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Getting Married In Th Uk

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Married almost 1 year (ceremonial and amphur) to my TW and going to the Uk xmas with plans to marry in the UK, but unsure which visa we need to apply for the wife for us to be able to do this ?

Would it make it easier if we register our Thai marriage with the British Consul here first ?

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As you have registered your marriage in Thailand, you are considered to be lawfully married in the UK, too. Consequently, you should not be seeking to formally marry again in the UK, and you are under no obligation to lodge your Thai marriage certificate with the General Register Office through the embassy in Bangkok, although you may do so if you wish.

There's nothing stopping you celebrating your marriage in the U.K. by having a party and a visit visa for your wife is what is needed.


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As you have registered your marriage in Thailand, you are considered to be lawfully married in the UK, too. Consequently, you should not be seeking to formally marry again in the UK, and you are under no obligation to lodge your Thai marriage certificate with the General Register Office through the embassy in Bangkok, although you may do so if you wish.

There's nothing stopping you celebrating your marriage in the U.K. by having a party and a visit visa for your wife is what is needed.


Many thanks Scouse for your speedy reply

Our long term goal is to get both of us dual nationality so we can come and go freely without having the burden of having to apply for visas everytime we wish to travel. Although easy enough now for me to get a visa for Thailand who knows what the future might hold regards visas, but the process seems much more complicated for my wife to be able to travel with me without having to go through the visa rituals everytime.

Is there a less troublesome way of my wife being able to just get up and go with me if we decide to take an unplanned trip to the uk ?

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Once she's had one or two six-month visit visas, she may consider applying for one of two-years' validity. Whilst the visa is valid she may then travel when she likes, although she can't stay longer than six months in the UK at any one time.


Never had the intention of stopping anymore than 1-2 months at a time so terrific news.

Thanks Scouse

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