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Where's The Us$ Heading To ?

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No argument from me, LaoPo. I recall the U S Census Bureau or the UN estimating that by any definition of Europe, four countries of Africa (combined) will have a larger population than all of Europe. Economically, however, places like Nigeria and Ethiopia are basket cases.

Speaking of Euro blood running through our veins, my ancestors have been on the western side of the Atlantic for so long, that we have no real idea where in Europe our ancestors started from.

Let me bite... :D ...Bite, because it is such an interesting phenomenon: Europe

I'm interested which 4 African combined countries the Census Bureau or UN were talking about.

That was probably in the ''old'' days of the EU, although you mention "by any definition of Europe" and that's odd since Africa as a continent has a mere lower side of the 1 Billion people.

And Europe has a whole has now 825 Million people.

The ''old'' EU (European Union) countries, in 1960, however had some 400 Million and that was before it grew to the present 27 countries.

The so called EU-27 have a combined population of around 500 Million.

Still, PB, I can't think of any 4 combined African countries that had more then the EU 400 Million (1960) or the 500-600 Million of the whole of Europe (1960) or the present 825 million; can you ? :o

The present 5 (not 4) most Populous African countries are:

Egypt: 82 Million

South Africa: 49 Million

Nigeria: 146 Million

Tanzania: 40 Million

DR of Congo: 66 Million

= together 383 Million (at present); that number would have been a lot lower in 1960.

Sorry for slipping off topic but the main thing is that IF we -on Thaivisa- speak of Europe I suggest we speak of the European Union countries, the EU, in the future to avoid misunderstandings. The EU with it's 500 Million people; 27 countries and 23 official languages :D

Note for PB: your bloodline: that couldn't be much longer than 250-300 years...can it ? A long time nevertheless.


OK I cannot resist ];-)

I shall have you know that English is the accepted language - Those dam yanks can't even spell the word colour, let alone deal with it ];-) - Know who I want next for president, I think the American people do too!

Edited by pkrv
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OK I cannot resist ];-)

I shall have you know that English is the accepted language - Those dam yanks can't even spell the word colour, let alone deal with it ];-) - Know who I want next for president, I think the American people do too!

:D I beg your pardon....... or am I missing a funny joke here ? :o


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OK I cannot resist ];-)

I shall have you know that English is the accepted language - Those dam yanks can't even spell the word colour, let alone deal with it ];-) - Know who I want next for president, I think the American people do too!

:D I beg your pardon....... or am I missing a funny joke here ? :o


Perhaps 'All things change' - there is 'change in the air'. I can see why, but it will be resisted 'to the bitter end'. How odd the English language (and I suspect many more) contains such metaphors. I am crap at languages!

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LaoPo, glad to see I piqued your curiosity. My source is from an American almanac, quoting projections for 2050

By continents (so, I assume, this is all of non-Asian Eurasia) 642.2 million

Nigeria - 337

Congo (Kinshasha) 184

Ethiopia - 159

Three countries, more people than the half 'continent' confusingly called Europe.

The UN and other agencies have different estimates, and they do allow for disease and famine.

My only ancestor whom we traced, by the family name, arrived in Plymouth around 1630, shortly after the Pilgrims. Almost 380 years. Nobody in my blood line had an immigrant history, they had been in the USA so long. I suspect many Europeans cannot trace their blood line clearly back 400 years, and remain in the same country. Mai bpen rai.

More on point, this financial crisis shows that almost no country except one like New Guinea is completely decoupled from the rest of the world's economy.

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LaoPo, glad to see I piqued your curiosity. My source is from an American almanac, quoting projections for 2050

By continents (so, I assume, this is all of non-Asian Eurasia) 642.2 million

Nigeria - 337

Congo (Kinshasha) 184

Ethiopia - 159

Three countries, more people than the half 'continent' confusingly called Europe.

The UN and other agencies have different estimates, and they do allow for disease and famine.

My only ancestor whom we traced, by the family name, arrived in Plymouth around 1630, shortly after the Pilgrims. Almost 380 years. Nobody in my blood line had an immigrant history, they had been in the USA so long. I suspect many Europeans cannot trace their blood line clearly back 400 years, and remain in the same country. Mai bpen rai.

More on point, this financial crisis shows that almost no country except one like New Guinea is completely decoupled from the rest of the world's economy.

:D ..Holy Moly......happy I won't be around anymore....how on earth all those people have to eat 3 times a day is a mystery to me :o

And, as for the crisis......no country able to escape..I agree...


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That's what a call looks like Vic:



When you're using real money and not just "rappin' on the net" , it's important to get the timing right. In this case, right year, right month, right day and right hour.

Anyway Vic, I hope you benefitted from your own calls, as I have from mine. Good day.

absolutely! There are those who watch and those who act. Vic without a doubt is a watcher only. If that is not correct Vic then just show your trade tickets for oil and gold. I kind of find it disgusting to express bravour for the currency and commodity market developments when the vast majority of people who didnt ever participate in those plays get punished.

I asked Vic once if he ever left the $ when its depreciation was more than obvious but he didnt comment there as of course he was sitting this all out, right Vic?

Poor PCA just lashing out at Vic because the Pound and Euro have begun to tumble :D Buckle up tight buddy because there is much more pain coming for those still holding Euro,Pound or Aussie dollar denominated assets :o Yes I use real money and yes I have made a killing shorting Oil, and I even made a little shorting Gold (but to be honest I just like to fight with the gold bugs, I really hate having anything to do with gold short or long) . All those posts of mine 4-5-6 months ago teling the madding crowd here to short oil in the upper $130's and short Gold at $1000 and to go long the Dollar were spot on and it seems a few of my euro, Brit and aussie friends here just seem to have a case of sour grapes. Not to rub it in any further, but since I don't trade FOREX I talked to a couple of chaps who do and one of them said that the Euro will continue to drop to around the $1.10-$1.15 area and the other one told me that he gave the euro a 50-50 chance at getting down to par with the Dollar before the carnage is done, he felt if that happened the pound could reach $1.25! I hope your situation gets better soon PCA, actually if you jump ship and make the switch to the almighty Dollar I think your outlook would improve dramatically :D
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bubble: 400 billion DOLLARS are presently needed to settle the Lehman derivative bubble in Dollars. these Dollars have to be bought in the market against various currencies causing not all but definitely a part of the bubble.

That is partially true, but the fact that the BOE will be lowering rates again and the ECB will likely have to do the same, also has something to do with it, and then again there is the price of oil droping which Lanna seems to believe has nothing at all to do with the Dollars rise but it really does :D

i don't like to make predictions Vic but i have the urge to bet my [not so] sweet àss on hirsute Benjamin Shalom lowering too :o


US Economics - Zero bound

* Three quarters of falling GDP...

* ...is likely to drive up the unemployment rate to 8%

On balance, however, overall conditions have turned nastier as the financial deleveraging wave continues to engulf the economy despite policy makers' efforts to jump-start lending, while negative wealth effects are set to re-intensify due to the most recent lurch down in stock prices (and probably house prices too). In addition, the recent run of economic information has been terrible, whether it be retail sales, building permits, the ISM manufacturing index, the Philly Fed index, or the anecdotal evidence in the Beige Book.

The poor September retail sales report, in particular, is cause for another cut in our Q3 consumption forecast from -1% to -3%. We are now looking for Q3 GDP to be -1%, versus our previous forecast of 0.3% published on 26 September in A Leaky TARP. But the biggest cut to growth is for Q4, where we have taken down real GDP to -2.2% from +1.0% previously. 2009 Q1 GDP is expected to be -0.5%, virtually the same as our previous forecast.

opinion of HSBC

You must not get around to reding replies to your posts Naam! You already posted this HSBC article on another thread and I responded to it, now go find that repose or just keep on posting the same article over and over again it doesn't matter to me :D Just remember the U.K. and most E.U. member countries are in far worse shape than the U.S. is, and that is why the pound and the euro are taking such a beating as of late!!! Have a nice day my klingon friend :D

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bubble: 400 billion DOLLARS are presently needed to settle the Lehman derivative bubble in Dollars. these Dollars have to be bought in the market against various currencies causing not all but definitely a part of the bubble.

That is partially true, but the fact that the BOE will be lowering rates again and the ECB will likely have to do the same, also has something to do with it, and then again there is the price of oil droping which Lanna seems to believe has nothing at all to do with the Dollars rise but it really does :D

i don't like to make predictions Vic but i have the urge to bet my [not so] sweet àss on hirsute Benjamin Shalom lowering too :D


US Economics - Zero bound

* Three quarters of falling GDP...

* ...is likely to drive up the unemployment rate to 8%

On balance, however, overall conditions have turned nastier as the financial deleveraging wave continues to engulf the economy despite policy makers' efforts to jump-start lending, while negative wealth effects are set to re-intensify due to the most recent lurch down in stock prices (and probably house prices too). In addition, the recent run of economic information has been terrible, whether it be retail sales, building permits, the ISM manufacturing index, the Philly Fed index, or the anecdotal evidence in the Beige Book.

The poor September retail sales report, in particular, is cause for another cut in our Q3 consumption forecast from -1% to -3%. We are now looking for Q3 GDP to be -1%, versus our previous forecast of 0.3% published on 26 September in A Leaky TARP. But the biggest cut to growth is for Q4, where we have taken down real GDP to -2.2% from +1.0% previously. 2009 Q1 GDP is expected to be -0.5%, virtually the same as our previous forecast.

opinion of HSBC

I bet all these numbers become relatively even worse in Europe though.

I'm sure, if you bet, you will come up with facts to prove so ?

NB: people are always talking about Europe as a whole; they shouldn't, because Europe is too diversified with so many countries and so many people (700 Million+) speaking more than 30 languages***

Look at this link and you see what I mean; there are many different Europe as well.


*** and most US people have blood running in their veins..... their ancestors coming from those countries.... :o:D


Not me, I am 100% Antartican :D

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That's what a call looks like Vic:



When you're using real money and not just "rappin' on the net" , it's important to get the timing right. In this case, right year, right month, right day and right hour.

Anyway Vic, I hope you benefitted from your own calls, as I have from mine. Good day.

absolutely! There are those who watch and those who act. Vic without a doubt is a watcher only. If that is not correct Vic then just show your trade tickets for oil and gold. I kind of find it disgusting to express bravour for the currency and commodity market developments when the vast majority of people who didnt ever participate in those plays get punished.

I asked Vic once if he ever left the $ when its depreciation was more than obvious but he didnt comment there as of course he was sitting this all out, right Vic?

Poor PCA just lashing out at Vic because the Pound and Euro have begun to tumble :D Buckle up tight buddy because there is much more pain coming for those still holding Euro,Pound or Aussie dollar denominated assets :o Yes I use real money and yes I have made a killing shorting Oil, and I even made a little shorting Gold (but to be honest I just like to fight with the gold bugs, I really hate having anything to do with gold short or long) . All those posts of mine 4-5-6 months ago teling the madding crowd here to short oil in the upper $130's and short Gold at $1000 and to go long the Dollar were spot on and it seems a few of my euro, Brit and aussie friends here just seem to have a case of sour grapes. Not to rub it in any further, but since I don't trade FOREX I talked to a couple of chaps who do and one of them said that the Euro will continue to drop to around the $1.10-$1.15 area and the other one told me that he gave the euro a 50-50 chance at getting down to par with the Dollar before the carnage is done, he felt if that happened the pound could reach $1.25! I hope your situation gets better soon PCA, actually if you jump ship and make the switch to the almighty Dollar I think your outlook would improve dramatically :D

You're a really funny chap VV. Where were your trades with ticket numbers? Easily I can trace back if you talk crap here buddy. A patriotic clown is all you are and again turning things around to your likeness. Pretty sure I have placed only in the last 3 weeks more trades than you will ever in your whole life. Nothing more than a clown you are even when I am also long $ and short gold, you have no clue :D

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Not me, I am 100% Antartican :D

Most of us suspected that already for quite a while....


Are you in a Las Vegas Zoo now ? :o


No not any more I broke out of that place, on the slopes above Sedona now :D

Good to see a grumpy man like you didn't lose his humor, escaping and waddling all the way from Vegas to Sedona; must have been exhausting and hot in that bloody desert with all those thick insulating feathers around your shoulders :D


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That's what a call looks like Vic:



When you're using real money and not just "rappin' on the net" , it's important to get the timing right. In this case, right year, right month, right day and right hour.

Anyway Vic, I hope you benefitted from your own calls, as I have from mine. Good day.

absolutely! There are those who watch and those who act. Vic without a doubt is a watcher only. If that is not correct Vic then just show your trade tickets for oil and gold. I kind of find it disgusting to express bravour for the currency and commodity market developments when the vast majority of people who didnt ever participate in those plays get punished.

I asked Vic once if he ever left the $ when its depreciation was more than obvious but he didnt comment there as of course he was sitting this all out, right Vic?

Poor PCA just lashing out at Vic because the Pound and Euro have begun to tumble :D Buckle up tight buddy because there is much more pain coming for those still holding Euro,Pound or Aussie dollar denominated assets :D Yes I use real money and yes I have made a killing shorting Oil, and I even made a little shorting Gold (but to be honest I just like to fight with the gold bugs, I really hate having anything to do with gold short or long) . All those posts of mine 4-5-6 months ago teling the madding crowd here to short oil in the upper $130's and short Gold at $1000 and to go long the Dollar were spot on and it seems a few of my euro, Brit and aussie friends here just seem to have a case of sour grapes. Not to rub it in any further, but since I don't trade FOREX I talked to a couple of chaps who do and one of them said that the Euro will continue to drop to around the $1.10-$1.15 area and the other one told me that he gave the euro a 50-50 chance at getting down to par with the Dollar before the carnage is done, he felt if that happened the pound could reach $1.25! I hope your situation gets better soon PCA, actually if you jump ship and make the switch to the almighty Dollar I think your outlook would improve dramatically :(

You're a really funny chap VV. Where were your trades with ticket numbers? Easily I can trace back if you talk crap here buddy. A patriotic clown is all you are and again turning things around to your likeness. Pretty sure I have placed only in the last 3 weeks more trades than you will ever in your whole life. Nothing more than a clown you are even when I am also long $ and short gold, you have no clue :D

You are my hero PCA :o It sure looks as though I had a clue a year ago when I called for the SSE to lose more than 50% before the Olympics :P It also appears that I had a clue when I yelled from the mountain tops time and time again to short Oil and Gold and go long the dollar, to bad you didn't take my advice son, your disposition might be a little cheerier right about now :burp: Would it make you feel any better if I told you that I actually live on the outskirts of Sedona in a tepee and cook over an open flame with my Indian friends :D Lighten up pal or else you might get high blood pressure, and I certainly wouldn't want to think that I caused you any medical distress :D

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Not me, I am 100% Antartican :D

Most of us suspected that already for quite a while....


Are you in a Las Vegas Zoo now ? :o


No not any more I broke out of that place, on the slopes above Sedona now :D

Good to see a grumpy man like you didn't lose his humor, escaping and waddling all the way from Vegas to Sedona; must have been exhausting and hot in that bloody desert with all those thick insulating feathers around your shoulders :D


Naaw, I just caught a Ride from an Ice cream delivery truck and got off at Flagstaff and slid down the hill :D

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That's what a call looks like Vic:



When you're using real money and not just "rappin' on the net" , it's important to get the timing right. In this case, right year, right month, right day and right hour.

Anyway Vic, I hope you benefitted from your own calls, as I have from mine. Good day.

absolutely! There are those who watch and those who act. Vic without a doubt is a watcher only. If that is not correct Vic then just show your trade tickets for oil and gold. I kind of find it disgusting to express bravour for the currency and commodity market developments when the vast majority of people who didnt ever participate in those plays get punished.

I asked Vic once if he ever left the $ when its depreciation was more than obvious but he didnt comment there as of course he was sitting this all out, right Vic?

Poor PCA just lashing out at Vic because the Pound and Euro have begun to tumble :D Buckle up tight buddy because there is much more pain coming for those still holding Euro,Pound or Aussie dollar denominated assets :D Yes I use real money and yes I have made a killing shorting Oil, and I even made a little shorting Gold (but to be honest I just like to fight with the gold bugs, I really hate having anything to do with gold short or long) . All those posts of mine 4-5-6 months ago teling the madding crowd here to short oil in the upper $130's and short Gold at $1000 and to go long the Dollar were spot on and it seems a few of my euro, Brit and aussie friends here just seem to have a case of sour grapes. Not to rub it in any further, but since I don't trade FOREX I talked to a couple of chaps who do and one of them said that the Euro will continue to drop to around the $1.10-$1.15 area and the other one told me that he gave the euro a 50-50 chance at getting down to par with the Dollar before the carnage is done, he felt if that happened the pound could reach $1.25! I hope your situation gets better soon PCA, actually if you jump ship and make the switch to the almighty Dollar I think your outlook would improve dramatically :(

You're a really funny chap VV. Where were your trades with ticket numbers? Easily I can trace back if you talk crap here buddy. A patriotic clown is all you are and again turning things around to your likeness. Pretty sure I have placed only in the last 3 weeks more trades than you will ever in your whole life. Nothing more than a clown you are even when I am also long $ and short gold, you have no clue :D

You are my hero PCA :o It sure looks as though I had a clue a year ago when I called for the SSE to lose more than 50% before the Olympics :P It also appears that I had a clue when I yelled from the mountain tops time and time again to short Oil and Gold and go long the dollar, to bad you didn't take my advice son, your disposition might be a little cheerier right about now :burp: Would it make you feel any better if I told you that I actually live on the outskirts of Sedona in a tepee and cook over an open flame with my Indian friends :D Lighten up pal or else you might get high blood pressure, and I certainly wouldn't want to think that I caused you any medical distress :D

yeah you had a clue just you did nothing than watching it whilst my pockets got filled and now you are still pumping and hoping that soon you can afford another holiday to Thailand, isn't it? :P

The hero is you, at least you think, hehehe.

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That's what a call looks like Vic:



When you're using real money and not just "rappin' on the net" , it's important to get the timing right. In this case, right year, right month, right day and right hour.

Anyway Vic, I hope you benefitted from your own calls, as I have from mine. Good day.

absolutely! There are those who watch and those who act. Vic without a doubt is a watcher only. If that is not correct Vic then just show your trade tickets for oil and gold. I kind of find it disgusting to express bravour for the currency and commodity market developments when the vast majority of people who didnt ever participate in those plays get punished.

I asked Vic once if he ever left the $ when its depreciation was more than obvious but he didnt comment there as of course he was sitting this all out, right Vic?

Poor PCA just lashing out at Vic because the Pound and Euro have begun to tumble :D Buckle up tight buddy because there is much more pain coming for those still holding Euro,Pound or Aussie dollar denominated assets :D Yes I use real money and yes I have made a killing shorting Oil, and I even made a little shorting Gold (but to be honest I just like to fight with the gold bugs, I really hate having anything to do with gold short or long) . All those posts of mine 4-5-6 months ago teling the madding crowd here to short oil in the upper $130's and short Gold at $1000 and to go long the Dollar were spot on and it seems a few of my euro, Brit and aussie friends here just seem to have a case of sour grapes. Not to rub it in any further, but since I don't trade FOREX I talked to a couple of chaps who do and one of them said that the Euro will continue to drop to around the $1.10-$1.15 area and the other one told me that he gave the euro a 50-50 chance at getting down to par with the Dollar before the carnage is done, he felt if that happened the pound could reach $1.25! I hope your situation gets better soon PCA, actually if you jump ship and make the switch to the almighty Dollar I think your outlook would improve dramatically :(

You're a really funny chap VV. Where were your trades with ticket numbers? Easily I can trace back if you talk crap here buddy. A patriotic clown is all you are and again turning things around to your likeness. Pretty sure I have placed only in the last 3 weeks more trades than you will ever in your whole life. Nothing more than a clown you are even when I am also long $ and short gold, you have no clue :D

You are my hero PCA :o It sure looks as though I had a clue a year ago when I called for the SSE to lose more than 50% before the Olympics :P It also appears that I had a clue when I yelled from the mountain tops time and time again to short Oil and Gold and go long the dollar, to bad you didn't take my advice son, your disposition might be a little cheerier right about now :burp: Would it make you feel any better if I told you that I actually live on the outskirts of Sedona in a tepee and cook over an open flame with my Indian friends :D Lighten up pal or else you might get high blood pressure, and I certainly wouldn't want to think that I caused you any medical distress :D

yeah you had a clue just you did nothing than watching it whilst my pockets got filled and now you are still pumping and hoping that soon you can afford another holiday to Thailand, isn't it? :P

The hero is you, at least you think, hehehe.

Poor PCA, I guess the stress of the pound and euro crashing has brought on delusions of granduer! Thats O.K. son just take a couple aspirin and go to sleep for the next 3-4 months, when you awaken the dust will have settled and the Euro will be at $1.12, the pound at $1.39, Oil at $52/bbl and gold at $615/ounce !!!

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Naaw, I just caught a Ride from an Ice cream delivery truck and got off at Flagstaff and slid down the hill :D

Nevertheless.......the heat must have taken it's toll on you since you've posted your message now 3 times...about time to see a Penquin Specialist. :o


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Naaw, I just caught a Ride from an Ice cream delivery truck and got off at Flagstaff and slid down the hill :D

Nevertheless.......the heat must have taken it's toll on you since you've posted your message now 3 times...about time to see a Penquin Specialist. :o


Naaw, just a little snafu with tv! Its a picture perfect day here in Sedona, sunny in the low 70's little breeze and good karma all around (even at McCains house) :D It does seem that the sun has taken its toll on some of the european expats here on the board, but that might not be the weather either they just might be a little hot under the collar due to the crash in the euro and the pound :D

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That's what a call looks like Vic:



When you're using real money and not just "rappin' on the net" , it's important to get the timing right. In this case, right year, right month, right day and right hour.

Anyway Vic, I hope you benefitted from your own calls, as I have from mine. Good day.

absolutely! There are those who watch and those who act. Vic without a doubt is a watcher only. If that is not correct Vic then just show your trade tickets for oil and gold. I kind of find it disgusting to express bravour for the currency and commodity market developments when the vast majority of people who didnt ever participate in those plays get punished.

I asked Vic once if he ever left the $ when its depreciation was more than obvious but he didnt comment there as of course he was sitting this all out, right Vic?

Poor PCA just lashing out at Vic because the Pound and Euro have begun to tumble :D Buckle up tight buddy because there is much more pain coming for those still holding Euro,Pound or Aussie dollar denominated assets :D Yes I use real money and yes I have made a killing shorting Oil, and I even made a little shorting Gold (but to be honest I just like to fight with the gold bugs, I really hate having anything to do with gold short or long) . All those posts of mine 4-5-6 months ago teling the madding crowd here to short oil in the upper $130's and short Gold at $1000 and to go long the Dollar were spot on and it seems a few of my euro, Brit and aussie friends here just seem to have a case of sour grapes. Not to rub it in any further, but since I don't trade FOREX I talked to a couple of chaps who do and one of them said that the Euro will continue to drop to around the $1.10-$1.15 area and the other one told me that he gave the euro a 50-50 chance at getting down to par with the Dollar before the carnage is done, he felt if that happened the pound could reach $1.25! I hope your situation gets better soon PCA, actually if you jump ship and make the switch to the almighty Dollar I think your outlook would improve dramatically :(

You're a really funny chap VV. Where were your trades with ticket numbers? Easily I can trace back if you talk crap here buddy. A patriotic clown is all you are and again turning things around to your likeness. Pretty sure I have placed only in the last 3 weeks more trades than you will ever in your whole life. Nothing more than a clown you are even when I am also long $ and short gold, you have no clue :D

You are my hero PCA :o It sure looks as though I had a clue a year ago when I called for the SSE to lose more than 50% before the Olympics :P It also appears that I had a clue when I yelled from the mountain tops time and time again to short Oil and Gold and go long the dollar, to bad you didn't take my advice son, your disposition might be a little cheerier right about now :burp: Would it make you feel any better if I told you that I actually live on the outskirts of Sedona in a tepee and cook over an open flame with my Indian friends :D Lighten up pal or else you might get high blood pressure, and I certainly wouldn't want to think that I caused you any medical distress :D

yeah you had a clue just you did nothing than watching it whilst my pockets got filled and now you are still pumping and hoping that soon you can afford another holiday to Thailand, isn't it? :P

The hero is you, at least you think, hehehe.

Poor PCA, I guess the stress of the pound and euro crashing has brought on delusions of granduer! Thats O.K. son just take a couple aspirin and go to sleep for the next 3-4 months, when you awaken the dust will have settled and the Euro will be at $1.12, the pound at $1.39, Oil at $52/bbl and gold at $615/ounce !!!

yawn, clear now that you are a little psycho on a pure ego trip. Show your trade tickets if you have balls daddy.

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Two things.

1) It's been 32 weeks since the $USD bottomed and it is sitting near it's highs over that period. The potentially good news is that this severe right translation of its 40 week cycle could portend it has bottomed and has started a LT trading cycle higher.

2) the bad news is, it WILL be making a 40 week cycle bottom sometime soon (from here or higher I know not) and it could correct precipitously until that event passes. MANY currencies have seemingly fallen off a cliff and that rubber band is stretched so tight that a SHARP rally would not be unexpected.

Anyhow, good luck everyone.

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Two things.

1) It's been 32 weeks since the $USD bottomed and it is sitting near it's highs over that period. The potentially good news is that this severe right translation of its 40 week cycle could portend it has bottomed and has started a LT trading cycle higher.

2) the bad news is, it WILL be making a 40 week cycle bottom sometime soon (from here or higher I know not) and it could correct precipitously until that event passes. MANY currencies have seemingly fallen off a cliff and that rubber band is stretched so tight that a SHARP rally would not be unexpected.

Anyhow, good luck everyone.

Hence one of the reasons for my aquisistion of the gold mine stocks on Friday, not only as a hedge against some external geopolitical event, but also as a hedge in case the Dollar were to make an abrupt about face (something that I don't really expect to happen until Feb.-March) :o

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Hence one of the reasons for my aquisistion of the gold mine stocks on Friday, not only as a hedge against some external geopolitical event, but also as a hedge in case the Dollar were to make an abrupt about face (something that I don't really expect to happen until Feb.-March) :D

Hey when I wanted gold sombody told me to wait :o

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Hence one of the reasons for my aquisistion of the gold mine stocks on Friday, not only as a hedge against some external geopolitical event, but also as a hedge in case the Dollar were to make an abrupt about face (something that I don't really expect to happen until Feb.-March) :D

Hey when I wanted gold sombody told me to wait :o

Flying, First of all I did not buy gold nor would I! I bought shares in stable gold mining operators with proven reserves. I purchased theses shares as a hedge for other investments that I am currntly in, and I also purchased them because the massive forced selloffs by the hedge funds made them drop to such a level that they were at a complete disconnect between the actual price of gold and the price that these mining companies shares were trading at.

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Flying, First of all I did not buy gold nor would I! I bought shares in stable gold mining operators with proven reserves. I purchased theses shares as a hedge for other investments that I am currntly in, and I also purchased them because the massive forced selloffs by the hedge funds made them drop to such a level that they were at a complete disconnect between the actual price of gold and the price that these mining companies shares were trading at.

I know I was just pulling your leg :o

I make all my own decisions.

Like I said back when I was waiting & hoping for the 600-650 support area.

I did not likethe upside potential as it was now. Although of course it could breakout to new heights. I am not willing to bet on that yet.

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Flying, First of all I did not buy gold nor would I! I bought shares in stable gold mining operators with proven reserves. I purchased theses shares as a hedge for other investments that I am currntly in, and I also purchased them because the massive forced selloffs by the hedge funds made them drop to such a level that they were at a complete disconnect between the actual price of gold and the price that these mining companies shares were trading at.

I know I was just pulling your leg :o

I make all my own decisions.

Like I said back when I was waiting & hoping for the 600-650 support area.

I did not likethe upside potential as it was now. Although of course it could breakout to new heights. I am not willing to bet on that yet.

I know flying :D I just wanted to make it abundantly clear that while I am amazed at how well gold has held up in this commodity meltdown, I am in no way making an about face and recomending gold as an asset class that one should purchase! Best of luck to you however, I think if you are patient you will get that $625/ounce price that you have been waiting for!

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  • 1 month later...
Where's the US$ heading to ?

* The dollar will rise to $1.43 per euro this year and $1.35 by the end of 2008, according to the median estimate in the survey.

From Bloomberg:



The topic is now a little over a year old and the expectation for the Dollar -for end 2008- was a bit on the strong side, now being at around $ 1,43/1,44 instead the expected $ 1,35 to the Euro:

now that we are approaching the end of 2008 it's maybe time to think about where the dollar will be, end 2009:

I say: end 2009: Dollar 1,45 > 1,50 per Euro.

I even dare to claim that I expect the dollar to fall even further and end up being around $ 1,80 to the Euro within 18-24 months from now.

OK, Gents: let's start the bashing and flaming; but please keep it civil, I'm a bit sensitive these days :o:D


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Where's the US$ heading to ?

* The dollar will rise to $1.43 per euro this year and $1.35 by the end of 2008, according to the median estimate in the survey.

From Bloomberg:



The topic is now a little over a year old and the expectation for the Dollar -for end 2008- was a bit on the strong side, now being at around $ 1,43/1,44 instead the expected $ 1,35 to the Euro:

now that we are approaching the end of 2008 it's maybe time to think about where the dollar will be, end 2009:

I say: end 2009: Dollar 1,45 > 1,50 per Euro.

I even dare to claim that I expect the dollar to fall even further and end up being around $ 1,80 to the Euro within 18-24 months from now.

OK, Gents: let's start the bashing and flaming; but please keep it civil, I'm a bit sensitive these days :o:D


Lao, You will still see that $1.35 level after the next ECB rate cut (and likely sub $1.30 again). I am seeing more and more forecasts for the Euro and the Pound to be at par over the next 6 months and for both to be at around $1.40/Dollar. This quick hyperbump from $1.25 to $1.44 must have really screwed over those EU manufacturers who export to the U.S. :D Not to worry though the ECB has plenty of rate cuts in their future so those European manufacturers may still do OK!

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Not to worry though the ECB has plenty of rate cuts in their future so those European manufacturers may still do OK!

i [not so] humbly beg to differ Vic although i believe in two additional 25bps cuts. but then it's over and out. hesitating to place a fourth profitable USD forward vs. €UR but i'm very tempted. one more nice deal and i compensated all my book losses of 2008.

life is difficult for a poor retiree :o

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