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Annoying Email Messages


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Can any clue me as to the origin and the cause of the following messages I get into my mail box twice a day for many months now and what can be done to stop them?

My local ISP claim not to have any knowledge or control over this rough mail,

when i have tried to check with http://combat.uxn.com/ i find out that this is a non functioning website,



Subject: Alert Message!!!

Dear User

Your router has detected and protected you against an attempt to gain access to your network. This may have been an attempted hacker intrusion, or perhaps just your Internet Service Provider doing routine network maintenance.

Most of these network probes are nothing to be worried about - these types of random probes should NOT be reported, but you may want to report repeated intrusions attempts. Save this email for comparison with future alert messages.

Your router Alert Information

Time: 10/21/2007, 19:29:16

Message: UDP Flood to Host

Source:, 32551

Destination:, 32842 (from PPPoE1 Outbound)

Visit the UXN Combat Spam web site to get more detailed information about the intruder - http://combat.uxn.com/

1. Type the intruder's IP address into the IP WHOIS search engine

2. Click the Query Button

3. Detailed network and administration information will be displayed

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First, I edited out your e-mail address from your post, putting it on a public forum is the best way to increase your spam 10 fold overnight!

Second, I suspect that the firewall in your router is set to send you an e-mail whenever this firewall blocks something.

So basically th e-mails are originating from your own equipment, and they are just indicating that your firewall is doing it's job.

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