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His Majestys 80th Birthday Celebrations


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Nearly a month to go to go before His Majesty turns 80.

I know it will be huge everywhere, but does anyone know of any extra grand event with fireworks etc in CM?

quite possibly all the hotels/guest houses will have fireworks.

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It's not very huge in Chiang Mai though. I mean the civil service goes through the motions, but it never struck me as any kind of big celebration or event.

I suspect that you're missing the important and key part of the celebration this year - "80th". Methinks that'll guarantee some extra fireworks in honour of the great man.


PS - How's the lawn looking? Cool, moist . . . . tasty? :o

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Not specifically Chiangmai but a good place to find out what's happening > 80th Birthday Anniversary

My understanding is there will be fireworks daily from Dec 1 to Dec 5.

Hhmmmm, first Loi Kratong for 3 days, second the King's celebration for 4 days, and topped of with New Years Eve. Poor dogs! :D

TEOTN has become veeeeeeerrry quiet about his lawn, hasn't he?! :o:D :D


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Hhmmmm, first Loi Kratong for 3 days, second the King's celebration for 4 days, and topped of with New Years Eve. Poor dogs! :o

Ain't that the truth Nienke. Our Golden will bust the door down to get in and comes running into my computer room and lays down next to me. Seems when there are any problems, not feeling well, thunder, fireworks he comes to me and not my wife. Any other time he always stays near my wife. Guess being the Alpha here, he figures I can protect him the best. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not specifically Chiangmai but a good place to find out what's happening > 80th Birthday Anniversary

My understanding is there will be fireworks daily from Dec 1 to Dec 5.

Hhmmmm, first Loi Kratong for 3 days, second the King's celebration for 4 days, and topped of with New Years Eve. Poor dogs! :D

TEOTN has become veeeeeeerrry quiet about his lawn, hasn't he?! :o:D:D


Hi Nienke - this is Allan, Judi the poodle's owner. I agree with you on the fireworks its always a bit over the top. It sipposed to be XX days but it always seems to start XXXX days before and the dogs are scared stiff - I know Judi is. I hope you are well and business is doing well.

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It's not very huge in Chiang Mai though. I mean the civil service goes through the motions, but it never struck me as any kind of big celebration or event.

I suspect that you're missing the important and key part of the celebration this year - "80th". Methinks that'll guarantee some extra fireworks in honour of the great man.

Yeah, probably. I meant to say that it's not a party like Loy Krathong or (especially) Songkran, or even Western New Year. Sometimes they even make pubs close and stop selling alcohol... Par-TEE time.. :D

PS - How's the lawn looking? Cool, moist . . . . tasty? :o

Lawn.. what lawn.. My lawn is the size of four 9 baht stamps put together, but in a more awkward shape. :D Maybe you have me confused with a different Emperor? I'm the Emperor of the North. (and a good chunk of Lao.)

Edited by TheEmperorOfTheNorth
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Not specifically Chiangmai but a good place to find out what's happening > 80th Birthday Anniversary

My understanding is there will be fireworks daily from Dec 1 to Dec 5.

Hhmmmm, first Loi Kratong for 3 days, second the King's celebration for 4 days, and topped of with New Years Eve. Poor dogs! :D

TEOTN has become veeeeeeerrry quiet about his lawn, hasn't he?! :o:bah::bah:


Hi Nienke - this is Allan, Judi the poodle's owner. I agree with you on the fireworks its always a bit over the top. It sipposed to be XX days but it always seems to start XXXX days before and the dogs are scared stiff - I know Judi is. I hope you are well and business is doing well.

Hi uptheos/Allen. Nice to know a face behind the avatar :D

The celebrations can be very nice, although I personally don't really understand the joy of the fireworks. It's not my kind of thing, doggy and environmental wise.

I'll send you an PM about the firework fear and possible systematic desensitisation (gosh, try to say this word quickly :D)therapy today.

The business is doing quite well. Quite some boarders and trainers. Thank you :D


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Hi uptheos/Allen. Nice to know a face behind the avatar :D

The celebrations can be very nice, although I personally don't really understand the joy of the fireworks. It's not my kind of thing, doggy and environmental wise.

I'll send you an PM about the firework fear and possible systematic desensitisation (gosh, try to say this word quickly :o)therapy today.

The business is doing quite well. Quite some boarders and trainers. Thank you :D


Hi Nienke

I hope I'm not butting in but I would also be very interested in the information about fear and therapy - one of our dogs nearly rammed a pair of sliding doors out of the frame recently because he was so intent on getting indoors away from the fireworks! :D

Maybe a thread on the subject in a suitable forum would go down well with others too.

Just a thought,


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Maybe a thread on the subject in a suitable forum would go down well with others too.

Just a thought,

Not a bad idea actually. Perhaps Nienke can start a topic on dog therapy and psychology. Sometimes I don't understand our Golden's behaviour and a topic could be useful for members.

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Grabbing the opportunity to slide in while off-topic, my dog also acts up unbelievably - fireworks, thunder especially, sirens etc. and he gets reallly angry! :o

In your opinion, Neinke, could a Western dog with no street-sense at all, a mini dachsy, who thinks he's as big as a bulldog, live here?

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Of course it could. Mine was a locally raised dog, but super timid and super stupid. ZERO street sense at all. Not really a problem though the dog is not out on the street on its own, ever. When outside, it'll look to you for protection. So you better be prepared to whack some other dogs that come too close.

(Mine was super shy, but when I ran after a street dog with a big club or something to throw or shoot at it, it would suddenly bravely follow me in the charge.. :o

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It's not very huge in Chiang Mai though. I mean the civil service goes through the motions, but it never struck me as any kind of big celebration or event.

I suspect that you're missing the important and key part of the celebration this year - "80th". Methinks that'll guarantee some extra fireworks in honour of the great man.

Yeah, probably. I meant to say that it's not a party like Loy Krathong or (especially) Songkran, or even Western New Year. Sometimes they even make pubs close and stop selling alcohol... Par-TEE time.. :D

PS - How's the lawn looking? Cool, moist . . . . tasty? :o

Lawn.. what lawn.. My lawn is the size of four 9 baht stamps put together, but in a more awkward shape. :D Maybe you have me confused with a different Emperor? I'm the Emperor of the North. (and a good chunk of Lao.)

Ah, I see what you mean on the party front - I think we'll just have to wait and see. The only guarantee that I'd be willing to offer is that there will be no need for rose tinted spectacles with all the pink that will be in fashion on the day.

Now - the lawn . . . may I present exhibit 1:

Sorry, but if that actually happens I'll eat the lawn.

That would be exceptionally weird, to have cold temperatures *AND* rain at the same time, and that well into December?

Sorry, but that just doesn't happen.

Mark my words, my lawn still looks as confident as 5 minutes ago.

from this thread - Meteorological Department Warns North Of Strong Winds And Heavy Rains In The Coming Months

All the best your imperial majesty,


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