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What Is Your Favourite Sensation?

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I also love the smell of coffee in the morning and the sound of a good harmony and a bluegrass fiddle.

Yep, I'm with you there, coffee in the morning, the sound of a good harmony and a bluegrass fiddle always does it for me too, we all love a good fiddle (sorry) but that whole bluegrass thing really pulls at the heart.

and I'm a pom (got that Elsie? A POM :o ), maybe hick's are universal?

I also like it when dogs lick me. Is that wrong?

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I am not over 50 and my name is not elsie...how else do it get permission to enter the OFCS?  :D

erm... maybe because you have the bloody button? :D

Glad to see you're moving again LC, but only rotating, not bouncing :o

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<deleted> is an OFCS ???

The mind boggles at the possibilities!

It's the bloody Old Farts Chat Show. And it's full name is The Old Farts, Alkies and Elsie's Chat Show. :o

RDN; Getting too tired to bounce. :D

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erm... maybe because you have the bloody button? 

I am not over 50 and my name is not elsie...how else do it get permission to enter the OFCS?

And of course having The Button gives you access, That gives me two reasons for being accepted Hooray!!!

OFCS is only one room available to you, there is of course the "Beer Chang Loom" for those that do not fit into other catagories (It is the training room for Alkie catagory of entry). :o

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Nice topic, I love the sensation of walking into a lush forest, I love the fresh air and the sound of the leaves and wood shrubs below my feet.....

I can think of nothing better than being with you (shopgirl) in the forest.

Just you and me and the sounds would not be 'of the leaves and wood shrubs below my feet'

You waken the thoughts of all the other sounds that come to mind :o

But then thats me (and hopefully you too) I gotta go to bed while I am still ahead.

john b good :D

I'm blushing....

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I like the breeze before the rain under a sky which is pre-storm dark grey.

I like the feeling I get in my stomach when I'm in a car going over a hump back bridge.

I like the feeling of a young python coiled around my wrist.

I like the sensation of chilled tomato juice, Smirnoff vodka and L&P sauce falling over ice and onto my tongue.

I like the feeling I get when I think I've met the right girl though it never lasts long.

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If only the OFCS's working now...

It does work ok now. I have had a ###### of a day with the invasion of bangkokchatters. Peace restored! :o

Joop Joop G. Thanks a bunch. Did you get to talk with the sniff man at all? He's quite something. :D

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I love the sensation of sliding into a warm comfy plush bed on a winter's day...especially when there's another person to snuggle with.....

I love the relaxing sensation of swimming outdoors at dusk, nothing but pure serenity and the calmness from the open skies above...

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-Seeing people eatting my own cook

cook: At first I thought it was a misspelling made on purpose and written by a man...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with bad eyesight, first time I saw Girlfrombar's list of favourite sensations I thought item 4 read

--Rainman naked

I thought the poor girl must be losing it, then I remembered the caveat

...non sexual of course


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I like when My wife Sniffs Me. :o Sometimes I like it better than kissing. She also Nose kisses me I guess you can call it that I love that also. Another thing she does is run her finger over my eyebrow. I think that is very relaxing. :D

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