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You think its love?


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I wonder how many foreign men married to young girls, think about if its love, or maybe the men dont care and just enjoy the daily day, well knowing its not love.

What make a goodlooking young girl choose a old man around 50 or 60, when she can get a younger and more handsome man.  Money, stability, ?  :o

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I think a lot of women, not just Thai, prefer older men, although maybe not the difference in age that you mentioned. After all, they should be more mature, having sowed their wild oats more willing to settle down, and yes have some financial independence. Remember, you don't have to be super rich to provide them with a better lifestyle than they would probably have. And it sure beats long days working in the fields, or whatever they would be doing. Quit worrying so much and just enjoy your trophy lady while you can!


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Let's be practical. Assuming you are 60... and the sweet young thing is 20 plus.... the answer is obvious.... she is after your money and  you must be very very rich. If she is 40 and above, then maybe, I repeat maybe.......

" Love is a many splendoured thing " . Best of luck to you.



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Ummm... I want to see what others would say too!   :o   Oh, the anticipation!

Well, I can't really talk as my partner is 17 yrs older than me (I know, I know)!  I didn't know he was that much older when we met.  I knew he was older, obviously but didn't realise until later on.

Personally, I do like older guys (but not that much older).  I find them a lot more interesting.  They are more mature for a start and are more interested in making things work rather than just acting like a brat and sulking around (maybe it's just my bad experience with guys my age).  I'm not too bothered about the financial stability as I am already stable myself!  But if I were the guy who was a lot older than his girl, I would be suspicious as well.   :D

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Interesting topic this one, so here goes for my tuppence worth

Many thai girls want falang husbands because they are disenchanted with thai men. However when it comes to finding one there are really only middle aged candidates, so a possible answer is the lack of choice that you have assumed exists.

For thai girls the family always comes first, so maybe she is putting family needs before her own.

Maybe the parents have expressed a preference, there are many possible reasons.

Whether it is love or not is a difficult question especially as you  have not given the age of a "young girl"  but once the age gap is more than twenty five years I think we can say it is probably just the money.

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Best of luck to you both and hope you enjoy all that life has to offer.

When I told my wife that "in all likelyhood, I would not be returning to the USA, her face lit up with a great big smile when I affirmatively answered the question she then posed to my statement ...."would you live here in Vietnam?"

So I stayed in Vietnam for almost 2 years with her. ( at least once a month I hopped a flight elsewhere though)After a while I asked her where would you NOT want to live with me and imagine her saying "Cambodia or Thailand (! ) WE then shipped a container to Koh Samui and lived there for 8+ months not out of spite but because it "looked" like a cool place to live.

I was hammered financially for those couple of years.....and after a while it became clear, I would in fact return to the "land of opportunity" and she would have to return to Vietnam. But before we left, I filed the papers for a K-1 in the States thru my lawyers and now we are both in Florida.

This last 5 days an offer I made on a new house was accepted, the mortgage was approved, we are set to close 7/1 and then the blood test came back positive and we are having a baby!

I'm 48. My wife is 24.

We're going to have the baby and build this life together here in FLA. We're in our third year together. We will however be looking for a "summer place", not saying where, in Asia, just not this year ( sigh )

Speaking for my wife too, we wish you all the best.

Tom and Hanh

Mr Vietnam  :o

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That answers my question Thetyim, thanks for replying.

I think a young woman can love a man that is much older but  there may be problems because different age groups tend to want different things out of life.

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I knew a young Thai lady (in her early twenties) who fell in love with an old farang. He was an interesting character; you could describe him as someone who lived life to the full in the sixties, so he wasn't your average boring old farang. They were very happy, until he died a couple of years back. So it can happen, although often it is for money/a better life.

I'm rather unusual in that my Thai wife is only a year younger than me.

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Hi John,

There's no comparison between the Vietnamese and the Thai's.

The only thing I like about Thailand is the sea, ocean, and scenery.

If one could replace the thai's with vietnamese the place would be incredible.

I could really get into this, but I'd probably get banned for telling the truth. So I'll stop here. If you want to discuss this specific subject more in depth, you can sign up for my yahoo group at "http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DestinationVietnam/join">

Personally, I liked Samui from a "View" standpoint. Way way way overpriced. I'm not finished with picking "the place" yet, and am not finished in Vietnam, have interest in the Philippines ( I think).

But now with a baby on the way and me being 2 years ( hopefully less) towards making up the losses from being over there, to which by the way, I was stranded after 9/11 and my wonderful countrymen took advantage big time, I'm going to be more prudent this time.

Not as simple as getting on an Eva or Cathay anymore.......


Mr Vietnam  :o

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I am interested to know why you believe this Thetyim


I am just relating what I see.  I assume that you disagree.

I live up north but travel around Thailand quite a bit. All the falangs I see seem to be middle aged there are just  not many young ones about.  Maybe I go to different places than you.

The other explaination is that under forties would be more likely to take their wives back home whereas older men are more likely to live here.

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My Thai wife is two years older than me - she's 30 and I'm 28. She gets really upset if i call her "Pi", even if I am just joking around.

When it comes down to it - age doesn't really matter if the feelings are genuine and each person is true to themselves in regard to there own feelings. But then what do i know - I'm only 28! :o

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Thank you Mr Bintang. Hanh of course likes the higher quality of life in general here I think. Although she shows no interest in socializing or going anywhere. I think she has some fears which is normal.

However, when we lived in Thailand, she was the same way, although of course this is a much higher standard of living. Even in Vietnam, after we got to the point of living together, we spent most of the time together.

Me? Prefer? Oh of course I wish I didn't make the mistakes I made. I would probably not be back here. It's really changing and I don't like it. I enjoy being on other places where people in general avoid me because of language or whatever. I'm pretty much an introvert although a lot of people wouldn't think so since I sound like a roaring cat in the business world. I am though.

I'm fortunate that Hanh seems to be essentially the same. It's a good match.

When the business is rebuilt, I think we'll give Asia another whirl though.


Mr Vietnam  :o

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I once had a boyfriend (an English Jew) who was 18 years older than me. We had good times and I was really in love for awhile. After sometime I found myself serounded by older people. They are nice but party with them was too boring. They started to talk about their grand childern, retirement ,WWII and sometime I have no idea what a hxxx they are talking about. We broke up after 10 months or so. The point is she (might) loves you or like you a lot but Does she like your friends as well? I think maybe she likes your bank account more.

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Thank you Mr Bintang. Hanh of course likes the higher quality of life in general here I think. Although she shows no interest in socializing or going anywhere. I think she has some fears which is normal.

However, when we lived in Thailand, she was the same way, although of course this is a much higher standard of living. Even in Vietnam, after we got to the point of living together, we spent most of the time together.

Me? Prefer? Oh of course I wish I didn't make the mistakes I made. I would probably not be back here. It's really changing and I don't like it. I enjoy being on other places where people in general avoid me because of language or whatever. I'm pretty much an introvert although a lot of people wouldn't think so since I sound like a roaring cat in the business world. I am though.

I'm fortunate that Hanh seems to be essentially the same. It's a good match.

When the business is rebuilt, I think we'll give Asia another whirl though.


Mr Vietnam  :o

Hi Mr Vietnam,

I undertand what are saying that the standard of living is better, but that come with a cost.

I have a thai wife and to sons we live in Australia and have seen big changes in the boys since moving here.

They play the computer/playstation all day long given the chance.  We have to be dragged to play outside even tho we live mintues from the beach. Now they only listen to rap music and wear rapper clothes.

When in thailand we tried to by them a few thai t-shirts or music.  They were not the least intrested.

When younger used to play chess with Grandpa with beer top

and cardboard for hours.

When last on Samui it was starting of the big hotels.  Has it lost it's charm totally yet.  Hope you get to return to Asia

before your new born is spoilt by her western surroundings.

Best wishes to Hanh and your good self



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Thank you Mr Bintang. I do too. There seem to be complications now. Hanh is ill.

We're going to the doctor's office today to find out why. I was about to take her to the emergency room at 2AM.

Thank you for your best wishes


Mr Vietnam  :o

Hi Mr Vietnam,

Sorry to hear Hanh is ill, I hope she is well soon.

Will say a pray to Buddha tonight for her speedy recovery.

Best Wishes


:D  B)

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