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Thais And Looking Rich


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Honey, when you drag someone into your brain and kick the sh-it out of them for being pretentious, the only thing that gets hurt is your brain. You sound like a sincere, caring person; give yourself a break.

B- Thanks for your kind response :o I don't let it bother me too much. I really just wanted to know how the Thai mind works relative to this phenomenon.



Best way to understand the thais mind is to ask the thais about this phenomenon. You may be shocked when you here them explain!

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Ok Lets me close this topic, Thai people like all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty. If you think somehow this is only done by Thai's then you must of been living in Thailand way too long.

This thread is about Thais looking rich, like most threads there will be posters questioning Thai's brains like they seem to think there all the same, its a developing country, not as advanced yet as most of the west. I mean what do you really expect? Does it make you feel better to slag them off as dumber then yourself??

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Acquiesce- My avatar is just a cute girl that I fancy. I'm quite sure that you've spent a fair amount of time with these "farmgirls" who have only used you more than you could them.

Wait a minute...are you sure that's a girl?

:o I'm not sure.

Looks like a trannie to me. :D Horse walks into a bar, bartender says "why the long face?" :D

Edited by PhiPhi
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Ok Lets me close this topic, Thai people like all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty. If you think somehow this is only done by Thai's then you must of been living in Thailand way too long.

This thread is about Thais looking rich, like most threads there will be posters questioning Thai's brains like they seem to think there all the same, its a developing country, not as advanced yet as most of the west. I mean what do you really expect? Does it make you feel better to slag them off as dumber then yourself??

Another wrong and stupid assumption. I give up.

I agree with you, Papaya. I believe it is a typical Thai (perhaps even a typical Asian) characteristic that girls love to dress up and look good/pretty. Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None.

While European girls compete on looking as ugly as possible, neglecting their hair and skin and hands and wearing only black jeans and black T-shirts and worn out sneakers, Thai girls take pride in looking good and pretty. Maybe this is the result of feminism gone sour I don't know, but the discrepancy could not be bigger when comparing girls (age 13 to 29) in Europe and in Thailand. Or am I the only one who has noticed this?

So I cannot agree with TheDon, that "all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty".

But fortunately, Thais do.

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Ok Lets me close this topic, Thai people like all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty. If you think somehow this is only done by Thai's then you must of been living in Thailand way too long.

This thread is about Thais looking rich, like most threads there will be posters questioning Thai's brains like they seem to think there all the same, its a developing country, not as advanced yet as most of the west. I mean what do you really expect? Does it make you feel better to slag them off as dumber then yourself??

Another wrong and stupid assumption. I give up.

I agree with you, Papaya. I believe it is a typical Thai (perhaps even a typical Asian) characteristic that girls love to dress up and look good/pretty. Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None.

While European girls compete on looking as ugly as possible, neglecting their hair and skin and hands and wearing only black jeans and black T-shirts and worn out sneakers, Thai girls take pride in looking good and pretty. Maybe this is the result of feminism gone sour I don't know, but the discrepancy could not be bigger when comparing girls (age 13 to 29) in Europe and in Thailand. Or am I the only one who has noticed this?

So I cannot agree with TheDon, that "all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty".

But fortunately, Thais do.

Well i dont know about most of europe as ive only been to the UK, US and here (australia) as far as farang countries. And the ones in these countries definately do dress up.

So now your saying not 1 european girl dresses up???

Also not all Thai girls dress up. The same with asians

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Another wrong and stupid assumption. I give up.

I dont think im wrong, but you definately seem to look at Thais girls and girls in general in a different light.

I think that girl/guy in your avatar is trying to look like a hi-so girl. That must offend you too??

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Hey! I was in Paragon today. Dressed rather well, if I may say so myself, and I had a ball smiling at the ladies all dressed up to their nines.

Who doesn't like being checked out and smiled at?

The craze for shorts is fine by me. Walking behind a girl whose legs go all the way up and make an ass of themselves is great.

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Putting off-topic prejudices aside, my experience in Thailand has been that appearance matters, and people judge a person based on their appearance, whether the person is male or female does not seem to matter.

A funny example of this happened today. A young Thai couple showed up at our place today, looking for the owner of the resort (my husband). He had just returned from fishing, wearing his ratty long sleeved t-shirt, fisherman trousers and big hat. Dark skin and all. One of our staff pointed to him and said, "That's the owner". "Oh", said the Thai woman, "I thought he was just a fisherman. " Even though she was standing there when he pulled up in his dinghy with the outboard engine and watched him carry in his fishing rods and reels.

She saw dark skin and ratty clothes and assumed he was "low class". As our staff put it, her idea of the owner was that he should be light skinned, wearing nice clothes and looking professional and managerial.

And to that, my husband said, "That tells you something about alot of Thai people".

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Yeah, and while we're at it, what about those farang men trying to 'big themselves up' and look HISO by wearing a counterfeit Rolex or Breitling? Don't they know that if you're gonna have the slightest chance of passing that off, it's best not to partner it with a soiled Beer Chang vest, a tattooeod neck, a ludicrously oversized amulet (to 'fit in'), and the obligatory four foot ten little brown accessory trailing a few feet behing him, yabbering into a mobile phone in Thai to her friends about what an idiot he is.

No need to target me personally ! :o

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Can anybody here explain to me why wearing a suit and tie is appreciated in bizz life?

Is the message different when wearing jeans and t-shirt?

I have meetings with CEO's of Honda, Toyota and you name all other big manafacturers.

Just dressed in T-shirt and jeans, they hate it I know.

But they still listen to what I tell, ha ha ha.

Take care all, it is not what you are but who you are.


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I never thought I would say this, but I feel like having my say.

I acknowledge that in Thai culture, and society, it's very very important what other Thais think of you and your family. I was not raised in the Thai culture, so I do not pretend that I can fully comprehend the total importance of all this, as I am just a Farang. I also do not sit in judgement of Thais and there beliefs. Nor do I think Thais should be so critical of Farangs either.

My Thai wife and I own businesses in Thailand and the United States and several houses. We do not consider ourselves rich, by any stretch of the imagination, nor do we choose to dress better then our neighbors. Our thoughts are that if you sport a rolex, fancy sport car, excessive gold jewelry and very expensive clothes you might as well put a sign on your back that reads; "I AM RICH PLEASE ROB ME".

My final thought: If I'm going to put a sign on my back let it read: "I'M CLEAN AND NOT HUNGRY".

I think the latter makes for better neighbors.

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Ok Lets me close this topic, Thai people like all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty. If you think somehow this is only done by Thai's then you must of been living in Thailand way too long.

This thread is about Thais looking rich, like most threads there will be posters questioning Thai's brains like they seem to think there all the same, its a developing country, not as advanced yet as most of the west. I mean what do you really expect? Does it make you feel better to slag them off as dumber then yourself??

Another wrong and stupid assumption. I give up.

I agree with you, Papaya. I believe it is a typical Thai (perhaps even a typical Asian) characteristic that girls love to dress up and look good/pretty. Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None.

While European girls compete on looking as ugly as possible, neglecting their hair and skin and hands and wearing only black jeans and black T-shirts and worn out sneakers, Thai girls take pride in looking good and pretty. Maybe this is the result of feminism gone sour I don't know, but the discrepancy could not be bigger when comparing girls (age 13 to 29) in Europe and in Thailand. Or am I the only one who has noticed this?

So I cannot agree with TheDon, that "all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty".

But fortunately, Thais do.

So 13 year old Thai girls are more feminine huh?

Edited by TonyLeung
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I work in a field that requires me to work among physicians.

I was at a public hospital, and one of the physicians was sporting a beautiful Omega. I have always wanted an Omega, but felt I was not wealthy enough to toss my money at such an item.

Now truth be known, I have ZERO debt, and very little expenses. My job takes care of Food and Shelter, per diem when I travel etc. My icome is in excess or 200K and that is just base, not includeing bonusses, profit shareing etc.

This physician that I am speaking about probably brings in 30K to 40K, but yet he was sporting an Omega. So yes, I do see what the OP is talking about. But I do not let it get me down. We all have our issues. (Fat, strange nose, bald, failed marriage, failed mariages, poor spelling, poor math, poor fashion since, fetish for young asian women, etc)

Next time wait for him to fall asleep, take it off his wrist and replace it with a cheap knockoff.

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When we find that many of them are rather intelligent, ambitious and - god forbid - have money in their bank accounts it upsets our view of the natural world order - hence hissy fits like that of the OP.

How do you feel about it personally? Can you live comfortably amongst rich Thais?

To be honest I would rather spend my time socially around rich Thais.

It's sad but money buys education.

I don't ever talk to poor people for very long, except to exchange pleasantries.

It's not that I dislike them, its just there is nothing really to talk about, its like

talking with a middle school kid.

The worst is idiot farmers daughters that think they are extracting information out

of you in a subtle way. But unfortunatly its such "baby cunning"

I only end up feeling sorry for them, and sorry for myself to have to endure

there lame approach to try and covertly size up the foreigner.

Sorry if people hate me for this, but I just find knowledgable people more interesting

than ignorant people.

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I had some well dressed farang come into a low end restaraunt. He was dressed well, dockers etc. Shaved head, looked sharp, much like Mr. Clean.

I waved, he doged me... acted as if were a low life. Me, dressed in some sandals, shorts and simple shirt.

A week later I saw Mr. Clean again at a fancy restaraunt... it pleased me when I saw the glimmer of recognition on his face. It must have disurbed him greatly to see me again, at an expensive restaraunt.... and me again, dressed down, complete with my un-matching sandals.

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I was in Chelsea last week and couldn't help but notice how excruciatingly hard many English men and women there try to look excessively sloaney. It's pretty obnoxious how they saunter around like they're an English superstar or mogul at a country club... I can only tolerate being there for a short time and then it wears on me. I'm starting to feel that English men with a little money are nothing but undersexed, alcoholic, bad-teethed egoists. Anyone feel the same? While I'm on a roll I also must say that I'm also bored of the cords, Barbour jackets, and brogues that the older sloan men wear. All those clipped vowels too. They all look like clones! Why all the effort to impress others? Any ideas?

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I had some well dressed farang come into a low end restaraunt. He was dressed well, dockers etc. Shaved head, looked sharp, much like Mr. Clean.

I waved, he doged me... acted as if were a low life. Me, dressed in some sandals, shorts and simple shirt.

A week later I saw Mr. Clean again at a fancy restaraunt... it pleased me when I saw the glimmer of recognition on his face. It must have disurbed him greatly to see me again, at an expensive restaraunt.... and me again, dressed down, complete with my un-matching sandals.

You should have blown your nose with your tshirt to pysch him out.

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You guys underestimate others so quickly. Perhaps your problem is that you consider yourself more intelligent than most.


Hi papaya. The only flaw in your posting is YOU ARE SPEAKING THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, clearly, calmly and rationally.

Stating an honest opinion that does not follow "The Brigades's" will result in you being attacked.

Don't take it to heart. Personally I give you 90% accuracy.

What could I possibly know though. I've only been traveling to Thailand since 1971. Married to a Thai for eight years.

Have friends who have lived there for 35+ years and "family" born and raised there.

Don't take anything you hear on TV seriously and you'll be just fine.

It's all an illusion.

PS Is your avatar your picture? If it is may I say you look quite lovely... :o

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Pepe, I think I remember you saying something like "No relationship or marriage in Thailand EVER lasts more than 8 years. Trust me, Ive been traveling to Thailand since 1971."



Nope never said that.

"Hail the Brigade" :o:D :D :D :D :bah: :bah: :o;)

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You guys underestimate others so quickly. Perhaps your problem is that you consider yourself more intelligent than most.


Hi papaya. The only flaw in your posting is YOU ARE SPEAKING THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, clearly, calmly and rationally.

Stating an honest opinion that does not follow "The Brigades's" will result in you being attacked.

Don't take it to heart. Personally I give you 90% accuracy.

What could I possibly know though. I've only been traveling to Thailand since 1971. Married to a Thai for eight years.

Have friends who have lived there for 35+ years and "family" born and raised there.

Don't take anything you hear on TV seriously and you'll be just fine.

It's all an illusion.

PS Is your avatar your picture? If it is may I say you look quite lovely... :D


Are you OK Pepe?

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You guys underestimate others so quickly. Perhaps your problem is that you consider yourself more intelligent than most.


Hi papaya. The only flaw in your posting is YOU ARE SPEAKING THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, clearly, calmly and rationally.

Stating an honest opinion that does not follow "The Brigades's" will result in you being attacked.

Don't take it to heart. Personally I give you 90% accuracy.

What could I possibly know though. I've only been traveling to Thailand since 1971. Married to a Thai for eight years.

Have friends who have lived there for 35+ years and "family" born and raised there.

Don't take anything you hear on TV seriously and you'll be just fine.

It's all an illusion.

PS Is your avatar your picture? If it is may I say you look quite lovely... :D

Hi Pepe',

Thanks for your nice response! I too have been married to a Thai for 8 years.

Its amazing you've been going to Thailand since '71... I'm sure it's transformation in that time has been staggering.

Thanks again :o

BTW, the girl in the avatar is something I found (somewhere) on the net. She appears very wholesome and natural...My idea of beauty.

Edited by papaya9
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You guys underestimate others so quickly. Perhaps your problem is that you consider yourself more intelligent than most.


Hi papaya. The only flaw in your posting is YOU ARE SPEAKING THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, clearly, calmly and rationally.

Stating an honest opinion that does not follow "The Brigades's" will result in you being attacked.

Don't take it to heart. Personally I give you 90% accuracy.

What could I possibly know though. I've only been traveling to Thailand since 1971. Married to a Thai for eight years.

Have friends who have lived there for 35+ years and "family" born and raised there.

Don't take anything you hear on TV seriously and you'll be just fine.

It's all an illusion.

PS Is your avatar your picture? If it is may I say you look quite lovely... :D

Hi Pepe',

Thanks for your nice response! I too have been married to a Thai for 8 years.

Its amazing you've been going to Thailand since '71... I'm sure it's transformation in that time has been staggering.

Thanks again :o


Although I love Thailand now, it was a real dream in the old days...

PS I see your a guy and we have similar taste in women... :D

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You guys underestimate others so quickly. Perhaps your problem is that you consider yourself more intelligent than most.


Hi papaya. The only flaw in your posting is YOU ARE SPEAKING THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH, clearly, calmly and rationally.

Stating an honest opinion that does not follow "The Brigades's" will result in you being attacked.

Don't take it to heart. Personally I give you 90% accuracy.

What could I possibly know though. I've only been traveling to Thailand since 1971. Married to a Thai for eight years.

Have friends who have lived there for 35+ years and "family" born and raised there.

Don't take anything you hear on TV seriously and you'll be just fine.

It's all an illusion.

PS Is your avatar your picture? If it is may I say you look quite lovely... :D


Are you OK Pepe?


I am so OK!

How about you, big boy... :o

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I had some well dressed farang come into a low end restaraunt. He was dressed well, dockers etc. Shaved head, looked sharp, much like Mr. Clean.

I waved, he doged me... acted as if were a low life. Me, dressed in some sandals, shorts and simple shirt.

A week later I saw Mr. Clean again at a fancy restaraunt... it pleased me when I saw the glimmer of recognition on his face. It must have disurbed him greatly to see me again, at an expensive restaraunt.... and me again, dressed down, complete with my un-matching sandals.

You should have blown your nose with your tshirt to pysch him out.

No my wife would have gotten upset about that. She often teases me about my atire. But I dress no differently than I did back home. It is not like I make a special effort to look poor, I shower and shave etc. I just don't care about looking sharp all the time. Especially in this climate!

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Putting off-topic prejudices aside, my experience in Thailand has been that appearance matters, and people judge a person based on their appearance, whether the person is male or female does not seem to matter.

A funny example of this happened today. A young Thai couple showed up at our place today, looking for the owner of the resort (my husband). He had just returned from fishing, wearing his ratty long sleeved t-shirt, fisherman trousers and big hat. Dark skin and all. One of our staff pointed to him and said, "That's the owner". "Oh", said the Thai woman, "I thought he was just a fisherman. " Even though she was standing there when he pulled up in his dinghy with the outboard engine and watched him carry in his fishing rods and reels.

She saw dark skin and ratty clothes and assumed he was "low class". As our staff put it, her idea of the owner was that he should be light skinned, wearing nice clothes and looking professional and managerial.

And to that, my husband said, "That tells you something about alot of Thai people".

That tells you a lot about people. Thai are no different in this respect. Try to go into say Mercedes dealership in Europe in jeans and T-shirt and sneakers and observe the salesman. Now do the same dressed up in dark suit, necktie etc...

Ok Lets me close this topic, Thai people like all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty. If you think somehow this is only done by Thai's then you must of been living in Thailand way too long.

This thread is about Thais looking rich, like most threads there will be posters questioning Thai's brains like they seem to think there all the same, its a developing country, not as advanced yet as most of the west. I mean what do you really expect? Does it make you feel better to slag them off as dumber then yourself??

Another wrong and stupid assumption. I give up.

I agree with you, Papaya. I believe it is a typical Thai (perhaps even a typical Asian) characteristic that girls love to dress up and look good/pretty. Just walk around any city in Europe and tell me how many dressed up girls, who want to look pretty, have you seen. None.

While European girls compete on looking as ugly as possible, neglecting their hair and skin and hands and wearing only black jeans and black T-shirts and worn out sneakers, Thai girls take pride in looking good and pretty. Maybe this is the result of feminism gone sour I don't know, but the discrepancy could not be bigger when comparing girls (age 13 to 29) in Europe and in Thailand. Or am I the only one who has noticed this?

So I cannot agree with TheDon, that "all people in the world (especially girls) love to dress up and look good/pretty".

But fortunately, Thais do.

So 13 year old Thai girls are more feminine huh?

Please read my post again.

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