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Traveling with a laptop is a worry all the time where to hide it, store it.

If you're staying in a Hotel, most hotels have no safe fit for a laptop, so what do you do ? Lately, traveling through Europe we gave it to the Desk staff where it would be safer -in our opinion- than the room.

When we returned from dinner they said: "Oh no, Sir we've put it back in your room; it's safer there than here, behind the desk...... :o

On a holiday in LOS, in a rented house we hided the laptop in a simple but effective place; nevertheless the house was broken into but they didn't find the laptop. Lucky us !

Later we were supplied with a large very heavy safe where we could store it.

BUT, all-in-all it's a headache all the time. Lately friends told me that Spanish farmers always hide their valuables OUTSIDE their house...

WHAT do you do with your laptop when you travel, from country to country, in hotels, guesthouse, rented house or even in your own house/apartment ?


WHAT do you do with your laptop when you travel, from country to country, in hotels, guesthouse, rented house or even in your own house/apartment ?

Lightweight 12.1" (1.9 kg) in a compact backpack.

In hotels, guesthouse, rented house - If there is no safe it goes on my back! :o

In your own house/apartment - Hide it, ensuring I have a backup of the whole drive elsewhere.


Edit: I've never really thought it a problem carrying the above laptop everywhere, if it was I'd get an even more compact.

Maybe a PDA or something this size.


buy a standard secure computer cable, these are the kind you see on laptop displays at stores and the like - samsonite and the like also do them in their essentials for travelling range and computer shops also stock them

I use the cable to secure my laptop to whatever is imoveable in the room - for example a dressing table - i take out the drawer feed the cable through the drawer opening and secure it to the laptop - this way they would have to cut the cable - possible but not easy, or take the lap top and a dressing table.

And, i always (or nearly always) leave a complete back up of the system at home should some guy decide to really work his butt off and chop up the furniture to get at the laptop.

The sometimes for good measure I put the lap top inside a lockable rucksack (with the cable attached) and lock the rucksck leaving it in a consipicuous place - i.e on top of the dressing table...

buy a standard secure computer cable, these are the kind you see on laptop displays at stores and the like - samsonite and the like also do them in their essentials for travelling range and computer shops also stock them

I use the cable to secure my laptop to whatever is imoveable in the room - for example a dressing table - i take out the drawer feed the cable through the drawer opening and secure it to the laptop - this way they would have to cut the cable - possible but not easy, or take the lap top and a dressing table.

And, i always (or nearly always) leave a complete back up of the system at home should some guy decide to really work his butt off and chop up the furniture to get at the laptop.

The sometimes for good measure I put the lap top inside a lockable rucksack (with the cable attached) and lock the rucksck leaving it in a consipicuous place - i.e on top of the dressing table...

Yes, of course we have a cable to secure the laptop if all other options are not available; but it's still not the ultimate solution and a cable is easily cut or lock opened, especially for professional thieves.

Backup is of course important.

Personally I prefer (if the possibility is there) to pack the laptop in several plastic bags and hide it outside but of course in a hotel that's difficult.. :D

Just works if you rent a house but apartment is more problematic.

We also take the laptop in the boot of our car, rented or not, if we don't feel safe, although in Thailand in a rented Vitara that's not an option as well.

All hotels should install larger safes in the hotel rooms where a laptop would fit in OR have your laptop stored in their own larger safe. (not all hotels have a Bell Captain where you can leave your luggage -with a receipt-)

The problem still exists though. :o


buy a standard secure computer cable, these are the kind you see on laptop displays at stores and the like - samsonite and the like also do them in their essentials for travelling range and computer shops also stock them

I use the cable to secure my laptop to whatever is imoveable in the room - for example a dressing table - i take out the drawer feed the cable through the drawer opening and secure it to the laptop - this way they would have to cut the cable - possible but not easy, or take the lap top and a dressing table.

And, i always (or nearly always) leave a complete back up of the system at home should some guy decide to really work his butt off and chop up the furniture to get at the laptop.

The sometimes for good measure I put the lap top inside a lockable rucksack (with the cable attached) and lock the rucksck leaving it in a consipicuous place - i.e on top of the dressing table...

Yes, of course we have a cable to secure the laptop if all other options are not available; but it's still not the ultimate solution and a cable is easily cut or lock opened, especially for professional thieves.

Backup is of course important.

Personally I prefer (if the possibility is there) to pack the laptop in several plastic bags and hide it outside but of course in a hotel that's difficult.. :D

Just works if you rent a house but apartment is more problematic.

We also take the laptop in the boot of our car, rented or not, if we don't feel safe, although in Thailand in a rented Vitara that's not an option as well.

All hotels should install larger safes in the hotel rooms where a laptop would fit in OR have your laptop stored in their own larger safe. (not all hotels have a Bell Captain where you can leave your luggage -with a receipt-)

The problem still exists though. :o


leave it at the hotel desk if going for a drink ,daytime take it with me ,not a problem ,at home i have an alarm and bars on the windows and a gaurd outside .


agree with all of the above...basically you have to improvise depending on the situation. The start is to have a cable and secure it to something immovable in the room. If that is not possible, then to some large piece of furniture that would attract attention if someone was walking down the hall with it (and your computer attached to it). Of course, nothing is going to stop a professions...it's like home robbers...you want to cause inconvenience and slow them down so that they go on to another less hardened target. Taking with is also an option.

However, basically it's the data that is important so having a complete and recent back-up of your c-drive is the most peace of mind one can have. Keep this mirror drive safe and secure at home. therefore, if the notebook is ultimately lifted, you're just out the cost of a notebook.


I recall (sorry this is not in earlier post) a japanese guy showing me a small (playing card size) box of tricks that he locked into the little locking hole on the back / side of the notebook - when he moved the pc it gave out a god almighty sreech for about five mnutes (unless you knew the code to immobalise it) - and we are talking what sounded like 150 decibels - enough to deter 99 percent of opportunist bandits

the only problem was i never asked him where he bought it or how to get one - silly me!

But if this reminds anyone else and they know where to buy then please post here or PM me


I recall (sorry this is not in earlier post) a japanese guy showing me a small (playing card size) box of tricks that he locked into the little locking hole on the back / side of the notebook - when he moved the pc it gave out a god almighty sreech for about five mnutes (unless you knew the code to immobalise it) - and we are talking what sounded like 150 decibels - enough to deter 99 percent of opportunist bandits

the only problem was i never asked him where he bought it or how to get one - silly me!

But if this reminds anyone else and they know where to buy then please post here or PM me


Best idea so far ! :D:o

I did some googling and found the following: (would like to hear the comments of computer specialists...)

"This system combines a stainless steel cable, motion sensor technology, and a 95dB alarm to create a combination locking alarm system that easily attaches to your notebook or carrying case in any setting.

The DEFCON 1 Ultra features a four-digit re-settable combination lock with up to 10,000 unique combinations. A second level of security is provided by the high decibel alarm that is triggered if the cable is severed or the motion sensor is activated. So now security can be simple!"


Different sales leads:


Free software to download with alarm system with High decibel sound:


There seems to be a special anti theft program for Mac's also (with high decibel sound)

Please let me know what you guys think..


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