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Ok that's got your attention! :D

I'm interested in finding out some views on this.

Now i must admit as much as i like to try to understand other peoples actions/views i really do find it hard to understand why or how men/woman sleep with so many people.

Especially when people go abroad(thailand)they shag their way through as many people as fully possible, like its on a drowt and they'll never get it again :o

I know this happens everywhere but(anyone care to answer)

1>doesn't it get empty after a while

2>don't people want a connection rather then a quick fumble

etc etc...

I know a group of Thai men literally shagging their way around the world! :D

They have girls coming back to Thailand for them and happily go through at least 4 girls a week, treating them like shit...

I can't see them stopping and I cant understand how after girl no.250 they would not get a little bored and feel a little empty?

You know what i dont even know why i'm writting this but some views would be nice. :D

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To understand men , you would have to become one , we are like dogs , sex is second nature , behind breathing , and probably ahead of eating.

Only love can cure this condition , and sometimes, even that is not enough.

IMHO ( perhaps too honest!)



I know what you mean- shaggin can be a bit dull if there isn't a connection. Now don't get me wrong we all had our one offs, but yes I think the more you know someone inside/out the better the shagging gets. :o


When I first came to Thailand it was not for the women, rather a women ( penfriend) and a decent holiday after working my butt off for 3 years running someone elses company and ending up being the backbone of the ###### business, always being the one called on to fix everything.

I found the bar scene got boring reeeeal quick, a week and I just couldnt see the value in it. Maybe this was because I was youngish (30) and fairly good looking, and didnt have a problem maintaining a relationship back home.

More than likely it was the problem I have when it comes to casual sex, especially of the bar girl variety. I just have no desire for them, no desire to jump into the sack with them, there is no feeling, no emotion. I have watched guys I know here from 20's to 50's just jump on anything that moves and really get into it, there doesnt seem to be the need for anything more than superficial emotion to please them.

I could count the amount of casual encounters I have had in Thailand over the last 5 years on 3 hands, and definitely agree that happy and alone beats miserable and involved anyday.

Some guys just cannot stand to be alone, my best friend was like that, he would stay in a shitful relationship just because he couldnt stand sleeping in an empty bed. To me that was sad, but hey to each his own right :o

Reserve a front row seat.. waiting for responses.. this's going to be fun :o

Sure it's going to be fun, I'm married to a Thai girl who allows me one month a year sole holiday in Phuket.

And each year I find myself a " holiday wife " if I find a nice one I'll stick with her for entire holiday, what's wrong with that ?

Ok that's got your attention! :D

I'm interested in finding out some views on this.

Now i must admit as much as i like to try to understand other peoples actions/views i really do find it hard to understand why or how men/woman sleep with so many people.

Especially when people go abroad(thailand)they shag their way through as many people as fully possible, like its on a drowt and they'll never get it again :o

I know this happens everywhere but(anyone care to answer)

1>doesn't it get empty after a while

2>don't people want a connection rather then a quick fumble

etc etc...

I know a group of Thai men literally shagging their way around the world! :D

They have girls coming back to Thailand for them and happily go through at least 4 girls a week, treating them like shit...

I can't see them stopping and I cant understand how after girl no.250 they would not get a little bored and feel a little empty?

You know what i dont even know why i'm writting this but some views would be nice. :D

Well, after too much bad sex here, I just decided to wait until something resembling good sex comes along. Either that or I am leaving soon. :D

Ok that's got your attention! :D

Especially when people go abroad(thailand)they shag their way through as many people as fully possible

Thai men literally shagging their way around the world! :D

OK. Perhaps i am old fashioned but is it really needed or advantageous to use such language on here. :o

Believe it or not there are youngsters who read this forum. :D


I like to stay with one partner... I like to be able to build up a relationship, the whole experience is better if you know more about each other... I've never really been one for "one night stands" ( though I've not turned down offers :D )

I also have a problem where I let myself get emotionally involved too quick, I find it hard to stay with someone for just one night and remain emotionless about the whole thing.

These two parts of my character when mixed can be my downfall, but I never learn, it's just me ! :o


Having sex with someone i don't have a relationship with is pretty meaningless and "empty" to me. Sure, i can do it, no problem ...but its not the same. Maybe because i grew up in Spain i have sort of a "Conquistadores" (aka. hunting) instinct. :o Kidding. Building something from the ground up is much more interesting and meaningful than paying $20 for a quickie. I live right on Sukhumvit and for example i have this stunning bargirl trying to come up to my room for free (and even offered to pay me at one point) - every evening i walk by! I never took her up on it, doubt i will. For one, it doesn't give me anything to "conquer" and for the other, what's gonna happen after the night? She walks out the door and that's it. I'll go off shagging the next girl? Too stupid for me. I don't blame the guys that do it, if they have fun that's great for them.

Ok that's got your attention! :D

Especially when people go abroad(thailand)they shag their way through as many people as fully possible

Thai men literally shagging their way around the world! :D

OK. Perhaps i am old fashioned but is it really needed or advantageous to use such language on here. :o

Believe it or not there are youngsters who read this forum. :D

Is the word "Shag" really a bad word in England? First time I heard it used was when I first saw the first " Austin Powers" movie..... I took my little nephew to see it, ( and there were a buncha kids in the theater with me too! )

I thought it was funny when my nephew, who is a big fan of the Austin Powers movies, ran around saying ( in a bad English accent ) to girls " Shall we Shag now, or shall we Shag later "... It's a good thing that those girls don't know what "Shag" really means, I really should tell him that it's not very polite British word!

Fortunately, the term "Shag" never really caught on here in America....But "Shag" does sound more Sophisticated and Eurotrashy cooler than "Screw", or the "F" word... :wub:

Narachon: International Man of Mystery

( who, by the way would like to try to "shag " around the world too, just like James Bond, or at least Austin Powers .. :D )

Some guys just cannot stand to be alone, my best friend was like that, he would stay in a shitful relationship just because he couldnt stand sleeping in an empty bed. To me that was sad, but hey to each his own right :D

I know many people like this and it does baffle me, i would much rather be alone then with someone i didnt care greatly for. Also, the guys i know really lead these girls on and i dont think its fair to play with someone elses feelings just because your bored or lonely(esp if their falling for you) :o

Oh god, i've just woken up!

I think sometimes i need to listen to my own advice...sorry i'm blabbering. :D

p.s sorry about my language Ed :D


Horses for courses.

I too am amazed at some of the stories that float round regarding the antics of some of our male brethren but, they're not really doing anything here that they wouldn't do at home. It's the reputation here that makes it noticable, and the ease with which people exchange their conquests - on this forum too.

The burning question I must ask of those that do is this " Do you ever consider who she was with last night or 2 hours ago" Not all girls are particular who they lay with as long as the money is there, and as for sloppy seconds well!!!!! As Reggie would say " Good god Miss Jones"


Some guys just cannot stand to be alone, my best friend was like that, he would stay in a shitful relationship just because he couldnt stand sleeping in an empty bed. To me that was sad, but hey to each his own right  :D

I know many people like this and it does baffle me, i would much rather be alone then with someone i didnt care greatly for. Also, the guys i know really lead these girls on and i dont think its fair to play with someone elses feelings just because your bored or lonely(esp if their falling for you) :o

Oh god, i've just woken up!

I think sometimes i need to listen to my own advice...sorry i'm blabbering. :D

p.s sorry about my language Ed :D

It takes two to tango Kitty, yes it's true men have led women on since the day we discovered what it was for. But to portray the girls as innocents is a little niave, calculating, cunning and hard as nails is nearer the mark. It's just an ugly trade-off that benefits both parties.

The oldest of professions


When I first came to Thailand it was not for the women, rather a women ( penfriend) and a decent holiday after working my butt off for 3 years running someone elses company and ending up being the backbone of the ###### business, always being the one called on to fix everything.

I found the bar scene got boring reeeeal quick, a week and I just couldnt see the value in it. Maybe this was because I was youngish (30) and fairly good looking, and didnt have a problem maintaining a relationship back home.

More than likely it was the problem I have when it comes to casual sex, especially of the bar girl variety. I just have no desire for them, no desire to jump into the sack with them, there is no feeling, no emotion. I have watched guys I know here from 20's to 50's just jump on anything that moves and really get into it, there doesnt seem to be the need for anything more than superficial emotion to please them.

I could count the amount of casual encounters I have had in Thailand over the last 5 years on 3 hands, and definitely agree that happy and alone beats miserable and involved anyday.

Some guys just cannot stand to be alone, my best friend was like that, he would stay in a shitful relationship just because he couldnt stand sleeping in an empty bed. To me that was sad, but hey to each his own right :D

I agree that the greater the 'connection' the greater the pleasure and satisfaction.

Insofar as emotion is concerned, for me I am in love with the girl whoever she may be at the particular time (mostly anyways "perhaps until I wake up and see what I brought home the night before" :o )

If it has been a rewarding experience my love (read feelings) do not stop when she walks out the door.

If there is no second (or more) encounter it is for a variety of reasons i.e. perhaps a lack of time, too lazy to go and see her again etc.

And kitty 1>doesn't it get empty after a while it might get a bit empty after a while but then again it regen's pretty quickly :D


The Highest Chief of All Mechanics designed sex for the human reproduction (He didn't forget the animals and plants either).

He probably thought that if it would hurt, it wouldn't work. So He connected pleasant physical feelings to the act itself. He added a recreational aspect.

In Fox's book Kinship Systems, you find a lot of versions of domestic and/or sexual relations in different cultures. Sex is allways related to socio-economic structures.

Also the recreational sex.

Further see Houillebecks book on it (and correct the spelling of his name yourself please).

Sex is like money: you are supposed to have it and not to speak about it!

Insofar as emotion is concerned, for me I am in love with the girl whoever she may be at the particular time.

Yes, you are right. It resembles the eating of a hamburger. It fills, yes indeed, but it is not the real thing (especially not the bread). And it doesn't still the hunger for real.

So I think that instant-sex and hamburgers are related to emptiness.

So I think that instant-sex and hamburgers are related to emptiness.

One of the disadvantages of instant-sex and hamburgers is, that they can work as appetizers that take away your appetite.

Be aware!

Insofar as emotion is concerned, for me I am in love with the girl whoever she may be at the particular time.

Yes, you are right. It resembles the eating of a hamburger. It fills, yes indeed, but it is not the real thing (especially not the bread). And it doesn't still the hunger for real.

So I think that instant-sex and hamburgers are related to emptiness.

Great simile. Couldn't have said it better myself - in fact, that very feeling presented itself over some KFC last night. And I don't even have one night stands. :o


I think anyone who can claim feelings or emotion other than lust when talking about working girls is a bit dillusional.

The idea and excitement of the conquest, playing the game, flirting etc is one thing, but actually going through with it at the end of the night is entirely different.

When it comes to meeting everyday girls, the mindset is a little different for me, I am willing to get to know them and open to making friends, working girls I just have no time or inclination for, even though its the easiest way to get what you want.

I find the guys who claim to have had a different woman in Thailand every night, to be very lonely people. These guys largely have never been able to maintain a relationship, and/or have never had a true long term relationship, nor known the feeling of having someone who is a best friend, confidant, lover, and partner.


Why dont you try saying something dude, instead of dribbling over ur bib :D

Where is the gross generalisation?? I wrote of my experiences, guys I knew, had met etc, the only open statement was the first line, and it was again my opinion, as you can clearly read in the wording.

Sometimes the truth hurts! :o

These guys largely have never been able to maintain a relationship, and/or have never had a true long term relationship, nor known the feeling of having someone who is a best friend, confidant, lover, and partner.

I don't want to put salt on every snail, but the length of a relationship is not the only indicator for quality. Depth and width also count.

The real quality of a relationship becomes sometimes painfully visible during its ending. The longer the worse sometimes!

And you can have a best friend, confidant and partner, but who says that he or she has to be your lover as well?

And to the Swedish Meatball: KFC chicken, don't forget to use a condom! With or without flu, a good advice: stay away!

More than likely it was the problem I have when it comes to casual sex, especially of the bar girl variety. I just have no desire for them, no desire to jump into the sack with them, there is no feeling, no emotion. I have watched guys I know here from 20's to 50's just jump on anything that moves and really get into it, there doesnt seem to be the need for anything more than superficial emotion to please them.

I've seen girls put on a bump and grind show that would raise the dead!

................Have you checked your pulse recently? :o

And to the Swedish Meatball: KFC chicken, don't forget to use a condom! With or without flu, a good advice: stay away!

Be careful not to swallow the condom! Otherwise the chicken might end up in your system anyhow.

Stick to the 'koettbullar'!


About the "making the connection" lark, it's obvious why some guys would prefer to avoid this...

"Make the connection" = "Fall in love"

"Fall in love" = "(Possibly) Get hurt"

I know I'm going to get flamed for this one, but reckon it's on the money.

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