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Belgian-Dutch Drug Ring Caught On Koh Samui

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Belgium still has the death penalty on its statute books?

Belgium has the death penalty in the Civillian Code Book, but is automaticly converted to life in prison.

In the Militar Code Book, death penalty is NOT abolished and can still be carried out by the firing squad ("fusillade").

Good for AI.

I used to live and work in Belgium - it was removed completely from your constitution in 2005 I beleive?

The knowledgable mind of some posters here keeps me surprised every day.

Belgian law is based on the "Code Napoleon" which stipulates that "NO TEXT CAN BE EVER REMOVED FROM THE CONSTITUTION".

That's why the Belgian Code Book is full of subarticles defining the circumstances where the original law can be attenuated or severed.

That's also why the Belgian Traffic Code ("Code de la route") still stipulates that in order to drive a car on the public ways, this car has to be preceeded by a man carrying a sign board and walking at least 50 meter in front of the car and making the public attentive that a car is coming.

Although this ridicuolous law has not been carried out for many years, a judge has found a few years back a driver guilty for not obeing this law.

Mind you some were clamouring for it around the time of Marc Dutroux

How thoughtfull of you.

Mind you to name the "pedofiles" worldwide who have been caught the last 20 years?

Specialy an American last year?

A Canadian now?

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

Nobody deserves a death sentence. Only uncivilized countries still practice it.

I guess America is part of that "uncivilized" country since some states in the US still practicing it?

If you don't want to be punish than don't do the crime and respect the law. Simple as that

Belgium still has the death penalty on its statute books?

Belgium has the death penalty in the Civillian Code Book, but is automaticly converted to life in prison.

In the Militar Code Book, death penalty is NOT abolished and can still be carried out by the firing squad ("fusillade").

Good for AI.

I used to live and work in Belgium - it was removed completely from your constitution in 2005 I beleive?

The knowledgable mind of some posters here keeps me surprised every day.

Belgian law is based on the "Code Napoleon" which stipulates that "NO TEXT CAN BE EVER REMOVED FROM THE CONSTITUTION".

That's why the Belgian Code Book is full of subarticles defining the circumstances where the original law can be attenuated or severed.

That's also why the Belgian Traffic Code ("Code de la route") still stipulates that in order to drive a car on the public ways, this car has to be preceeded by a man carrying a sign board and walking at least 50 meter in front of the car and making the public attentive that a car is coming.

Although this ridicuolous law has not been carried out for many years, a judge has found a few years back a driver guilty for not obeing this law.

Mind you some were clamouring for it around the time of Marc Dutroux

How thoughtfull of you.

Mind you to name the "pedofiles" worldwide who have been caught the last 20 years?

Specialy an American last year?

A Canadian now?

A lecture from a pitman - I do not think so :o

Especially one who can not spell paedophile.

Marc Dutroux strike a chord somewhere did it?

hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

Nobody deserves a death sentence. Only uncivilized countries still practice it.

uncivilized countries????? what are these countries???....please explain!!!! thank you

most likely be taken back to their home and get life sentence, probably get out sooner on terms of good behavior ..


In Belgium they will be sentenced to a few years in a 5***** hotel, and after 2 years released for the weekends according the law to allow them to "reintegrate in the communty".

My brother filed a complaint to the police in Belgium in 1986.

Several pieces of his car were stolen overnight, like the car radio, the wheels, parts of the engine, etc...

Later that day, the police found the perpetrator.

An 18 year old drug user who needed money for his drug habit.

At the court in Tongeren, about 35 drug users were sentenced at the same time and send 1 hour to a drug desintoxiacation center, later as the Belgian penitentiary system dont allow drug users to be jailed.

The Belgian couple will have a nice vacation in Mechelen.

most likely be taken back to their home and get life sentence, probably get out sooner on terms of good behavior ..


In Belgium they will be sentenced to a few years in a 5***** hotel, and after 2 years released for the weekends according the law to allow them to "reintegrate in the communty".

My brother filed a complaint to the police in Belgium in 1986.

Several pieces of his car were stolen overnight, like the car radio, the wheels, parts of the engine, etc...

Later that day, the police found the perpetrator.

An 18 year old drug user who needed money for his drug habit.

At the court in Tongeren, about 35 drug users were sentenced at the same time and send 1 hour to a drug desintoxiacation center, later as the Belgian penitentiary system dont allow drug users to be jailed.

The Belgian couple will have a nice vacation in Mechelen.

whatever these drug dealers get or dont get doesn't matter shit to me ,but what it means is more bad publicity for thailand and samui that we can ill afford ,it seem one nightmare after another at the moment :o

Who is us? You may be confused. The drug user only gets the death penalty in an indirect way. Here in Thailand they give the death penalty to drug traffickers who prey and profit on the backs of the weak.

So I take it you believe in the old "eye for an eye" mentality? Because I don't. You may disagree with what the drug dealers did, but to say they deserve to die is pretty barbaric IMO.

Heroin is a seriously destructive drug!

If you deal Heroin you deserve the death penalty! They deserve to die. I am sure that the have by their drug dealing caused the death of other people. Also, the countless suffering of the drug users, because of these dealers greed. Justice is justice. If you commit this kind o offense you earn the death penalty.

Marajuana is something different and the use of this substance should not be against the law. As long as alcohol is legal; so should Marajuana be. It should be taxed and the illegal profiteers prosecuted. In case you are now wondering. No I do not smoke Marajuana.

So you want to legalize every drug in the world, your all screwed up if you think that will happen. People are still going to beg, borrow and STEEL to get that drug whether its legalized or not (I suppose some of you are forgetting that drugs are addictive). So who ends up paying for it then, the general public.

With regards to the death penalty, no they shouldn't get it, it would be far worse for them to be tied up in a Thai jail for the next 40years. But an eye for an eye, yes I do believe in that.

Good day to you all.

do you see people stealing for packs of cigarettes? sure there might be the odd case, but nicotine is said to be one of the most addictive substances in the world. it is regulated and taxed and sold at an extremely lower price than if it were on the black market. if cigarettes were made illegal, then the price for a pack would raise to extremely high prices in order to adjust for the risk. quality control would disappear and cigarettes would become much more dangerous than they already are.

people suffering from addiction needing their fix will do what it takes to get that fix. lower the price of the substance and suddenly it is much more accessible and there is less of a need to steal to obtain that fix. it is known as "drug related crime" but it should be appropriately named "prohibition related crime".

Who is us? You may be confused. The drug user only gets the death penalty in an indirect way. Here in Thailand they give the death penalty to drug traffickers who prey and profit on the backs of the weak.

So I take it you believe in the old "eye for an eye" mentality? Because I don't. You may disagree with what the drug dealers did, but to say they deserve to die is pretty barbaric IMO.

Heroin is a seriously destructive drug!

If you deal Heroin you deserve the death penalty! They deserve to die. I am sure that the have by their drug dealing caused the death of other people. Also, the countless suffering of the drug users, because of these dealers greed. Justice is justice. If you commit this kind o offense you earn the death penalty.

Marajuana is something different and the use of this substance should not be against the law. As long as alcohol is legal; so should Marajuana be. It should be taxed and the illegal profiteers prosecuted. In case you are now wondering. No I do not smoke Marajuana.

physically the only damaging part of heroin is the hole made by the needle to inject it. heroin in its pure form does no body tissue damage. however it does slow breathing. if too much is administered then you can overdose and die from lack of oxygen. something else that it does is create an extremely high psychological and physical addiction which is very hard to recover from. you can not die from a heroin withdrawal but you can from and alcohol withdrawal. i'm not advocating heroin use but there are many myths that exist about it.

in the US, cocaine was thought that it made negros rape white women. it was thought that marijuana made mexicans rape white women. many illegal drugs are still that way because of very old laws originating from myths in order to control minority populations by way of imprisonment. then the US made a "WAR ON DRUGS" and took their campaign international. and here we are today. people still believing the myths about drugs that were created around racist policy.

hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

Heroin has never killed anyone??? Ever hear of the term "overdose"??? Sounds to me like you're on the stuff.

To begin with I would suggest you think twice before calling people <deleted> just becuase they don't think like you as you obviously could be considered to be the same for all those who don't share YOUR opinion.

Thailand is far not the only country who considers the death penalty to be part of it's legal system, and Thailand does not hide this fact to anybody who visits the land of smile. Therfore, it is up to each and every individual whether you want to deal with drugs or not, same as it is up to every individual whether you want to drive a car without driving license or not.

For me it is not a question whether the traffickers deserve or not deserve the death sentence. It is more a question whether Thailand enforces his law or not. And in my humble opinion they should enforce their law, otherwise they wouldn't need it. In this particular case however, it appears that the dealers did not sell the drugs in Thailand. The destination market was in Europe. In other words, they did not do any bad to Thai people. I therefore think it is absolutely appropriate that Thailand just extradicts them with no return for 99 years and that's it for Thailand. Let those countries judge them who suffered from them. Had they sold the stuff in Thailand and affected Thai Society, I would sincerely regret if Thailand sent them back home.

A note to all the people who pledge for the free market of those drugs. Drugs don't need to be legal to enable the society to stay away from them. If you don't want to drink, you can do so. If you don't want to smoke, you can do so, no matter whether it is legal or not. But comparing cigarettes or alcohol with heroin is silly. The fact that your neighbour can let his puddel walk freely, does not mean that you should let all the dogs walk freely.

I think we have enough western societies struggling with the drug problem, and Thailand had his experience with it. A tough law is sometimes better than all the well intentioned education and information.

Good catch. Looks like some of the big fish have been caught, once they are returned to their own country's prisons it will be a holiday from there after their time in one of those horrific Thai prisons, keep them in Thailand for as long as possible, let them suffer to compensate for all the lives of innocent men, women, children and all others that get stamped on destroyed or murdered along the way whilst these evil drug pedlars and suppliers continue to supply these shocking terribly life threatening substances.

The sentence these type of people get be it the death sentence or not I do not care about as long as the punishment reflects the crime.

I guess depending if your Mum, Sister, Brother, Child or other person close to you has been caught in this death trap will depend on how severe you think sentences should be for this offence.

People like this continue to murder and destroy lives daily on a daily basis for personal financial gain and greed to feed there own depraved habit of feeling in control of peoples lives and then gradually the victim dies in one way another either physically or mentally, and the dealers and suppliers as intended become rich beyond belief.

Individuals that murder people and torture there lives in till they become dependant on the supplier of something that can potentially kill them well they are very low in my list of people I am to bothered about except

I hope they suffer please they deserve it,

Greed, Greed, Greed, Biggest killer ever

Please note once again these only my thoughts, they are not written to provoke, in advance I am sorry if I offend and please remember every one is entitled to an opinion.

Regarding the human rights of drug pushers. Those rights are singular, I believe in a majority verdict. As the unfortunate father of a son who threw away his future then his life by taking drugs. Family life was hel_l, my other son my wife and I had outside door locks on our bedroom doors to stop him stealing. The house was locked down at nights so he could only get out of his small bedroom window, which was so small he could not take things through with himself. Female visitors were told to keep their bags with them at all times. You name a precuation we took it. But we could not stop him breaking into houses stealing cars and doing identity theft (even his own brothers).

Courts, social services all failed him and the family with their "All he needs is another chance" when getting him off the streets may have saved them.

I digress

One drug pusher, tens, hundred of addicts stealing from strangers, wrecking homes, families etc. That pusher he/she has forfieted any human rights by spitting, shi##ing and laughing at the human rights of others.

I would press the trigger, depress the plunger, pull the lever and throw the switch knowing the carnage that they were happily doing was now at an end.

If you have never said goodbye to your youngest child who should still be alive, then do not preach to me about rights and uncivilised behaviour. The wrong person was in that coffin.


DITTO, hang'um high


I cannot believe some of the posts Im reading where members are actually condoning the use of drugs.

Drugs are evil and destroy lives. Soft Drugs are merely a gateway to harder drugs especially for the weak. I have worked in the rehabilitation of drug offenders and almost all started out on 'soft' drugs.

Those of us not a victim to the drug itself are victim of the violent crimes of those who rob and pillage to pay for their habit.

I am not an advicate of the Death Penalty but remember those who ply their trade to the weak and young; bring about indiscrininate death.

Thailand make it readily known that dealing in drugs may well result in the death penalty. No one can say that they have not been warned.

If they then decide to ignore that law and the warnings that go with them, then Im sorry but they have brought it on themselves.

Heed the warnings and you have nothing to fear.


personal philosiphy: the drugs should be available to old people. if you're old and are gonna die soon, why not? but for the majority of the target market of drugs, they're messing up a lot of lives, any single one of which is worth at least as much as the dealer's. The death sentence can be justified under those terms, to say nothing of the turf wars that go on just for the right to sell drugs in a certain area. But humans aren't robots, you don't just destroy a 'defective model', but still, these guys have had relatively long lives behind 'em and should know better [by now]. at the very least I'd like to see some life incarceration, but thats probably more than can be hoped for. they'll probably be extradited and live in a gated community (western prison) instead of being legally punished, like they would in a thai jail. corrupt as the thai legal system may be, if you're in there for a legitimate crime, you've earned it, and whatever happens in there is part of the deal.

funny 'ol world, this.

Who is us? You may be confused. The drug user only gets the death penalty in an indirect way. Here in Thailand they give the death penalty to drug traffickers who prey and profit on the backs of the weak.

So I take it you believe in the old "eye for an eye" mentality? Because I don't. You may disagree with what the drug dealers did, but to say they deserve to die is pretty barbaric IMO.

Heroin is a seriously destructive drug!

If you deal Heroin you deserve the death penalty! They deserve to die. I am sure that the have by their drug dealing caused the death of other people. Also, the countless suffering of the drug users, because of these dealers greed. Justice is justice. If you commit this kind o offense you earn the death penalty.

Marajuana is something different and the use of this substance should not be against the law. As long as alcohol is legal; so should Marajuana be. It should be taxed and the illegal profiteers prosecuted. In case you are now wondering. No I do not smoke Marajuana.

physically the only damaging part of heroin is the hole made by the needle to inject it. heroin in its pure form does no body tissue damage. however it does slow breathing. if too much is administered then you can overdose and die from lack of oxygen. something else that it does is create an extremely high psychological and physical addiction which is very hard to recover from. you can not die from a heroin withdrawal but you can from and alcohol withdrawal. i'm not advocating heroin use but there are many myths that exist about it.

in the US, cocaine was thought that it made negros rape white women. it was thought that marijuana made mexicans rape white women. many illegal drugs are still that way because of very old laws originating from myths in order to control minority populations by way of imprisonment. then the US made a "WAR ON DRUGS" and took their campaign international. and here we are today. people still believing the myths about drugs that were created around racist policy.

Are YOU on drugs?


Since the British have been in Afghanistan heroin prices on the streets of the UK have almost halved.

Now if one of the most powerful armys in the world cant stop poppy production there is no chance it will be stopped.

When i was 15 in 1990 ecstacy was 15 pound a pill and it was a bit of a luxury, not too many kids were willing to part with their money or had this amount of money to get into it, the reason it was so highly priced is because the penalty for dealing 10 pills would be at least 3 years in prison.

Now in 2007 i can get ecstacy for 1 pound a pill albeit not so strong as when i was a boy, now it is far more prevelant amongst school kids who can buy it for less then a can of lager. One of the reasons it is so cheap is that the penalty for getting caught with 100s of pills is a bit of community service.

So to legalise or decriminalise drugs will bring the price down making it far more likely young kids can get into it.

Needle park in Switzerland is a prime example of drug prices plummeting due to legalisation, hence why it is no more.

I think a few years in a Thai prison is more then enough of a penalty.


Fullfilled, happy people, who have responsibilities don't take drugs only the losers wish to escape into fantasy.

Is it not funny that all the junkies come out to type and start wanting to legalise drugs.

Marajuana has been shown to produce psychoses in habitual users!

Regarding the death penalty, that is up to the conscience of individual nations, not to drug takers.

Do we really want it to be as easy to obtain Heroin as it is to buy a packet of cigarettes?

i am quite sure it is that easy already.

Is it not funny that all the junkies come out to type and start wanting to legalise drugs.

Marajuana has been shown to produce psychoses in habitual users!

i personally am not a junkie (never once touched heroin) but i believe in a person's right to put whatever they choose into their body at their own risk. you can argue all day long about how bad heroin etc. are for you, but in my life (having lived with serious alcoholics) alcohol has been a horrifically destructive influence, and it is legal. look up statistics on alcohol-related crimes and deaths... and by the same thinking as several people on this thread so far those alcoholics should get the death penalty rather than help with rehabilitation? get real!!!! also, get your facts straight- marijuana does not produce psychosis, it exacerbates it in people who have mental illness as a pre-existing condition.

Stupid law anyway. If people want to kill themselves with drugs what's the problem? The only result you get by making it illegal is creating a profitable market.

Although I might agree with your sentiments, it's the law in Thailand, as well as in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The sentence might be harsher in Thailand, but it's there to deter people from breaking it. So irregardless of ones personal views, they were breaking the law. there will be a penalty issued. Whether or not we agree with the sentence, its not our country, we don't vote in their elections, we have no say. In Thailand you are under Thai law, deal with it, or don't commit the crime.

Were it in our country the penalty could be less harsh, but still more than a slap on the hand.

Besides think of all that lovely Samui land that'll be divided up by the powers that be. :o

Fullfilled, happy people, who have responsibilities don't take drugs only the losers wish to escape into fantasy.

Is it not funny that all the junkies come out to type and start wanting to legalise drugs.

Marajuana has been shown to produce psychoses in habitual users!

Regarding the death penalty, that is up to the conscience of individual nations, not to drug takers.

Your logic is poor.

You assume that people who believe drugs should be legalized are junkies. In that case, do people who believe suicide should be legal hold that belief because they wish to kill themselves? Of course not.

Some people just believe in individual choice and responsibility. People should be allowed to do as they wish with their own bodies as long as it does not harm anyone else. I choose NOT to take the drugs that are currently illegal for many reasons but I believe that I should be allowed to make that choice for myself rather than have it made for me.

Many people who rant and object so strongly to "drugs" are addicted to nicotine and/or alcohol themselves, highly addictive and both killer drugs in their own right.

Who is us? You may be confused. The drug user only gets the death penalty in an indirect way. Here in Thailand they give the death penalty to drug traffickers who prey and profit on the backs of the weak.

So I take it you believe in the old "eye for an eye" mentality? Because I don't. You may disagree with what the drug dealers did, but to say they deserve to die is pretty barbaric IMO.


Who is us? You may be confused. The drug user only gets the death penalty in an indirect way. Here in Thailand they give the death penalty to drug traffickers who prey and profit on the backs of the weak.

So I take it you believe in the old "eye for an eye" mentality? Because I don't. You may disagree with what the drug dealers did, but to say they deserve to die is pretty barbaric IMO.


all of us who struggle in life to get ahead in thailand are kick in the butt by a holes like these giving all of us a bad name :o

Do we really want it to be as easy to obtain Heroin as it is to buy a packet of cigarettes?

i am quite sure it is that easy already.

Is it not funny that all the junkies come out to type and start wanting to legalise drugs.

Marajuana has been shown to produce psychoses in habitual users!

i personally am not a junkie (never once touched heroin) but i believe in a person's right to put whatever they choose into their body at their own risk. you can argue all day long about how bad heroin etc. are for you, but in my life (having lived with serious alcoholics) alcohol has been a horrifically destructive influence, and it is legal. look up statistics on alcohol-related crimes and deaths... and by the same thinking as several people on this thread so far those alcoholics should get the death penalty rather than help with rehabilitation? get real!!!! also, get your facts straight- marijuana does not produce psychosis, it exacerbates it in people who have mental illness as a pre-existing condition.

Well fine, go off and buy your own little island, create your own society and do what you like. The world has moved on and decided that people should not have one hundred percent freedom over their own lives, some countries grant more freedoms than others to do to themselves what they like.

Problem is that it isn't completely at an individuals risk. Is an addict exercising free reasoned free will when they are buying their hit?

Most countries have have a drink drive, speed limit and a seat belt law. If I choose to drive at 200 kph and kill myself some people would say no harm no foul. Unfortunately, if I survive, in most civilised countries society has to devote massive resources to saving my life, putting me in a wheelchair, wiping my ass and taking care of me until the day I die. Also, my actions can have a large effect on others in socieity, i.e. I could take out a noodle stand and injure, maim or kill others. Modern society has decided rightly or wrongly (you obviously come from a country with elections) that drug use is a serious enough problem to society that it is deemed illegal. If you want to shoot up heroine, unfortunately for you I believe every country in the world has learned thru experience that it should be illegal. Legalisation is an idiotic way of removing drugs from society, and I don't think that anyone could say heroine consumption brings any benefit to society.

Now, one could argue for a ban on alcohol and cigarettes, due to their effects on society. Well at an election lets see how far that could get, but minimum ages for consumption and opening hours are societies way of limiting their consumption. Smoking bans are getting wider and wider, and as time passes (50 years or so) the amount of cigarettes will diminish greatly. Prohibition was tried and is ineffective, the slow drip of time works far better for social engineering.

It won't be long before we all get a card to count how much booze we consume and limiting its consumption. Very big brotherish but why should alcoholics (a recognised disease and affliction) be allowed to buy booze freely?


Some are still screaming for death sentence and time in Thai prison while the Thai police have no charges against them.



For all of you clamouring for the death penalty, and others doing the opposite, the people arrested are NOT GUILTY until proven guilty. I find it very unsettling that over here arrests are made on any given crime, and automatically the arrested are declared guilty. I suppose that it might be possible that justice will be served more honestly in Belgium. If found guilty, lock the bastards up, throw away the key, feed them once a day on some food and a regular serving of spacecake, some water from the mains of Bangkok, and go to sleep all of you. And wake up again in panic because you remember, whatever the punishments, new customers for the justice system will rise, no sweat! And most certainly new and existing customers for the goods will be there! And now for some soul searching: You smoke? You drink? Ever smoked pot? Ever sniffed a line? Ah!!!!!!!! Anyway, a state killing criminals also commits legalised murder, so do not be surprised if the inhabitants of this country will also kill. For the rest, the arrests, good show! When will all the other foreign criminals hulking in Thailand be arrested and extradited?

:o I've read that article...there's no sorry for them. I was on the needle trip for many years....so I know what I'm talking about. To make a lot of money..with other's pain really sucks. I think everybody knows what will happen in Thailand. Please don't bring them back to Europe, let them stay in the Hilton Hotel in Bangkok..for at least 25 years. If everybody would know how many people died overdosed because them, and other shit. People like those <deleted> make our life in Thailand difficult, because Thais will think if we're doing the same f.. thing. There's no excuse. Farlang benn baa, why do the Immigrations always change their laws? Because people like them. Give them some bullets right between the eyes. And don't start to talk about Holland or Belgium. That's another world. And other laws. Let them hang on the highest trees...... :D


hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

seems to me that if they had land and 100000000 baht in accounts and sold 4-5 millan last year that the amount sold wasnt that great and secondly that there is a lot more chance that local maffia is after their money/land etc....

Info supplied is a bit vague....

hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

What kind of fool are you? Heroin never killed somebody? You must be out of your mind!!!About 110 people in a small city in Germany got killed by Heroin over the last 20 years. The last I've heard was a 23 year old girl, who died overdosed in Kitzingen/ Germany. And she was a friend of mine. Many had HIV and other diseases. All of them are dead. Because Heroin doesn't kill anybody? You really don't know what's going on. Mike


hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

What kind of fool are you? Heroin never killed somebody? You must be out of your mind!!!About 110 people in a small city in Germany got killed by Heroin over the last 20 years. The last I've heard was a 23 year old girl, who died overdosed in Kitzingen/ Germany. And she was a friend of mine. Many had HIV and other diseases. All of them are dead. Because Heroin doesn't kill anybody? You really don't know what's going on. Mike

I forgot to add something. Have you ever seen living Zombies, like in Frankfurt near the train station? people who're trying to stick the needle in, but they can't find a vene? Other;s on crack, who think they're a bird, or something else...? But you can't even write HEROIN. You've got access to the Internet, why don't you check something before you're writing such stupid things?

i think we should make drinking illegal.


I agree with you. let's change the laws....Lao kao is from now on ILLEGAL. To chew on Bethel nuts is a very bad thing. 10 years in a Isan ricefield. Those who make laws never know what's right and wrong......

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