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Beware The Prices At The Ginger Cafe

Ulysses G.

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Another one to watch out for is The Siam Cafe in Loi Kroh Road.

The waitress/cashier there tried to charge me 500 baht (sic.) for electricity (I''d plugged in my laptop to their power, something I'd done several times before). I'd also brought others to spend there money there. There had never been mention of an electricity charge before.

In the middle of the 'discussion' she said I should go next door to the Internet shop - that was where her manager was. I did so. the guy in there didn't know what I was talking about. I came back and told her this; whereupon the manager/non-manager from next door came in and stood behind the counter with her. I was naturally bewildered by all this.

I took my 500 baht change off the cash register, and left. I think I left behind about 100 baht in change on top of the 500 - that wasn't worth fighting for.

The waitress's name was Wa.

That's the second time that Wa has tried to Rob Robroy. And that's not a typo. Wa... please leave him alone. The last thing we need is a headline in Chiang Mai Mail 'ROBROY ROBBED'. Imagine the difficulty the Northern Thais will have pronouncing that one!!! Actually if she just threw him out would be easier.

But then that could be even more confusing because 'ROBROY LOBBED' would sound just the same if my wife said it!!!

Sorry about this but ...

I was just thinking that assuming this is all going on before 6pm, and that Wa eventually kicks him out, the headline could be


I just tried saying that quickly and my false teeth fell out!!

I'm not going to consider trying that one on the missus, or we'll be here all night.

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Well, I think that type of minor omission can occur easily when retelling a story after some time has elapsed.


Edited by WaiWai
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I have only been to the Ginger Cafe once so can't really comment, but I think that for some places in Chiang Mai which charge more, you can't simply compare it to another based on the same dish offered. Some places offer an ambiance which suit a certain type of person. I am sure that you can have a cosmo at Warmup for a fraction of the price of The House...but I don't want to sit in Warmup. I feel old there! I would rather lounge back at the Morroccan lounge of The House and I don't mind paying extra for it. I know that some people mind, because for some, it is a matter of not wanting to feel ripped off and decor and ambiance simply doesn't come into it. The House invests in its staff, its decor, its overall ambiance. I think that that is where the price gets justified. But as I said, it is simply a matter of taste and of preference. I have friends who simply don't enjoy the decor there. It is just not their style and that is fair enough. That is why I think that it is so lovely that Chiang Mai now has this variety of venues to offer us. We all have different needs and different tastes as well as different pockets. It is good that we have these options. That is why I am loathe to rate restaurants etc simply on price. It is so much more personal than that...hence all the restaurant debates on this forum!

Agree entirely, the place is up market and charges accordingly. One good reason to go too an expensive place is it's not gonna be full of cheap charley farangs! Exclusivity comes with a price tag and everyone has a choice, i don't think it's a rip off there.

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Agree entirely, the place is up market and charges accordingly. One good reason to go too an expensive place is it's not gonna be full of cheap charley farangs! Exclusivity comes with a price tag and everyone has a choice, i don't think it's a rip off there.

If you think that sitting in a few uncomfortable seats in the middle of a overpriced dress shop and eating unremarkable food for twice the price of other, simular venues is "up market", than knock yourself out. P.T. Barnum would have loved :o you.

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Another advantage of both Ginger and The House is that they are NOT 'kid friendly". As reported on another thread, you can spend 500+ Baht at the Holiday Inn buffet and still have to listen to screaming kids.

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