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Thai Logic


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Sorry folks my brain can not go to that place.

It would have to get too small and useless.

"Can Asians Think" is the question and a title of a book in fact

I did not have to read the book to answer.

I have seen it all now and I know what the answer is sadly enough.

This book was written by an Asian though.

so maybe there is hope!

Lets hope so!

Money and their "face" are the two most important ideas here.

And right next to that the almighty hand phone and TV.

I think this is true what about you?

The hand phone in fact replaced the baby here by in large.

Just look at the way the woman hold and carry their handphones. Recall a mother with her baby?

Looks to me the way they took care of a baby before.

New values for Asia. Come and get it while its hot!

They threw the real baby out with the bath water mostly here by now.

Look around you and say it aint so?

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Firstly you <deleted>, I never called them stupid, never surmised it either. Which basically makes your arguement just as much <deleted> as mine :D . As for survival, I would most likely survive just as well as you, maybe better, I have survival training skills amongst other things, which includes garnering support from the indigenous life.

I have also lived in LOS for 5 years, and understand this place well enough to have made something for myself in SE Asia, having dealt with thais in business, along with most other SE Asian countries. I have had to deal with the childishness first hand in and out of business, and I adapted to work it to my advantage, just because I might slag off thai logic (yes an oxymoron I know) doesnt mean I dont understand it.

You appear to love to jump in and slag off at anyone who doesnt tow the Thai rak Thai line, well you jumped into the wrong boat here mate :o:D

No need to. You basically took a drum of white paint and threw it against the wall and said these are Thais.

What you said has many elements of truth but to put it in such a manner is just plain stupid and to me, shows a lack of understanding for the culture/country you live in IMHO.

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Did I say they had to tow my line??? Faaark, sensitive bunch of SNAGS arent we, have you not seen Thais act like children with other thais when the concept of logic or face comes up?? Or maybe you dont get out much. AGAIN, I never said it bothered me did I?? I stated only an observation made up of experiences over 5 years ok, is that OK?

Roo Boy, i do not think you know much about Thailand or Thai people, you are like a spoilt kid who has a tantrum when it cant get it's own way.

Your attitude stinks. :o

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Analytical Thinking!

Many Europeans have observed among Thais a lack of experience in Western-style analytical thinking.

People brought up within a hierarchal social system are discouraged from asking the question "why" and "why not".

In the agricultural environment where things don't change much from year to year, many of life's major events tended to be unchanging, predictable, and not much subject to human influence, one would basically take life as it came, and do things the way they've always been done.

In such an environment, many would consider that asking a lot of "why's" would be somewhat irrelevant.

... from Holmes/Tangtongtavy's book: "Working with the Thais"


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OK, call me a "newbie" in terms of Thailand (just 4 months living altogether there)....but I have known Thai people and communicated with them daily for over a year....I honestly think they are very similar to my (Aus) way of thinking. Similar humour, "no worries" (mai pen rai), easy-going, positive attitude.

I have also lived 3 years in Japan, and the differences between "gaijin" (farang) and Japanese are obvious. Their way of thinking is alien to a western mind.

( though one of the things in which I found they were "odd" with Thai thinking is with their hang-ups with cleanliness. If you take off a t-shirt and have a shower....then put on the same t-shirt (because it was clean before), they look at you as if you haven't changed your clothes in 3 months :o )

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I know that people think in different ways and it would be a shame if we all thought the same way. However logic must be beneficial. Now as I look around Thailand I think to myself that there are so many small things that could be improved with just a little application of logic. If you're not benefiting from what you are doing, then surely you should change what you're doing.

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I'm no expert on the differences, but there are some! (Told you I was no expert).

A friend back in the UK had a good way of putting it. Asians, specifically Thais, tend to think well as a group. This is because only since very recently Thailand has been more of an agricultural hub. In the agricultural sector, when modern farming equipment is expensive, everybody has to work as a team to produce the best results. If the team fails, everybody suffers. However, if the team is successful, everybody benefits.

This, it could be said, is where the concept of “face” originated. To single out any particular member of the team would be a massive knock of pride to that member. Therefore, blame for problems is taken collectively, as is credit. Now Thailand is catching up with the Western world, such concepts might not apply, but are still practiced.

Therefore, there is the sweeping argument that Asians can’t think individually, which is far from true. However, when Westerners look around and see how things could be improved, it’s unlikely the decision to make that improvement would come from an individual, but rather from a collective think-tank.

Or something. Flame away.

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IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

Superiority complex?

Seems like you are the one with the superiority complex, i would suggest that you cancel your next flight to Thailand, for good.

I am a Farang myself, but i am amazed that when a farang cannot understand another culture, he calls them stupid people.

Tell me something...........how do you think you would get along if you was dumped in the middle of 'The Amazonian rain forrest', how would you survive?

Do you think you would be able to do all the things that one of the Rain forrest Natives do to survive in such an enviroment, would he think you where rather stupid because you did not know how to survive without his help? You would be very grateful to that guy, you would not survive alone.

But if you met this same Rain Forrest Native in a modern city, you would call him stupid because you could not understand why he was so confused in a city enviroment. But is he stupid, or is it that you just do not understand another persons culture and psyche.

Because you do not understand another persons ways , it does not mean they are stupid, it means You do not understand. :o

Well said Begs

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Rooboy, is a guy that thinks he is superior.

He is the type of Farang that i have no time for, if i went to Australia and was calling Australians stupid, and only looking at a certain Area of Sydney that is the red light area and calling all Australian woman hookers and cheats and junkies...he would wonder why i bothered to stay in Australia.

I also wonder why he bothers to stay in Thailand, planes go everyday out, he should take one! :o

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Rooboy, is a guy that thinks he is superior. 

He is the type of Farang that i have no time for, if i went to  Australia and was calling Australians stupid,  and only looking at a certain Area of Sydney that is the red light area and calling all Australian woman hookers and cheats and junkies...he would wonder why i bothered to stay in Australia.

I also wonder why he bothers to stay in Thailand, planes go everyday out, he should take one!  :o

Aww you still on your little rant dear girl? (edited to make Begs feel better)

Are your ears cleaned out yet?? NOONE SAID ANYONE WAS STUPID. The word stupid was used by another poster wanting to make it sound like I said something I DID NOT. Thais may not have much in the way of logic, but it doesnt make them stupid and noone said as such. Do U UNNERSTAND this?

Of course you could go to Kings Cross, and you could call all Australian women hookers and cheats, funny thing is noone would take much notice of you because Australia is not considered the sex capital of the world...

You could call them all junkies too, but you would look even more stupid than you already do from the silly replies you have vomited out at me. Oops, did I say stupid? sorry I meant ilogical :D

What is your obsession with planes?

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The facts, plain and simple is that there is no logic (as we see it) in the average (read majority) of a Thais make up.

It all comes down to education and if they want to persist in their face saving culture it will be another millenium before you see any changes :D

Why do you want Thailand to be like the West?

Would Thailand be so attractive to you if it was like your own country?

All you guys would be lamenting about the good ole days , when Thailand was different. Thats the attraction guys, don't knock it. :o

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What is that supposed to mean?

Jeeez mate, what is it with you?

Sorry, I should be more PC, it is the internet after all isnt it.

TGT has flamed me all day, taken posts out of context, blah blah blah, what is it with you!? Your posts reek of Thai rak thai, I dont go chasing you down flaming you, I am entitled to an opinion based on experience, which I usually state as such, you need to take off your rose coloured glasses and stop chasing down the people who vent now and again.

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What is that supposed to mean? 

Jeeez mate, what is it with you?

Sorry, I should be more PC, it is the internet after all isnt it.

TGT has flamed me all day, taken posts out of context, blah blah blah, what is it with you!? Your posts reek of Thai rak thai, I dont go chasing you down flaming you, I am entitled to an opinion based on experience, which I usually state as such, you need to take off your rose coloured glasses and stop chasing down the people who vent now and again.

Looks like you are upsetting TGT, i think you are just a troublemaker picking on a sweet lil gal like that. :o

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What is that supposed to mean? 

Jeeez mate, what is it with you?

Sorry, I should be more PC, it is the internet after all isnt it.

TGT has flamed me all day, taken posts out of context, blah blah blah, what is it with you!? Your posts reek of Thai rak thai, I dont go chasing you down flaming you, I am entitled to an opinion based on experience, which I usually state as such, you need to take off your rose coloured glasses and stop chasing down the people who vent now and again.

roo boy...you don't have to be PC - just be aware that you're not in OZ now and the rules are different here. Take a long step back and accept Thailand as it is w/out trying to impose your values.

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You ppl need to get off the personal attacks, where am I imposing MY values on the Thais when I vent on a forum?? Get off the soap box, I dont have to or need to accept anything as it is, I am a free person who can think critically and make my own judgements. Whether its in OZ, or the UK, or Thailand makes no difference.

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You ppl need to get off the personal attacks, where am I imposing MY values on the Thais when I vent on a forum?? Get off the soap box, I dont have to or need to accept anything as it is, I am a free person who can think critically and make my own judgements. Whether its in OZ, or the UK, or Thailand makes no difference.

I guess it's what makes you such a popular guy. :o

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Last week after a long delay the local council started work concreting the back lane. I asked a guy from the amphoe office ( a bloke wearing a tie ) if there was a plan to move a concrete power pole from the middle of the track which was difficult to pass before starting the work. He told me that the pole would be removed after the new road was finished. So there it was. Build a new road with a ten metre concrete pole sticking up out of it and later to remove the obstacle after the concrete had set hard around it.

I told him what a ridiculous situation that was. Later I regretted having put my views so strongly to this thai bureaucrat. I know that expressing views or ideas strongly in this country is looked down on but somehow I just couldn't help myself.

The next day at 8 am however, a crew from the local electricity mob were there to move the pole.

It was all a matter of face. The guy's walked away and seen my superior logic (in this case at least) and organised the crew to come pronto. Perhaps he realised it would be better to move the pole beforehand while I was expressing my opinion but to openly change his mind and agree with me there and then would have in his judgement involved a loss of face on his part. If I hadn't said anything the road would now be finished with a power pole in the middle still blocking the way.

People are so easy to offend here. Best keeping your mouth shut I suppose and keeping your emotions to yourself when dealing with them......but do it that way and you end up with a road with a power pole in the middle of it.

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you are like a spoilt kid who has a tantrum when it cant get it's own way.

Seems I have picked up some Thai traits afterall! :D:D:o

This would've been funny had it been about farang kids. Asian kids are by far the most well-behaved imho (don't always approve of the parents' methods though)

Because you do not understand another persons ways , it does not mean they are stupid, it means You do not understand. :D

Well put, Begs.

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Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

Nope I don't thinks so. I'm with a lady that moved to Paris at age 2. Is a graduate in Business from one of the best Universities there, Speaks, reads and writes 4 languages faultesly but in an argument has no logic what so ever.

By her own admission and I quote "I'm not logical" actually says it almost with pride! Logic does not appear to be a virtue.

I think its something deeper than education, its something to do with the way their brains are wired. Simply they are different people to be accepted as they are.

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IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

Superiority complex?

Seems like you are the one with the superiority complex, i would suggest that you cancel your next flight to Thailand, for good.

I am a Farang myself, but i am amazed that when a farang cannot understand another culture, he calls them stupid people.

Tell me something...........how do you think you would get along if you was dumped in the middle of 'The Amazonian rain forrest', how would you survive?

Do you think you would be able to do all the things that one of the Rain forrest Natives do to survive in such an enviroment, would he think you where rather stupid because you did not know how to survive without his help? You would be very grateful to that guy, you would not survive alone.

But if you met this same Rain Forrest Native in a modern city, you would call him stupid because you could not understand why he was so confused in a city enviroment. But is he stupid, or is it that you just do not understand another persons culture and psyche.

Because you do not understand another persons ways , it does not mean they are stupid, it means You do not understand. :D

Firstly you <deleted>, I never called them stupid, never surmised it either. Which basically makes your arguement just as much <deleted> as mine :D . As for survival, I would most likely survive just as well as you, maybe better, I have survival training skills amongst other things, which includes garnering support from the indigenous life.

I have also lived in LOS for 5 years, and understand this place well enough to have made something for myself in SE Asia, having dealt with thais in business, along with most other SE Asian countries. I have had to deal with the childishness first hand in and out of business, and I adapted to work it to my advantage, just because I might slag off thai logic (yes an oxymoron I know) doesnt mean I dont understand it.

You appear to love to jump in and slag off at anyone who doesnt tow the Thai rak Thai line, well you jumped into the wrong boat here mate :D:D

If you really feel this way why do you stay... :o

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RooBoy....WHY DO YOU STAY!!!!! Why do you torture yourself?

I am sure you would greatly benefit from a change of scenery, imagine being that unhappy in a country full of people that i could not understand. It must be terrible.

I can only imagine it would be like me being in a Country full of people like rooboy, i would be at the Airport for sure! :o

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