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I followed this thread with great interest because I live in the US but have family in Bkk. I am considering the following procedures done in Thailand and visit my family at the same time:

Revision of Breast Aug (I have a mild case of capsular contractor according to some PSs in the US)

Revision of lower lids (the lower lids muscles weakened from previous surgery, so they're starting to give me the round eye look and I think I look sad and tired on some days)

Mini tummy tuck (doctors in the US thought I only needed mini)

Chin aug

Do I have to go to 4 different doctors for these procedures, or is there one doctor who does good work for all the procedures? The reason I want to combine procedures is since I'll be put to sleep, I just want to get all of them done at the same time.

Today I called Yanhee, and their prices are excellent. Bumrungrad is almost two times as much. However both are cheaper than US prices. I am not going to let price be the ruling factor, so I would like to hear all recommendations.

Thank you in advance for your input.

  • 1 month later...

First of all I haven't been to Thailand before. I looked it up on Google Earth and all the street names are very intimidating. I think I'm gonna get lost for sure. I plan to fly in this coming December.

I want to have rhinoplasty (primary), chin implant, and maybe buccal fat removal. The doctors, and their addresses, I've been looking at are:

Dr. Preecha (PAI): 70 Sukhumvit 42

Dr. Somyos (Yoskarn): 53-55 Rachadamri Rd

Dr. Poomee (Bumrungrad): Sukhumvit Soi 1

Does anyone here know if these offices are close by (easy commute) each other? I kinda wanna do all my consults in one day, 2 days max. Then sleep on it and decide the day after, which one I'm gonna choose to have surgery with.

Does anyone know what hotel/inn (doesn't have to be 5 star) is nearby all these clinics? And if anyone knows any more very good doctors, please feel free to suggest. Thanks.

First of all I haven't been to Thailand before. I looked it up on Google Earth and all the street names are very intimidating. I think I'm gonna get lost for sure. I plan to fly in this coming December.

I want to have rhinoplasty (primary), chin implant, and maybe buccal fat removal. The doctors, and their addresses, I've been looking at are:

Dr. Preecha (PAI): 70 Sukhumvit 42

Dr. Somyos (Yoskarn): 53-55 Rachadamri Rd

Dr. Poomee (Bumrungrad): Sukhumvit Soi 1

Does anyone here know if these offices are close by (easy commute) each other? I kinda wanna do all my consults in one day, 2 days max. Then sleep on it and decide the day after, which one I'm gonna choose to have surgery with.

Does anyone know what hotel/inn (doesn't have to be 5 star) is nearby all these clinics? And if anyone knows any more very good doctors, please feel free to suggest. Thanks.

City Lodge, Sukhomvit Soi 19, they have a website, nice hotel convenient location for Bumrungrad and soi 42.

About 2000 baht per night, but you can get discount if booked by internet.


^imjontien, thanks for the reply.

I've emailed all the good surgeons mentioned on this thread and NONE of them sound like they use rib graft, columellar strut, alar support. You know, strong noses that can endure Category 6 winds and not collapse several years down the road. Instead, mostly everyone suggested silicon. Im sure they know it will collapse, if not protrude, in the future and they'll have repeat business. One clinic even sent me a before/after picture and there was no change at all in the patient's nose. The quote was $900 and I was told it's local anesthesia, closed rhino, 1 hour operation, outpatient procedure. It sounds like an assembly line operation. I mean, even one of the top 5 nose surgeons in the US take 5+ hours to do a primary rhinoplasty. But 1 hour Jiffy Lube rhino sounds scary.

I was hoping to find the poor man's, Asian/Thai version of Dr. Toriumi (Chicago) or Dr. Davis (Florida). Now my trip is coming up and I'm starting to regret buying the expensive ticket (non refundable) to Bangkok. :o

^imjontien, thanks for the reply.

I've emailed all the good surgeons mentioned on this thread and NONE of them sound like they use rib graft, columellar strut, alar support. You know, strong noses that can endure Category 6 winds and not collapse several years down the road. Instead, mostly everyone suggested silicon. Im sure they know it will collapse, if not protrude, in the future and they'll have repeat business. One clinic even sent me a before/after picture and there was no change at all in the patient's nose. The quote was $900 and I was told it's local anesthesia, closed rhino, 1 hour operation, outpatient procedure. It sounds like an assembly line operation. I mean, even one of the top 5 nose surgeons in the US take 5+ hours to do a primary rhinoplasty. But 1 hour Jiffy Lube rhino sounds scary.

I was hoping to find the poor man's, Asian/Thai version of Dr. Toriumi (Chicago) or Dr. Davis (Florida). Now my trip is coming up and I'm starting to regret buying the expensive ticket (non refundable) to Bangkok. :o

I am not sure about rib grafts but are you are sure they won't do columellar struts? Did Dr. Somyos say he doesnt do that? He is an ENT and I like his aesthetics (reminds me a little of Dr. Davis' post-ops). Keep in mind the email reply you get might not be from the doctor himself but it could be his assistant ..lost in translation perhaps?


^adamx, you said you like Dr. S (Yoskarn) aesthetics. Did you have surgery with him yet? I'm Asian, so rhinoplasty for us is a little different. While for Westerners, rhinoplasty is usually just hump removal, droopy tip, for Asians it's usually complete augmentation. You said you've been to Dr. D (Florida). Have you seen Asian patients in his photos? I have a consult w/ Dr. D right before my trip to Thailand. Did Dr. S showed you pictures? 'Coz you said he reminded you of Dr. D.

In my initial email w/ them, I sent close up pictures of mine from 6 different angles. So right off the bat, they can evaluate what needs to be done.

I'm hoping it was only their assistants who answered. But I was purposely very technical in my emails to them. I did it so that if an assistant pre-screens the email, he/she would not be able to answer and forward it to the doctor. But it would be unfair to pre-judge these reputable surgeons based on emails alone. I will still see them in person and go by their knowledge + my gut feeling. I don't expect them to have good bedside manners. I actually like doctors w/ poor bedside manners, business-like, but have topnotch skills. You know - like Dr. House. If I'm not sold, I'll go w/ Dr. T (Chicago).

To the foreigners who had nip-tuck procedures in Thailand, what kinds of food did you eat post-op? Where did you shop for groceries? I plan to be secluded for 7 days after surgery. I wanna stock up on everything. Any advice on a good grocery store there? Did you have to take a taxi/train to go to the grocery store?


Sampam, I noticed you said you got silicon implants via armpit incision by dr geehart at yanhee.

I was interested in this as I had enquired about the same thing with a few surgeons and had been told inserting a silicon implant via armpit was too difficult and the scar would be quite large. It seems he may be one of the few doctors that can perform this without problem. Do you know if he is any good at rhinoplasty?

I am from australia and have booked to go you thailand in march for BA and Rhinoplasty. Although I have become very confused in finding a doctor to suit my needs. I would like a doctor who can perform both operations very well as I would prefer to have them together, just because it will be easier on me to have it performed in one surgery and go to one place.

I have looked at dr wintoon and some of the other doctors at bangkok hospital puket and feel comfortable about the fact that alot of information, good feedback and pictures can be found on them, however they are alot more expensive than other places (twice the price for some proceedures) and it just seems like a massive price difference.

Doctors at Yanhee and BI are less expensive but I have not been able to find much information or any before and after pictures. Through this form I have read positive feedback on Dr Poomee at Bumrangrad for both breast and nose surgery.

Would anyone else have opinions on surgeons to look at for these surgeries?

^adamx, you said you like Dr. S (Yoskarn) aesthetics. Did you have surgery with him yet? I'm Asian, so rhinoplasty for us is a little different. While for Westerners, rhinoplasty is usually just hump removal, droopy tip, for Asians it's usually complete augmentation. You said you've been to Dr. D (Florida). Have you seen Asian patients in his photos? I have a consult w/ Dr. D right before my trip to Thailand. Did Dr. S showed you pictures? 'Coz you said he reminded you of Dr. D.

In my initial email w/ them, I sent close up pictures of mine from 6 different angles. So right off the bat, they can evaluate what needs to be done.

I'm hoping it was only their assistants who answered. But I was purposely very technical in my emails to them. I did it so that if an assistant pre-screens the email, he/she would not be able to answer and forward it to the doctor. But it would be unfair to pre-judge these reputable surgeons based on emails alone. I will still see them in person and go by their knowledge + my gut feeling. I don't expect them to have good bedside manners. I actually like doctors w/ poor bedside manners, business-like, but have topnotch skills. You know - like Dr. House. If I'm not sold, I'll go w/ Dr. T (Chicago).

To the foreigners who had nip-tuck procedures in Thailand, what kinds of food did you eat post-op? Where did you shop for groceries? I plan to be secluded for 7 days after surgery. I wanna stock up on everything. Any advice on a good grocery store there? Did you have to take a taxi/train to go to the grocery store?

I had a consultation with him because I have breathing issues etc. He did not show me the pics, his assistant did. They are hesitant to show before and after pics because most patients do not agree to that. I was really impressed with it. I saw but did not look at asian rhino pics from Dr. Somyos (altho most of his patients are asian, I even talked to a 1 week post op asian revision patient of his while waiting- she was thrilled -she did her primary in Australia) nor Dr. Davis but that is because I did not request it as mine was not an augmentation.

Dr. T does a lot of building up of noses. Many think he is the best but there are many who are unhappy with him. He goes for this one very strong esthetic look, if you love that then you will be happy I suppose. Go for consultations and then decide. BTW, there is a huge mall right across the street from Yoskarn where they have super grocery stores etc. And you can stay at the clinic inn. TONS of shops and restaurants and food courts and etc around the area within 3 min walking distance.

Excellent location.

All the consultations I have had with PS's have been FREE except at Bumrungrad (altho Dr Poomee even at bumrungrad was for free). I suggest you take advantage of all this. Do your research.....go to as many of them ..take a list of questions and request befores and afters .......

To the above poster.....year, Dr. Poomees work is so natural and absolutely beautiful. But he does not do complicated work.



I just wanted to say that I've also had surgery with Dr Kunachak - aquamid, rhinoplasty - and he really is great. I trust him 100%.

I'm actually planning on returning to BKK soon to have more surgery.

Sampam - I'm surprised you mentioned that Dr Kunachak said that aquamid can shift. I've read that it's completely stable since the molecules that make up aquamid are larger than the surrounding molecules that make up one's tissue.

Also, did Dr Kunachak actually caution against having aquamid injected in the chin? That is something I was hoping to have done at some stage...

Adamx - just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts on Psjourneys

I want to have upper eyelid surgery (to change shape of my eyes) on my next trip to BKK. I actually had ptosis repair done at Bangkok Hospital last year by a really nice occuloplastic surgeon and I was very pleased with the outcome (VERY cheap too). I'm trying to decide whether I should have this same surgeon do the upper eyelid surgery or to have Dr Kunachak do it. On the one hand, it seems reasonable to choose the occuloplastic surgeon; On the other hand, as I said before, I really do trust Dr Kunachak. What do you guys think?

Hope to hear back from you


^adamx & marky444, thanks for the reply.

From reading your posts, I feel alot better about buying the plane ticket. My local travel agent said the price I got for the ticket was actually a good deal since Thailand is a hot item for tourists during December. I'll take advantage for the free in-person consults as much as I can & go w/ my gut feeling. I hope to hear from Yanhee doctors also.

Does Dr. Somyos & Dr. Poomee do computer simulation, morphing for possible outcomes? Yes Dr. T. seems to go for this one type of nose that looks indestructible. His price is ridiculous, but that's not what is turning me off. The long wait (12-18 months) before your nose looks good, the approximately 6 post-op trips to Chicago, the $275 consult that only lasts 10-15 minutes, the rude people on the phone who put me on hold for 45 minutes just to get an initial appointment, are among the few things making me reconsider.

Do you think I can walk around the streets of Bangkok, once my brusing & swelling goes down, w/ a cast on my nose? I think I would go crazy inside a room for 7 days.

^adamx & marky444, thanks for the reply.

From reading your posts, I feel alot better about buying the plane ticket. My local travel agent said the price I got for the ticket was actually a good deal since Thailand is a hot item for tourists during December. I'll take advantage for the free in-person consults as much as I can & go w/ my gut feeling. I hope to hear from Yanhee doctors also.

Does Dr. Somyos & Dr. Poomee do computer simulation, morphing for possible outcomes? Yes Dr. T. seems to go for this one type of nose that looks indestructible. His price is ridiculous, but that's not what is turning me off. The long wait (12-18 months) before your nose looks good, the approximately 6 post-op trips to Chicago, the $275 consult that only lasts 10-15 minutes, the rude people on the phone who put me on hold for 45 minutes just to get an initial appointment, are among the few things making me reconsider.

Do you think I can walk around the streets of Bangkok, once my brusing & swelling goes down, w/ a cast on my nose? I think I would go crazy inside a room for 7 days.

No, they do not do morphs on their computer. I personally did my own morphs and took it to them and they commented. BTW, Dr. Somyos (with his assistant doc) spent about 45 minutes with me and an hour or so with his assistant, going through pics etc. Of course these things do not indicate the skills of a surgeon but it does help you with making an informed decision. Yeah, Dr. T noses can survive tornados and hurricanes. But all those grafting for a primary is a bit extensive (in my opinion). BTW, if you ever find out if Dr. SOmyos does colummelar struts or other grafting, please let me know. I am very interested in the technical details.I've had consultations at Yanhee but the doctors there are quite busy. They were nice but with no before and after pics, I just don't know their aesthetic sense. Mostly good reviews from what I hear. I saw many patients (there were literally over a hundred) in various stages of post-op healing. Few were very friendly and I chatted with them. Looked nice. (but mostly eye jobs and implants etc)

It is common to see bandaged up and people with splints near these clinic/hospital areas. I have seen so many, even in restaurants and shopping malls, with their nasal splints and some with their face bandages after their facelift. No body really cares, I think, but there will always be people who will stare at you.

There are tons of things to do in that area, you will not get bored or hungry.


I just wanted to say that I've also had surgery with Dr Kunachak - aquamid, rhinoplasty - and he really is great. I trust him 100%.

I'm actually planning on returning to BKK soon to have more surgery.

Sampam - I'm surprised you mentioned that Dr Kunachak said that aquamid can shift. I've read that it's completely stable since the molecules that make up aquamid are larger than the surrounding molecules that make up one's tissue.

Also, did Dr Kunachak actually caution against having aquamid injected in the chin? That is something I was hoping to have done at some stage...

Adamx - just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts on Psjourneys

I want to have upper eyelid surgery (to change shape of my eyes) on my next trip to BKK. I actually had ptosis repair done at Bangkok Hospital last year by a really nice occuloplastic surgeon and I was very pleased with the outcome (VERY cheap too). I'm trying to decide whether I should have this same surgeon do the upper eyelid surgery or to have Dr Kunachak do it. On the one hand, it seems reasonable to choose the occuloplastic surgeon; On the other hand, as I said before, I really do trust Dr Kunachak. What do you guys think?

Hope to hear back from you

Hey Marky,

What kind of malar contour did you get from aquamid? I am very interested in aquamid for jawline and paranasal ,malar, brow bossing, orbital rims, ........Some doctors (Dr. T) warn against these permanent fillers IF you are going for implants or more invasive surgery later on. BTW, did you have local or general with your rhino? open or closed? Any grafting? details please......

What are you trying to change about your eyes? Canthoplasty or canthopexy? How are the results from ptosis repair?I am curious about canthal tilts and less sclera show.. Thanks!


I just wanted to say that I've also had surgery with Dr Kunachak - aquamid, rhinoplasty - and he really is great. I trust him 100%.

I'm actually planning on returning to BKK soon to have more surgery.

Sampam - I'm surprised you mentioned that Dr Kunachak said that aquamid can shift. I've read that it's completely stable since the molecules that make up aquamid are larger than the surrounding molecules that make up one's tissue.

Also, did Dr Kunachak actually caution against having aquamid injected in the chin? That is something I was hoping to have done at some stage...

Adamx - just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts on Psjourneys

I want to have upper eyelid surgery (to change shape of my eyes) on my next trip to BKK. I actually had ptosis repair done at Bangkok Hospital last year by a really nice occuloplastic surgeon and I was very pleased with the outcome (VERY cheap too). I'm trying to decide whether I should have this same surgeon do the upper eyelid surgery or to have Dr Kunachak do it. On the one hand, it seems reasonable to choose the occuloplastic surgeon; On the other hand, as I said before, I really do trust Dr Kunachak. What do you guys think?

Hope to hear back from you

Hey Marky,

What kind of malar contour did you get from aquamid? I am very interested in aquamid for jawline and paranasal ,malar, brow bossing, orbital rims, ........Some doctors (Dr. T) warn against these permanent fillers IF you are going for implants or more invasive surgery later on. BTW, did you have local or general with your rhino? open or closed? Any grafting? details please......

What are you trying to change about your eyes? Canthoplasty or canthopexy? How are the results from ptosis repair?I am curious about canthal tilts and less sclera show.. Thanks!

Hey adamx,

So have you had any surgery yet? Out of curiosity, where do you live?

I'm very happy with the aquamid, especially in the cheek area. Dr K is definitely a good injector - he's made my face a lot more symmetrical. He's also done a really good job augmenting the area by my nose - is that what you meant by paranasal? I know paranasal can also mean that specific area right by the nostrils (bottom of the nose). If that's what you meant, I'm not actually sure aquamid can be injected there - at least Idon't think Dr K injected any there. I might ask him next time I see him. -maybe the area is too thin?

I'm actually thinking about having paranasal implants inserted there. I emailed Yoskarn and they said they do acutally offer that surgery (definitely good having Dr K do them seeing as he knows where he injected the aquamid).

I'm not really sure about injecting aquamid in the chin and jaw area. I'm hoping to have it injected in the chin. I'm planning on asking him.

Interesting that you should mention that you want less sceral show for your eyes. I want the same thing - I think this can be achieved with orbital rim implants (also help with canthal tilt I think). Yoskarn does offer those too (again probably ideal having Dr K do them).

I'm very happy with the ptosis repair. I actually just want upper eyelid surgery now to the modify the shape of the upper lid a bit. I'd be hesitant about having a canthopexy or canthoplasty - I think they are quite invasive and involve some degree of scarring.

I'm also very happy with the rhino. It was VERY subtle though so no grafts... It was done under general and was an open rhinoplasty (though Dr K somehow managed to do it without a scar).

Anyway let me know what your plans are? It's good to talk to someone like you who's in similar position - male, early 20s right?

First of all I haven't been to Thailand before. I looked it up on Google Earth and all the street names are very intimidating. I think I'm gonna get lost for sure. I plan to fly in this coming December.

I want to have rhinoplasty (primary), chin implant, and maybe buccal fat removal. The doctors, and their addresses, I've been looking at are:

Dr. Preecha (PAI): 70 Sukhumvit 42

Dr. Somyos (Yoskarn): 53-55 Rachadamri Rd

Dr. Poomee (Bumrungrad): Sukhumvit Soi 1

Does anyone here know if these offices are close by (easy commute) each other? I kinda wanna do all my consults in one day, 2 days max. Then sleep on it and decide the day after, which one I'm gonna choose to have surgery with.

Does anyone know what hotel/inn (doesn't have to be 5 star) is nearby all these clinics? And if anyone knows any more very good doctors, please feel free to suggest. Thanks.

Depends on where your hotel would be. Personally i think the hot spot and convenient location would be a hotel in Sukhumvit and maybe even better if its on the main soi road like marriot, sheraton and westin. However if your more on a budget and still want an excellent hotel with good service and close location YET quieter then DAVIS BANGKOK is the choice. Its just off the main sukhumvit road, a little further out(being a side street) than the other 3 but its an option. That way bumrungrad would only be a few minutes away, Yoskarn maybe 10minutes away, Pai maybe 18 minutes away (OPTIMAL NO TRAFFIC). Yanhee is the only one outside really of the major hub so it would be maybe around 33minutes.

So yes if you get one of those hotels you would easily be able to do it all in 1 day just account for BKK traffic but either way you would be able to do it.

^imjontien, thanks for the reply.

I've emailed all the good surgeons mentioned on this thread and NONE of them sound like they use rib graft, columellar strut, alar support. You know, strong noses that can endure Category 6 winds and not collapse several years down the road. Instead, mostly everyone suggested silicon. Im sure they know it will collapse, if not protrude, in the future and they'll have repeat business. One clinic even sent me a before/after picture and there was no change at all in the patient's nose. The quote was $900 and I was told it's local anesthesia, closed rhino, 1 hour operation, outpatient procedure. It sounds like an assembly line operation. I mean, even one of the top 5 nose surgeons in the US take 5+ hours to do a primary rhinoplasty. But 1 hour Jiffy Lube rhino sounds scary.

I was hoping to find the poor man's, Asian/Thai version of Dr. Toriumi (Chicago) or Dr. Davis (Florida). Now my trip is coming up and I'm starting to regret buying the expensive ticket (non refundable) to Bangkok. :o

Your ethnicity and underlying structures etc have a large say in what you can have and do and may differ from what YOU want. Somyos definately does columellar strut and alar support because he did it to partner. However are you aware of the high risk of complications and infections from the combined procedures above alone??? maybe google it. Hence why most surgeons even in Oz etc dont do rib etc because of the higher down time, pain, and substantially increased complications risks.

Silicones DO NOT COLLAPSE! lol And your wrong on time again. US surgeons do not take 5 hrs but rather its your preconception. It all depends on what needs to be done and hence its time required. A simple straightforward silicone implant insertion is a walk in the park and would only take around 30-60mins.

Silicones can protrude or shift AT THE BEGINNING but thats because it was mis-placed, or the pocket wasnt properly formed and implant inserted properly or the patient shifted it after op. If your careful whilst healing and surgery was done right it wont move in in cat 6 hurricanes.

However no matter what silicone or rib graft a single punch or kick would ruin it all.

^adamx, you said you like Dr. S (Yoskarn) aesthetics. Did you have surgery with him yet? I'm Asian, so rhinoplasty for us is a little different. While for Westerners, rhinoplasty is usually just hump removal, droopy tip, for Asians it's usually complete augmentation. You said you've been to Dr. D (Florida). Have you seen Asian patients in his photos? I have a consult w/ Dr. D right before my trip to Thailand. Did Dr. S showed you pictures? 'Coz you said he reminded you of Dr. D.

In my initial email w/ them, I sent close up pictures of mine from 6 different angles. So right off the bat, they can evaluate what needs to be done.

I'm hoping it was only their assistants who answered. But I was purposely very technical in my emails to them. I did it so that if an assistant pre-screens the email, he/she would not be able to answer and forward it to the doctor. But it would be unfair to pre-judge these reputable surgeons based on emails alone. I will still see them in person and go by their knowledge + my gut feeling. I don't expect them to have good bedside manners. I actually like doctors w/ poor bedside manners, business-like, but have topnotch skills. You know - like Dr. House. If I'm not sold, I'll go w/ Dr. T (Chicago).

To the foreigners who had nip-tuck procedures in Thailand, what kinds of food did you eat post-op? Where did you shop for groceries? I plan to be secluded for 7 days after surgery. I wanna stock up on everything. Any advice on a good grocery store there? Did you have to take a taxi/train to go to the grocery store?

Let me asure you that no matter how technical you may think it was a lot of the time the assistant will reply or the doc will tell her in thai and its lost in translation and i know his assistant name something like suya or something like that.

ANd secondly ASIAN ORIENTAL noses are the easiest to deal with. Simply augment the nose is easy. Little More difficult is breaking the bones and bringing them in and alarplasty with tip plasty. Those things are easy. Whats hard is say a nose with Thick skin, big fat pockets, deviated septum, scarring, 3rd revision, colum strut and alarplasty and tip plasty using graft etc.

And maybe you wouldnt want somyos anyways. lol he does have good bedside manner. wont pamper you or cry with you etc but is caring enough and does visit you. For the traits you mentioned i do know other docs lol

Sampam, I noticed you said you got silicon implants via armpit incision by dr geehart at yanhee.

I was interested in this as I had enquired about the same thing with a few surgeons and had been told inserting a silicon implant via armpit was too difficult and the scar would be quite large. It seems he may be one of the few doctors that can perform this without problem. Do you know if he is any good at rhinoplasty?

I am from australia and have booked to go you thailand in march for BA and Rhinoplasty. Although I have become very confused in finding a doctor to suit my needs. I would like a doctor who can perform both operations very well as I would prefer to have them together, just because it will be easier on me to have it performed in one surgery and go to one place.

I have looked at dr wintoon and some of the other doctors at bangkok hospital puket and feel comfortable about the fact that alot of information, good feedback and pictures can be found on them, however they are alot more expensive than other places (twice the price for some proceedures) and it just seems like a massive price difference.

Doctors at Yanhee and BI are less expensive but I have not been able to find much information or any before and after pictures. Through this form I have read positive feedback on Dr Poomee at Bumrangrad for both breast and nose surgery.

Would anyone else have opinions on surgeons to look at for these surgeries?

Whats ur size now and what do u want to go to?

have you also looked into dr preecha?


I just wanted to say that I've also had surgery with Dr Kunachak - aquamid, rhinoplasty - and he really is great. I trust him 100%.

I'm actually planning on returning to BKK soon to have more surgery.

Sampam - I'm surprised you mentioned that Dr Kunachak said that aquamid can shift. I've read that it's completely stable since the molecules that make up aquamid are larger than the surrounding molecules that make up one's tissue.

Also, did Dr Kunachak actually caution against having aquamid injected in the chin? That is something I was hoping to have done at some stage...

Adamx - just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts on Psjourneys

I want to have upper eyelid surgery (to change shape of my eyes) on my next trip to BKK. I actually had ptosis repair done at Bangkok Hospital last year by a really nice occuloplastic surgeon and I was very pleased with the outcome (VERY cheap too). I'm trying to decide whether I should have this same surgeon do the upper eyelid surgery or to have Dr Kunachak do it. On the one hand, it seems reasonable to choose the occuloplastic surgeon; On the other hand, as I said before, I really do trust Dr Kunachak. What do you guys think?

Hope to hear back from you

Everything has a risk. Aquamid CAN droop down over years with the force of gravity. And yes kunachak himself actually cautioned against it for larger areas. Get a chin implant done by him.

If you were happy with the occuloplastic surgeon then id go with him. after all thats the sort of things that he does and ONLY that.


sampam - hmm, never knew that -thanks. btw for chin implants, what material does Dr K generally use? also, have you spoken to anyone who's had eyework done by Dr K? i know it's probably more logical to have the occuloplastic surgeon do it. i just trust Dr K above anyone...

adam, just sent it via PM

^adamx & marky444, thanks for the reply.

From reading your posts, I feel alot better about buying the plane ticket. My local travel agent said the price I got for the ticket was actually a good deal since Thailand is a hot item for tourists during December. I'll take advantage for the free in-person consults as much as I can & go w/ my gut feeling. I hope to hear from Yanhee doctors also.

Does Dr. Somyos & Dr. Poomee do computer simulation, morphing for possible outcomes? Yes Dr. T. seems to go for this one type of nose that looks indestructible. His price is ridiculous, but that's not what is turning me off. The long wait (12-18 months) before your nose looks good, the approximately 6 post-op trips to Chicago, the $275 consult that only lasts 10-15 minutes, the rude people on the phone who put me on hold for 45 minutes just to get an initial appointment, are among the few things making me reconsider.

Do you think I can walk around the streets of Bangkok, once my brusing & swelling goes down, w/ a cast on my nose? I think I would go crazy inside a room for 7 days.

No nobody does that. ANd honestly the morphing isnt accurate and hence an issue in that it would create false hopes in you. It could give u a vague idea but thats all because the results almost never end up being like that 100%.

Yes you can walk around. If you only get a silicone implant augmentation done then maybe rest 1 day and next day you can walk around and its a relatively common sight in BKK BUT ABSOLUTELY KEEP IT CLEAN AND STAY OUT OF THE HEAT AND SWEAT!!!!!! But if you get say bone graft and all the other stuff then you will be in pain and just stay in for around 4-5 days. If you get silicone implant plus alarplasty/tipplasty then 2-3 days is ok.

sampam - hmm, never knew that. for chin implants, what material does Dr K generally use?

adam, just sent it via PM

same as what most surgeons use. SILICONE CHIN IMPLANTS which they might or will custom adjust IF needed to follow ur contour etc.

Thanks sampam. I'm a little hesitant about silicone implants because of the possibility of bone erosion..

actual body tissue does erode or more correctly get reabsorbed hence grafts etc UNLESS compensated for quite often do to some degree over the years get reabsorbed. and your bone with an implant does not get eroded unless u have a beak or bend then that would need to be shaved.

Any of you guys consulted with:

Dr. Preeyaphas Nilubol

Dr. Vira Varavej

Also, do you guys/gals know a good clinic for microdermabrasion?

yes I have. they are both good some like vira some like preeyaphas . they are not highly popular and well known etc like some of the others

If I remember correctly somyos does those things and yanhee too. There is also a skin treatment center which u can google they are dermatological cosmetics orientated


Hi Marky,

could you let me know who your occuloplastic surgeon was? That would be of great help. I need expert advise on my lower lid condition.

Thanks a lot,



I just wanted to say that I've also had surgery with Dr Kunachak - aquamid, rhinoplasty - and he really is great. I trust him 100%.

I'm actually planning on returning to BKK soon to have more surgery.

Sampam - I'm surprised you mentioned that Dr Kunachak said that aquamid can shift. I've read that it's completely stable since the molecules that make up aquamid are larger than the surrounding molecules that make up one's tissue.

Also, did Dr Kunachak actually caution against having aquamid injected in the chin? That is something I was hoping to have done at some stage...

Adamx - just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts on Psjourneys

I want to have upper eyelid surgery (to change shape of my eyes) on my next trip to BKK. I actually had ptosis repair done at Bangkok Hospital last year by a really nice occuloplastic surgeon and I was very pleased with the outcome (VERY cheap too). I'm trying to decide whether I should have this same surgeon do the upper eyelid surgery or to have Dr Kunachak do it. On the one hand, it seems reasonable to choose the occuloplastic surgeon; On the other hand, as I said before, I really do trust Dr Kunachak. What do you guys think?

Hope to hear back from you

Hi Marky,

could you let me know who your occuloplastic surgeon was? That would be of great help. I need expert advise on my lower lid condition.

Thanks a lot,



I just wanted to say that I've also had surgery with Dr Kunachak - aquamid, rhinoplasty - and he really is great. I trust him 100%.

I'm actually planning on returning to BKK soon to have more surgery.

Sampam - I'm surprised you mentioned that Dr Kunachak said that aquamid can shift. I've read that it's completely stable since the molecules that make up aquamid are larger than the surrounding molecules that make up one's tissue.

Also, did Dr Kunachak actually caution against having aquamid injected in the chin? That is something I was hoping to have done at some stage...

Adamx - just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts on Psjourneys

I want to have upper eyelid surgery (to change shape of my eyes) on my next trip to BKK. I actually had ptosis repair done at Bangkok Hospital last year by a really nice occuloplastic surgeon and I was very pleased with the outcome (VERY cheap too). I'm trying to decide whether I should have this same surgeon do the upper eyelid surgery or to have Dr Kunachak do it. On the one hand, it seems reasonable to choose the occuloplastic surgeon; On the other hand, as I said before, I really do trust Dr Kunachak. What do you guys think?

Hope to hear back from you

Hey Shakun,

I'm actually in BKK right now.

As I mentioned before, I wanted to have surgery to subtly change the shape of my upper eyelid. This week I've seen a few occuloplastic surgeons - Dr Thawornchareon from Bangkok Hospital (who did my ptosis repair) and Dr Pungpapong from Bumrungrad (whom sampam recommended earlier in this thread). As it turned out, neither were willing to operate on me - basically, both thought what I wanted was not necessarily achievable and not worth the risk of surgery. I was pretty disappointed.

I then went and saw Dr Kunachak. He understood exactly what I wanted and didn't seemed phazed at all by the difficulty (intricacy) of the surgery.

Right now I am one day post-op surgery and VERY swollen so I can't comment on the outcome of the surgery as of yet. But as I stated before, I trust Dr Kunachak 100%.

Anyway, the point of this post is not to tell you to go to Dr Kunachak. What I recommend is that you also meet with several occuloplastic surgeons and also Dr Kunachak and gather their reccomendations. Then make a decision.

edit: I should add that occuloplastic surgeons are a lot more willing to operate when at least part of a patient's problem is functional

Hope this helped!

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