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Help! They Think I'm Gay :)


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So there I was, hanging around Silom Central Shopping whilst the GF popped to use the toilet. Minding my own business you know :D

And then it happened. 'Hi there, you want to go with me?' This invitation from a man (well, read boy actually), who must have been all of 16 years old.

I politely declined his offer, but this event has prompted me to post this thread, because it is not the only time that such an event has occured. In fact, it seems to be a regular (at least weekly) event whilst I'm out shopping with my GF. The moment she wanders off it seems that I am targeted by every gay Thai on the prowl.

I am getting seriously worried that my outward appearance is the reason. Is it my white socks, or perhaps my figure-hugging shorts? Maybe my gelled hair is the reason.

Perhaps I am unconsciously giving out 'gay vibes'. (You know,- about Gaydar whereby gay people are meant to be able to identify if another person is gay?)

Nothing at all against gay people, but am I the only straight farang to suffer this problem? :D

Alternatively, is there some way to turn this to my advantage? Perhaps I can become a rent boy (Scamp, now that's one employment opportunity that you might not have considered) :o

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I am getting seriously worried that my outward appearance is the reason. Is it my white socks, or perhaps my figure-hugging shorts? Maybe my gelled hair is the reason.

I hope that's not white socks and SANDALS?

Oh no gelled hair!

Purple shirt as well probably?

Gay magnet! :o

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I read somewhere recently that police had been using underage boys as "bait" to ensnare and, ultimately, extort the living daylights out of, unsuspecting farang men. And, if I'm not mistaken, Central Silom Complex was one of the places they were doing it.

So, don't let all the attention go to your head!

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In fact, it seems to be a regular (at least weekly) event whilst I'm out shopping with my GF. The moment she wanders off it seems that I am targeted by every gay Thai on the prowl.

Maybe it's your GF. You sure she's for real :o

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I read somewhere recently that police had been using underage boys as "bait" to ensnare and, ultimately, extort the living daylights out of, unsuspecting farang men.  And, if I'm not mistaken, Central Silom Complex was one of the places they were doing it.

So, don't let all the attention go to your head!

would'nt affect me personally :D I'm what was mentioned in pvdicks post. :o

not my cup of tea i'm afraid

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OK, I scored 40% on the Gayometer...

And I tell my GF all about these guys, no secrets there!

Maybe these shorts are too tight, better get something more akin to an aging father of 3....

Blimey, I scored 46% but I'm still in the safe zone apparently.

I would not spend loads on a shirt and redecorating isn't important to me.

However, I have not been in a proper fight since I was six years old and I do trim my clock springs quarterly with a beard trimmer - that's the only reason I got 46%... I have never been chatted up by a sausage nosher - not in LOS anyway.

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The test result:

"Richard is 20% gay. You are a walking, talking, red blooded hetero guy. Just way too straight for these modern times mate!"

Nevertheless I have also been approached by gays in the past and a young drunk Thai fellow even kissed my cheek once and asked me whether I wanted to go up to his apartment although I was in company of my wife???!!! No white socks, sandals or purple shirt worn.

Guess, afterall the gays just do some random hits - nothing to worry. Wisdom by one being too straight for these modern times. :D

Well, definetly not gay but I am sincerely worried to be lesbian because I just get a kick out of the femal gender only. Confused :o

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I look/dress completely un-gay, but i do get hit on by those shoe and shirt selling gay guys at Robinson *every* time i walk by. While i don't have anything against gays, it gets kind of annoying, so now i ignore that part of the men's clothing section and just walk through the women's underwear section on my way to the 3rd floor. :o

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I look/dress completely un-gay, but i do get hit on by those shoe and shirt selling gay guys at Robinson *every* time i walk by. While i don't have anything against gays, it gets kind of annoying, so now i ignore that part of the men's clothing section and just walk through the women's underwear section on my way to the 3rd floor. :o

Well, I guess we now know what women have to face virtually every day of their lives, eh?

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I look/dress completely un-gay, but i do get hit on by those shoe and shirt selling gay guys at Robinson *every* time i walk by. While i don't have anything against gays, it gets kind of annoying, so now i ignore that part of the men's clothing section and just walk through the women's underwear section on my way to the 3rd floor.  :o

Well, I guess we now know what women have to face virtually every day of their lives, eh?

Haha... I've learned the same thing from working as a taxi driver. You all know guys who will hit on anything with tits... There are gay guys like that, too. When I started working as a cabbie I was hit on for the first time by guys. I don't give a flying canadian goose either, but it is quite annoying. I know I don't come of as gay, even before my 20% gayometer reading :D So those guys must hit on *everyone* (or maybe everyone who doesn't act like they're gonna punch 'em?)

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