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I Have Graduated From Jai Dee Farang To Kee Neeo


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Funny, but she just told me (with a strait face) that she is a Kee Neeo.

And that in fact the vast majority of Thais are.

But this was not an insult she said.

Just fact.

My boyfriend and his sister tease their mother about being "kn" so I picked it up and she thinks it is hilarious when I call her that.

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Ahh, the "cheap" issue. I think we all go through this. Is it an insult? Is it a joke? How should I respond? Am I being cheap? Are they being rude?

Generally it happens in the bars, when you make the adjustment from the free spending sucker to the tight fisted lump. If you feel insulted, insult them back – just say you are not cheap, you just spend your money on things with value, and you see nothing with value here (then get the hel_l out). Or, go the jaidee route – sorry, I have to pay for my child's schooling this week and he needs the money. Though personally, I go the shame route; I would ask who raised you to insult people in such a manner; I thought Thai people were kind, are you Thai, are you sure?

If outside of this context, you need to figure out what's going on. If a vendor called me cheap, I would move on to the next vendor. An old GF called me cheap once, and I lost it on her – though in retrospect, she was only doing some light hearted ribbing. It's not always easy in Thailand to figure out the context – it takes a lot of practice.

I have to say, no one has called me cheap in years. Why? I learned Thai and demand respect from people. If they do not give you respect, there is no reason to respect them.

This is the definitive post on the topic.

All that needs to be added is an old adage: "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas".

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I don't usually agree with anyone twice in one thread on general principle :D , but ditto regarding Phuket for me too. The sheer bloody arrogant entitlement of that place these days will never see me return either... :o

Patong isn't Phuket. Try to get out more.

Thanks for the advice. But most of the island seems to be a "tourist trap" replete with mandatory 10% "service charges" for everything.

I'll take my holidays in the North from now on, thanks anyway. :D

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I don't usually agree with anyone twice in one thread on general principle :D , but ditto regarding Phuket for me too. The sheer bloody arrogant entitlement of that place these days will never see me return either... :o

Patong isn't Phuket. Try to get out more.

Thanks for the advice. But most of the island seems to be a "tourist trap" replete with mandatory 10% "service charges" for everything.

I'll take my holidays in the North from now on, thanks anyway. :D

Seconded, KM.

The last time I experienced such blatant arrogance, indifferent quality and price fixing was on the Italian Riviera, also on my never again list.

And before anyone suggests I should maybe consider taking my next holiday in Germany instead, I should add that prices in Phuket have overtaken those in Germany and are still rising.

To be sure, some things are still cheap but who wants to spend a holiday constantly haggling to get a sensible price for things, many of which are only inferior rip off copies in any case.

I meet my Aussie relatives once a year in Thailand.

Phuket was handy for a meet but after this year's trip they're of the same mind as me and won't be returning.

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Shouldn't be too big of an investigation.

For 40+ some posts we had to painfully hear again and again the inhumanity of being charged an extra 5 baht on bus fare because your not Thai.

Resulting in an altercation with the driver chasing you down and according to your post, tried to kill you per your police report. Then you change your avatar to a Taxi, to bring attention to another of your passions, the Pattaya Baht Bus Mafia ...

THAT WAS NOT MY POST. I never was chased by a baht bus driver. I pay the farang fare on baht buses and I suggest others do also to avoid being violently assaulted. I know the thread you are talking about, however, another poster had that story. Just find that thread and you will see; I can't be bothered dealing with lies like that.

Cobra, please do a little research before you hurl false personal accusations at other posters, OK?

It is true my avatar is now a taxi, because I am passionate about spreading the idea of the desperate need for Bangkok style taxi meters in Pattaya. If Pattaya had a real local press, this wouldn't be necessary, but they are obviously afraid of violent retribution from the baht bus mafia.

(Mods, you might want to delete this post, but if you do, please also delete Cobra's post of this falsehood.)

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I have never seen a Thai give out a tip. Usually the more money they have the tighter they are. Of course that's probably how to accumulate money. This is also true of many westerners, the more money they have the tighter they are also.

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Tony, welcome to Thaivisa.

That would be arrived as an expat who knows something about the score here versus a tourist who doesn't need or care to know.

In case you don't understand, I don't suggest being mean and cheap, I suggest taking care of your money the same as most of us did in our home countries, avoiding being ripped off.

Here, that normal behavior will get you called this name sometimes, so be it.

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I have never seen a Thai give out a tip. Usually the more money they have the tighter they are. Of course that's probably how to accumulate money. This is also true of many westerners, the more money they have the tighter they are also.

I have noticed the complete opposite of everything you wrote.

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I have to say, no one has called me cheap in years. Why? I learned Thai and demand respect from people. If they do not give you respect, there is no reason to respect them.

There's a problem right there......

To Jingthing and the rest.....

Simply smile and say "thank you".....that works better than anything else. :o

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I have never seen a Thai give out a tip. Usually the more money they have the tighter they are. Of course that's probably how to accumulate money. This is also true of many westerners, the more money they have the tighter they are also.

My Thai girlfriend always tips even when the service is bad and i don't want to give a tip.

Her friends usually tip as well.

I think it is a status thing and also a recognition of the fact that a lot of Thais get paid pathetic wages eg often between 5k -10k baht a month. A small tip can often go a long way.

As for the kee niow reference i have been called that by many of the low life parasites in bars in thailand and i answer with a smile that i am not kee niow but kee nok.

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Thais insult you when they realize they cannot get your money.

Therefore their insult should increase your self esteem !

Yes, but do you think there is even a tiny amount of respect hidden in the insult, saying you are too smart for our scams?

I do. :o

I don't think Thai people usually respect farangs who are totally careless with their money

Surely throwing away your money does not earn you any respect but just the "tington" label.

A really unconfortable one that requires much effort to be washed out.

Im not so sure about that.

In my experience it seems like when some of my Thai friends sometimes splash a little more money then usual, they seem to gain some kind of respect (or envy maybe) from their friends.

When it comes to throwing away money, I have seen enough (in my oppinion of course) strange prioritizing of money among Thais.

Doesnt matter if they pay only 3000 in rent, and have a 6-8000 monthly salary. They sometimes borrow money to buy a 15 000 mobile phone.

Remember one of my previous neighbours. We paid about 10-13000 per month in rent for our apartements, but he made a 1,2 million loan in the bank to buy a car.

Isnt this tingtong?

Anyhow, he gained an enormeous respect from his own friends and colleagues when he came driving in his new car.

But when he went out on town, he didnt give more then 20-40 in tip, on a 3000 bill.

I have to admit, I am really confused when it comes to these logics.

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Travel, what you are observing is Thai presentation. It gives status to show off the nice car and latest cell phone. It does not give status to throw money at a lower class Thai waiter. Westerners tend to care more about having nice homes to enjoy for themselves but you can't drive around to show off your house.

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Thais insult you when they realize they cannot get your money.

Therefore their insult should increase your self esteem !

Yes, but do you think there is even a tiny amount of respect hidden in the insult, saying you are too smart for our scams?

I do. :o

I don't think Thai people usually respect farangs who are totally careless with their money

Surely throwing away your money does not earn you any respect but just the "tington" label.

A really unconfortable one that requires much effort to be washed out.

Im not so sure about that.

In my experience it seems like when some of my Thai friends sometimes splash a little more money then usual, they seem to gain some kind of respect (or envy maybe) from their friends.

When it comes to throwing away money, I have seen enough (in my oppinion of course) strange prioritizing of money among Thais.

Doesnt matter if they pay only 3000 in rent, and have a 6-8000 monthly salary. They sometimes borrow money to buy a 15 000 mobile phone.

Remember one of my previous neighbours. We paid about 10-13000 per month in rent for our apartements, but he made a 1,2 million loan in the bank to buy a car.

Isnt this tingtong?

Anyhow, he gained an enormeous respect from his own friends and colleagues when he came driving in his new car.

But when he went out on town, he didnt give more then 20-40 in tip, on a 3000 bill.

I have to admit, I am really confused when it comes to these logics.

For throwing away money I meant give it away for free, that is big tips, overpay bargirls etc. , not buying luxury goods. Also the former is wasted money to my opinion, but not for Thais :D

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As for the kee niow reference i have been called that by many of the low life parasites in bars in thailand and i answer with a smile that i am not kee niow but kee nok.

did you just insult yourself?

I think he was speaking of bargirls pushing for ladydrinks and/or tips.
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For throwing away money I meant give it away for free, that is big tips, overpay bargirls etc. , not buying luxury goods. Also the former is wasted money to my opinion, but not for Thais :o

Ok, I see your point, and agree.

Throwing away money like that would most likely make the receivers smile, but maybe also laugh behind the "big spender's" back.

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