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Forum Change: Change Of Number Of Posts Per Page, Topics Per Page


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We have changed the number of posts per page, and number of topics per page shown in the forum from midnight today:

Number of topics per forum page:

Was 20, now changed to 30

Number of posts per topic page

Was 15, now changed to 25

Hope it will be a better world. Your comments, please!

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Good plan, i prefer a long list of topics/post rather than having to wade through a number of pages. Thank you.

Would it be possible in the future to select number of posts per page as an option, then everyone would be happy.

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Good plan, i prefer a long list of topics/post rather than having to wade through a number of pages. Thank you.

Would it be possible in the future to select number of posts per page as an option, then everyone would be happy.

We changed the default values. I believe it can be done already at user level. Check your "My Controls" settings. You might be surprised whats in there.

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Yes. This is something I've been advocating regular users to do for along time now.

On your Control Panel, there is an option to "display" up to 40 threadsper subforum, and 40 posts per page.

And so when people mention in a post that, "we are now on page 73" I always smile when I know I've only waded through TWO pages as opposed to members on slower dial up wading thru 6 pages...

Good call George.

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I recently posted requesting possibility of sub forum for current important events due to the large amount of posts coming from things like tsunami, 12 go and Burma crisis. Being that most users are sitting on default value other posts were getting little time on the front page. This is a great help towards solving that problem and other posts are now getting a chance.

Great work.

Edited by stevenjm
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