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Dr. Sorawuth Chu-ongsakul Opinions Help Please?


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Please forward opinions fast since thisll happen on weekend.

I have been looking around for a plastic surgeon for facial surgery namely rhinoplasty and chin implants.

I emailed some doctors:

Dr Preecha

Yanhee Hospital

Dr. Sorawuth Chu-Ongsakul @ Bumrungrad Hospital

Dr Somyos Kunachak

Dr Poomee

Dr Pichet

Dr Witoon

Now so far Preecha's reply has been very slow and only 3 sentences.

Yanhee took a while but got there.

Sorawuth has been relatively prompt and more on the ball.

Somyos has been ok.

Poomee took a long time only to say hes busy.

Pichet very fast and prompt.

Witoon waiting on.

Now the procedures that seem to be generally consented amongst these surgeons are :


Chin Implant

Malar/Cheek enhancement

Now the thing is when all others are quoting me prices like 2800usd rhinoplasty + $900usd Chin implant Dr Sorawuth is only charging me 35000THB for both rhinoplasty and chin implant but he doesnt agree on the following:

Said I dont need Malar enhancement(When Somyos and Pichet and Preecha said I should).

For rhinoplasty he said hel_l augment the dorsum(nose bridge) with implant and modify the tip with implant and correct hump(just like all the other surgeons) but he said nostril size is fine and so is the bony width of the nose (width no one has had an issue with though it has been an option but again Pichet Preecha and Somyos had recommended I reduce nostrils)

I cant find any information on Dr. Sorawuth Chu-Ongsakul except his basic educational background via bumrungrad website and that he has published some work and studied medical management or something in the US and is Thai board certified PS working for a while now at Bumrungrad. I havent been able to find anything bad about him but apart from 1-2 reviews I havent found anything else good either.

So I need to know from the community whats the opinion here?

I was actually dragged in by my friend whose been his client and maybe thats why hes giving me such a cheap price???

But unless I can find a reason not to go his price seems incredibly cheap considering hes a PS at bumrungrad hospital!!

I mean come on $1100USD for rhino and chin done at Bumrungrad compared to $3600usd or so for Preecha, Somyos or Pichet?????

He did say the procedures are via Local anesthetic and light sedation rather than General anesthetic which If I want I can pay 50000THB for and itll include overnight stay in ward.

Please help and offer opinions, reviews any links or information/news you may have.

Thank you kindly all

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First a few general observations:

- speed of email response from hospitals and specific surgeons does not necessarily match with medical skill. Some of the best surgeons are simply too busy to answer; sometimes their emails are read by a secretary with limited English etc. I would definitely not let the ease of email communication be a deciding factor.

- ditto the ease of getting onto someone's surgical schedule. The very best surgeons are often booked months in advance..and worth waiting for.

- price should definitely not be a factor when it comes to selection of a plastic surgeon for elective cosmetic surgery. While surgeons may chose to keep their fees down, or even waive them altogether in special cases, when it comes to non-elective surgery, no-one charges less than they can for purely elective cosmetic procedures. Those who charge more do so because they can...and vice versa. (This does not necessarily apply to reconstructive surgery or non-plastic procedures). That said, it may be that Dr. Sorawuth's lower price is simply because he is proposing to do a less extensive procedure and one that won't require genereal anesthetic, which does definitely add to costs.

I have no personal experience with Dr. Sorawuth but reviewing his listed qualifications, they do not approach those of Drs like Pomee, Preecha etc. No apparent western clinical training or experience much less board certification in a western country; this is important not only because it is an excellent testament to the surgeon's skill (not that the absence of it rules out skill) but also because both facial structure and norms of what is attractive vary by ethnicity and culture. Personally I would be concerned that a plastic surgeon whose clinical experience is all in Thailand might not have much experience re-arranging farang faces or might not appreciate what farangs consider to be attractive.

Again, I must stress I have had no experience with this doctor and he may for all I know be quite good. But going by what can be seen on paper, these are the concerns I would have.

Add to this the fact that you have received conflicting advice as to what procedures should be done, I think you would do better to put off the surgery and get more opinions/info. In particular, find out why the difference of opinion re the Malar enhancement and nostril reduction and how having or nor having those done would affect the final appearance.

I realize this may not be what you want to hear, but it's the best advise I can give. You need to make sure that you and the surgeon are on the same page in terms of the desired result, and get to the bottom of any disagreements over technique to achieve it.

Suggest some face to face time with these surgeons to hash all this out. Ask specifically what the difference in outcome would be with and without malar enhancement and nostril reduction; ask them to sketch for you approximately how it is likely to look.

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Hi Sheryl

A friend put me on to him whilst i was in his office. Maybe he is charging me a low price simply because i was there and referred to him by his patient etc who had payed a low price too but had payed the full packaged cost the 1st time? He stated it relatively simple procedure and in total wouldnt take him longer than 1hr-1.5hrs.

He has stated that all that needs to be done is Hump removal, Dorsum implant and tip implant with some minor adjustments to raise tip etc and chin implant to go with it. This is also in line with DR Witoon's response. The only difference between him/witoon and the other doctors is that Some have suggested nostril reduction and some havent and his reasoning is because with the augmented nose it will look fine and doesnt need to be reduced but something he can do if i wish just like he can reduce the bony width of the nose(something nobody has recommended to do yet) if I so want though he stated I dont need to. All the doctors have stated malar is something I can consider but not essential unlike nose and chin.

Yes he isnt certified in plastic surgery elsewhere like say US etc but he had studied at 1 of the best Medical unis in Thailand, is an Assistant Professor, studied at washington university his Masters, practicing plastic since 96 ie 11years and general surgery since 93 and has been at Bumrungrad for a while and Bangkok Hospital too (surely if he wasnt good or exceptional he wouldnt be able to work at a prestigious place like Bumrungrad especially for that long ???)

If I go by papers and certificates then that doctor SOMYOS at Yoskarn clinic beats it hands down since he appears to have more papers etc than Preecha.

All the surgeons have stated Local anesthesia + sedation is fine. I have seen plenty of farang faces go in his office at bumrungrad and he would have surely seen a lot of people since practising 11years now. From my own understanding of him since I have seen him handle my friend; hes informative, takes his time explaining things and concerns, focuses on natural results and is not a proponent of unnecessary exshaustive surgery and from what I can judge he does know his stuff but is not as well known as Preecha Poomee Witoon etc.

My friend went in for revision and he had waived his fees and charged only 20000Bahts and i was there. My friend asked him how about here and then he quoted the price after checking things out etc. Friend unlike me did pay the full cost at the beginning 90000THB but then his work was more exhaustive including rhinoplasty, septum alignment, more hump reduction, nostril reduction, tip lift whereas mine seems to be simply slight hump removal. dorsum implant, tip implant and lift -End.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldnt go to sorawuth ever and that same friend now based on his new nose agrees!

Sorawuth loves open rhino and finally admitted because thats how he was taught. He also had indicated incorrectly he wanted 30000thb for nose and 35000thb for chin. also just claimed that my friends large nose simply couldnt be dealt with due to thick nasal skin bla bla bla.

I ended up going to Preecha due to costs compared to Somyos. Preecha charged me 50000THB for nose augmentation + 30000for chin and somyos wanted 80000thb for nose but same for chin and both their methods for nose sounded identical so i went with preecha. my friend redid his nose with somyos since preecha couldnt help him and is happy so far. Right now everything is swollen for both of us but we both hope our noses and chins look awesome once it heals.

I hope Preecha stands up to his rep and done an awesome job though it only took him like 1hour whereas my friends work took 5hours since it was very complicated.

Also had FUE hair transplant to create fuller hairline with Dr Viroj at hair hair hair bangkok. Only FUE and internationally accredited hair transplant surgeon. I paid him 150000thb for 1200FU whereas PICHET at bangkok plastic surgery quoted 2750usd for 1500FU by fue method but could not prove any work or accrediation etc.

Edited by sampam
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I wouldnt go to sorawuth ever and that same friend now based on his new nose agrees!

Sorawuth loves open rhino and finally admitted because thats how he was taught. He also had indicated incorrectly he wanted 30000thb for nose and 35000thb for chin. also just claimed that my friends large nose simply couldnt be dealt with due to thick nasal skin bla bla bla.

I ended up going to Preecha due to costs compared to Somyos. Preecha charged me 50000THB for nose augmentation + 30000for chin and somyos wanted 80000thb for nose but same for chin and both their methods for nose sounded identical so i went with preecha. my friend redid his nose with somyos since preecha couldnt help him and is happy so far. Right now everything is swollen for both of us but we both hope our noses and chins look awesome once it heals.

I hope Preecha stands up to his rep and done an awesome job though it only took him like 1hour whereas my friends work took 5hours since it was very complicated.

Also had FUE hair transplant to create fuller hairline with Dr Viroj at hair hair hair bangkok. Only FUE and internationally accredited hair transplant surgeon. I paid him 150000thb for 1200FU whereas PICHET at bangkok plastic surgery quoted 2750usd for 1500FU by fue method but could not prove any work or accrediation etc.

Thanks for the update, sampan. Just goes gto confirm the importance of choosing the best when it comes to cosmetic surgery (or any other surgery for that matter) and that less costly or easier to contact/book with is often not a good sign...

Please let us know how you feel about your results once the swelling etc has gone down...and also how the hair thing turned out!

It will be a while before I have the time but eventually I plan to pin notices summarizing TV member feedback on various specialists...

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I wouldnt go to sorawuth ever and that same friend now based on his new nose agrees!

Sorawuth loves open rhino and finally admitted because thats how he was taught. He also had indicated incorrectly he wanted 30000thb for nose and 35000thb for chin. also just claimed that my friends large nose simply couldnt be dealt with due to thick nasal skin bla bla bla.

I ended up going to Preecha due to costs compared to Somyos. Preecha charged me 50000THB for nose augmentation + 30000for chin and somyos wanted 80000thb for nose but same for chin and both their methods for nose sounded identical so i went with preecha. my friend redid his nose with somyos since preecha couldnt help him and is happy so far. Right now everything is swollen for both of us but we both hope our noses and chins look awesome once it heals.

I hope Preecha stands up to his rep and done an awesome job though it only took him like 1hour whereas my friends work took 5hours since it was very complicated.

Also had FUE hair transplant to create fuller hairline with Dr Viroj at hair hair hair bangkok. Only FUE and internationally accredited hair transplant surgeon. I paid him 150000thb for 1200FU whereas PICHET at bangkok plastic surgery quoted 2750usd for 1500FU by fue method but could not prove any work or accrediation etc.

Thanks for the update, sampan. Just goes gto confirm the importance of choosing the best when it comes to cosmetic surgery (or any other surgery for that matter) and that less costly or easier to contact/book with is often not a good sign...

Please let us know how you feel about your results once the swelling etc has gone down...and also how the hair thing turned out!

It will be a while before I have the time but eventually I plan to pin notices summarizing TV member feedback on various specialists...

Ultimately price shouldnt factor in too much as long as its inline mostly with others but rather the surgeon and their specs.

I went with Preecha did it next day all pretty straight forward. Poor friend went with Somyos since preecha told him no and paid 150000THB for rhino+chin

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sampam, which ones are which?

I am in a dilemma with regards to which doctor to choose. I thought Dr. Poomee had great pictures to show but he wanted it vey conservative (ie, no tip work). Dr. Sorawath had only one pic to show and none of the doctors from Yanhee showed pics eventhough I was told to email them and they would send me befores and afters which never happened even after much enquiry.

Did you have surgery at Yaskarn clinic? I had laser done (for wine stain) there and a trainee was working on me who burned a little of my skin. I was told the doctor would do it initially then a nurse...the doctor did come afterwards though. Were you able to see his befores and afters?

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Sorawuth's work is the photo on the left and the 2nd one from the bottom.

Somyos's work is the photo on the right and the 1st one from the bottom.

Sorawuth showed have corrected deviated septum, raised tip, reduced nostrils, align nostril sides, refined nose more. What he ended up doing was raising tip by stitches only (something that you dont do on thick nasal skin patients because it doesnt work and results in a curved beak), gave him a bulbous fat tip, scar tissue formed on left side and septum was deviated right there and cartilage wasnt manipulated. He had improved the breathing a little by removing the bumps from the deviated septum but otherwise unhappy.

Then after a revision work thats the result of sorawuth work it was worse before that photo. Basically he hadnt done it right and obviously had not dealt with noses of that type.

Somyos took 1 look and said the guy had no idea how to do it properly and hadnt done it properly. Sorawuth had spent only 1.5hrs and maybe 30mins second time.

Somyos spent nearly 5hrs including chin implant. Broke the left bone to bring it closer to equalise nostril sides, corrected properly the whole septum, removed excess tissue and scar tissue, manipulated cartilage etc a lot of work.

My advice to you would be go see Somyos Kunachak and see what he says and quiz him and compare his answers and methods with POOMEE. Also then go and see PREECHA at BNH and see what he says and compare that.

Compare their methods of doing it(get the details) and compare the costs and what the results will be like and then choose who your most comfortable with.

Poomee does do good work but he is conservative. None of the doctors could do what somyos did on my friend. Somyos is also the chairman of otolaryngology at Ramathibodi Mahidol university hospital and he specialises in facial plastic surgery too and is obviously well trained and accredited around the place.

Sorawuth never has been active with showing photos so i wouldnt bother with him at all. Poomee is good and conservative but charges high too. Preecha could be good. Somyos's work we saw for ourself because my friend insisted. The doctor didnt show anything just was very confident said it can be done he has done it before has experience its difficult and will take long yes but can be done, but the lady suda(consultant treatment costs and charges lady) showed us some photos of some of his recent patients including some with horrendously bad noses with awesome results.

Maybe you cant see the differences clearly in the photos because they are not to scale and the focuses are different. But trust me the nose is much more proportional straight smaller pointier better balanced overall now.

Those photos are only 1 week post op. Maybe I can update it some time later and you can see the improvements better.

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Preecha wanted to go conservative too like Poomee. He was not keen on a chin implant either for verticle drop height. So genio by maxfax it seems.

Interested in humo removal, alarplasty, columella work ...tip grafts and columella strut

I really need to see the before and afters. Wish I could talk with patients.

Thanks sampam!

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Preecha wanted to go conservative too like Poomee. He was not keen on a chin implant either for verticle drop height. So genio by maxfax it seems.

Interested in humo removal, alarplasty, columella work ...tip grafts and columella strut

I really need to see the before and afters. Wish I could talk with patients.

Thanks sampam!

Have you gone and seen Somyos yet and seen what he says?

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Yes but mainly to remove a wine stain with laser (ouch!).

There were no before and after pics to see. Maybe because his clinic was under construction then?

Worth to make another consultation?

When was this?

Remember by Thai law they are not actually allowed to show you any photos unless they have the patients permission and consent. But if you push right then im sure theyd show you something just like they finally showed us something too.

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I'd be very cautious about seeking surgery that top plastic surgeons like Drs. Preecha and Poomee have advised against. You can find someone to do whatever procedure you want if you search long enough, but you may regret it afterwards. Preecha and Poomee both have sterling reputations to protect (and don't need to drum up business for themselves), if they counselled against something it is because they think there's a significant risk of the results not being good.

Within the field of cosmetic plastic surgery, surgeons do tend to have sort of sub-specialties, and it is possible that someone with more expertise specific to comnplicated rhinoplasties could do better than they would be likely to, no harm in looking, but do be cautious.

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Sampam: It was last year. I'll just have a consult and see what happens.

Sheryl: Would you happen to know someone who specializes in rhinos? I have functional issues (deviated septum) eventhough I must admit that my motivation is cosmetic. Dr. Poomee said he might not be able to improve me functionally.

I understand what you are saying and that is the reason why I have had over 10 consultations (some said yes to everything but I wasn't comfortable with them, ie, no pics, no patient feedback..)

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Sampam: It was last year. I'll just have a consult and see what happens.

Sheryl: Would you happen to know someone who specializes in rhinos? I have functional issues (deviated septum) eventhough I must admit that my motivation is cosmetic. Dr. Poomee said he might not be able to improve me functionally.

I understand what you are saying and that is the reason why I have had over 10 consultations (some said yes to everything but I wasn't comfortable with them, ie, no pics, no patient feedback..)

What Sherly has stated is very true. Be very careful in who you end up choosing.

Preecha and Poomee both have reps and dont necessarily need your money in comparison to some others. But also remember it doesnt necessarily mean they are the best in rhinoplasties. One thing for a fact is that unlike other facial cosmetic surgeries Rhinoplasty is the most difficult to perform with perfect results and not only requires extreme precision and skills but an artistic touch especially when its not the standard simple thing.

example my friend went to Preecha who merely looked not examined and said leave it alone. Sorawuth who had done it after even a revision said its scar tissue bla bla bla and injected some kenacort. Witoon said he can do better. Greechart said hes a handsome man leave things be. Pichet said sure can do but we wouldnt trust his skills.

Ended up with somyos why? hes head of otolaryngology at Ramthabodi mahidol hospital. has been a professor for a long time. specialises in facial plastic surgery NOT just plastic surgery in general. has plenty of credentials and accreditations. took a long time almost 50mins or so and carefully examined his nose from the outside and inside and explained the issues and results etc and confindantly stated he can do it and it can be done just that most wouldnt want to do it due to lack of skills etc.

And you could tell somyos could and knew how to do many things that others couldnt. Example Somyos and Preecha could do my nose via closed incision whereas Sorawuth only knows open. Sorawuth etc cant do endoscopic brow lifts whereas Somyos can and does do all the brow lifts there are aptos, suture suspension, direct brow lift, endoscopic, coronal, sides incision, botox etc which just shows the guy has way more experience and skill than some others. Also offers lots of additional services like aquamid etc that others dont.

Give it a little more time and maybe I can upload another photo and you can see the changes better. And incomparison to sorawuths work his nose is fully functional and he can breathe through both nostrils perfectly.

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Dr. Somyos does many procedures too! More so than Dr. Poomee or many other surgeons. I am looking for the Thai equivalent of Dr. Dean Toruimi or Dr. Richard Davis.

Im sorry I dont understand. Whats your point?

Ofcourse he does many procedures. Plastic surgeons study and are trained in everything. But in addition to that training some specialise in certain things and Somyos specialises in Facial plastic surgery and specifically ENT hes head of the department for gods sake which is exactly what youd want. Theres a reason why only he could do my friends work when others couldnt.

Go see him in person ask for specifics of his methods be very specific in what you want and the results your looking for and see what he tells you. Compare that with Preecha and Poomee and then decide.

I can tell you one thing:







couldnt do him

Pichet said he can help but no gaurantees and we wouldnt trust Pichet since hearing of his stuff ups and all the sales pitch etc. Witoon said He can help a little and wanted an extravagant price.

Somyos was confident of the bat and said he can do it and from all the indications so far he has done it.

We asked him at the end how long would a normal reduction and septo have taken and he said about 2hours inline with Sorawuth and others opinions. But my friends job took 5hours in total so theres a reason why he could do it and took it on when others couldnt.

Poomee Preecha Greechart etc couldnt really care for your money since they are hel_l busy as is and neither does Somyos. You do it or you dont want to is completely upto you.

Go and see. Id like to know what he says.

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Sampam: It was last year. I'll just have a consult and see what happens.

Sheryl: Would you happen to know someone who specializes in rhinos? I have functional issues (deviated septum) eventhough I must admit that my motivation is cosmetic. Dr. Poomee said he might not be able to improve me functionally.

I understand what you are saying and that is the reason why I have had over 10 consultations (some said yes to everything but I wasn't comfortable with them, ie, no pics, no patient feedback..)


I have no first hand experience with Dr. Somyas but as he is both a qualified (board certified) ENT and qualified (board certified) plastic surgeon, he seems like a good prospect...especially since you have functional as well as cosmetic issues.

Suggest you have a consultation with him and see what you think. His credentials are certainly good, and for a complicated rhinoplasty experetise in both plastic surgery and ENT is advisable.

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Dr. Somyos does many procedures too! More so than Dr. Poomee or many other surgeons. I am looking for the Thai equivalent of Dr. Dean Toruimi or Dr. Richard Davis.

Im sorry I dont understand. Whats your point?

You said: "Somyos is also the chairman of otolaryngology at Ramathibodi Mahidol university hospital and he specialises in facial plastic surgery too and is obviously well trained and accredited around the place."

I noticed that he does everything include cosmetic derm. work (http://www.yoskarn.co.th/). I thought if he specialized in just facial work (I know he is an ENT too) he wouldn't be doing anything else!

I will have a consultation with him sometime in November. I am having a few consulations with some other surgeons in Asia too.

You mentioned about malar implants and I am wondering if you found anyone you were comfortable with in your consultations? I am also interested in mandibular/jaw implants too. I've had consultations at Yanhee and didn't know what to make out of the factory like routine they have. They must get TONS of patients so the experience might be there. Most important is patient feedback (the good and the bad).

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BTW, I am bringing morphs (if anyone wants I can do them for you) of my pics to the consultation just so that we are both on the same page aesthetically.

Anyone else done that? If so, was the result close to the morph?

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malar may or may not work. for most people malars arent really needed and those artificial implants make it look fake and exagerated and are susceptible to moving around etc.

You might want to look into aquamid injections instead. In my case only 2mls 1ml in each cheek area did the trick for $700 and obviously no incisions etc and instant healing since its a very tiny needle. There will be some swelling etc but it all heals very quickly.

Somyos himself doesnt do absolutely everything. They also do dental work which he hasnt got anything to do with. Many surgeons do many things even though they may specialise in certain areas.

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When I was at the clinic last year I was told by the receptionist that Dr. Somyos does all the surgeries including the vaginoplasty and penis enlargement and lipo! List goes on.

Would you happen to know any reknowned surgeons for jaw implants?



Why is it so hard for you to understand one simple thing? ALL PLASTIC SURGEONS are trained in doing all that. Being a plastic surgeon means that you will have studied SRS GRS Lipo, facial, pe etc etc etc including dermatology. However it just being a plastic surgeon doesnt mean you cant specialise in something and have a further degree or specialised training specifically aimed at something else.

Eg In bangkok theres tons of PS who do srs etc. But whod you go to if you wanted the best? People who actually specialise in that. Does that mean those people cant and dont do anything else or any other procedures? NO. And if you wanted the best for SRS etc then youd probably go to PREECHA ideally or others like GREECHART. But does that mean to say though they specialise in it they shouldnt or cant do anything else? NO Preecha is also awesome at facelifts and loads of other things even though his speciality reknowned worldwide for is sex change. And greechart was one of his student.

Likewise just because SOMYOS can do all those other procedures which ofcourse he can since hes a damned plastic surgeon does not mean he cant have additional qualifications or have a speciality etc. Look at all his credentials training and accreditations. Dont you think hes earned them and that they mean hes good? Dont you think for example theres a reason he can do suspension facial lifts, aptos, direct brow, endoscopic, coronal, incisional etc etc etc when all the other thai surgeons push you into only a full coronal???? Why is he one of the few that can do all the latest methods when everybody else is still only pushing the old stuff???

And finally his speciality is EENT and further facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. Hes head of the department at a major hospital and a professor at Mahidol. Dont you think theres a reason why that is so?

Sorry I dont know any specifically reknowned for just JAW IMPLANTS. hehehe its getting silly now.jaw chin and cheek are all part of facial plastic surgery and i just told ya his speciality but all the other surgeons would be trained in doing it too. Only difference is they cant offer you the aquamid injections whereas if he feels its right for you he can otherwise its the traditional route.

And just to make my point Toriumi has an identical title and position as Somyos does with identical specialities but id bet you hed charge you an arm and a leg with a standard nose job starting at around 10k usd whereas itd start at around 1-1.5k usd with Somyos. And if you think dean toriumi isnt trained nor can perform all the other procedures such as lipo etc then your mistaken because otherwise he wouldnt have had a license to practise plastic surgery just that because of his extravagant prices and schedule he wouldnt need to do anything else since he charges more than enough. Also the US board of plastic surgery requires know training etc in SRS whereas Thai's is different.

And though I understand your hesitancy in regards to yanhee's factory line like scene it doesnt mean that the surgeon isnt good. Ultimately it depends on what you want done and the surgeons rep and skills in that procedure. I had BA and bleph done by GREECHART at YANHEE and though his mannerism sucked and the factory floor line atmosphere made me highly uncomfortable I knew from both members here on this site, from photos, from other places and sources of research that for a BA through armpit incision hed know exactly what to do and I was right. He by now would have done thousands and thousands of cases whereby I bet he could do it blind folded and by feel and to top it all through an armpit incision and big implants too whereas bumrungrads docs couldnt even put that big, wanted to cut under breast etc and though his mannerisim the rush lack of bedside manners etc suck ass the work hes done is awesome. all comes down to skills rep and experience. But my friend as an example couldnt and wouldnt use them since nobody there even came close to somyos for rhinowork.

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I think you are missing my point!

I know he is qualified to do many of the procedures but he cannot be good in ALL these areas equally, right? Dr. Toruimi doesn't do vaginoplasty and liposuction eventhough I am sure he knows how to do them. He sticks to his craft, rhinos. I am not questioning Dr. Somyos' skill by any means because I simply am unfamilair with his work but he must be dividing his time to each of this areas as opposed to someone who just sticks to the nose. Different doctors are famous for different skills.

And you are wrong in assuming that someone who does chin or cheek implants does jaw implants because it is also a facial implant. MANY who do chin or cheeks will NOT do jaw implants. Surgeons who do jaw implants will however do chin implants. That is why I was asking.

I think we all share the same goal: to find a surgeon who is competent and skilled on their craft.

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Sampan, I admire how much useful information you have. You know a lot about plastic surgeons in Bkk - Somyos for nose jobs, Greechart for BA, Preecha for face lifts (this I can confirm). May I ask you who you think is really good doing eyes, especially lower eye lids? Know anything whether Preecha is good in that? He does superb facelifts, can this be said also about his eye jobs?

Would be great if you could share your knowledge. Kind regards, Shakun

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I think you are missing my point!

I know he is qualified to do many of the procedures but he cannot be good in ALL these areas equally, right? Dr. Toruimi doesn't do vaginoplasty and liposuction eventhough I am sure he knows how to do them. He sticks to his craft, rhinos. I am not questioning Dr. Somyos' skill by any means because I simply am unfamilair with his work but he must be dividing his time to each of this areas as opposed to someone who just sticks to the nose. Different doctors are famous for different skills.

And you are wrong in assuming that someone who does chin or cheek implants does jaw implants because it is also a facial implant. MANY who do chin or cheeks will NOT do jaw implants. Surgeons who do jaw implants will however do chin implants. That is why I was asking.

I think we all share the same goal: to find a surgeon who is competent and skilled on their craft.

We agree on the point that we would all like the best for ourselves. Somyos being able to do those other procedures and doing it does not take away from his expertise in EENT and facial plastic surgery. Its a simple matter of money here: Toriumi can mainly focus on only doing Rhino eyes and certain facial surgeries simply because of his ridiculously expensive prices. Somyos since hes in Thailand can not charge the same prices. eg to make my point PREECHA is the undisputed world reknowned sex change surgeon But even so he cant and neither does he charge even 25% of what it would cost you in the west by some unknown surgeon. Does it mean because he does all the other stuff and sex changes at quarter of the prices as in the west that somehow means that the guy sitting in his Posh UK office charging 40000usd for a sex change is more qualified than the undisputed leader in that field because he only does Sex changes? No right? Its a matter of economics.

Dont you think Preecha could easily afford to charge quadruple the prices he does now and focus only on sex change since its his speciality and have a posh office in the UK, USA whereever with a year waiting list?

Likewise Somyos having identical training and holding identical position to Toriumi (even having cooperated on paper etc and somyos also being a specialist in snoring disorders etc) yet also completely competant and skilled at other procedures somehow detracts from his skills or expertise in EENT and facial plastic reconstructive surgery? Id bet had Somyos had an American sounding name with an office in beverly hills and impeccable american accent that he could charge similar prices as Toriumi and focus only on facials. Matter of economics.

From what I can tell you from my friends nose that I see improve day by day he does awesome work and took on a case that others wouldnt and did what he said he would improving perfecting his breathing and correcting his functional issues and improving his nose aesthitically.

On your point of whether he does Jaw implants or not im sure his assistant stated that he does when we were there but you can easily check and I could be wrong. You might want to consider actual correcting the underlying issues rather than just an implant. For that youd want to see a Orthognathic Surgeon

or maxillofacial surgeons since its their speciality and not a plastic surgeons.

Good luck adam and best of luck. Just remember quiz to hel_l whom ever you decide on and dont back down and make sure you show them what you want dont leave things to them.

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