress that provides correct alignment of the back as well as mininmising pressure points on areas like your shoulders & hips.

We spend 1/3 of our life in bed, it's worth having something deacent.

I disagree. Had a tatami bed for years in the states that was not quite as hard as a floor and it was wonderful for my back.

Now I had a Thai Sala type bed custom made and use a very thin mattress on top of it and it is excellent for your back and spine.

A mushy bed only adds to back problems.

Who said anything about a mushy bed?

Support does not mean hard. It's a big misconception.

When you lie down on the sand at the beach, where are the impressions in the sand when you get up?

Around your hips and shoulders. In the army your taught to dig a grove for your hips when sleeping outside.

The body is not flat and straight, why force the body to conform to a shape which is not natural?

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It's actually not good for you. You need a bed that conformes to the body shape. Ideally you want a mattress that provides correct alignment of the back as well as mininmising pressure points on areas like your shoulders & hips.

We spend 1/3 of our life in bed, it's worth having something deacent.

Going to have to differ with you on that.

Many Thais and other nationalities sleep on a mat the floor without the floor conforming to the bodies shape and does them no harm at all.

It is only recently that the 'West' took to sleeping on special mattresses that conform to body shape.

What about in the past? Many people did not have a bed. It did them no harm at all. Same as all those who slept 3 or 4 or more in a bed. I bet those mattresses never conformed to body shape!!!

Maybe we are getting too soft these days.

Also like to point out that sleeping on the floor can be very good for people with back problems. I have arthritis of the spine and find a harder, flat surface is greatly beneficial. The cold, draughts and damp do more to aggravate than sleeping on the floor.

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I have been sleeping on the floor for about 15 years now and I am 32 now. I dont know the age of OP, but it is wonderful for me. No problem at all and I love it, though all my partners (all girls :D ) were really pissed off of me for sleeping on the floor.

I think it is good for back to sleep on the floor and not on the bed. :o

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I love sleeping on the floor but best where there is a really thick carpet.

Seriously if I sleep on the floor I find it is better for my back and generally easier to wake up and get the bones in order for the day. Even my bed has a pretty hard mattress, so it makes a good floor substitute.

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I have had back problems for years. I have slept for many months at a time with a mat on the floor, and although it was uncomfortable at first, I got used to it. Following a spinal fusion years ago, I often sleep on the floor when I overdo it, and a day or two later, I am fine.

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Different strokes for different folks. If you wake up and you don't feel rested--or your body tells you it's been suffering then you need a change, find something that allows you to wake up without too many aches and pains.

When I was younger, I had no problem with camping, floors etc. Now I wake up with pains mostly in the hip region. Maybe weight, but if I have to sleep on the floor I make sure I have some extra padding under my hips. No problem with my back, but this is probably because I sleep on my side.

Hope you get yourself sorted out.

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What about in the past? Many people did not have a bed. It did them no harm at all. Same as all those who slept 3 or 4 or more in a bed. I bet those mattresses never conformed to body shape!!!

Maybe we are getting too soft these days

i agree with you on this one.

when i have a bad back i always sleep on the floor.

and it did me good..no harm done!! :o

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Moved into a new house recently & haven't got the kids bedroom fitted out yet. They have commandered my bed & sleep with their mother. So....

I have taken to sleeping on one of those thin mats on the floor.

After two nights of excruciating pain I have gotten used to it, however, I wake up stiff & it takes ages for the bones to get re-aligned.

Does anybody on this forum sleep on the floor regularly & have you noticed any long term posture problems?



So, kick the kids out of the Mother's bed, where you should be sleeping anyway & tell the kids they will be sleeping on the floor. End of story.

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anon sleeps on the floor in the summer (next to the futon where i sleep) cause he's too hot and the tiles are cool; i stay on the futon... however, have slept on floor with heavy quilt as mattress for years when putting babies to sleep, or on the thai thin mattress type things... prefer that then the expensive spring mattresses or the cheap thick foam mattress most people use in israel.

i am very bony so need some padding at hip area. other then that, no prob.

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Spent another night on the floor & I reckon I must be getting used to it. Good sleep apart from a few baby feeds through the night & woke up feeling fine this morning!

Ahhhhhh sweet. The joys of getting up off your hard floor at 2 or 4 a.m. to get the bottle ready for feeding. :o

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