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The Farang You Meet In Thailand


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He can be spotted sloppily dressed in a cheap suit on the skytrain and needs a shave. He stares indescretely at every woman on the skytrain while licking his lips before he gets off at Nana or Asoke. He is Mr. Sexpat.

He is dressed for the beach and has his arm wrapped around a Thai girl one third of his size and age as they bounce onto the skytrain and off at National Stadium for some shopping. On the escalator he plants a big fat kiss on her. He ends up getting into a fight on the fourth floor over the price of bootlegged dvds. He is Mr. Sex Tourist.

From the moment you meet him, he tries hard to teach you about Thailand. He prides himself on his knowledge of Thai culture and his ability to interact with Thais. None of the Thais he talks to seem very interested in him, nor does he seem to be an expert on Thai language. Everything he says sounds like something someone else told him sitting on a bar stool. He is over weight, dresses sloppy and needs a hair cut. He is Mr Indiana Jones Thailand.

You will see this farang surrounded by a group of Thais dressed funny in a Tesco Lotus. There are eyes move around as they walk as if it is a foreign experience for them. He holds the hand of a young woman young enough to be his daughter and nibbles at her neck when no one is looking. It becomes obvious that these other Thais are her family members. Mom looks at the refrigerators while Dad looks at the washers. Her five brothers examine the televisions. He is Mr. Newlywed.

He is very thin and dresses politely. Unlike the other farang in Thailand, he doesn't get super paranoid when you look in his direction in fear of social interaction. He approaches you with ease and wants to know if you have saved your soul. Yes, even in Thailand you can't escape the God Freaks. He is Mr Jesus Freak.

Edited by FarangNoi21
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He can be spotted sloppily dressed in a cheap suit on the skytrain and needs a shave. He stares indescretely at every woman on the skytrain while licking his lips before he gets off at Nana or Asoke. He is Mr. Sexpat.

He is dressed for the beach and has his arm wrapped around a Thai girl one third of his size and age as they bounce onto the skytrain and off at National Stadium for some shopping. On the escalator he plants a big fat kiss on her. He ends up getting into a fight on the fourth floor over the price of bootlegged dvds. He is Mr. Sex Tourist.

From the moment you meet him, he tries hard to teach you about Thailand. He prides himself on his knowledge of Thai culture and his ability to interact with Thais. None of the Thais he talks to seem very interested in him, nor does he seem to be an expert on Thai language. Everything he says sounds like something someone else told him sitting on a bar stool. He is over weight, dresses sloppy and needs a hair cut. He is Mr Indiana Jones Thailand.

You will see this farang surrounded by a group of Thais dressed funny in a Tesco Lotus. There are eyes move around as they walk as if it is a foreign experience for them. He holds the hand of a young woman young enough to be his daughter and nibbles at her neck when no one is looking. It becomes obvious that these other Thais are her family members. Mom looks at the refrigerators while Dad looks at the washers. Her five brothers examine the televisions. He is Mr. Newlywed.

He is very thin and dresses politely. Unlike the other farang in Thailand, he doesn't get super paranoid when you look in his direction in fear of social interaction. He approaches you with ease and wants to know if you have saved your soul. Yes, even in Thailand you can't escape the God Freaks. He is Mr Jesus Freak.

So which one of these type of dirtbags are you ?

Or is your visit still in the planning stages.... :o

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.. Fancy adding anything positive in there Sir?

Is it my imagination or has many TV threads been recently inundated by either Farang bashing comments or Thai bashing comments..or has it always been that way?

Also there is nothing which references Farang females, or do we not exist in Thailand? Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Or is this just another of those one big ho-ho-ho, tongue-in-cheek, wursyirsenseofhumour-type posts?


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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

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One of the good and bad things about Thailand is that you meet all kinds of other farang you wouldn't normally meet in your social circle at home. Some, I could happily do without meeting ANYWHERE, and some pleasantly surprised me.

Some examples:

an ethno-botanist on her way to study rural Laos people, and how their spiritual beliefs affect their stewardship of the land around them

a "Flare" bartender (this guy was a jerk, but I had never met a Flare bartender before)

a plastic surgeon who did reconstructive plastic surgery on war victims, who was also kind of a sex tourist, but quite fun to talk to

a retired professor from Singapore who went home every night after partying in Silom to his ladyboy girlfriend, and always brought home food for her at 2-3 am.

a rich party girl from Paris, who was super down-to-earth and fun and not the least bit snobby -- a great person

a hip-hop DJ

a kid who had just been accepted into Oxford for philosophy

a lovely fag hag from England with the poshest accent and the best stories

a bunch of old gay sex tourists, who actually turned out to be quite fun to talk to

a researcher from MIT

a guidebook writer

a retired British Airways air-stewardess, who decided at 60 to see the world by herself on a shoe-string, quite a departure from the upscale hotels she was used to with her job

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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

Oops -- for a second there I thought you were describing male farang! :D

Or is it for us female farangs that Thai stores stock XXXL yellow polo shirts? You could probably stuff 4 Thais into those things. :-P

Edited by canadiangirl
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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

Oops -- for a second there I thought you were describing male farang! :D

In a way that's good news because there's still hope for you :D

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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

Oops -- for a second there I thought you were describing male farang! :D

n every wa

In a way that's good news because there's still hope for you :D

I am a paragon of sassy femininity! :D

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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

Oops -- for a second there I thought you were describing male farang! :D

n every wa

In a way that's good news because there's still hope for you :D

I am a paragon of sassy femininity! :D

As long as I get to keep the remote it's ok :D

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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

Oops -- for a second there I thought you were describing male farang! :D

n every wa

In a way that's good news because there's still hope for you :D

I am a paragon of sassy femininity! :D

As long as I get to keep the remote it's ok :D

That's fine with me. I only watch TV on my computer anyways. :bah:

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Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Only if you walk with a chip on your shoulder thinking that femaleness is a diseased condition to be treated by male clothes, gutter language, and bad temper :o

Oops -- for a second there I thought you were describing male farang! :D

n every wa

In a way that's good news because there's still hope for you :D

I am a paragon of sassy femininity! :bah:

As long as I get to keep the remote it's ok :D

That's fine with me. I only watch TV on my computer anyways. :bah:

What makes you think I was talking about the tv? :D

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I think it is time to start 2 sub-forums on ThaiVisa. One would be the "I am a farang who hates farangs" forum and the other would be a " I am a farang who hates Thailand and all things Thai." That would keep most of the bitching off of the rest of the forum.

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Is it my imagination or has many TV threads been recently inundated by either Farang bashing comments or Thai bashing comments..or has it always been that way?

Yes - many TV threads recently.

No - it hasn't always been like this.

Yes - :o

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In stereotyping others you yourself become a stereotype and are only lending to the wrong you condemn. While everyone makes some preconceived notions about strangers, I do my damnedest not to claim to know them better then they know themselves. Farang Noi you seem self righteous and lacking compassion and I have no value for your clever taxonomy of the farang species. I would much rather fraternize with the ones you seem to have sized up than you.

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.. Fancy adding anything positive in there Sir?

Is it my imagination or has many TV threads been recently inundated by either Farang bashing comments or Thai bashing comments..or has it always been that way?

Also there is nothing which references Farang females, or do we not exist in Thailand? Oh wait..duh..we are the big fat overweight manly pigs that have no place here..right?

Or is this just another of those one big ho-ho-ho, tongue-in-cheek, wursyirsenseofhumour-type posts?


just so the ladies dont feel left out.

are far as i can make out there is only one type of farang female - the invisible type. they are there, but somehow light just bends around them and they just blend into the background and vanish. i think thai males can spot these women though especially if they are blonde. :D

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555 lol, good post. I found the Tesco scenario hilarious and yet so true in the provinces. Maybe we can expand the last farang scenario adding the bible thumpers outside Nana, or Mormons (or morons) who spread the gospels in Isaan provinces, Yasothon has a few of them. To be equal opportunity jester what about also including another category to the list? The over-aged anglo-saxon female teachers who like nothing better than sitting in restaurants in CM, with like-minded exiles, pontificating on world's ills, with skewed socialist ideas. Sitting there like the clock has stopped, crossed legs, shoe dangling from foot in dire need of pedicure, whilst holding a glass of warm, cheapo white wine. Dontcha luv 'em :o

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Some minor credit due for managing to dress up the same old, same old, in another package possibly.

I aint been here long, but it is getting a bit tedious and getting hard to avoid.

Where are all these super fit know all Adoni hiding that start this bash everyone else rubbish ? I dont see them out.

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Which one are you?

i am the farang whom you don't meet in Thailand except if you are my dentist or visit me in my home. both highly unlikely.

You also have insomnia, like me...

not at all. i am getting up at 0400hrs every morning after a good nights sleep and that since more than thirty years :o

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