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Koh Samet Island To Ban Styrofoam, Plastic Bags


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Resort island to ban styrofoam, plastic bags

RAYONG: -- No more foam drinking vessels, packaging or non-biodegradeable plastic bags should be allowed for use in Samet Island in order to contain garbage and waste problems of the island resort, according to a locally-based national park official.

During a meeting with the Rayong tourist agents association, Khao Laem Ya National Park chief Sithichai Serisongsaeng proposed that no more foam cups, containers or plastic bags should be permitted for use by tourists, vendors or any others on the island.

Ko Samet's five-rai garbage dump site can no longer cope with the ever-increasing amount of such indestructible waste, according to Mr. Sithichai, who called for more rigorous waste management and disposal, beginning with the reducing the oversupply of the ubiquitous and virtually indestructible contemporary packaging materials.

The chief ranger for the national park located on the island said there just isn't room enough for a continued flow of non-biodegradeable trash.

--TNA 2007-10-12

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Resort island to ban styrofoam, plastic bags

RAYONG: -- No more foam drinking vessels, packaging or non-biodegradeable plastic bags should be allowed for use in Samet Island in order to contain garbage and waste problems of the island resort, according to a locally-based national park official.

During a meeting with the Rayong tourist agents association, Khao Laem Ya National Park chief Sithichai Serisongsaeng proposed that no more foam cups, containers or plastic bags should be permitted for use by tourists, vendors or any others on the island.

Ko Samet's five-rai garbage dump site can no longer cope with the ever-increasing amount of such indestructible waste, according to Mr. Sithichai, who called for more rigorous waste management and disposal, beginning with the reducing the oversupply of the ubiquitous and virtually indestructible contemporary packaging materials.

The chief ranger for the national park located on the island said there just isn't room enough for a continued flow of non-biodegradeable trash.

--TNA 2007-10-12

would be good for samui too ,walk along the beach in the morning and you can see 100s of plastic bags strewn over it ,amonst the drunks and lowlifes.

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the whole country in fact. just think about it. there are over 60 million people in the country. if each one of them used just 1 plastic bag per day, thats over 60 million plastic bags to be disposed of. i would hazard a guess and say each person uses, say, 4 plastic bags a day (seven eleven, from the markets, wherever....). thats a heck of a lot of plastic bags isnt it!

good on Ko Samet. im waiting for the day we ALL walk around carrying Pintos to put our food in (yes, ive done it many times in bkk).

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Appropriately borrowed from the thread:

Koh Samet

Koh Samet is definitely going downhill with a hill full of trash... and no place new to dump even more... :o


Officials inspect the main refuse dump on Koh Samet in Rayong Province, which has reached full capacity. The chief of Khao Laem Ya National Park, of which the tourist island is a part says that no more forest area can be earmarked for additional dumping.

The Nation, August 11, 2007

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In a perfect world this is a great idea.

But I thought the local markets all depended on the plastic bag and elastic band.

Just where is the simple alternative?

I'm sure if there was one it would be being used by now.

There used to be a great system here. Beverages came in returnable bottles. People brought their own bags or baskets to the market. Food was wrapped in banana leaves, etc. Maybe we need to go back to the future?

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I think a lot of progress could be made if every 7/11 started following the model of the ones in (for example) Taipei and just ASK if you need a bag, instead of automatically giving you one even for something as simple as a can of Coke.

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Koh Samet Island To Ban Styrofoam, Plastic Bags

couldn't agree more ,

fond memories of food in banana leaf and a drink in a natural container ,

happy to argue that the plastic problem grew exponentially with the increase in tourists over the years and this one can be laid at our feet .

in tandem with the my country , not my land mindset which allows the throwing out of litter without responsibility .

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Again the headline is different than what is said; The key words from the actual statement are SHOULD and PROPOSED. Nobody says they WILL!. This was one park official addressing tourist associations. Not likely to go very far I am afraid. A good idea, on the surface, but believe it when I see it.

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They are right in calling it a dump...it definitely isn't a landfill. I have been to it and it is managed (and I use this term loosely) by 3 drunks who set fire to little piles of garbage and watch it burn while they drink their Chang. No liner; no daily cover, no protection at all.

What they need is an integrated solid waste management plan...........relatively easy to do and has been done in most places around the world. However.................need an international consulting company to develop it and it costs money to do that and we all know that the Thai government has deep pockets but short arms. :o

What they should ban is the double pricing, Thais 40 Baht, non-Thais 400 Baht. And guess who is responsible for most of the garbage (both as a percentage and absolute value).

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Interesting thread in that both materials mentioned now have an added molecule that causes them to breakdown in UV light. Depending on how much is added sets the speed of how fast it breaks down. Have you even noticed on how some if not all of your plastic products that have been left out in the sun seem to break. A few examples are plastic clothes pins and plastic buckets.

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I think a lot of progress could be made if every 7/11 started following the model of the ones in (for example) Taipei and just ASK if you need a bag, instead of automatically giving you one even for something as simple as a can of Coke.

Yes plastic bag and a straw with everything. :o

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I think a lot of progress could be made if every 7/11 started following the model of the ones in (for example) Taipei and just ASK if you need a bag, instead of automatically giving you one even for something as simple as a can of Coke.

This would be a very good move. I find it infuriating. I usually say I don't need a bag especially as I am usually going to consume the product as soon as I leave the premises and hate putting the bag streight into the bins provided outside. The problem is that if I get distracted for a nanosecond, bang, the bag is out and the purchase inserted and it is too late. I don't like to embarrass the boy/girl behind the counter so I let it go. It is especially a problem when I but a packet of cigaretttes or something that is destined for my pocket!!

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Again the headline is different than what is said; The key words from the actual statement are SHOULD and PROPOSED. Nobody says they WILL!. This was one park official addressing tourist associations. Not likely to go very far I am afraid. A good idea, on the surface, but believe it when I see it.

thats the way I read it too, one person suggesting something is not quite the same as banning it

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