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Tripxcore, I have the right to call myself whatever I want.  If "here" is refering to thailand, then of course I've been there.  It is "bangers" where I have not been,unless this term is a twist on "bangkok" where I have been.  I've just never heard the term "bangers" before.
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Tripxcore, I have the right to call myself whatever I want.  If "here" is refering to thailand, then of course I've been there.  It is "bangers" where I have not been,unless this term is a twist on "bangkok" where I have been.  I've just never heard the term "bangers" before.

Hey Thaiman, no need to get mad.  I didnt mean anything bad I was just asking a question.  Expats have many nickname's for Bangkok and Thailand such as Banger's, LOS, etc etc.....I didnt know that you just misunderstood the other post.  Sorry about that.

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Slightly off-topic but i remember seeing a UK TV program about some Yorkshire guys who decided to become male escorts in the UK - thinking it was easy money. Problem was that one was thick as 2 extremely short planks and t'other was fatter than 2 very fat planks....They spent all their money (about £50), on an ad in the local paper.  Got a booking from a rich Yorkshire woman (that means she had £100...) 1st guy met her in a restaurant prior to 'the business' She was so put out by him that she paid the money and did a runner before he could persuade her to commit acts of gross indecency with him...

So don't even think of becoming a male escort unless you are fit and handsome and intelligent..bit like me really  :o

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I do not think all Escort agencies are the same.

A friend of mine used to do it in London.

His 'duties' were to escort the lady to the theatre, ballet, restaurant or where ever she wanted to go and treat her like a lady.  That is to open doors for her light her ciggies, just pamper her all night.

Sex was an option that was not often included and would double the fee.    He says it was good money even without the 'extras'

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I like it... I'm 50+ years, 6 ft and 220lbs and I could use some of the male escort action as was proposed...my Thai wife would enjoy as I could make a major contribution to household expenses, being presently un-employed.

Keep in touch, Thaiman

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Bukseeda, I'm curious to know how your Romanian friend got the job and which club that is.  There's always rumours about a few bars which entertain female clients in Bangkok, but most of them are actually gay bars, and the men service both if required!  Likewise, the large massage agencies you see advertised in the Bangkok Post do employ male masseurs, but I can bet they wouldn't take them on *only* to service ladies.   ???
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Just caught up with this thread but couldn't resist.

So, you are in the male escort business.

A client calls and is agreeable to your rates. Drinks, dinner, theatre, and extras after. Maybe a tip if you're attentive and do a good job.

She will happily pay you plenty to do the dirty. But she's 270lbs, huge rolls of fat, 3 chins, dyed hair and she stinks of cigarettes. Oh, I forgot, she also drank like a fish before dinner, during dinner and at intermission in the theatre. She keeps grabbing your cock in the taxi and drooling in your ear that she thinks you are handsome etc.

You get home ...she tells you to lap her stinky, floppy, elephant-ears <deleted> until she comes 3 times. She'll tip more you if you rim her arse.

Your rent/car payment/? is due shortly....you need the dosh but you'd like to vomit.

Now you know how a BG often feels.

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I recently found an article in COSMOPOLITAN UK..issue JULY2002

the head line is...


the magazine interviewed both the clients who used this service and 2 ex-models who served as sexy hunks for holidays ...

One client said "My last relationship ended in tears four months ago (i thought he was the one , but he loved his work more than me). But , as a committed monogamist, holidaying alone is anathema to me , so i've traveled here to sample Escorts in Paradise , the world's first agency to provide women with male holiday companion" ....

Not only just that ..check this out

" The agency also offers numerous weekend breaks where women jet over from Singapore to indulge in spas , shopping and sex. In Bali , there are six male and two female escourts ( FOR LESBIAN AND BISEXUAL CLIENTS) "

Kewl isn't it ?

this agency is in Australia ..but of course I think there is some in THialand too

... in a ball dancing schools for those " HI-SO Khun Ying( ladies)" ... the school provides male dancing partners .... and it includes taking "KHUN YING"ss to shopping and some social functions as well...

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Chippendale's club in Bangkok is supposed to be a treat for the ladies. Friends of my ex used to go there but I'm sorry, I do not know where it is.

Back in the sixties there was an informal grouping known as the "Unmarried Wives Club" where young Farang executives would discreetly provide escort and other services for older wives of high ranking Thai officials (who used all their energies to look after Mia Noi). Many young men at that time used this "Club" as a way to establish themselves over here. (The wives would put strong pressure on hubby to help his wife's young man.)

I was too young to join the club at the time, but I enjoyed hearing the stories!

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The club members were mostly mid twenties to about thirty. Supposedly young enough to have the required stamina while having the maturity and experience to provide their services with complete discretion. They were all working men on expatriate contracts from overseas. I'm afraid that I was too young to join in. I was still a school student at the time.

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