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Any Good Movie Recommendations


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Yup, it's a pretty crazy movie and the plot is open to interpretation but it seems to me to be about choice and sacrifice for the good of others. Donnie sees a parrallell world in which if he survives the accident, lots of bad things happen to friends and family and even his future girlfriend! Anyway it's not as confusing as David Lynch's "Mullholland Drive" :o

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Saw bootleg versions of King Arthur and Bourne Surpremecy...

KA- didn't like it- whats with this Roman <deleted>? Guess we'll stick to definitive Arthurian picture "Excalibur" even now its still the best on the subject.

Bourne Supremecy - not nearly as good as the first. I was disappointed with it, basically a Where is Jason Bourne Now film? Very thin plot line- maybe I haven't missed much this Summer after all.

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watched Gothika (the one with halle berry in)last night .....didnt think i would enjoy it that much but i gotta say it fair put the hairs on me arms up .......very well filmed you could see were the ending was going but not really untill the last 10 mins....

worth watching but make sure its at the dead of night with the lights turned down for best effect...lol


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28 Days- well done film. Luckily they didn't go with the original ending or I would have been right irked.

Undead who are lightening fast is really quite scary- not sure if you caught Dawn of the Dead- remake. (that was quite good until you watched the end credits)

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"The Quiet American" was a brilliant film and novel. Michael Caine's finest work (not sure if H. Palmer will agree though).

"Collateral" was great in typical Micheal Mann fashion...I'm a huge fan...you can't go wrong with his films: "Heat", "Thief", "Manhunter", "The Insider", "Last of the Mohicans" and even "Ali" (Jamie Foxx and the fresh prince were brilliant). All his movies are edgy and taut, filled with inspired dialogue, gritty and urban...and just flat out beautiful. Even if you don't like the way he tells a story you will certainly enjoy the look and feel of it.

The Royal Tennebaums (catch it on UBC) and Rushmoore are great comedies (can't think of the director's name, but his friend and writing partner is Owen Wilson).

"Sea Biscuit" was a suprisingly entertaining and uplifting movie. I'm a fan of Jeff Bridges..."The Big Lebowski" is a modern classic....as is "Kingpin"...very funny stuff (though Jeff Bridges has nothing to do with the latter).

Thats all I can think of for now.

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You wait until you see the list of other mavel comic/films thats coming out...

To name two...

Captin America

Silver surfer (one of my favs)

I believe Fantastic Four is coming out also even talk about a new superman movie With the new computer special effects it should be easier to make movies like these now I am looking forward to the next spiderman They did a great job on number 2 :o

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its a good film scampy, steve martins a great actor.

Dave, I have seen most of his films and what you just said made me laugh more than all of them combined, no disrespect.

"Planes, trains and automobiles" is a classic!

John candy to Stevo Martin: "...well, you know what, you play with your balls a lot!".

Classic 80's comedy.

"Parenthood" was also a good Steve Martin flick.

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its a good film scampy, steve martins a great actor.

Dave, I have seen most of his films and what you just said made me laugh more than all of them combined, no disrespect.

"Planes, trains and automobiles" is a classic!

John candy to Stevo Martin: "...well, you know what, you play with your balls a lot!".

Classic 80's comedy.

"Parenthood" was also a good Steve Martin flick.

igotworms, I have been following your recent posts and tend to agree with you on everything you say but to agree that Steve Martin is a fine actor is ludicrous.

He is the SAME SMUG character in all of his films and he comes across too confident because he believes he is really funny and has never had to work properly. The only film in which he had ANY variety was Little Shop Of Horrors and that was only because he had black hair.

Before you say, "Oh, so how come he's so sucessful then Scampy, tell me that smartarse" - I can only say that A: You only have to look at the state of the music industry to see that some of the most talentless effluent possible is very sucessful and B: Americans love him, Americans think that Adam Sandler is funny - say no more, and being a Canadian I would expect you to think the same. :o

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Oh, so how come he's so sucessful then Scampy, tell me that smartarse :D

He might not be a brill actor but he's done some funny films, ever see "the man with two brains"

for good movies, in no order and spelt badly

Alien 1+2

Star Wars the first set of three(theres a word for that :D )




El Cid

Ben Hur (one of the few times a welshman has won an oscar, anyone know who??)

Fight club


The Kentucian (old film with burt lancaster)

The Quiet Man (old film with john wanye)

The Great Escape ( I still think Steve Mc Queen will make the jump at the end)

Forbiden Planet (old sci fi)

Blues Brothers

Animal House


Planet of the Apes (the first one)

Cool Hand Luke

Last of the Mohicans

LA Confedential

Its quite difficult thinking of more, must be loads.

I'll prob think of loads just after I post this :o

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its a good film scampy, steve martins a great actor.

Dave, I have seen most of his films and what you just said made me laugh more than all of them combined, no disrespect.

"Planes, trains and automobiles" is a classic!

John candy to Stevo Martin: "...well, you know what, you play with your balls a lot!".

Classic 80's comedy.

"Parenthood" was also a good Steve Martin flick.

igotworms, I have been following your recent posts and tend to agree with you on everything you say but to agree that Steve Martin is a fine actor is ludicrous.

He is the SAME SMUG character in all of his films and he comes across too confident because he believes he is really funny and has never had to work properly. The only film in which he had ANY variety was Little Shop Of Horrors and that was only because he had black hair.

Before you say, "Oh, so how come he's so sucessful then Scampy, tell me that smartarse" - I can only say that A: You only have to look at the state of the music industry to see that some of the most talentless effluent possible is very sucessful and B: Americans love him, Americans think that Adam Sandler is funny - say no more, and being a Canadian I would expect you to think the same. :o

I wouldn't go so far as to say he is a great actor...but he has his moments. His recent work has been nothing short of <deleted>, though Bowfinger had a few laughs. I'm not a fan by any means but I like a few of his movies.

That said, I picked up a few DVDs the other day:

"City of Ghosts" (written and directed by Matt Dillon; starring James Caan, Gerard Depardieu (sp?)) - based in Cambodia and briefly in Bangkok....a susprisingly entertaining flick, especially to us SE Asian folk.

"Lost in Translation" (picked it up a while ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it). Most people have likely seen this but if you haven't, do so immediately, very relative to our expat way of living....and beautifully shot in Japan.

"Return to Paradise"....getting busted with hash in Malaysia and facing the consequences...a nice deterent for the experimental folk.

"Mystic River"...very enjoyable...especially the last act of the film. Laura Linney is brilliant as well as Tim Robbins and Sean Penn.

"The Unforgiven"...another film directed by Eastwood. Perhaps my favourite film of all time. Hackman is the perfect villain. This is hands down the best Western in decades.

"Old School" stupid comedy with stupid laughs but still entertaining. Will Ferell is funny looking and commands instant laughs at the mere appearance of him. "Dodgeball" can fit into that category as well....though the pirate character is sort of perplexing.

"Bad Santa"...outrageously ill-humoured laughs with Billy Bob Thronton starring as an alcoholic degenerate department store Santa....quote of the movie..."I'm not gonna poop right for a week!"

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Watched Jet Li's Fist of Legend last night... Good movie, not as good as Kiss the Dragon or The Legend, but good all the same... In fact most Jet Li films are good.... IMO... :D

Has anyone seen "H(E)LL BOY yet..? It's just previewing in the UK and I was wondering whether to go and see it..

totster :o

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Thought I'd add a few films not already mentioned... for some reason these stick

in my mind but I'm not sure they were my absolute favorites.

Chinese Box -- goodbye to Hong Kong w/ Jeremy Irons and Gong Li.

Human Nature -- Tim Robbins as repressed scientist

Being John Malkovich -- admit it, it was funny

Schizopolis -- a student film that defies description

Dark City -- (scifi) might appeal if you liked memento

Pitch Black -- (scifi) accidentally made Vin Diesel popular?

Dark Star -- (scifi comedy) a suicidal smart bomb

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Steve Martin has done a few howlers of late, no doubt about it, but The Jerk must be one of the best comedies of all time? surely?!


He hates those cans!


Navin R. Johnson, a none-too-bright white boy raised by a family of black sharecroppers, somehow manages to reach adulthood without ever discovering he was adopted. His parents finally tell him the truth on his birthday and, shocked by the news, he decides to head off to the big city to seek his fortune. Although he embarks on his odyssey with Candide-like optimism, Navin soon learns the cruel ways of the world as his crazy invention--a device to stop one's glasses from sliding--leads him from rags to riches and back to rags.

So many comedy gold moments...

[On a beach at night]

(Navin is playing the ukulele, him and Marie are singing)

I know, I know,

You belong to somebody new,

But tonight, you belong to me.

Although, although,

We're apart, you're part of my heart,

And tonight, you belong to me.

Way down by the stream,

How sweet it would seem,

Once more just to breathe in the moonlight my honey...

I know, I know,

With the dawn, that you will be gone,

But tonight, you belong to me.

Just to little ol' me.

(Marie brings out a coronet, she plays a solo, then the song ends)

Navin: Well I'm gonna to go then! And I don't need any of this! I don't need this stuff, (he pushes all of the letters off the desk), and I don't need you. I don't need anything except this (he picks up the ashtray) and that's it and that's the only thing I need, is this. I don't need this or this. Just this ashtray. And this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game and the remote control, and that's all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that's all I need. And that's all I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one - I need this! The paddle game, and the chair, and the remote control, and the matches, for sure. Well what are you looking at? What do you think I am, some kind of a jerk or something? And this! And that's all I need. The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, this magazine and the chair.

[Outside the house] Navin And I don't need one other thing.....except my dog.

(<deleted> growls) Well I don't need my dog.

[Navin and Marie are in bed, Marie is asleep]

Navin: Marie, are you awake? Good. You look so beautiful and peaceful, you almost look dead. I'm glad because there is something that has always been very difficult for me to say. I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit. I've never been relaxed enough around anyone to be able to say that. You give me confidence in myself. I know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days and the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days and the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it. Anyway, I've decided that tomorrow, when the time is right, I'm going to ask you to marry me, if that's o.k. with you. Just don't say anything. You've made me very happy

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Alien vs. Predator was better than I expected. Good, mindless fun.

I watched "Aliens VS Predator" yesterday, in Thai. :o

There are no movies in English in theatres in Nakhon Si Thammarat. I've only been in Nakhon for a few months and hardly speak Thai, oddly, this added to the mindless enjoyment of this movie. :D

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Watched Jet Li's Fist of Legend last night... Good movie, not as good as Kiss the Dragon or The Legend, but good all the same... In fact most Jet Li films are good.... IMO... :o

Simply love Jet Li films and personally thought Fist of legend was the best one. No special effects getting in the way, no guns, explosions, or any of that nonsense. Just pure mano-a-mano, hand-to-hand combat-Kung <deleted> style. Beautifully choreographed too. After Bruce Lee, Jet Li is the man.

Will agree with some of the others mentioned.

Quiet American was good. Good acting, suspense, SEA, beautiful leading lady. What more do you want?

Lost in Translation I loved too. Slows down at the end but still loved it. Bill Murray is always good for a laugh. Anyone who has been to Japan can appreciate that movie.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles was very funny. Steve Martin I could care less about but that movie was good.

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Stopped by the local DVD pirate and picked up some to watch this week...On the strength of some comments here and because I thought my Thai GF would enjoy it I bought DAWN OF THE DEAD...I liked it a lot. I watched my friend hide her face in the pillow, peek between her fingers at the scene of the woman giving birth, shake her legs and feet in fear and generally enjoy the shit out the film...We spent the night pretending to be zombies while we tried to screw ourselves to death, playing that the only way to kill a zombie is to make it have an orgasm. Guys, watch this film with a nubile young thing.

I also watched THE MAGDALENE SISTERS. A Peter Mullan film based on truth about women imprisoned and forced to work for free in modern day Ireland...Radio Canada did a brilliant special about this a year or so ago...Well worth watching.

I still think KING ARTHUR and TROY were terrible movies. :o:D

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