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Chiang Mai Farangs Unfriendly The Norm


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I reserve the right to ignore any random farang who approaches me thinking I'm a freaking tour guide or information centre. I've got things to do. Ring a hotline. Ring your mum.

Been at the job centre recently?

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I would say on average that most falangs here are not 'unfriendly', but 'private' [to put it politely]. Most come over here and get locked into their own world with their families or drinking buddies and don't want to expand their circle of friends.

Myself.....i don't seek out others and probably have more thai friends than falangs and can honestly say that most of the problems that i've had here were with the falangs that i know or have known and that tempers my desire to meet new people.

Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries and live under an illusion that they are accepted here. and there are the ones that brag about how long they have been here and look down on 'newbies'.


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Well, maybe those two guys weren't @holes. Something that annoys me is when farang expect you to have time for them because you share a skin colour. I'm not going to start a conversation with someone just because we are both wearing socks and sandals and suffer from BO. And I still don't understand why the OP had to approach anyone other than the information desk. I wonder how the maligned pair related the story?

Chiang Mai is not a tiny village where everybody knows or cares about other people's business and I reserve the right to ignore any random farang who approaches me thinking I'm a freaking tour guide or information centre. I've got things to do. Ring a hotline. Ring your mum.

What's it like being a DBag?

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Chiang Mai is not a tiny village where everybody knows or cares about other people's business and I reserve the right to ignore any random farang who approaches me thinking I'm a freaking tour guide or information centre. I've got things to do. Ring a hotline. Ring your mum.

While I too 'reserve the right to ignore,' if a stranger asks me a 'polite' question in a polite way, I will take the time to give them a polite answer. I too have things to do, but if there is someone who needs help, why not help if we can? When I see tourists standing on a street corner with a map in their hands trying to figure out where they are or where they are going, it only takes me about 30 seconds to help them get sorted out, makes their vacation all that much nicer, and costs me nothing but 30 seconds and some words, and unless someone is dying and we have to rush to save them, we can all afford the 30 seconds. I think we have no need for a 'Fountain of Youth.' We need a 'Fountain of Nice.'

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Been here for well over 20 years ... that is where i work and live ... met all sorts of people ... because people are of all sorts ... however i noticed that since a few years there are A LOT of foreigners coming to live here and these new comers seem to be a breed of perpetual complainers (The postbag letters are a good case). Please go back where you belong, the lands of social security, if it is so perfect why on earth are you here ?. Just don't believe you're great because you feel superior and relatively confortable, thais people have not been waiting for you to survive. If you want to mix with your own kind there are plenty where you come from. As they say, if you need a friend, buy a dog.

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There's both dickheads and over friendly <deleted> in every country.

Why should people act differently from when they're back home?

Just because some other farang is lonely and has no friends I should converse with them, why not go home where every one is sweet as pie?

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There's both dickheads and over friendly <deleted> in every country.

Why should people act differently from when they're back home?

Just because some other farang is lonely and has no friends I should converse with them, why not go home where every one is sweet as pie?

There's both of these types of people on TVisa and on this thread (quite recently) in particular! I wouldn't call people who are over-friendly names, really, but I'm not a dhead like some others. Usually, anyway.

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I'd rather meet a <deleted> than some overfriendly <deleted> trying to be my friend while waiting in a queue anyday.

There's things to do, things to contemplate, like what kind of khao pat I'll get for lunch for instance.

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Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries

America was built by people who couldn't make it in their home countries.

A perfect response. Not just America, but even 'parts' of America. The Mormons had to leave the east coast because they didn't fit in there. Westward expansion blossomed because people felt stiffled where they were and wanted to explore new horizons. They didn't 'fit in' at a 9-5 job or chopping cotton where they were. They were the misfits.

All of us, not just a few, but ALL of us are here because we don't fit well back in our home countries. We are the misfits. Otherwise, we would have stayed withing the 20-30k of where we started, just like most of our childhood friends. You may wish to say that you are here because you 'prefer' to be here, but just why is it that you prefer to be here? There is nothing 'wrong' with not fitting in. Nothing wrong with being a misfit. God knows I'm happy that I don't fit into some of the different circles here, much less my home country.

Who was it who said "I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would accept me?"

The facts remain that there are 'nice people' and 'not nice' people in every country. Thankfully we get to choose with whom we wish to spend time.

For me, I find that most people are nice regardless of where they come from. Maybe 95% of them. For the other 5%..... just ignore 'em.

The Fly Fisherman

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Seems that LOS attracts lots of falangs that can't make it in their home countries

America was built by people who couldn't make it in their home countries.

A perfect response.

Who was it who said "I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would accept me?"

The Fly Fisherman


It was Groucho Marx.

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Once, years back when I was living in an obscure neighborhood in Tokyo, I was walking to the train station when a farang on a bicycle spotted me. He almost wet his saddlebags with excitement and started to wave at me. I put my head down and marched on, only to hear a crash, bang, wallop and turn around to see that he had crashed into a pile of rubbish bags. That was the single funniest thing I can ever remember seeing.

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Back on topic, no unfriendly farang in CM- just cheeky ones occassionally, nothing like a bitch slap to keep em quiet thou :D

There are much more unfriendly Farangs in Farangstan.

Im not Farang thou, well I wouldnt consider myself one :o

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There's both dickheads and over friendly <deleted> in every country.

Why should people act differently from when they're back home?

Just because some other farang is lonely and has no friends I should converse with them, why not go home where every one is sweet as pie?

This sort of post confirms the extreme arrogance that is set amongst foreigners living here.

We are not talking about lonely hearts, dick heads, or misfits. All this person done was ask for assistance, maybe for several reasons he approached another farang, because he couldn't speak or read Thai, had not visited the job center before and was lost. Asking for a few seconds of sometimes time doesn't suggest wanting to be lifetime bosom buddies with them or that they are weird or misfits.

Those who say that they reserve the right to ignore farangs that approach them, really mean, they reserve the right to be pig headed, nasty, rude, ignorant and insulting.

Reading these posts has been an experience and if some of these posters reflect the typical attitudes of Farangs living in Thailand, than I totally agree with Powwow, see a Farang, look the other way.

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We are not talking about lonely hearts, dick heads, or misfits. All this person done was ask for assistance, maybe for several reasons he approached another farang, because he couldn't speak or read Thai, had not visited the job center before and was lost. Asking for a few seconds of sometimes time doesn't suggest wanting to be lifetime bosom buddies with them or that they are weird or misfits.

You're right, IMO.


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All this person done was ask for assistance, maybe for several reasons he approached another farang, because he couldn't speak or read Thai, had not visited the job center before and was lost.

Thai chick at the information desk or 2 men who I've never met?


He mighta even got a date outta it, had some fun, learnt a bit of Thai . Who knows

Opportunity lost.

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OP said he had lived here for ''many years''. If he has been here so long and cannot bring himself to approach a Thai member of staff, why should he be encouraged. it sounds like despite living here for ''many years'' he cannot function in Thailand without the help of other farangs. I find that pretty sad. He called out to the two farangs, they ignored him, he then went up and touched one of them on the arm, and they guy got p1ssed off. How is that surprising? I'd say he's lucky he didn't get shoved over.

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In my defence though, I'm trying to get shit done at the govt office, and on my back taps this dreadlocked red-faced bearded aboriginal looking dude

What is an "aboriginal looking dude" :o ?

Australian aboriginal or local indigenous or what ?

I take it this is not a very desirable "look" , in your view ??

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see a Farang, look the other way.

Nah, just stare at them, that'll make 'em like you.

You know, like you would when you see a person of the same race back in your home country.

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Having had professional dealings by email with several thousand expat farangs... some generalizations:

Those that settle in and around Chiang Mai tend to be the most self-interested.

Those in and around Phuket tend to be the greatest penny-pinchers.

Those in and around Pattaya tend to have the weakest grasp on reality.

Those who settle in Isaan tend to be the greatest procrastinators.

Those in Bangkok tend to be the most frantic and obsessive.

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OP said he had lived here for ''many years''. If he has been here so long and cannot bring himself to approach a Thai member of staff, why should he be encouraged. it sounds like despite living here for ''many years'' he cannot function in Thailand without the help of other farangs. I find that pretty sad. He called out to the two farangs, they ignored him, he then went up and touched one of them on the arm, and they guy got p1ssed off. How is that surprising? I'd say he's lucky he didn't get shoved over.

Hey cat, try removing the pole.

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Having had professional dealings by email with several thousand expat farangs... some generalizations:

Those that settle in and around Chiang Mai tend to be the most self-interested.

Those in and around Phuket tend to be the greatest penny-pinchers.

Those in and around Pattaya tend to have the weakest grasp on reality.

Those who settle in Isaan tend to be the greatest procrastinators.

Those in Bangkok tend to be the most frantic and obsessive.

That's interesting. I have always seen it this way:

Pattaya farang like to pretend they are gangsters.

Phuket farang like to pretend they are tycoons.

Bangkok farang like to pretend they are respectable.

Chiang Mai farang like to pretend they are Thai.

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