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So Who Doesnt Want To Live Here?


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i despise the junta and what thailand has become, nothing more and nothing less

Perhaps i am a bit detached from the "real" world. The coup/junta does not seem to have affected me or my family in any significant way.

I would be interested to know what problems have been caused. Perhaps there have been some changes in my area and i just didn't notice

I'm the same, been here for 6 years and haven't noticed a single change, its not like the Junta have affected my life in any way whatsoever.

All the Thais I do business with are complaining, the Thai-Chinese are complaining even more than usual.

I have also noticed a change in people's attitude, from one of optimism to general pessimism and worry when it comes to politics, the state of the economy and the country in general.

There's always winners and losers in business, sounds like you're just hanging around with the latter crowd.

Yes you're completely right. How silly of me to try and have an opinion on this thread.

Sorry, hope you can forgive me.

Yes you are 100% correct.

How rude of me to contradict.


I didnt say that you couldnt have an opinion, I'm sure we all experience different things defined by the way we think, our environment and the people we surround ourselves with. Exports are up, tourism is up and all this in such a year. Just imagine how good things are going to be next year, financial experts are already talking about how Strong Thailand could be in the next few years, Thai stocks are undervalued and foreign investment is still flooding in.

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i think everyone has a different concept of what it would be like to live in thailand, i had been coming to thailand for eight years for holiday and could hardly wait to retire so i could make the big move to the land of smiles, the last two years of holidays i spent in thailand was used to find out all the things that i needed to know before i got to thailand.

i thought i did my homework quite well but when i moved to thailand last sept (06) reality set in, after two weeks i realized that i had made a major mistake, i tried to find out what it was that i didn't see the first eight years i came here, i tried my best to try and adjust but i realized that what i seen day to day was not something i could get use to and i would be miserable if i tried to make a permanent home there.

i come from a safety back ground and i realize i am in a third world but seeing motorcycle fatalities like the ones in thailand are unacceptable, its obvious that life is cheap in thailand and the government, whether it be the previous regime or the people in office now have no repect for life or they would do something about the rate of people who die every day here as a result of bad drivers.

the scam artist, especially in cities like pattaya are a joke, if your white then you have money, if we take your money no problem you have more, the majority of thai's are fantastic people but that small percentage of dead beats who refuse to work and make there living ripping people off make my stomach turn

this isn't to say that i don't experience a scam once in a while here in the states but its no where as often as in thailand, the utility companies there are also a problem, on time service is not in there vocabulary, whether it be the phone company, the cable tv people, or the internet service.

i am now looking for some where in europe to call home, i realize that i won't get away cheap over there but at the same time i won't see the motorcycle fatalities that i see in thailand, i know the internet service has got to be better than what i experienced in thailand.

for those of you making it in thailand, congradulations, i had hope for eight years that thailand was going to be home but in the end it would not be, we all different and sometimes the only way that you can find out if a place would make a good home is to live there, i tried it and got my answer

best wishes for those of you living in the land of smiles



i reason i don't usually write is because of the nit pickers that you find on sites like this, so if you found an i that i didn't dot or a "t" i didn't cross, please go to another thread because your comment is neither wanted or expected

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i think everyone has a different concept of what it would be like to live in thailand, i had been coming to thailand for eight years for holiday and could hardly wait to retire so i could make the big move to the land of smiles, the last two years of holidays i spent in thailand was used to find out all the things that i needed to know before i got to thailand.

i thought i did my homework quite well but when i moved to thailand last sept (06) reality set in, after two weeks i realized that i had made a major mistake, i tried to find out what it was that i didn't see the first eight years i came here, i tried my best to try and adjust but i realized that what i seen day to day was not something i could get use to and i would be miserable if i tried to make a permanent home there.

At least you tried. Better to come and try than to live in the US, (or wherever), and think, "i wish i did it when i had the chance"

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i think everyone has a different concept of what it would be like to live in thailand, i had been coming to thailand for eight years for holiday and could hardly wait to retire so i could make the big move to the land of smiles, the last two years of holidays i spent in thailand was used to find out all the things that i needed to know before i got to thailand.

i thought i did my homework quite well but when i moved to thailand last sept (06) reality set in, after two weeks i realized that i had made a major mistake, i tried to find out what it was that i didn't see the first eight years i came here, i tried my best to try and adjust but i realized that what i seen day to day was not something i could get use to and i would be miserable if i tried to make a permanent home there.

i come from a safety back ground and i realize i am in a third world but seeing motorcycle fatalities like the ones in thailand are unacceptable, its obvious that life is cheap in thailand and the government, whether it be the previous regime or the people in office now have no repect for life or they would do something about the rate of people who die every day here as a result of bad drivers.

the scam artist, especially in cities like pattaya are a joke, if your white then you have money, if we take your money no problem you have more, the majority of thai's are fantastic people but that small percentage of dead beats who refuse to work and make there living ripping people off make my stomach turn

this isn't to say that i don't experience a scam once in a while here in the states but its no where as often as in thailand, the utility companies there are also a problem, on time service is not in there vocabulary, whether it be the phone company, the cable tv people, or the internet service.

i am now looking for some where in europe to call home, i realize that i won't get away cheap over there but at the same time i won't see the motorcycle fatalities that i see in thailand, i know the internet service has got to be better than what i experienced in thailand.

for those of you making it in thailand, congradulations, i had hope for eight years that thailand was going to be home but in the end it would not be, we all different and sometimes the only way that you can find out if a place would make a good home is to live there, i tried it and got my answer

best wishes for those of you living in the land of smiles



i reason i don't usually write is because of the nit pickers that you find on sites like this, so if you found an i that i didn't dot or a "t" i didn't cross, please go to another thread because your comment is neither wanted or expected

I think you have made a wise decision, luckily you did it before investing lots of money, in car, house, etc. I think a lot of people really feel as you do, deep down inside. They just prefer to ignore it. Many will have a hard time trying to recoup most of their money. Living here, and coming on a vacation a very different. Good luck to you on your retirement. Living in a country where you will have basic human legal rights, as well as enforced law and order, will be good.

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my husband likes to take a holiday in thailand.just a holiday.!!

last time we were there we supposed to stay for 4 weeks

but in the third weeks he got bored and ready to go home.

so..the idea of moving there for good.. well,its very unlikely.

for me..really, it doesn't bother me at all..here or there..

England or Thailand..both are my home!!

and i love them both.!! :o

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Thank god not everyone wants to move to Thailand!

To the guy with the problem with motorcycle fatalities, I agree, it is bad. To avoid this issue, I don't ride a bike or use moto taxis, "problem" solved for me. Its not exactly my business to "educate" the Thais on this matter ...

Regarding utilities, I have had excellent service for everything. I did have some language issues with getting setup with DSL, but not too bad. So your mileage may vary.

Edited by Jingthing
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Unlike the majority of those who want to live here, i believe I am in the minority who never had the desire to migrate here, it just happened...i get paid well and have virtually no expenses, and as soon as that ends I am going to leave,period.

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I have been coming to LOS for 7 years usally stay 30 to 60 day s then back to the US,come 3 or 4 times a year, I have really thought of moving there full time as my bussiness will take care of its self in the US, But the idea of having to make visa runs all the time and check ins makes it hard for me to make the move. I really think the Thai goverment really dont want us there.I am kind of waiting to see if it gets better or worse after Dec 2007?

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My maths is simple: If i can make reliable >1500 Euro (after Tax/Health insurance) from my internet business then i go back to germany, if i cant make this money i will stay here. Thailand is nice but if you are in the low income level.

Huh?!.....You stay here if you dont have money but go to Germany if you do? The wonders of the internet never cease to amaze.

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My maths is simple: If i can make reliable >1500 Euro (after Tax/Health insurance) from my internet business then i go back to germany, if i cant make this money i will stay here. Thailand is nice but if you are in the low income level.

Huh?!.....You stay here if you dont have money but go to Germany if you do? The wonders of the internet never cease to amaze.

:D Indeed a mathematical puzzle... :D

Maybe a German puzzle ? :o


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Looks simple to me. He has an internet based business that makes enough to allow him to live ok in Thailand, but not enough to support him in Germany where he'd rather be. If/when it does earn enough, he will go live in Germany.

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Your hubby got bored after 3 weeks? Why didnt you take him to the go go bars?

Im surprised a lot of have taken the plunge or were going to take it but had second thoughts.

Ah...the go go bars! :o

friend of mine(male) took him to watch the show..

he came back and wasn't impressed at all.

all the thai dancers weren't that beautiful as the girls from Russia or Poland.

(lap dance club in uk.) hey..what can i say..MEN. :D

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Living and retiring in Thailand has been my goal (and my dream) for the last 12 years. I did retire (for three months) in Thailand in mid-2004 but boredom set in after a few weeks.

Plus, the business I bought went belly-up just after my arrival - so I went back to Australia to start again. Not easy when you are 50 years of age.

I'm going to have another go at the end of next year. I am coming for another visit next month to do some sightseeing and looking around - hope to buy a business in Chang Mai.

I still have a lot of reading and researching to do first.


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What sort of business did you go into Peter and why do you think it went belly up?

Was it location ,and how difficult was it for a farang to run?

I keep changing my mine all the time,but when i di eventually retire i think it will be around Udon Thani,i quite like this country type City.

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i think everyone has a different concept of what it would be like to live in thailand, i had been coming to thailand for eight years for holiday and could hardly wait to retire so i could make the big move to the land of smiles, the last two years of holidays i spent in thailand was used to find out all the things that i needed to know before i got to thailand.

i thought i did my homework quite well but when i moved to thailand last sept (06) reality set in, after two weeks i realized that i had made a major mistake, i tried to find out what it was that i didn't see the first eight years i came here, i tried my best to try and adjust but i realized that what i seen day to day was not something i could get use to and i would be miserable if i tried to make a permanent home there.

i come from a safety back ground and i realize i am in a third world but seeing motorcycle fatalities like the ones in thailand are unacceptable, its obvious that life is cheap in thailand and the government, whether it be the previous regime or the people in office now have no repect for life or they would do something about the rate of people who die every day here as a result of bad drivers.

the scam artist, especially in cities like pattaya are a joke, if your white then you have money, if we take your money no problem you have more, the majority of thai's are fantastic people but that small percentage of dead beats who refuse to work and make there living ripping people off make my stomach turn

this isn't to say that i don't experience a scam once in a while here in the states but its no where as often as in thailand, the utility companies there are also a problem, on time service is not in there vocabulary, whether it be the phone company, the cable tv people, or the internet service.

i am now looking for some where in europe to call home, i realize that i won't get away cheap over there but at the same time i won't see the motorcycle fatalities that i see in thailand, i know the internet service has got to be better than what i experienced in thailand.

for those of you making it in thailand, congradulations, i had hope for eight years that thailand was going to be home but in the end it would not be, we all different and sometimes the only way that you can find out if a place would make a good home is to live there, i tried it and got my answer

best wishes for those of you living in the land of smiles



i reason i don't usually write is because of the nit pickers that you find on sites like this, so if you found an i that i didn't dot or a "t" i didn't cross, please go to another thread because your comment is neither wanted or expected

very nice post, wish you all the best in whatever you do, in the future

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My maths is simple: If i can make reliable >1500 Euro (after Tax/Health insurance) from my internet business then i go back to germany, if i cant make this money i will stay here. Thailand is nice but if you are in the low income level.

Huh?!.....You stay here if you dont have money but go to Germany if you do? The wonders of the internet never cease to amaze.

:D Indeed a mathematical puzzle... :D

Maybe a German puzzle ? :o


huh?! the maths is very simple and I'm in a similar position.

for me would be Italy tho. Thailand has many similarities with Sicily, so it's here for now.

Obviously none of you run an internet biz.

good luck Lothar

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Looks simple to me. He has an internet based business that makes enough to allow him to live ok in Thailand, but not enough to support him in Germany where he'd rather be. If/when it does earn enough, he will go live in Germany.

I'm an expat in Germany, 18 years now.

I found a better life here than in the UK, so I stayed.

I could retire to LOS if I tightened my belt a little.

One important reason why I won't - I'm accepted here as a tax paying equal.

In LOS I'd always be a farang, regardless of whether or not I immerse myself in the culture, learn the language and marry a Thai.

And another bonus - no visa headaches.

LOS is okay for a good cheap chill out, that's why I always go back.

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I am here for work only, I used to want to live here, quickly realized this is not a family/child friendly city, great place to visit, but would rather be based somewhere else. Given I own a chunk of the business I hope I do move sometime soon.

Some cities are great to visit bt not live in my eyes, Sydney, Bangkok come to mind, some are good to visit and live, Chain Mai, Paris, some are great to live but boring to visit, Brisbane :o


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