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Umbilical Cord & Stem Cells

Dr. Burrito

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We are about to have the latest addition to the Burrito clan and the hospital has contacted the missus about collecting and storing the umbilical cord for the stem cells against future diseases and such. Are they once again, just selling fear insurance or is this something I should consider for the future health of our little tyke?

Neither the missus or I are form families with disease histories so there's no direct genetic fear related to anything in that regard, but still, one never knows.

Is this research still just too much in flux to trust where it is going or is this the best path, using the umbilical cord? Has anyone researched this or have any thoughts?


Dr. B

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Well, if it were me and assuming the cost is not outrageous, I would certainly do it.

If your child should subsequently develop leukemia or aplastic anemia (depression of the bone marrow, can have many causes) this could be a life-saver and avert the need for bone marrow transplants from a donor, use of immunosupressent drugs.

it is also well within the range of possibility that by the time your child is grown, stem cell technologies will have advanced to the point that these cells could be used to treat a wide range of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimers, etc...and maybe even grow tissue for organ transplants that would not requiore a donor or immunsuppression.

Genetic factors have nolthing to do with it, no matter how healthy the genes we all age and we can all develop these sorts of problems and most of us will as we age.

the only point I would be concerned about is whether or not the hospital was reliable in terms of properly storing the cells and having them available for future use (as opposed to pocketing the money and that's it) and whether or not the cost was affordable. If itr's cheap enough it's woprth a gamble on the first point but if it's a significant cost then would want to be sure on point number one.

Congratulations on the coming blessed event!

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