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The neighbor's dog died yesterday.

She was a nice little dog, looked a bit like a long haired corgi, and always used to come out to greet me and my dog as we walked passed.

For about 12 months she had a sore on her muzzle that wouldn't heal, I offered the family money for the vet but they were embarrassed. I mentioned it to my wife and she told me to butt out.

Then about a week ago she got really sick and they made her a little bed on the porch, off the ground with a blanket, and I saw them giving her medicine.

Things started getting strange then, the neighborhood dogs started hanging around, a couple would lie down beside the bed all day then one old dog, my father in laws, actually started sleeping in their gateway.

I never saw her in any pain, she seemed to sleep her life away.

There hasn't been another dog in the street all day.

RIP Bikki


I'm sorry about your lost. You seemed to have been quite fond of her. :o

A non-healing wound, sounds like cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) to me, but I can be wrong.


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