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since about one year i have the feeling that i got cirulation problems.

when i lie in bed sometimes my arms feel heavy and strange. sometimes when i get up one of my legs has no power to stand on for a few seconds and i am easily tired during the day after some light physical work like cleaning and carrying things around.

i know i have to stop smoking but i also would like to make a change in diet or better make a cure with only fruit or the like for a few weeks if this would help. i'm not overweight at all but have not much muscle either... i know i have to stop the smoking habit and really will do now (i hope), also coffee of which i drink about two - three cups a day should be avoided i guess.

any suggestions or therapies?


Do you also get a tingly sensation, like your legs have gone to sleep even though you aren't sitting on them?


yes sometimes, when sitting at a table. also my legs have a very slight strange feeling sometimes, hard to describe, like if they were very tired.

also have cold feet easily when not moving around much.


Well, I don't want to scare you, but perhaps you should get it checked out. My sister was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and she started with similar symptoms when she was about 32.

There are many different reasons you could be having these issues, of which, MS is only one. But, if it continues or gets worse, worth having checked out, preferably at a good hospital.


now you do scare me. don't know anything about ms, what is it, can it be cured? have to google now.


No, but before you freak out, make sure you see a doctor :D A good doctor. :o

My sister's symptoms worsened over time, so that is why she finally went to see the doctor about it. She is still active and working today (15 years later). So don't be too scared.

Best to just have it checked out.




to give you some ideas, but don't take it to heart, its just a possibility. There are other things that can cause your symptoms too, thats why you should have it checked out by someone reputable.


Have you had the blood pressure checked ? and the pump that powers your circulation ...why not go to any reasonable hospital and have the standard check over package ...fixed price and you can choose the package you want ....executive health check for example ,in the local hospital in Rangsit, or the teaching hospital also near by offer excellent value checks including cancer marker tests for example prostrate cancer , they also give a full analysis of blood chemistry .

A 30 baht health check with a local doctor for the Thai driving Liscence can be directly linked to me catching an aterial blockage in my heart ...I felt great by the way no symptoms!!! the full test revealled a 90% blockage ( 2 heart stents required ) as the doctor said a heart attack waiting to happen I asked the odds and he gave the likely hood of 95% to definate probability , and as for timing well after testing he refused to let me leave the hospital and 14 hours later I had two stents and left the hospital the next day ..two days rest over a weekend then back to work ..


Hi elfe, I've had the same symptoms. However, being a 67 year old public bus driver who has to have annual medicals, I find that the cardiologist says I'm OK. He checks pulses in the lower leg, amongst other things. It's a mystery to me, and has been worrying, but I feel that you can largely discount MS. I believe there's a hereditary component to this -which you would have by now discovered on the net. You don't sound too young, and I understand that MS strikes mostly when one is youngish. Frankly I think most doctors would be mystified by your symptoms, but a good one would probably suggest a circulation check with a specialist. For peace of mind this would be a brilliant idea for you I reckon. I smoke and of course know I shouldn't. A few weeks back I stopped for 6 days, to my amazement. Am now back at it stronger than ever, but will probably give up soon, once I fully convince myself that I don't need the 'support' that smoking provides. At this precise time I don't have a really good 'reason' to give up - which I understand to mean that I lack external support/encouragement. Maybe you do too. I feel I know where you 'are at' mate, and sympathise/empathise. The best I can do is to say that you shouldn't wait for something to go badly, suddenly wrong - look after yourself. You need you. Don't slowly, uncomfortably, go downhill. When the time comes you can always get a gun - meanwhile live as contentedly, as comfortably as you can. Nature wants you to look after your body - it's the way 'she' works. Make sure you eat WHEN you should, for the fuel which warms the body; eat enough; eat when you might otherwise have a fag and THEN have the fag. Coffee's OK as far as I know -but check the web. Exercise - walking is good. Stretch the limbs. Where possible swim -this enhances the efficiency of the so-called 'smooth' muscles, which aid circulation. And, last but hardly least, try to cut down on the smoking - forget giving up entirely - it's too big a step - it's like giving up part of oneself. I know. If you cut down you might find that you get a little more CONTROL over it. I hate the word, but this can be 'empowering'. If you can afford it, I believe gingko biloba is good for peripheral circulation. You ain't alone. Cheers, Peter.


thanks for your kind replies :o

well i think it's time for a change and losen up the daily routine with things like going to the beach in the mornings for a swim and stretch and i also will have a look into tai chi.

hope i will be able to reduce smoking as well (which i only do at home at the computer actually)

hope i can make myself to change...

A 30 baht health check with a local doctor for the Thai driving Liscence can be directly linked to me catching an aterial blockage in my heart ...I felt great by the way no symptoms!!! the full test revealled a 90% blockage ( 2 heart stents required ) as the doctor said a heart attack waiting to happen I asked the odds and he gave the likely hood of 95% to definate probability , and as for timing well after testing he refused to let me leave the hospital and 14 hours later I had two stents and left the hospital the next day ..two days rest over a weekend then back to work ..

What sort of check revealed the 90% blockage? An angiogram?

Also what part of the 30baht health check led to further testing? Blood pressure? Blood test? etc.?


Just to refute some of your misconceptions, ignormaus, I don't believe there is any such link to MS being hereditary, but rather the risk of getting it is hereditary. My sister is the only person in my entire family (extended as well) that has it.

Although MS is not directly inherited, a person who has a parent with MS has an increased risk for developing the disease (previous studies have reported 1 chance in 40 versus 1 chance in 750 for the average American). Thus, while the risk increases, it still remains relatively low. Most researchers believe that MS occurs in individuals who have genes that make them susceptible to an unknown environmental trigger or triggers. In addition, women are twice as likely as men to develop MS. The reason for this difference is unknown.
* Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50.

* Two-three times as many women as men have MS.

* Studies indicate that genetic factors make certain individuals more susceptible than others, but there is no evidence that MS is directly inherited.

* MS occurs more commonly among people with northern European ancestry, but people of African, Asian, and Hispanic backgrounds are not immune.

Source: NationalMSSociety.org

That said, none of us are in a position to diagnose Elfe, could be circulation, could be something else. If it is circulation it could be a symptom of an underlying problem. Best to just go get it checked.


It sounds like you are due for a complete physical. Diabetes can cause what you are describing, both fatigue and numbness are typical symptoms. The same can be true with heart disease. But bottom line is do a complete physical. For the time and money spent it is well worth it.


Just to echo what many others have said, Elfe...you need a thorough physical. The symptoms you describe could be from a wide range of causes, some serious, some not.

My personal favorite for check-up is Dr. Anchanee at Samitivej Hospital as she is very thorough and pain-staking in reviewing symptoms and test results, also takes a lot of time to discuss and involves patients in the process. She's in the wellness center. usual procedure is to select one of the check-up packages and then see her once the results are in but I think you can ask to see her first for advice on what tests to get.

And, of course, stop smoking!!!


Alright Elfe, there have been many concerned and intelligent responses with emphasis on getting the physical. Did you set that up yet? If you don't do this, you do realize of course you are going to be cyber nagged to do so :o

If I'm not mistaken, you try to help alot of the 4 footed members of the community. Do you think they can afford to lose someone like you?

So, please make sure you act now.

you try to help alot of the 4 footed members of the community. Do you think they can afford to lose someone like you?

well, that's right...

actually do not feel THAT ill as the replies here indicate :o makes me worry and i will have the physical done the following week. has to be on samui though.

thanks again for concerned replies and advice! :D

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