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Hi firstly a thanks to everyone for there help in this matter, today we have been told that our visa application for spain in December for my tgf has been approved.

She has just been for the interview and was told there and that she has been successful and to pick her passport back up on tuesday from the embassy.

The procedure was as follows:-

on monday we went to the embassy which is on floor 23 of the lake rajada building, We handed in the following documents:-

2 x copy of the application forms with passport photo.

2 x copy of the title deeds to my parents house in spain

2 x copy of an official invitation from the head of police or mayor of my parents town ( 30 euros)

2 x copy of a letter from my parents inviting my Gf

2 X copy of a letter from me saying i would take care (pay) for her while in spain.

2 x copy of her official bank statement not more than 7 days old (100 bhat from kasikorn bank)

2 x copy of her bank book ( updated less than 2 days ago)

2 x copy of my official bank statement not more than 7 days old ( 200 bhat from ayudyah bank)

2 x copy of her passport

2 x copy of my passport

2 x copy of my parents passports

1 x fee (3200 bhat)

as many utility bills as possible for the last 3 month from my parents address

a medical certificate for her health from local hospital ( 75 bhat)

medical/travel insurance for more than 30,000 euro ( 2100 bhat from kasikorn bank)

and last but not least a provisional return flight booking for december.

This took in the region of around 15 minutes to hand in and we were told that we may have to come back for an interview or if we did not here back from them by monday of next week then come pick the passport up on tuesday with an origional paid for flight ticket or e-ticket.

We got a call from them yesterday asking us to come for interview today (wednesday) at 10 am, We took with us as many photo's of us together, e.mails to each other and from family to us both, also christmas cards etc, just to show we had a relationship basically. When she was called into the interview room, i was asked to stay outside, she was asked how long we had been together?, why she wanted to goto spain? and do we have any proof of a relationship?

She showed him the photo's etc and he said straight away visa approved it took less than 5 minute. We still have to pick the passport up on tuesday with the ticket.

All in all a good result, so its christmas in spain........

To anyone who may have to go through all this for the first time like us, i was far too over prepared with the stuff i collected and put in a file , but i suppose its better than being under prepared, if you think you will need it take it with you.

and like i said at the start thanks to everyone who gave me advice on thai visa.

thai miller and ms thai miller :D:o

Nice work, well done.

Took the Mrs to my folks place in Tenerife in June - she loved it!!

Have a good one.

possibly doesnt apply in your case my understanding is she can go anywhere in europe on that , but not the Uk , for entry to the Uk she needs to hide in a container for 4 days then she will be welcomed with open arms , but a visa good for the eec is no good for the UK


eerrr to visit my parents for christmas!!!!!

the fact that she's never been to spain before!!!!

the fact that im going to see my family for the first time in years and i would like her to come with me!!!


Hi first of all Congratulations getting there. I am facing the same thing, I also want my girlfriend to be with me here in Spain.

But maybe you could help me out with a little bit more information, like how long can she stay in Spain, I guess she can´t stay forever, or does that not really matter with that sort of Visa?

Also you have any idea, if she wants of course, what we need to do, for her to stay forever here?

Also, you mention this:

"copy of an official invitation from the head of police or mayor of my parents town"

Is that a standard form to get in Spain? Any idea what the Spanish name will be for that form?

Anyway, once again, good luck and hope to hear from you.




Tenerife is beautiful. I spent almost 10 years of my life there, I virtually grew up there. :o The only thing that starts bothering you after some time is that it's still an island, although a big one, and you can only go around either left side or right side. If you know what I mean. I might move back to Spain with my wife in a few years ...

By the way, if you have Permanencia (permanent residence), I believe she could get it too allowing her to live there with you indefinitely. I still have mine, which makes things a lot easier if I want to move back.

By the way, if you have Permanencia (permanent residence), I believe she could get it too allowing her to live there with you indefinitely. I still have mine, which makes things a lot easier if I want to move back.

I do have a Residencia, a so called DNI number, Regimen Comunitario. So you think, if I got 1, it should be possible for her also to get one, ebven though she is not from the EU?


I think so. I can't tell you the exact way to do it since a lot has changed over the years. Back when I was there, most of the things were handled by the Ayuntamiento in your city. Nowadays I think it's called "Oficina de Extranjeros" (basically Immigration) or something, but don't quote me. I was just there about 3 years ago, not in Tenerife, but in Madrid and even though I was absent from Spain for over 5 years, I was able to pick up my new Residencia the next day. I think your best choice is Immigration in Santa Cruz and try to get her a dependant card, based on your status.

If they're still as bad with paperwork as they were when I was there, it may take a few months though, I don't know :o

Man, I miss the food and everything. If I could I'd move back to Spain tonight, but my businesses don't allow it right now. One day I'll move back to Spain, for sure, probably not Tenerife (even though it is more beautiful than the main land) but somewhere around Valencia or Alicante.

I think so. I can't tell you the exact way to do it since a lot has changed over the years. Back when I was there, most of the things were handled by the Ayuntamiento in your city. Nowadays I think it's called "Oficina de Extranjeros" (basically Immigration) or something, but don't quote me. I was just there about 3 years ago, not in Tenerife, but in Madrid and even though I was absent from Spain for over 5 years, I was able to pick up my new Residencia the next day. I think your best choice is Immigration in Santa Cruz and try to get her a dependant card, based on your status.

If they're still as bad with paperwork as they were when I was there, it may take a few months though, I don't know :o

Man, I miss the food and everything. If I could I'd move back to Spain tonight, but my businesses don't allow it right now. One day I'll move back to Spain, for sure, probably not Tenerife (even though it is more beautiful than the main land) but somewhere around Valencia or Alicante.

If you are European 'residencia' basically is no longer used, they used it for years after joining the eec then they were forced to stop issuing it apart from certain circumstanes, you walk in thats it.

By the way, if you have Permanencia (permanent residence), I believe she could get it too allowing her to live there with you indefinitely. I still have mine, which makes things a lot easier if I want to move back.

I do have a Residencia, a so called DNI number, Regimen Comunitario. So you think, if I got 1, it should be possible for her also to get one, ebven though she is not from the EU?

Your girlfriend can stay in Spain three months as a visitor. However, if you were to be marrried, and you a citizen of an EEA country, your right to live and work in Spain would be extended to your spouse. She would then benefit from a free entry visa which could then be converted to a residence card, valid for five years, once in Spain. After five years, she could then be granted permanent residence.


If you are European 'residencia' basically is no longer used, they used it for years after joining the eec then they were forced to stop issuing it apart from certain circumstanes, you walk in thats it.

Yeh, you might be right, my residencia is valid till Jan 2008 and I already heard that I don´t get a new ID or something, just a piece of paper that says it all.

But you said..."you walk in thats it" what you mean with that, who walks in?

Your girlfriend can stay in Spain three months as a visitor. However, if you were to be marrried, and you a citizen of an EEA country, your right to live and work in Spain would be extended to your spouse. She would then benefit from a free entry visa which could then be converted to a residence card, valid for five years, once in Spain. After five years, she could then be granted permanent residence.


Does she have to apply for a 3 months Visa, or is that simply the max time she can stay here, standard?

Also I am thinking of getting her a one-way ticket, cause the plan is to get married here in Spain so I don´t want to spend extra money on a retour ticket, if she might not even use it. I am asking this, cause I do recall that you need to show a retour-ticket to get a Visa or is that not true?

Thanks again, you are all very helpfull


  • 2 weeks later...

hi thaimiller.congratulations on your gf visa.my tgf applied for a visa to spain in august and was refused.i am a dual national,i have had a spanish dni for more than 15 years.i own my own house and have a good job.she presented the same papers as you did and was refused.after been given a writen refusal in spanish,which even my lawyers in spain don't understand we think it was due to her finnacial situation.can i ask you how much money your gf had in her account at the time of your aplication,as my gf had 10,000 baht in hers.also may i ask how much you showed in yours if that is not to much to ask.i will be returning to bangkok on the 17 th november and want to try again.if you can give me any advice that would be great.

thanks leomiguel


¡Felicitaciones! thaimiller

I'm sure she will enjoy :o I had a chance to stay there for a month when I went there from my Spanish language course and it was my first time to Europe. I really did love it there. I'm in love with the language y las fiestas en España :D


hi thaimiller.congratulations on your gf visa.my tgf applied for a visa to spain in august and was refused.i am a dual national,i have had a spanish dni for more than 15 years.i own my own house and have a good job.she presented the same papers as you did and was refused.after been given a writen refusal in spanish,which even my lawyers in spain don't understand we think it was due to her finnacial situation.can i ask you how much money your gf had in her account at the time of your aplication,as my gf had 10,000 baht in hers.also may i ask how much you showed in yours if that is not to much to ask.i will be returning to bangkok on the 17 th november and want to try again.if you can give me any advice that would be great.

thanks leomiguel

From my experience it depends on how long she wants to stay there. I had 80,000 baht in mine the time I applied for 30 days. It was not really enough (that's what they told me) but I had to explain to them that according to our Thai culture we don't hold much savings in the bank account we hold it as cash, gold chain (it's what my family do by the way) and etc. They understood and granted me a visa. I believe the 6 digits amount (THB) in the account is the best for a tourist visa. If i'm wrong please correct.

Good luck :o


hi thaimiller.congratulations on your gf visa.my tgf applied for a visa to spain in august and was refused.i am a dual national,i have had a spanish dni for more than 15 years.i own my own house and have a good job.she presented the same papers as you did and was refused.after been given a writen refusal in spanish,which even my lawyers in spain don't understand we think it was due to her finnacial situation.can i ask you how much money your gf had in her account at the time of your aplication,as my gf had 10,000 baht in hers.also may i ask how much you showed in yours if that is not to much to ask.i will be returning to bangkok on the 17 th november and want to try again.if you can give me any advice that would be great.

thanks leomiguel


without going in to many details she has a six figure bank account, which to be honest is actually part of my funds but i started putting it in her account on a weekly basis around 6 month ago, a small amount at a time. this showed that she had regular money coming in. she also has a long term account that she(we) cannot touch until after the date of departure which is a reason for her to return, so 2 birds with one stone sort of thing. regarding my account, i handed in the official statement from the bank, but they told me that i had no need to as my gf had enough money to sponsor herself, but they collected it anyway with the rest of the files.

hope this helps.

hi thaimiller.congratulations on your gf visa.my tgf applied for a visa to spain in august and was refused.i am a dual national,i have had a spanish dni for more than 15 years.i own my own house and have a good job.she presented the same papers as you did and was refused.after been given a writen refusal in spanish,which even my lawyers in spain don't understand we think it was due to her finnacial situation.can i ask you how much money your gf had in her account at the time of your aplication,as my gf had 10,000 baht in hers.also may i ask how much you showed in yours if that is not to much to ask.i will be returning to bangkok on the 17 th november and want to try again.if you can give me any advice that would be great.

thanks leomiguel


without going in to many details she has a six figure bank account, which to be honest is actually part of my funds but i started putting it in her account on a weekly basis around 6 month ago, a small amount at a time. this showed that she had regular money coming in. she also has a long term account that she(we) cannot touch until after the date of departure which is a reason for her to return, so 2 birds with one stone sort of thing. regarding my account, i handed in the official statement from the bank, but they told me that i had no need to as my gf had enough money to sponsor herself, but they collected it anyway with the rest of the files.

hope this helps.

hi thaimiller.congratulations on your gf visa.my tgf applied for a visa to spain in august and was refused.i am a dual national,i have had a spanish dni for more than 15 years.i own my own house and have a good job.she presented the same papers as you did and was refused.after been given a writen refusal in spanish,which even my lawyers in spain don't understand we think it was due to her finnacial situation.can i ask you how much money your gf had in her account at the time of your aplication,as my gf had 10,000 baht in hers.also may i ask how much you showed in yours if that is not to much to ask.i will be returning to bangkok on the 17 th november and want to try again.if you can give me any advice that would be great.

thanks leomiguel


without going in to many details she has a six figure bank account, which to be honest is actually part of my funds but i started putting it in her account on a weekly basis around 6 month ago, a small amount at a time. this showed that she had regular money coming in. she also has a long term account that she(we) cannot touch until after the date of departure which is a reason for her to return, so 2 birds with one stone sort of thing. regarding my account, i handed in the official statement from the bank, but they told me that i had no need to as my gf had enough money to sponsor herself, but they collected it anyway with the rest of the files.

hope this helps.

hi thanks for the reply silly me i meant to write that she had 100,000 baht in her account,not 10,000 baht.i did the same as you payed money in every month for 6 months.i presented al the same papers as you also,i just don't understand why they refused my gf.any way i will be in bangkok next month and will go to the embassy myself and try and get answer for there resaon of refusal.thanks

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