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Supporting Documents

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I'm little more prepared than gthe last time I was here aside from finally getting some firm plans together for my wife's settlement visa application.

I'm having trouble finding anything that refers to my specific situation, that is been here for 6 years, married for 5, and going back as a family unit. So I'd like if I may, start a personal checklist and woiuld appreciae anyone adding to it as neccessary.

Proof of relationship

Marriage certificate + translation

Daughter's birth certificate (my wife is already named on British one)

Wedding/Birth of child photos

My WP as proof of my living here

Utilities Bills in Thailand



Address in the UK (I plan on signing a years tenancy agreement, and will move in on returning)

Tenancy agreement

Photos of property

Details of bedrooms/other rooms



Employment (I have a job offer but have not yet started working for them so no pay slips, I also have residual online income, and savings. Wife has already applied for a number of jobs in the UK)

Statement of job prospects of my wife and I.

Examples of jobs my wife has applied for.

My letter of employment

Documents proving ownership of website

Bank statements showing income from website

Other bank statements showing total savings



Ok....can anyone give me any more idea of what to include?

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Now that second link is very interesting thanks.

As usual I've been looking at Mr Perfects supporting docs as stickied at the top of this forum and wondering how the hel_l I can even match part of those documents.

The job offer is pending, and not so concrete yet, but I'd have enough income from my website to pay the bills each month and about UKP30k in savings between us, so even if it didn't come through do you think we'd be ok....what would be good supporting documents for somebody with no work but looking to show prospects?

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£30,000 in savings should be more than sufficient to demonstrate that your wife can be supported without recourse to public funds until such a time as either of you, or both, finds employment. In addition to that, you have your income from the website and a job offer would be the icing on the cake.


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That's good to know Scouser, though the website only generates about 6-700 pounds a month.....enough to pay the rent and utilities perhaps, but little more, my dream is to get it earning enough so that I wouldn't have to worry about job prospects but just a pipe dream for now I'm afraid.

I keep getting tantalising hints that I'd be offered a job in the UK, but nobody with stick their neck out for me and issue a letter confirming I've got an offer, not even my company owning cousin..."it's always give us a ring when you get back." which I've heard doesn't really wash with the Embasy and the emails are just too vague to really use as evidence.

My wife should be fine prospects wise....would a letter of recommendation from her Uni President help things? I'd also imagine her UK Masters would be a good thing to provide here too?

Would business correspondence from my ad clients be appropriate evidence too?

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