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I just got the Nintendo Wii (US version) but I am unable to update the machine over the Internet. I bought it at MBK and it does have the chip mod. When I try to connect to the Internet, it appears to connect and then asks me to update to the new code 73412. When say ok to update, it tried to download the new code but fails with error code 32004. I searched Google and tried the various answers mentioned without any luck. I've hard coded a static IP, I disabled the router/wireless firewall, I hard coded DNS servers and I even tried to use a proxy server. I could ping the Wii from my laptop on the same network and can see the Wii appear in the association list of the router. I also tried my friends internet connection and got the same error code. Has anyone in Bangkok (or even in Thailand) had any luck downloading an update? I was thinking that since it is a US version and I have a Thailand based IP, it might not allow me to update it. The other thing is that maybe Nintendo is checking for modded Wii's and won't allow an update.

Also, when I try to use any of the channels, it tells me that WiiConnect24 isn't enabled which it is. I am thinking that the update needs to occur before I can even connect the channels. Does this work for anyone else in Thailand?


I had the same problems last year when I first got my Wii and was using the Wii Wireless connection to update

I had to get the USB Wired LAN adaptor and connect my Wii with network cable to get it to work



Never had a problem with my unmodded Wii USA version. What do you expect when you are trying to go the cheapo way to play the cheapo games. Eventually the whol thing will probably give out. Penny saved a pound foolish to me.




My Wii Update problems I had were all with an original unmodded Wii last November when there were no modded Wii and were just for the first update. Since the initial update my wireless has worked fine

I've still got this unmodded Wii just in case and ALWAYS the AAA titles

Why don't you do the same? You too could have been playing Mario Galaxy all weekend like I have :o

Mario is by FAR the best game on Wii and my pick of best game of the year so far


Ian B:

I will get MArio for sure. Ill wait for the USA version. I am also waiting for Guitar Hero 3. I am half way through Metroid Prime 3. I am not interested in Japanese games or copied stuff. I like the boxes and instructions the games come in. It decorates my shelves so I don't have to! I have never had trouble connecting or downloading from the VC. I want my Wii to remain a virgin without anyome touching the insides!




I do consider your postings informative about anything Nintendo. Its quite obvious you are a diehard fan and I appreciate hearing most of your reviews....... but I also have to be honest mate and say that your postings often come over as "a little holier than thou".

Whilst I can accept that you dont wish to obtain nintendos intellectual property/software illegally I wonder if this rather sanctimonious attitude that you have regarding other peoples choice to do so also transcends into your music collection, the software installed on your computer and of course the obligatory torrent collection of movies,series and documentaries that are so widely and easily available?? Even the most honest people I know have stolen from one of those categories...

Only you know the honest answer but maybe the pot could try not calling the pot black so often.


BTW my Wii is not modded but then I dont care what other pots and pans look like.............



My point is that there seems to be a series of problems with tampered game consoles. I do have copied dvds but never modded the player. The number of people who have made some complaints about hardware failing because of modded consoles should send a message out there to those who are considering messing around with the innards of the console. Yes I am a die hard Nintendo fan. I have MArio memorabilia stuffed away in a closet as well as my last Halloween costume I went as Link with blonde wig included.



I've researched the 32004 error code issue and it affects modded and non-modded Wii's alike. Since the modded Wii really only affects the DVD game reading it shouldn't affect the ability to connect to the Internet. I tried to buy the US Wii last month when I was in the US but since I am now in Thailand I decided to go ahead and buy the Wii from here. Trying various fixes that I found still result in no change to connect to the Internet with the Wii. It is good to know that the Wii can be updated from Thailand. I was afraid that Ninentdo intentionally blocked Wii Internet access from Thailand since they don't sell it here.

  • 2 weeks later...

I brought my Wii back to the shop I got it from and explained that the Internet wasn't working. The guy took it for a week and upgraded the firmware from 2.2U to 3.0U. I can now connect to the Internet with the Wii. The forecast, news and shopping channels all work now. They didn't even reset the system. All my saves and Mii's remained intact. I was very pleased with the customer service of this place. I expected them to not even help me but they were very friendly and understanding. They even replaced 3 games that wouldn't read. Now the wife can go back and play "Cooking Mama". I have no idea why she loves that game so much. Myself, I play Sims Castaway for now.

The guy at the shop did say that using True and the Wii can sometimes have issues with connecting to the Nintendo server. He stated that is usually the cause of the 32004 error. I am not sure what really fixed my Wii but it works (for now).


is the firmware update accessible through http download ? i mean by that, can you log in the nintendo website download a firmware and uptade it manually ? if so i would give a try this way if automatic update don't work


As far as I know, the Wii firmware updates can only be done either by having the Wii update directly from the Internet or using a Nintendo Wii game that has the latest firmware on the game disc itself. I haven't seen anywhere to download the Wii firmware off the Internet onto a computer and then install it on a Wii.

  • 3 weeks later...

After trying for weeks, I finally got the firmware upgrade to happen via the Internet. I am not sure why today it was different then the hundred other times I tried it but now I have 3.1U on my Wii.

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