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I understand that most thais cannot afford the subscription to UBC tv, and instead get a pirate version. Does anyone have it ? Is it any good ? Where do i get it ? How much does it cost ?

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UBC is a rippoff, I have never heard of anyone being 'made an example of' because they have pirate TV. Go to chinatown, near the old siam shopping centre, around that area is alot of electronics and there are shops specialising in DSTV boxes, dishes, cables, and pirate cards programmed with the latest codes.

Most of the customers are Indian from what i have seen.


If you consider UBC a rip-off, then you shouldn't subscribe! And I do not think it's ever smart to advise a foreigner to break the law in his adopted home (right, Dr. P?).

Besides, just because you have never heard of the cops taking action does not mean it does not happen. UBC does hire investigators to spot illegal antennas and such, and then get the cops to bust the owners for signal piracy. It mostly happens to institutional users (i.e., apartment blocks that stick up a pirate antenna and feed the signal to their tenants), but it DOES happen to individuals as well. Trust me on this.

So don't be such a cheap charlie and subscribe to UBC if you want to watch it. If you think it's not worth it, then don't. I'm sure you'll find channels 1,3,5,7, and 9 riveting.


I have had a different system installed. I think its called 'Adsat', or something. It’s a huge motorised dish that will pick up shed loads of channels. I haven't been around to use it yet though, so can't give a full appraisal. It cost me around 21,000 baht, but there are then no monthly payments, ever. Apart from the size of the dish it seems great. I look forward to watching the Premiership on it.

If you consider UBC a rip-off, then you shouldn't subscribe!  And I do not think it's ever smart to advise a foreigner to break the law in his adopted home (right, Dr. P?).

Besides, just because you have never heard of the cops taking action does not mean it does not happen.  UBC does hire investigators to spot illegal antennas and such, and then get the cops to bust the owners for signal piracy.  It mostly happens to institutional users (i.e., apartment blocks that stick up a pirate antenna and feed the signal to their tenants), but it DOES happen to individuals as well.  Trust me on this.

So don't be such a cheap charlie and subscribe to UBC if you want to watch it.  If you think it's not worth it, then don't.  I'm sure you'll find channels 1,3,5,7, and 9 riveting.

shut up Dick head.. Its 16k :o


Don't even get me started on UBC. I subscribe because there is no other option. I want to watch CNN and BBC. CNBC for Jay Leno and The Daily Show on weekends ( a little installment of US pop culture to keep me up to date ). But during the week, it's a dog. Who watches Star Trek anyway? On Wednesday nights and Thursday nights? How many ###### cooking shows can we put on one channel? My wife thinks that if they want that many cooking shows, they should really start their own channel. Academy Fantasia....what is there to say? It's a bad rip off of the already bad US and UK reality shows, all rolled into one. The fact that we see one sitcom three or four times within a 24 hour period really pisses me off. UBC explains it like it is for our benefit...saying its to allow people with differing schedules to enjoy UBC when they can...blah blah blah...drives me nuts. 'Life with Bonnie' has to be one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Personally, I'm not into sports...so that cuts out about 1/3 of the channels for me...but I'm sure some people find it great for that. Overall, it's not expensive...but it's not cheap for what I get out of it. Just the same, it's my only link to mediocre US television, which I do (sadly) enjoy. Now that I've got ADSL, I'm able to entertain myself by downloading television show torrents. Able to see a show before it's in syndication 3 years later. :o


If you don't like UBC (like me) then don't subscribe.

Don't go to jail over a piece of crap.

Will the Premiership be on any 'free-to-air' channels? What about the Olympics?

I'm alright with ABC Asia-Pacific, 'cos it has Rugby League and AFL matches at week-ends, but I do miss my RFU games. Caught a Currie Cup match last week, on a Thai channel.

But the alternatives are to go to satellite programmes designed for other countries and use 'hacked' decoder cards. Not sure on the legality of this - the programmes are not designed for Thailand, so you are not taking revenue from the supplier, but the hacking itself is probably an offence (but whether the crime is committed in Thailand, or Malaysia / Singapore / Hong Kong / Oz / South Africa is a moot point, probably arguable in a normal Court of Law).

I leave it Up2U

I understand that most thais cannot afford the subscription to UBC tv, and instead get a pirate version. Does anyone have it ? Is it any good ? Where do i get it ? How much does it cost ?

Something like 1500 baht per month for all channels. plus setup rental, deposit of around 13K i think.

I have the cable ubc which is great. I heard the satelite version sucks when it rains.

Most thais are happy with their thai tv and dont use UBC.

shut up Dick head.. Its 16k

Watch your language, please.

The set-up fee is 9,500 baht. The monthly subscription is around 1,500 baht. The security deposit on the equipment (4,000 baht) is refundable.

Worthwhile to me at twice the price. If you don't agree, well good for you. Don't subscribe. Or, go ahead and steal the signal if you want. I certainly couldn't care less.

Just keep in mind, though, that it IS a criminal offense. And foreigners who commit crimes CAN be deported and made persona non grata for life. It's happened for much less serious offenses (remember the guy who stole a hotel towel?).


They're probably talking about the old microwave ubc broadcasting...Decoder boxes had no real security controls.

Even after they started the satelite service, they still operated the microwave service fir awhile, trying to lure customers to the new service, I guess.

It was finally shut down about 4 years ago.

I don't believe there is any real widespread illegal use of UBC in homes, bit plenty in places like bars...

I have had a different system installed. I think its called 'Adsat', or something. It’s a huge motorised dish that will pick up shed loads of channels. I haven't been around to use it yet though, so can't give a full appraisal. It cost me around 21,000 baht, but there are then no monthly payments, ever. Apart from the size of the dish it seems great. I look forward to watching the Premiership on it.

I think you are describing the the basic satelite service with the 7-10 foot dish...

I have the same thing. Here in Chiang Mai it's PSI that is the distributer. A full system, with movable dish (don't bother with the fixed type) dish, is between 20- 40, 000 baht.

If you want to get any of the premeire services, you must get a special decoder with a card slot. I don't have that, so I'm limited to the free programming, which is mostly made up of non-english programming and mostly stuff which would put you to sleep. There are some periodic gems, but it takes a dedicated watcher, I think. There are some English programs, Like Baywatch, and some decent(?) American movies, on the Malaysian and Indonesian stations in the evening...China seems to have to have the most programming, followed closely by India...

Interestingly, I even discovered C-Span on a Chinese Satelite...BBC is there, but CNN isn't (too far south, I heard). MTV in 3 or 4 languages, some sports, but not much that I can see...

I also have UBC, and I don't think 'free' Satelite can hold a candle to UBC yet. I wish it did, and I'm thinking of upgrading to a new satelite decoder, but there seems to be some question about their footprints covering Chiang Mai. I've only heard of STAR being seen here. :o

They're probably talking about the old microwave ubc broadcasting...Decoder boxes had no real security controls.

Even after they started the satelite service, they still operated the microwave service fir awhile, trying to lure customers to the new service, I guess.

It was finally shut down about 4 years ago.

I don't believe there is any real widespread illegal use of UBC in homes, bit plenty in places like bars...

UBC has never been a microwave operation AFAIK. Before it changed name to UBC (with the inclusion of IBC) it was called UTV and was a fiber optic/coax cable system set up as an offshoot of the Telecom Asia phone system. IBC and ThaiSky were the multi-point microwave broadcasters. With the IBC merger Satellite service became available.

I do see a lot of DTH dishes installed around Bangkok these days. And sometimes I know there is a cable on the phone pole outside so I think there may be a problem.


Oh dear. It sounds like the small UBC dish and system may actually be better than my big motorised dish thingy. I should have spent more time checking it out. At the time I figured that big, motorised dish equals loads of interesting stations and loads of footy. I had a feeling after I'd bought it that there would likely be a million Indian channels and not much else. ###### it.

Will the Premiership be on any 'free-to-air' channels? What about the Olympics?

Premiership - I don't think so. ESPN/STAR have exclusive rights I understand and for this year the FA Cup as well. This and other European league games were shown on chnnels 30/31 last year and for that you will need UBC as well.

The Olympics i don't know I have not seen anything yet about coverage but it would suprise me greatly if it one shown on at least one of the terrestial channels.

Why are some saying UBC is a rip-off. I can understand people not liking it but is that akin to a rip-off?

Is it perfect? Far from it but I believe that they offer a decent selection of channel/programme types- movies, sports, kids TV, 'educational' etc. Too many cooking progrmmmes?- possibly. I enjoy them but in USA /UK/OZ for instance there are exclusive channels for food programmes.

I find that when I am in he UK/USA with the 100-200 channels i still have difficulty in finding a programme i would like to watch

Personally i think that there is far too much golf shown and not enough drama/comedy from the BBC.

The cost though is decent value and for those who enjoy the Premiership it is far cheaper than paying to watch those same games on the various sky packages in the UK and on pay per view in the US.

As for the service received from UBC. I have had to call them twice at 2 diffeent locations. They came the same day within a couple of hours and rectiifed the problem efficiently in both cases.

However as has been stated in earlier posts/threads Thais typically do not watch much of what UBC has to offer prefering their soaps and game shows on terrestial TV. If UBC can not change this situation their subscriber numbers are not going to increase significantly and ths i worry for its future.

I have noted however that more and more Academy Fantasia is appealing to the Thais and discussion of it can be found on other channels including terrestials.

This could end up being a blessing in disguise. It could encourage more Thais to subscribe.

Has anyone seen the subscription numbers? Thais and farangs over the years.?

It would be interesting to see


Thanks for all the advice ! I think i'll probably subscribe to the legal UBC. But any company that eliminates 99.9 percent of the population due to the extreme costs, does not deserve my custom. but what choice do i have when thai tv is so awful - my wife loves it though !

Thanks for all the advice ! I think i'll probably subscribe to the legal UBC. But any company that eliminates 99.9 percent of the population due to the extreme costs, does not deserve my custom. but what choice do i have when thai tv is so awful - my wife loves it though !

99.9% can not afford UBC? Have you checked out what most Thai pay for their cellphone service? UBC looks like good value to me. :o

Thanks for all the advice ! I think i'll probably subscribe to the legal UBC. But any company that eliminates 99.9 percent of the population due to the extreme costs, does not deserve my custom. but what choice do i have when thai tv is so awful - my wife loves it though !

99.9% can not afford UBC? Have you checked out what most Thai pay for their cellphone service? UBC looks like good value to me. :D

Yep, good value, especially if you live in an area where you can't even get the Thai channels... :o


For anyone finding UBC inexpensive I'd like to point out that it cost about twice that of the superior packages of the neighboring countries Malaysia and Phillipines.

Thanks for all the advice ! I think i'll probably subscribe to the legal UBC. But any company that eliminates 99.9 percent of the population due to the extreme costs, does not deserve my custom. but what choice do i have when thai tv is so awful - my wife loves it though !

99.9% can not afford UBC? Have you checked out what most Thai pay for their cellphone service? UBC looks like good value to me. :o

well yea,,but what other country in the world would you see 5 people setting at a table in a resturant talking to the other people at the table---------------------------on their cell phones. :D

seems like a Thai is not able to do anything without his cell. can't go the the toilet, can't go to the store or market. and if it rings,that means if you do not answer it within 2 seconds that you will surely die, which can happen when it rings and they are driving. :D


I'd think both Malaysia and the Philippines (especially the latter) would have a much larger English-speaking customer base from which to draw from. I don't know about either of the services there, but perhaps they can also derive income from advertising (whereas UBC is prohibited from such). Perhaps, also, they have competition to drive prices down (whereas UBC does not).

In any case, I think UBC provides a good service -- it is my main sources of news and entertainment -- so definitely worth the price to me.

.....which can happen when it rings and they are driving. :o

Lets not get onto driving. My biggest hang up about living in Thailand is the nonsensical driving.

If we could judge a person on their driving what would there be to say about the Thai's?

.....which can happen when it rings and they are driving. :D

Lets not get onto driving. My biggest hang up about living in Thailand is the nonsensical driving.

If we could judge a person on their driving what would there be to say about the Thai's?

Nonsensical? I completely disagree. Maybe it's because I drive more like them than the 'sensical' farang drivers? :o


Good VCD and DVD rental shops do exist in Thailand (the video-tape went through the exit in many of them).

Internet is a good source for the news. More substance than the visualized news.

All these pictures of again an ambulance, of again an explosion, of running people, of staccato speaking military men, of acting politicians. An explosion looks like an explosion, if on the Westbank, if in Iraq or where-ever.

Sometimes I think pictures don't add much.

If you have a Thai wife (or husband), the discs are bilangual, so you both can enjoy. You pick not only the picture but also your own time to view it, you don't miss anything when you go for something to drink or to eat, let alone during the sanitary stops.

You can buy a satelite-disc or get a UBC membership.

But if you live close to a good Video-shop you can also sell yout satelite-disc and end your UBC membership.

I did so three years ago and didn't regret it yet.

Was it Louis Armstrong who won the Tour de France again?

I'd think both Malaysia and the Philippines (especially the latter) would have a much larger English-speaking customer base from which to draw from. I don't know about either of the services there, but perhaps they can also derive income from advertising (whereas UBC is prohibited from such). Perhaps, also, they have competition to drive prices down (whereas UBC does not).

In any case, I think UBC provides a good service -- it is my main sources of news and entertainment -- so definitely worth the price to me.

Actually alot of the Philippine channels are in Tagalog, and movies do have subtitles. In Manila you can get 99 channels for about 400 baht a month, in the provinces about 45 channels on average at about 300 a month. I dont remember advertising on the cable channels, but it could be there. Last time I was there was 2001, so prices might have changed a little.

From memory there are only 2 providors in the PI for cable TV, certainly not an open market, but the price is in keeping with the local economy. Thailand is on the other hand, overpriced.

...but what other country in the world would you see 5 people setting at a table in a resturant talking to the other people at the table---------------------------on their cell phones. :o

Well, Hong Kong comes to my mind, Thailand, Finland....

Probably a few more, but seems such nonsense is by now common practise.

Maybe not on the same table, but two tables away.

Or standing on the street in front of house number 38, calling the other party and asking for directions to find number 40 :D

I'd think both Malaysia and the Philippines (especially the latter) would have a much larger English-speaking customer base from which to draw from.  I don't know about either of the services there, but perhaps they can also derive income from advertising (whereas UBC is prohibited from such).  Perhaps, also, they have competition to drive prices down (whereas UBC does not).

In any case, I think UBC provides a good service -- it is my main sources of news and entertainment -- so definitely worth the price to me.

Actually alot of the Philippine channels are in Tagalog, and movies do have subtitles. In Manila you can get 99 channels for about 400 baht a month, in the provinces about 45 channels on average at about 300 a month. I dont remember advertising on the cable channels, but it could be there. Last time I was there was 2001, so prices might have changed a little.

From memory there are only 2 providors in the PI for cable TV, certainly not an open market, but the price is in keeping with the local economy. Thailand is on the other hand, overpriced.

Maybe the cheap prices in the Phillipines comes from some sort of government-supported Soma For Society? :o

I'd think both Malaysia and the Philippines (especially the latter) would have a much larger English-speaking customer base from which to draw from. I don't know about either of the services there, but perhaps they can also derive income from advertising (whereas UBC is prohibited from such). Perhaps, also, they have competition to drive prices down (whereas UBC does not).

In any case, I think UBC provides a good service -- it is my main sources of news and entertainment -- so definitely worth the price to me.

lol u muppet.. The Philippines are in the top 4 largest english speaking nations in the world :o


UBC is complete sh$t, but we all pay for it because there's no alternative. Most of what they show is from years ago. Like 6,7 years ago. I love watching discovery channel to see what the world might be like in the year 2000 and what effect Y2K will have. Another educational documentary last night told me about the terrorist attack at the World Trade Center- the bomb in the car park, not the planes. That hasn't happened yet in UBC world.

My most exciting moments are when I see a whole ad. I guess the ad zapper guy has to go to the bathroom sometimes.

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