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Whitening Moisturiser


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i bought a night moisturiser from the Skin Wisdom range at tesco lotus. I've used their facial wash and it was quite good.

however after checking it again its whitening.

I have done a search and seen some of us farangs do use these products but how much of a difference could it make? I'm pale already and don't really want to get any paler! It says Vitamin A is the whitener on the packaging if that helps.

Any advice welcome!

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It's so easy to accidentally buy whitening creams. I've done it a couple of times because it's in nearly every product and I didn't read it thoroughly. I was more concerned about the extra chemicals put in it that supposedly whiten the skin than the result of whitening...I really don't think they do a thing unless used over a period of years. Since it's Vit A and not chemi, I wouldn't be too concerned about becoming whiter overnight!

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I don't think that you have anything to worry about. A lot of products in Thailand carry a 'whitening' label with them. I worked in the beauty/hairdressing industry in England, and I'm pretty up to date with my skin-care stuff, so I know that Tesco stuff is reputable, and none of the ingredients will actually 'whiten' your skin. I think that by whiten, they simply mean that in the ingredients they will have some sort of SPF or a different type of sun-block (such as titanium or zinc-oxide) which reflects the suns rays, similar to that what people who go skiing do.

They'd never market the products as whitening in the UK as they'd have a big back lash, but that's what people over here want to have: white, ivory skin. There are so many harsh products out there on the market, and I see people walking around with their Lime face masks.

If you have pale skin, you should avoid going out in the sun too much (I'm English, and I hardly ever sun bathe like my friends/partner does, but some people love the sun). It is good for you in moderation, but our skin wasn't meant to be out in the sun all the time, like Thai people's wasn't either (when you see people from Burma covering themselves up really well!)

I'm sure it won't whiten your skin like some of the products on the market that actually bleach your skin. Vitamin A is a great anti-aging ingredient, and also helps generate new skin growth, like I use a product (for acne, wrinkles, it's an all round good product) called Retin-A, which is extremely concentrated vitamin-A (a retinoid I think?!), and helps take off the top layer of the skin (i don't use it so often!) but stimulated collagen growth so it makes the new skin grow back better.

Of course, a moisturiser with a smaller concentration and different type of Vitamin-A, used regularly, is much better :o And it's always good to put a nice moisturiser on your face and decolletes (around the neck area, but I can't remember how to spell it).

I'm sorry if I wrote on this at length - it's one of the only subjects I can write about and know something about.

Best of luck, and maybe I'll bump into you in Tesco Lotus as I go there as often as I can!

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Thanks for the advice. Will have to look more closely next time!

Pukkagent, i'm english too and don't tend to stay in the sun too long, it's too bloody hot most of the time. I normally use SPF 15 during the day and used to use AVON products back in the UK. There aren't that many here that aren't whitening!

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I have pale olive skin and I've never loved been in the sun much but since I've been in Thailand my skin has become whiter..! I read the labels all the time and try not to buy products that contain bleaching agents. I can only afford cheap creams and lotions and no matter how much I try to use creams that seem to have only vitamin E, A or evening primrose or similar I inevitably get paler and paler.. My worry is not so much about the whitening but I have noticed that a lot of asian ladies who mess up with strong creams end up withstains and lots of dark spots and.. I've already spotted a few on my face... :o Could it be an age factor instead..?

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I was interested in your reply pukkagent. You seem to know a lot about skin products. So I was curious if you had any info on skin treatments that are offered by dermotologists in Thailand. I have quite uneven skin tone, especially appeared after my pregnancy. I do try to avoid the sun. Although can be difficult in Thailand. I went to the beauty clinic in the hospital and they gave me a small tube of cream - no label on it) and said was good for damaged skin. Was quite expensive and was wondering what it could actually be. Do you have any idea? Also I was interested in getting some kind of laser treatment that they seem to do a lot of, to help with smoothing out the skin and to even up skin tone and reduce freckles, which I have a lot of. Do you know anything about these treatments. Of course the clinics recommend them. But I am a little apprehensive as to if it is good for your skin or not.

Any info would be appreciated.


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